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BRIEFING 05-03-96Greek Government Press Release DirectoryFrom: "Hellenic Ministry of Press and Mass Media" <>YPOYRGEIO TYPOY KAI MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHS 5/3/96H ENHMERWSH TWN POLITIKWN SYNTAKTWN KAI TWN ANTAPOKRITWN JENOY TYPOY APO TON YPOYRGO TYPOY KAI MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHS KAI KYBERNHTIKO EKPROSWPO k. DHMHTRH REPPA META TO KYSEA KAI TO YPOYRGIKO SYMBOYLIO (WRA:17.00)Synedriase to KYSEA kai meta to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio.* To KYSEA asxolhqhke me thn epilogh toy neoy Arxhgoy ths Ellhnikhs Astynomias. -Sas einai hdh gnwsto oti me eishghsh toy Ypoyrgoy Dhmosias Tajhs k. Kwsta Geitona, h opoia egine apodekth omofwnws, topoqeteitai epikefalhs ths Ellhnikhs Astynomias o mexri twra Yparxhgos, Antistrathgos k. Aqanasios Basilopoylos. -O k. Xoyrdakhs qa exei ton titlo toy epitimoy arxhgoy ths ELAS gia tis poly shmantikes yphresies, tis opoies prosefere apo th qesh poy kateixe ws Arxhgos ths ELAS. -Epishs, sto plaisio toy KYSEA, egine syzhthsh proseggishs twn eqnikwn problhmatwn ta opoia yparxoyn kai anthllaghsan apoceis. KIAOS: Meta den synedriase h Kybernhtikh Epitroph; REPPAS: H Kybernhtikh Epitroph den synedriase, epeidh eixe parelqei kai h wra.
STAMATOPOYLOS: Oi apofaseis sto Ypoyrgiko Symboylio htan omofwnes; REPPAS: Oi apofaseis poy elhfqhsan gia diafora qemata, den htan oles omofwnes. STAMATOPOYLOS: Dhladh; REPPAS: Oi apofaseis - prepei na sas pw - htan apofaseis poy elhfqhsan me poly megalh pleiochfia. Yphrjan apoceis oliges - alla yphrjan kai aytes - yper ths diathrhshs toy qesmoy toy perifereiakoy dieyqynth me th shmerinh morfh toy. Nomizw oti enas h dyo synadelfoi eixan ayth thn apoch. STAMATOPOYLOS: Mporoyme na jeroyme poioi; REPPAS: Den nomizw oti prepei na ypeiselqoyme se mia toso leptomereiakh syzhthsh twn eswterikwn diadikasiwn toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy. Giati ena mikro laqos piqanon na odhghsei kai esas se laqos symperasmata. Sas lew loipon gia na sas dwsw kapoies dieykriniseis pros dieykolynsh toy ergoy sas oti yphrjan oliges - mia h dyo, nomizw - apoceis synadelfwn, oi opoies etassonto me th qesh oti prepei o qesmos toy perifereiakoy dieyqynth na meinei ws exei shmera. Yphrje h pleiochfia (ektos twn synadelfwn gia toys opoioys milhsa prin) twn melwn toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy poy apofasise thn katarghsh toy perifereiakoy dieyqynth me thn morfh poy exei shmera kai to rolo poy askei shmera. Kai egine mia peraiterw syzhthsh peri ths diadikasias h opoia qa akoloyqhqei, wste na odhghqoyme sthn ylopoihsh ayths ths apofashs. Kai h diadikasia poy qa akoloyqhqei - ayth einai h telikh apofash - einai akribws h nomoqetikh prwtoboylia sthn opoia qa problepetai h katarghsh toy qesmoy toy perifereia- koy dieyqynth. STAMATOPOYLOS: Gia na teleiwnoyme, o armodios Ypoyrgos htan yper h kata; REPPAS: O armodios Ypoyrgos htan yper ths katarghshs toy qesmoy toy perifereiakoy dieyqynth me th morfh kai to rolo poy exei shmera. MOYRTZHS: Yper ths ameshs katarghshs; REPPAS: Yper ths ameshs katarghshs etaxqh h pleiochfia twn melwn toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy. ELENOPOYLOS: S' ayto to "amesh" qelw na staqw k. Ypoyrge: Mexri na chfisqei to nomosxedio, ta pragmata paramenoyn ws exoyn h qa yparxoyn metabatikes katastaseis; REPPAS: Asfalws qa yparxei sto Nomo kapoios o opoios qa ekproswpei to kratos kai tis yphresies. ELENOPOYLOS: Dyo pragmata akomh k. Ypoyrge: Prwton, me th shmerinh toy morfh kai deyteron, to idio proswpo; REPPAS: Me th shmerinh toy morfh mexri na katarghqei. An den yparjei nomos poy qa ton katargei, den nomizw oti mporei na topoqethqei kapoios allos, xwris dhladh na yparxei nomos wste na problepetai topoqethsh alloy qesmikoy proswpoy me alles idiothtes kai allo rolo. DHMAKAS: Ara, menei o idios; REPPAS: Menei o perifereiakos dieyqynths me th morfh thn opoia gnwrizete oti exei shmera. Alla qa yparjei amesh nomoqetikh prwtoboylia ths Kybernhshs, h opoia qa ylopoihsei thn apofash poy elabe to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio. Nomizw oti einai poly aplo. DHMAKAS: To proswpo qa einai to idio; To fysiko proswpo qa einai to idio; REPPAS: Oi allages se epipedo proswpwn - gnwrizete para poly kala - ginontai me apofaseis poy lambanontai apo ta armodia organa kai aforoyn olo to fasma kai olh thn ierarxia twn yphresiwn toy kratoys. MAYROS: Qa ginoyn allages se epipedo perifereiakwn dieyqyntwn, k. Ypoyrge; REPPAS: Einai kati gia to opoio den yparxei ayth thn wra apofash. Einai kati poy den apokleietai. KAMPOYRAKHS: To "amesa" poy lete, einai se dyo - treis meres - pente meres h einai treis mhnes; REPPAS: Nomizw oti otan leme "amesh prwtoboylia", qewroyme oti einai toy amesws epomenoy... MAYROS: Syggnwmh poy sas diakoptw, ennoeite "amesh katarghsh"; REPPAS: Nai, amesh katarghsh. Ti ennooyme k. Mayro; Oti h politikh apofash einai dedomenh. H apofash elhfqh gia thn katarghsh. Dhladh, den yparxei periptwsh na yparjei allh apofash. Ayth einai h politikh epilogh. To "amesh" exei na kanei me thn anagkh na yparjei nomoqetikh prwtoboylia, na chfisqei nomos apo thn Ellhnikh Boylh, o opoios qa problepei thn katarghsh ths sygkekrimenhs qeshs. Giati h sygkekrimenh qesh exei epishs systaqei me nomo, me ton 2240. Ara prepei na yparjei mia nea nomoqetikh ryqmish. Peri aytoy omiloyme. KARAKWSTAS: Pote topoqeteitai xronika; REPPAS: H epilogh ths Kybernhshs einai na proxwrhsei amesws s' ayth thn prwtoboylia. Den qa hqela na mpoyme se mia ariqmologia hmerwn. MOYRTHS: Mexri to kalokairi mporei na chfisqei o nomos aytos; REPPAS: H apofash ths Kybernhshs einai - symfwna me ta osa to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio, shmera, syzhthse kai apofasise - na ginei poly prin to kalokairi. Oxi, prin to kalokairi (opws eipate), poly prin to kalokairi. Milhsame gia amesh antimetwpish toy qematos kai amesh analhch nomoqetikhs prwtoboylias. KOGIANNHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, poioi logoi epebalan na synedriasei shmera to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio kai oxi h Kybernhtikh Epitroph gia to sygkekrimeno qema; Giati xqes anakoinwsate synedriash ths Kybernhtikhs Epitrophs. REPPAS: Sthn Kybernhtikh Epitroph eixame pei oti qa syzhthqei to qema ths metoxopoihshs toy OTE. Qema to opoio den syzhthqhke, giati den synedriase h Kybernhtikh Epitroph, epeidh akribws h synedriash toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy - opws diapistwsate kai eseis - htan mia polywrh synedriash. MPEQANH: Kyrie Ypoyrge, prin apo ligo o k. Tsoxatzopoylos dhlwse oti oi perifereiakoi dieyqyntes qa antikatastaqoyn apo stelexh ths Dioikhshs ypo ton 2190. Mia dieykrinish hqela s' ayto. REPPAS: Oxi, o 2190 einai o nomos o opoios afora tis proslhceis proswpikoy sto dhmosio tomea. MPEQANH: Pws to sysxetise tote; REPPAS: Nomizw oti yparxei kapoia mikrh paranohsh. An o k. Ypoyrgos milhse gia ton 2190 (exw ayth thn epifylajh), profanws qa ennooyse to nomo basei toy opoioy qa ginei h epilogh toy proswpikoy, to opoio qa stelexwsei tis perifereies oi opoies pia anadeiknyontai se ontothtes plhreis, isxyres wste na enisxyqei to ergo anaptyjhs sthn perifereia. Enw shmera einai programmatikoy typoy omades poy leitoyrgoyn me (alloy perissotero - alloy ligotero) isxnh, pantws, paroysia sthn ellhnikh perifereia. KIAOS: Otan lete "perifereies" kai "perifereia", ennoeite g' baqmoy aytodioikhsh; REPPAS: Oxi, ennooyme kratikes ontothtes, kratikes yphresies oi opoies anabaqmizontai. Kai ayto qa ginei me plhres nomoqethma to opoio qa eisagei h Kybernhsh sthn Ellhnikh Boylh, se organa anaptyjiaka kai organa kratikhs dioikhshs. KIAOS: Epikefalhs aytwn twn perifereiwn qa einai pali metaklhtoi politikoi ypallhloi; REPPAS: Qa einai ekproswpos toy kratoys, ekproswpos ths Kybernhshs o Genikos Grammateas Perifereias (den nomizw oti qa allajei kai o titlos) opws akribws symbainei kai shmera. STAMATOPOYLOS: Oxi, o Nomarxhs, pantws, k. Ypoyrge. REPPAS: O Nomarxhs einai airetos ekproswpos ths Aytodioikhshs se epipedo nomarxiako. Otan miloyme gia perifereies, k. Stamatopoyle, gnwrizete oti miloyme gia ena synolo nomwn oi opoioi me nomo (poy exei chfisqei kai isxyei kai problepei thn idrysh kai leitoyrgia twn Perifereiwn) synapartizoyn thn Perifereia. KAMPOYRAKHS: Dekatreis einai oi Perifereies olhs ths xwras, k. Ypoyrge; REPPAS: Einai dekatreis oi perifereies. POYLIDOY: Kyrie Ekproswpe, poia eqnika qemata syzhthqhkan shmera sto KYSEA; REPPAS: Olo to fasma twn eqnikwn problhmatwn, ta opoia antimetwpizei h xwra. Egine mia anafora stis ellhno-toyrkikes sxeseis. Egine mia enhmerwtikh syzhthsh gia tis ejelijeis sto Skopiano problhma. Hdh, milhsan gi'ayto xqes o k. Prwqypoyrgos me ton k. Pagkalo kai ton k. Zaxarakh. Yphrje mia enhmerwsh kai ep'aytoy toy qematos. Epishs en ocei toy tajidioy toy Ellhna Prwqypoyrgoy se prwteyoyses sto ejwteriko kai stis Hnwmenes Politeies - exei anakoinwqei ayto - egine kapoia syzhthsh kai antallagh apocewn gia ola ayta ta qemata. POYLIDOY: Epibebaiwqhke palaioterh dhlwsh toy Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn oti ws ta telh Febroyarioy qa "kleisei" to qema twn Skopiwn; REPPAS: Nomizw oti h Ellhnikh Kybernhsh exei dhlwsei tis qeseis ths, oi opoies einai safeis gia to sygkekrimeno qema. O dialogos gia to qema ayto brisketai se ejelijh, sto plaisio toy Organismoy Hnwmenwn Eqnwn. MOYRTZHS: Yparxei tipote kainoyrgio... REPPAS: Oxi, den yparxei kati kainoyrgio. Den exei lhfqei kapoia apofash. ZERBONIKOLAKHS: To sxolio sas gia th xqesinh bombistikh energeia sto Israhl. REPPAS: Nomizw oti aytes oi tromokratikes energeies dynamitizoyn kaqe prospaqeia gia thn ejomalynsh twn sxesewn twn lawn sthn perioxh. Kai isodynamoyn me akyrwsh twn shmantikwn bhmatwn poy exoyn ginei mexri twra, gia thn prowqhsh ths eirhnhs kai thn ejasfalish synqhkwn proodoy kai eyhmerias gia toys katoikoys sthn perioxh. Katadikazoyme aperifra- sta tetoies energeies. Kai pisteyoyme oti prepei na antimetwpisqoyn apofasistika ap' oloys ekeinoys oi opoioi qeloyn na yparxoyn sthn eyryterh perioxh mas synqhkes galhnhs kai omalothtas. MPOGIOPOYLOS: Xqes se synenteyjh toy sthn efhmerida "TA NEA", o k. Ebert isxyrisqhke oti jenoi paragontes epembainoyn sta politika pragmata ths Elladas kai piezoyn politika kommata, wste na mhn askoyn piesh sthn Kybernhsh. Sas diabazw to sxetiko apospasma. Leei: "Me thn eykairia qelw na tonisw oti jenoi paragontes exoyn diatypwsei thn apoch oti den prepei na askeitai aythn thn wra piesh kata ths Kybernhsews". To sxolio sas, parakalw. REPPAS: Aytes einai oi apoceis toy k. Ebert. Peran toytwn, omws - gia na mh qewrhqei kai pali oti ypekfeygw, kyrie Mpogiopoyle - prepei na sxoliasw pws einai koinh empeiria olwn oti dynameis jenes, xwres, krath, kybernhseis, prospaqoyn na prowqhsoyn th dikh toys politikh. H ellhnikh politikh istoria, palaioterh kai sygxronh, nomizw einai gemath apo parembaseis h prospaqeia askhshs epirrohs sta ellhnika politika pragmata, poy epexeirhsan jenes xwres. Nomizw oti kai eseis eisqe gnwsths tetoiwn fainomenwn. Exw thn pepoiqhsh oti h Ellhnikh Kybernhsh askei thn politikh ths me bash ta symferonta toy Eqnoys. Kai ta ellhnika politika kommata, ta opoia o idios o ellhnikos laos epilegei gia na ton ekproswpoyn politika, askoyn, xarassoyn, kanoyn dhmosia gnwsth thn politikh toys, me bash akribws ta symferonta twn politwn, oi opoioi ta chfisan, alla kyriws ta symferonta ths xwras. MPOGIOPOYLOS: Otan anaferesqe sth sygxronh politikh Istoria, ennoeite kai thn periodo...; REPPAS: Einai gnwsto, kyrie Mpogiopoyle, oti h sygxronh politikh Istoria einai h Istoria meta ton B' Pagkosmio Polemo. Kai oi epembaseis h parembaseis jenwn dynamewn sta ellhnika politika pragmata einai koinh empeiria olwn. ELENOPOYLOS: Sto Ypoyrgiko Symboylio syzhthqhke allo qema ektos apo ayto ths Aytodioikhshs kai ths Apokentrwshs; REPPAS: Sto Ypoyrgiko Symboylio den syzhthqhke allo qema, ektos toy qematos poy... MAYROS: H katastash stis fylakes; REPPAS: Den syzhthqhke allo qema - ayto hqela na pw, kyrie Mayro - ektos toy qematos aytoy. Aplws, egine enhmerwsh apo ton armodio Ypoyrgo gia tis ejegerseis stis fylakes. Exei kanei dhlwseis leptomereis o k. Ypoyrgos, oi opoies einai katatopistikes. Aplws, qewroyme oti h katastash bainei pros ektonwsh. Oi xeirismoi poy eginan htan apotelesmatikoi. Kai pisteyoyme oti to fainomeno siga-siga exei perasei thn koryfwsh h thn ojynsh toy kai grhgora qa epanelqoyn ola sth fysikh toys poreia kai leitoyrgia. ELENOPOYLOS: Hqela na rwthsw an prin apo th synenteyjh toy Prwqypoyrgoy sto Zappeio o Ypoyrgos Dikaiosynhs eixe qesei yp'ocin toy k. Prwqypoyrgoy to nomosxedio poy prokeitai na kataqesei sxetika....; REPPAS: Oxi to nomosxedio poy prokeitai na kataqesei. Eixe zhthqei apo oloys toys Ypoyrgoys na kataqesoyn tis apoceis toys gia to ergo poy prokeitai na kanoyn sto Ypoyrgeio toys kai tis prwtoboylies tis opoies prokeitai na analaboyn. Sto plaisio ayto, oi Ypoyrgoi exoyn kataqesei tis apoceis toys. Alla, exei prokycei ena qema idiaitero - h ejegersh twn fylakwn - qema to opoio, opws katalabainete, antimetwpizetai otan prokyptei me ton pio apotelesmatiko tropo, wste na mhn yparxoyn problhmata. KAMPOYRAKHS: Sto dialogo gia ta Skopia exoyn katateqei opoiesdhpote nees idees eite apo thn ellhnikh eite apo thn skopianh pleyra; REPPAS: Synexizetai o dialogos. Den yparxoyn nees idees, ayth thn wra. TSAPAKHS: Pws topoqeteitai to Ypoyrgeio Typoy sthn tropologia poy kateqesan 70 boyleytes olwn twn kommatwn - kai twn tessarwn poy ekproswpoyntai sth Boylh - kai afora thn ejiswsh twn topikwn radiofwnwn kai thleorasewn me ton topiko Typo, idiaitera sta qemata twn oikonomikwn epibarynsewn; KIAOS: Syggnwmh, prin apanthqei h erwthsh. Yparxei kai h allh ekdoxh: H apallagh apo to aggelioshmo olwn aytwn. REPPAS: Einai qemata poly shmantika, ta opoia me prosoxh qa xeirisqoyme. Gnwrizete poly
kala oti oi perissoteroi thleoptikoi staqmoi sthn perifereia leitoyrgoyn xwris adeia. Prepei,
loipon, na ta antimetwpizoyme ta qemata ayta me enan tetoio tropo, wste kai tajh na yparxei
kai nomimh leitoyrgia. Opoia problhmata antimetwpizoyn, qa ta doyme - na eiste sigoyroi - me
th megalyterh eyaisqhsia.