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BRIEFING 06-02-96

Greek Government Press Release Directory

From: Hellenic Ministry of Press <>



Exoyme shmera mia mikrh kaqysterhsh sthn enarjh ths enhmerwshs mas. Eseis zhthsate th metakinhsh kai egw eyxaristws antapokriqhka.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Den peirazei gia thn kaqysterhsh. Na kaqierwsoyme, omws, kyrie Ypoyrge, na kanoyme panta thn enhmerwsh mas edw, sto Ypoyrgeio Typoy.

REPPAS: Den exw kammia antirrhsh.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Kai kaneis epishs synadelfos - nomizw - den exei antirrhsh.

REPPAS: Kai exoyme epishs symfwnhsei oti h enhmerwsh mas qa ginetai pantote sth 1.00 to meshmeri, edw fysika, sto Ypoyrgeio Typoy.


REPPAS: Prepei omws na exoyme kapoia epifylajh gia tis meres ekeines, opoy, kata thn wra ayth, synedriazoyn kybernhtika organa.

DHMOSIOGRAFOI: Ayrio (7.2.) poy qa synanthqei o Prwqypoyrgos sth 1.00 to meshmeri me to Ektelestiko Grafeio;

REPPAS: Emeis, pantws, qa kanoyme kanonika thn enhmerwsh mas edw, sth 1.00 to meshmeri, kata to taktiko mas programma.

DHMOSIOGRAFOI: Thn Paraskeyh (9.2.) poy exei Ypoyrgiko Symboylio;

REPPAS: Qa to doyme.

DHMOSIOGRAFOI: Na kanoyme thn enhmerwsh sto Press - Room, amesws meta to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio.

REPPAS: Symfwnw. Ektos ean yparxei apo ton k. Prwqypoyrgo dhlwsh h enhmerwsh (me diadikasia erwthsewn kai apanthsewn), sthn opoia o idios qa parei meros. Ean omws den yparjei, kalo einai emeis, thn opoia syzhthsh exoyme na kanoyme, na thn kanoyme edw. Ayto na einai mia pagia arxh kai parakalw kai oi synadelfoi sas, oi opoioi den einai parontes shmera, na th gnwrizoyn gia na apofygoyme parejhghseis.

KANELLOPOYLOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, ep'aytoy...

REPPAS: Nai, kyrie Kanellopoyle. Syzhtoyme twra epi ths diadikasias, gia na qymhqoyme kai ta foithtika mas!

KANELLOPOYLOS: ...hqela na sas rwthsw, epeidh o Prwqypoyrgos thn hmera ths ekloghs toy poy mas ekane dhlwseis, den dexqhke erwthseis kai otan ton eidame xqes gia deyterh fora, ekane dhlwseis kai dexqhke monon dyo erwthseis, mas eixe omws yposxeqei oti qa dwsei mia synenteyjh ef'olhs ths ylhs. Nomizw oti kapoies meres exoyn perasei apo tote, gegonota shmantika trexoyn. Exei programmatisqei kapoia synenteyjh toy k. Prwqypoyrgoy;

REPPAS: Loipon, o k. Prwqypoyrgos einai enas anqrwpos - qa exete hdh diapistwsei - o opoios kanei ta panta, wste na dwsei enan entatiko - qa elega - ryqmo sth leitoyrgia twn kybernhtikwn organwn, twn opoiwn o idios proistatai. Na dwsei - epanalambanw - enan entatiko ryqmo, prokeimenoy na paragetai ergo kai gia to ergo ayto anellipws enhmerwnesqe. Dexomai oti ayto isws den ginetai sto baqmo poy eseis qelete, alla pisteyw oti h enhmerwsh sas einai parapanw apo eparkhs. Kai bebaiws, o k. Prwqypoyrgos qa einai sth diaqesh sas otan oloklhrwqei enas prwtos kyklos, qa elega. Otan paraxqei ena kybernhtiko ergo, gia to opoio qa einai sth dia- qesh sas gia na to syzhthsete, na to krinete kai na labete plhrofories kai apanthseis.

KACAMPELHS: Kai ena akomh diadikastiko: Na lhfqei pronoia wste na mhn epanalhfqei to fainomeno, oi dhmosiografoi na ginontai oyragoi twn mhxanhmatwn, otan sygkentrwnomaste sthn aiqoysa 223 ths Boylhs.

REPPAS: Ayto diapistwqhke kai xqes. H aiqoysa h opoia xrhsimopoieitai, einai etsi diamorfwmenh, wste na kaqista peripoy adynath - etsi opws einai ayth th stigmh diamorfwmenh - thn topoqethsh twn thleoptikwn mhxanhmatwn opisqen twn kaqismatwn. Ayto einai kati poy qa to doyme kai nomizw oti ta opoia problhmata qa antimetwpisqoyn, efoson kriqei oti prepei na xrhsimopoieitai ayth h aiqoysa. Nomizw oti teleiwsan ta ths diadikasias. Na pame sthn enhmerwsh mas.
* Gnwrizete oti synexizetai h synedriash ths Koinoboyleytikhs Omados toy PASOK.
* Sth synedriash ayth prwtos elabe to logo o Prwqypoyrgos, toy opoioy h eishghsh aforoyse dyo qemata:
-Sthn katartish enos kanonismoy leitoyrgias ths Koinoboyleytikhs Omados, pragma to opoio qa apofasisqei se epomenh synedriash ths K.O.
-Sthn ellhnotoyrkikh dienejh twn teleytaiwn hmerwn, panw sthn opoia oi boyleytes lambanoyn to logo kai ekqetoyn tis apoceis toys. Mporw, prin mpoyme sth diadikasia erwthsewn - apanthsewn, na sas pw en perilhcei ti eipe o Prwqypoyrgos.
** O k. Prwqypoyrgos anaferqhke kat'arxhn sthn eyrytath apodoxh poy gnwrise h Kybernhsh tis prwtes hmeres afotoy dhmioyrghqhke, sthn ychlotath dhmofilia toy Prwqypoyrgoy kai ths Kybernhshs kai stis megales prosdokies oi opoies kallierghqhkan kai gia tis opoies h Ellhnikh Kybernhsh ergazetai wste na antapokriqei se aytes.
-Ayto xarakthrisqhke ws mia prwth fash - as to poyme etsi - ston mexri twra bio ths Kybernhshs. Kai akoloyqhse h - as thn poyme etsi - deyterh fash, entos ths opoias h Kybernhsh xwris akomh na exei labei chfo empistosynhs apo thn Ellhnikh Boylh, eprepe na antimetwpisei kai na diaxeirisqei thn gnwsth se oloys ellhnotoyrkikh krish.
-Bebaiws, h krish ayth, thn opoia antimetwpise h Kybernhsh, antimetwpisqhke me synesh kai apofasistikothta kai me apofaseis oi opoies eprepe na lhfqoyn sto mikrotero dynato xroniko diasthma kai na einai apofaseis oi opoies qa eixan ena sygkekrimeno apotelesma ws pros toys stoxoys poy exoyme qesei. Kai oi stoxoi mas, sas einai gnwstoi: einai h yperaspish twn kyriarxikwn mas dikaiwmatwn kai h mh apo meroys mas apodoxh opoiasdhpote diadikasias diapragmateyshs gia qemata poy emeis qewroyme oti telesidikws, me bash ta osa problepontai apo to Dieqnes Dikaio kai tis Dieqneis Symbaseis, exoyn antimetwpisqei kai exoyn lhfqei.
-H Kybernhsh, kata thn krisimh ekeinh wra, eprepe na apanthsei, kyriws, proexontws, sto ejhs erwthma: Polemos - syrrajh h apemplokh; Polemos, poy pisteyoyme oti qa eixe bebaiws nikhfora apotelesmata, alla oydeis paragnwrizei tis dysmenestates synepeies mias tetoias ejelijhs se katastrofes kai qymata. Alla bebaiws kai thn akraia apolhjh mias tetoias ejelijhs se diadikasia diapragmateysewn ths xwras mas me thn Toyrkia, pragma poy prepei na ektimhsoyme oti polles pagides mporei na ypokryptei kai na anatrepei oysiastika thn politikh poy emeis exoyme stoxeysei oti prepei na petyxoyme, giati einai h swsth politikh.
-H Kybernhsh me diadikasies ypeyqynes, syllogikes antimetwpise to problhma to opoio anefyh. Kai odhghqhkame se mia apemplokh eyriskomenoi, pleon, toso sth staqerh qesh diathrhshs twn kyriarxikwn mas dikaiwmatwn af'enos, oso kai sthn apofygh opoiasdhpote yponoias gia askhsh piesewn prokeimenoy na mpoyme se ena dialogo, ton opoio ek twn proterwn eixame aporricei.
-Bebaiws, prepei na poyme, giati polles fwnes dynates ycwqhkan tis teleytaies meres sth xwra mas, oti tis akoyme aytes tis fwnes. Alla peran toy na akoyme tis fwnes poy akoygontai epeidh akribws einai isxyres, prepei na doyme me aisqhma eyqynhs tis anagkes kai tis proteraiothtes ths xwras, alla kai ta aisqhmata kai tis diaqeseis ths pamchfias toy ellhnikoy laoy.
-Pisteyoyme loipon oti h Kybernhsh ekeinh thn wra poy eprepe na labei tis apofaseis, to ekane me tropo tetoio, wste na mhn yparxei to paramikro periqwrio askhshs kritikhs gia ton tropo poy h Kybernhsh xeirisqhke to qema. Giati tetoia kritikh askhqhke: toso gia to oti den sygklhqhke to Symboylio politikwn Arxhgwn, oso kai gia to oti den synedriase amesws ekeinh th stigmh to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio.
-O k. Prwqypoyrgos epanelabe oti to Symboylio Arxhgwn den einai qesmoqethmeno organo. To Symboylio Arxhgwn mporei na diatypwsei apoceis h protaseis, alla thn wra ths krishs poy entos mikroy xronikoy diasthmatos eprepe na lhfqoyn apofaseis, den qa eprepe kata thn gnwmh ths Kybernhshs na yparjei leitoyrgia organoy, poy qa eteine piqanws na metablhqei h leitoyrgia ayth se pedio anejodwn, dhmagwgikwn pantws kai aneyqynwn synqhmatologiwn, poy isa - isa anti na bohqhsoyn thn taxytath kai ypeyqynh lhch mias apofashs, qa odhgoysan se mia peraiterw sygxysh.
-To Ypoyrgiko Symboylio apo thn allh, an to KYSEA eixe apofash poy proekrine thn epilogh toy na odhghqoyme se sygkroysh, bebaiws qa synedriaze, giati to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio eprepe na parei thn telikh apofash gia th sygkroysh.
-To KYSEA to opoio telikws synedriase, htan to organo, to apo ton nomo problepomeno kai ejoysiodothmeno, na xeirisqei akribws to qema to opoio eixe prokycei. Kai h apofash toy organoy aytoy gia thn antimetwpish ths ellhnotoyrkikhs krishs pros thn kateyqynsh apemplokhs, exoyme kat'epanalhch pei oti htan apofash omofwnh.
-Den eimaste genikws kai aoristws enantion toy polemoy. O polemos einai anagkaios otan den mporeis me alla eirhnika mesa kai tropoys na yperaspisqeis kai na diasfaliseis ta eqnika kai kyriarxika soy dikaiwmata. Otan omws me eirhniko tropo kai me diadikasies ypeyqynwn, leptwn, alla synetwn xeirismwn, mporeis na odhghqeis sta idia apotelesmata opws egine sth sygkekrimenh periptwsh, o polemos den einai h epilogh mas.
-To PASOK einai h kat'ejoxhn patriwtikh paratajh sthn Ellada (oles oi paratajeis einai patriwtikes, eipa "kat'ejoxhn"). Ayto exei apodeijei h politikh toy. Ayto den shmainei oti eimaste filopolemoi. Ayto den shmainei apo thn allh oti eimaste diateqeimenoi na allajoyme sto paramikro thn politikh poy xarakthrizei ayto to Kinhma kai tis Kybernhseis poy sthrizontai ap'ayto to Kinhma, ws pros tis basikes grammes: Oti den diekdikoyme tipota, den paraxwroyme tipota. Oti den prokaloyme, den ypoxwroyme. Einai fraseis oi opoies aphxoyn ton pyrhna twn qesewn mas ws pros to pws antimetwpizoyme ta eqnika mas qemata, ta qemata ths ejwterikhs politikhs.
-Pisteyoyme oti ayto poy dinei lysh sta problhmata ta opoia antimetwpizei h xwra mas, einai h katakthsh mias qeshs ths Elladas sth dieqnh skhnh, mias qeshs enisxymenhs, wste na anadeixqei h Ellada se isxyro, dieqnh paragonta. Gi'ayto, h qesh ths isxyrhs Elladas den ejasfalizetai mono me ta opla h den apodeiknyetai mono sto pedio twn maxwn. Exei na kanei me th diplwmatia mas, exei na kanei me thn oikonomia mas, me ton politismo mas, me drasthrioth- tes oi opoies odhgoyn sthn enisxysh ths qeshs mas, sth dieyrynsh twn symmaxiwn, sthn anabaqmish twn ereismatwn mas, wste na mporoyme apo isxyrh akribws qesh na antimetwpizoy- me dienejeis kai antidikies, xwris na xreiazetai na katafeygoyme se qermes anametrhseis.
-Bebaiws, prepei na poyme oti akoyme tis diaqeseis h th fwnh ths pleiochfias twn Ellhnwn kai qewroyme pws den prepei mia Kybernhsh - kai h Ellhnikh en prokeimenw - na agetai sthn ejwterikh ths politikh apo tyxodiwktikes h aperiskeptes energeies memonwmenwn atomwn.

GARGALAKOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, syggnwmh poy sas diakoptw, ola ayta ta eipe o k. Shmiths h exete diatypwsei kai proswpikes apoceis;

REPPAS: Bebaiws, ola ayta. Sas kanw mia anaptyjh gia na exete mia poly kalh enhmerwsh. An den to qelete, stamatw kai mpainoyme kat'eyqeian sth diadikasia erwthsewn - apanthsewn. Nomizw omws oti kat'ayton ton tropo apantw isws kai se erwthseis, oi opoies yparxoyn ek twn pragmatwn gia th synedriash ths Koinoboyleytikhs Omados. Loipon, synexizw me thn eishghsh toy k. Prwqypoyrgoy. Eipe akoma o Prwqypoyrgos:
-Pisteyoyme oti oi ekfraseis poy xrhsimopoihqhkan apo diafores pleyres - ekfraseis peri "prodosias" kai "tapeinwshs"- den leitoyrghsan ypeyqyna sthn kateyqynsh toy na antimetwpi- soyme lysitelws thn krish, alla oysiastikws perioristhkan sto na antlhsoyn wfelh h na dhmioyrghsoyn entypwseis gia na antlhsoyn wfelh, osoi me ayton ton tropo qewrhsan oti eprepe na antimetwpisoyn, se mia toso krisimh stigmh, ena megalo eqniko zhthma.
-Ekfrasthke problhmatismos gia to oti oi xwres ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, ekeinh thn wra, den phran kapoia prowqhmenh h koryfaia h idiaiterh prwtoboylia, wste na dhlwsoyn thn paroysia toys, na dhlwsoyn to endiaferon toys kai na analaboyn kapoia prwtoboylia, wste na odhghqoyme sthn apemplokh, sthn opoia odhghqhkame - epanalambanw - me toys leptoys xeirismoys poy ekane h Kybernhsh. Ayto shmainei gia mas, oti prepei na ergastoyme akomh perissotero sthn kateyqynsh na enisxysoyme - opws eipa - tis dieqneis synergasies mas, wste o stoxos mas gia mia isxyrh Ellada na einai efiktos kai telika na pragmatopoihqei.
-Bebaiws, h Kybernhsh mas einai Kybernhsh synexeias kai taytoxrona einai Kybernhsh ananewshs. Ayto shmainei oti o basikos pyrhnas ths politikhs mas poy sas einai gnwstos, ekfrazei thn politikh mas. Alla taytoxronws prepei na ejetasoyme ta nea dedomena ta opoia exoyn dhmioyrghqei, wste na sygkrothsoyme ena sxedio gia to 2000. Ena sxedio mprosta sto 2000 gia mia isxyrh Ellada.
-Hdh, ta kybernhtika organa asxoloyntai me ayto to qema. Exoyn lhfqei oi prwtes apofaseis. Xqes eginan anakoinwseis ep'aytoy. Epanerxomai - epanelabe o k. Prwqypoyrgos shmera, legontas pws peran ths diplwmatikhs ekstrateias thn opoia analambanei h Ellhnikh Kybernhsh, xreiazetai pleon na asxolhqoyme systhmatika me thn "aktinografhsh" - as moy epitrapei na pw - ths Toyrkias, na ejetasoyme tis ejelijeis s'ayth th xwra ypo to prisma twn sxesewn ths se mia dynamikh toys ejelijh me thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh kai tis alles xwres ths perioxhs.
-Pisteyoyme oti prepei na proxwrhsoyme sth dhmioyrgia enos organoy programmatismoy kai analyshs ths ejwterikhs politikhs kai ths amynas. Enos organoy, to opoio qa mporei na diaxeirizetai - opws eipame kai xqes - tetoies ektaktes katastaseis.
-H Ellhnikh Kybernhsh einai apofasismenh sth Diakybernhtikh na qesei qema anagnwrishs ths yparjhs twn ejwterikwn synorwn ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs af'enos, af'eteroy ths problechs rhtras amoibaias syndromhs metajy twn xwrwn ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs.
-To Symboylio Ejwterikhs Politikhs poy panta apasxolei thn Kybernhsh, s'ayth th fash, h Diarkhs Koinoboyleytikh Epitroph Ejwterikwn Ypoqesewn qa exei thn taktikh symmetoxh s'aythn toy Ypoyrgoy twn Ejwterikwn, wste na katastei diamorfwths - qa elega - h enas ek twn paragontwn poy epejergazontai thn ejwterikh politikh ths xwras.
-H Kybernhtikh Epitroph qa synedriasei thn epomenh ebdomada, prokeimenoy na ejetasei qemata amyntikhs politikhs. Ayth einai kat'arxhn qesh.
-Bebaiws, qa prowqhsoyme to Symboylio Balkanikwn Xwrwn gia to opoio milhsame kai xqes kai qewroyme oti einai mia epilogh, h opoia qa apodwsei karpoys, giati hdh oi sxeseis mas me tis alles balkanikes xwres einai poly-poly kalyteres ap'o,ti sto prosfato parelqon.
-Kai ola ayta einai stoixeia ta opoia xwris na oloklhrwnoyn, pisteyoyme oti enisxyoyn shmantika thn prospaqeia mas - epanalambanw kai pali - gia na oloklhrwsoyme mia politikh sta plaisia ths eqnikhs strathgikhs, gia thn opoia exoyme kai pali milhsei.
-Pisteyoyme - ejefrase ayth th bebaiothta o k. Prwqypoyrgos, kata thn omilia toy sthn Koinoboyleytikh Omada - oti to klima twn prwtwn hmerwn, klima ychlotaths apodoxhs kai sthrijhs ths Kybernhshs, einai klima to opoio kai pali qa yparjei gia thn Kybernhsh. Giati ayth thn wra anagnwrizoyme oti exei traymatisqei kai den brisketai - gia na mhn yparjei paranohsh - sto ychlo pososto twn prwtwn ekeinwn hmerwn.
-Se ayth thn prospaqeia mas qewroyme dedomenh th symparastash kai toy ellhnikoy laoy kai twn kommatwn sta qemata ejwterikhs politikhs. Pisteyoyme oti den prepei na afeqoyme sthn eykolia twn synqhmatologiwn. Synqhmatologies poy einai monohmerhs xrhshs kai den paragoyn oysiastika politika apotelesmata se diarkeia, se baqos, se prooptikh. Kai emeis ayto exoyme perissotero para pote anagkh shmera. Qa akoloyqhsoyme loipon me ta bhmata, ta syneta kai apofasistika, thn politikh h opoia qa bohqhsei thn Ellada na enisxysei dieqnws th qesh ths. Kai sta plaisia ayta qa kanoyme ws Kybernhsh prospaqeia na sygkrothsoyme kai na proteinoyme ston ellhniko lao ena neo politiko orama kai taytoxrona, me thn praktikh kai symperifora mas ws Kybernhsh, na apodeijoyme oti eimaste foreis aytoy toy oramatos. Oti emeis prwtoi empneomaste apo ayto to orama, wste kai o ellhnikos laos na empneysqei kai na kaqodhghqei sthn prospaqeia poy qa kanei sto synolo toy, prokeimenoy na fqasoyme stoys stoxoys, gia toys opoioys exoyme milhsei: gia mia isxyrh Ellada, gia mia polydiastath ejwterikh politikh, gia thn anaptyjh ths xwras.
-Kai pisteyw oti to Kinhma mas idiaiterws, me koinh doyleia, me syllogikothta, me enothta, me omocyxia qa apotelesei to basiko pyrhna kai moxlo sto na yparjoyn aytes oi ejelijeis, oi opoies qa einai eyxaristes oxi mono gia to Kinhma mas, oxi mono gia thn Kybernhsh th shmerinh, alla gia to synolo ths xwras. Kleinw edw, kai prin apanthsw se erwthseis sas, aplws sas anakoinwnw - peran twn oswn gnwrizete - oti thn Pempth (8.2.) kai wra 11.30 p.m. o k. Prwqypoyrgos qa dexqei th Genikh Grammatea toy KKE kyria Aleka Paparhga kai th Deytera (12.2.) kai wra 12.00 to meshmeri qa dexqei ton Proedro toy Synaspismoy k. Niko Kwnstantopoylo.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, shmera o Arxhgos GEEQA ekane kapoia dhlwsh kai leei oti ekeino to brady, dyo fores proteine na ktyphsoyn aytoys oi opoioi ekanan apobash (dhladh toys Toyrkoys) kai h politikh hgesia arnhqhke. Exete na mas peite kati;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete para poly kala oti to KYSEA, sto opoio symmeteixe kai o Arxhgos GEEQA, einai organo, stis synedriaseis toy opoioy throyntai praktika. Oi synedriaseis aytes bebaiws einai kleistes. S' ayto to opoio menw twra, einai oti oi apofaseis tis opoies elabe ayto to organo sto opoio symmetexei o k. Arxhgos, einai apofaseis omofwnes.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Ma, o Arxhgos GEEQA proebh se grapth dhlwsh kai leei ayta poy leei.

REPPAS: Apanthsa.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Ti apanthsate;

REPPAS: Apanthsa.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Ti leei h Kybernhsh gi'ayth th dhlwsh; Egine h den egine etsi;

REPPAS: H Kybernhsh leei pws oi dialogoi poy exoyn ginei sto KYSEA exoyn katagrafei. H Kybernhsh asxoleitai ayth thn wra - opws poly kala gnwrizete - me thn oloklhrwsh kai en synexeia ejetash toy porismatos to opoion qa yparjei gia toys xeirismoys poy piqanws hsan ateleis kai gia tis opoies paraleiceis, wste an yparjoyn eyqynes, na apodoqoyn. Kai gia to sygkekrimeno qema poy qetei o k. Arxhgos, asfalws qa yparjei apanthsh. Alla ola ayta qa ginoyn me enan tropo syllogiko kai sygkrothmeno kai oxi spasmwdika. Giati einai poly sobaro qema, wste na mhn epitrecoyme na to antimetwpizoyme kai na to apantoyme me apomonwmena ta stoixeia ayths ths synedriashs (toy KYSEA) alla na ta doyme ola ayta ta stoixeia sto synolo toys kai ta opoia apartizoyn mia pragmatikothta: H synedriash toy KYSEA kai tis apofaseis poy elabe ayto to organo.

KARELIAS: Nai, ayto leme, thn apanthsh qeloyme. Kai epeidh, kyrie Ypoyrge, prokeitai gia sobaro qema, an einai akribhs ayth h dhlwsh, thn opoia den gnwrizw...

REPPAS: Kai egw den gnwrizw epishs an einai akribhs, giati erxomai apo thn Koinoboyleytikh Omada...

KARELIAS: Nai, alla me bash ayth th dhlwsh apanthsate.

REPPAS: Oxi, oxi. Egw eipa oti den prokeitai na apanthsw se opoiadhpote tetoia dhlwsh, gia ton aploystato logo oti anaferetai se pepragmena enos organoy. Kai gia o,ti exei sxesh me th leitoyrgia kai thn apofash poy elabe ayto to organo, qa apanthsoyme otan erqei h wra, sygkrothmena kai synolika.

KARELIAS: Gnwrizete an o Arxhgos toy GEEQA exei kanei tetoia dhlwsh;

REPPAS: O k. Stamatopoylos anefere oti yparxei kapoia dhlwsh. Egw den to sxoliazw an exei kanei opoiadhpote dhlwsh. Lew oti an yparxei kai tetoia dhlwsh - ayto akribws eipa - qa synejetasqei me ola ta alla stoixeia, ta opoia akribws apoteloyn antikeimeno me to opoio asxoleitai h Kybernhsh shmera. To eipa poly apla.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Ma, kyrie Ypoyrge, h dhlwsh ayth toy Arxhgoy GEEQA metadidetai ap'ola ta Mesa. Aporw pws den exei fqasei se esas.

REPPAS: Den akoyw radiofwno otan eimai sth synedriash ths Koinoboyleytikhs Omadas, dystyxws. Den exw tosa polla talenta! Qa prospaqhsw na ta anaptyjw! Exete dikio, alla ayth einai h alhqeia.

KAMPRAS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, shmasia exei oti o Nayarxos Lymperhs eipe oti sto KYSEA oi stratiwtikoi phran ayth thn apofash kai oi politikoi phran thn antiqeth apofash. Par'ola ayta, mporei na symfwnhsan sto telos kai gi'ayto to logo mas eipate oti htan omofwnh h apofash toy KYSEA.

REPPAS: Malista.

KAMPRAS: Ayto to opoio hqela na rwthsw einai oti an eseis epibebaiwnete to teliko oti htan omofwnh h apofash, prepei na leei cemmata o k. Lymperhs. Ayth nomizw oti einai h apanthsh sas shmera.

REPPAS: H apanthsh moy einai oti gnwrizw pws synedriase to KYSEA, xeiristhke ta qemata ths ellhnotoyrkikhs krishs kai oi apofaseis tis opoies elabe enanti ayths ths krishs, htan apofaseis omofwnes.

KAMPRAS: Na labete ypoch - syggnwmh poy synexizw - oti o Prwqypoyrgos k. Shmiths thn epomenh mera eipe oti den akoloyqhqhkan oi odhgies poy doqhkan sto GEEQA. To eipe sth Boylh.

REPPAS: Oi apofaseis toy KYSEA htan apofaseis omofwnes. Gia o,tidhpote - epanalambanw kai pali - exei na kanei me eyqynes, me ateleis xeirismoys, me paraleiceis, sygkroteitai ena porisma kai qa apasxolhsei ta armodia kybernhtika organa. Otan yparjei apanthsh epi olwn aytwn twn qematwn, asfalws qa enhmerwqeite. Alla, parakalw poly, na apofygoyme ton peirasmo na mpoyme se epimeroys qemata, ta opoia polles fores mas odhgoyn se ena labyrinqo kai den bohqoyn kanenan.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Sto idio qema: Kyrie Ypoyrge, yparxei h dhlwsh toy k. Kaklamanh mesa sto Ektelestiko Grafeio. Eipe o k. Kaklamanhs oti kapoios Ypoyrgos, ton opoion den katonomase...

REPPAS: Einai - lete eseis - dhlwsh toy k. Kaklamanh mesa sto Ektelestiko Grafeio. Egw den hmoyn parwn sto Ektelestiko Grafeio. Den mporw na sxoliasw mia dhlwsh poy den akoysa.

PANAGOPOYLOS: H Kybernhsh egnwrize oti o Arxhgos GEEQA qa kanei ayth th dhlwsh; Eixe synennohqei o Arxhgos GEEQA me ton politiko toy proistameno Ypoyrgo Eqnikhs Amynas;

REPPAS: Exei kanei ayth th dhlwsh o Arxhgos GEEQA; Thn exete na moy thn dwsete; Oriste, h kyria Karasaba.

KARASABA: Hqela na rwthsw: Pera apo th diplwmatikh ekstrateia ths Ellhnikhs Kybernhshs, h Ellada qa labei kapoies kyrwseis enantion ths Toyrkias, kapoio empargko, kapoion emporiko apokleismo...

REPPAS: Enhmerwsame xqes, kyria Karasaba, an qymaste, oti qa paroyme thn prwtoboylia en ocei ths syzhthshs gia ton xrhmatodotiko kanonismo o opoios problepetai apo thn telwneiakh syndesh ths Toyrkias me thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, na askhsoyme thn parembatikh mas epirroh, wste oi poroi oi opoioi exoyn problefqei na reysoyn pros thn Toyrkia, na reysoyn efoson ejasfalisqoyn kapoies proypoqeseis. Alliws, eimaste diateqeimenoi na akoloyqhsoyme ekeinh thn wra mia tetoia politikh, h opoia qa anadeiknyei to dikio twn qesewn mas kai taytoxronws qa pistopoiei oti h Toyrkia af'hs stigmhs etyxe kai ths dikhs mas egkrishs na syndeqei telwneiakws me thn Eyrwph, den antapokriqhke stis desmeyseis, tis opoies anelabe tote.

GARGALAKOS: Mas eipate prohgoymenws ti akribws eipe o Prwqypoyrgos. Mporeite na mas peite an yphrje sthn omilia toy k. Prwqypoyrgoy apo meroys melwn ths Koinoboyleytikhs Omadas toy PASOK kapoia antidrash h kapoia antiqeth apoch;

REPPAS: Den einai kosmio, nomizw, na sxoliasw apoceis synadelfwn. Ayto poy mporw na pw mono, einai oti kai oi apoceis poy ekfrazontai kai o problhmatismos poy anaptyssetai, einai ychloy epipedoy, ypeyqynos. Kai prepei na sas pw oti sto megalytero, sto megisto - qa elega - pososto toy, me briskei symfwno. Kai briskei symfwnh - prepei na sas pw - kai thn Kybernhsh. To klima ths syzhthshs einai ena klima, to opoio mas kanei yperhfanoys poy anhkoyme s'ayth thn Koinoboyleytikh Omada.

GARGALAKOS: Yphrxe h aisqhsh oti qa ginei "mpaxalo" ekei mesa. Mporeite na mas dwsete to klima poy epikratei mesa sthn Koinoboyleytikh Omada;

REPPAS: Osoi pisteyoyn oti to PASOK mporei na metablhqei se ena pedio to opoio qa syntiqetai apo nikhtes kai htthmenoys - eipa kai xqes - grhgora qa diaceysqoyn. To PASOK qa proxwrhsei nikhfora sthn poreia toy. Kai nikhtes s'ayth th nikhfora poreia, qa eimaste oloi sto PASOK.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Mhn desmeyesqe, kyrie Ypoyrge, giati den teleiwse h Koinoboyleytikh Omada.

REPPAS: Kyrie Stamatopoyle, exete th dikh sas ekdoxh, an kai den eisqe parwn. H dikh moy isws einai pio egkyrh, epeidh eimai parwn s'ayth th diadikasia. Alla, kalo einai bebaiws, na mh xanei kaneis tis elpides toy. Kalytero omws einai oi elpides aytes na exoyn mia stereh bash.

DIAKOGIANNHS: Qelw na sas rwthsw an o Prwqypoyrgos, sth shmerinh toy omilia, symperielabe ektimhseis gia piqanes nees proklhtikes energeies ths Toyrkias; Kai, an "nai" pws antimetwpizei h Kybernhsh ena tetoio endexomeno;

REPPAS: Den anaferqhke idiaiterws, kati poy mporei na ginei sth deyterologia toy. Sthn mellontikh poreia twn sxesewn mas yparxoyn apoceis ep' aytoy. Alla - opws sas eipa - prokeitai h Kybernhsh me thn yposthrijh eidikwn empeirognwmwn, diplwmatwn, stratiwtikwn, analytwn na proxwrhsei se mia "aktinografhsh" ths Toyrkias. Etsi wste na mporoyme na exoyme se baqos xronoy, me mia diarkeia - qa elega - th dynatothta na ejetazoyme pws ejelissontai oi sxeseis ths Toyrkias me ton periballonta xwro kai bebaiws me th dikh mas xwra, wste analogh na einai h dikh mas politikh.
* Prepei na sas pw, prin proxwrhsw se allh apanthsh dikhs sas erwthshs, oti h diadikasia poy akoloyqeitai sthn Koinoboyleytikh Omada qa oloklhrwqei afoy milhsoyn oloi oi Boyleytes poy exoyn zhthsei to logo. Sto telos qa laboyn to logo oi Ypoyrgoi Ejwterikwn kai Eqnikhs Amynas kai opoios allos qewrei oti exei na dwsei apanthseis h na eisferei plhrofories sth syzhthsh. Kai, telika, h synedriash qa kleisei me thn omilia toy k. Prwqypoyrgoy.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Posh wra miloyn oi Boyleytes; Pente lepta;

REPPAS: Pente lepta, nomizw, me anoxh. Mporei na einai eji h epta lepta.

SOYRMELIDHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, opws mas ta paroysiazete, gia na antimetwpisqei to qema twn ellhno-toyrkikwn sxesewn, dinetai h entypwsh mias asynexeias toy ellhnikoy kratoys. Oti pote ayto to kratos den exei janaasxolhqei me thn Toyrkia.

REPPAS: To Ellhniko kratos exei makra peira twn problhmatwn poy prokyptoyn apo tis ellhno-toyrkikes sxeseis. Wste, qa einai asteio na isxyristoyme oti gia prwth fora qa asxolhqoyme me ayto to fainomeno. Kaqe allo. Aplws, yparxoyn nea dedomena, ta opoia bebaiws prepei na laboyme sobarws ypoch, wste na sygkrothsoyme thn kalyterh kai apotelesmatikoterh dynath politikh apenanti sthn Toyrkia kai tis epektatikes ths bleceis.

ROYMPAMHS: qa hqela na sas rwthsw an, gia ayto to skopo, skopeyei h Kybernhsh na zhthsei th sygklhsh toy Symboylioy twn Arxhgwn.

REPPAS: Einai kati poy h Kybernhsh to ejetazei. Otan oloklhrwqei o kyklos ergasiwn seiras Organwn ths Kybernhshs, h Kybernhsh qa ejetasei kai ayto to endexomeno.

KACAMPELHS: Apo orismenes pleyres tiqetai - kai xqes eteqh kai dhmosiws apo ton k. Samara - qema sxhmatismoy eyryterhs Kybernhsews Eqnikhs Enothtas gia na antimetwpisqoyn ta eqnika qemata. Ti leei h Kybernhsh ep' aytoy;

REPPAS: Emeis pisteyoyme oti h ypeyqynh askhsh politikhs apo kaqe komma apedeiknyetai ana pasa stigmh me thn praktikh h tis qeseis tis opoies lambanei gia kaqe qema poy prokyptei. Kai nomizw oti tetoioy eidoys politikes protaseis (oi opoies einai oysiastika ewles kai mono gia dhmioyrgia entypwsewn xrhsimopoioyntai, giati mas prosanatolizoyn kapoy alloy, apofeygo- ntas na staqoyn sto problhma kai epi toy sygkekrimenoy problhmatos na dwsoyn mia epoikodomhtikh idea, na eisferoyn mia kainoyrgia protash) einai protaseis, einai praktikes, einai politikes, oi opoies den mas briskoyn symfwnoys. Pisteyoyme, oti h Kybernhsh exei eyrytath koinoboyleytikh sthrijh, exei eyrytath aphxhsh ston ellhniko lao kai mporei na antimetwpisei ta problhmata ths xwras sto synolo toys.

ZERBONIKOLAKHS: Xqes o Prwqypoyrgos eipe oti diapistwse mia apostash anamesa sthn Ellada kai thn Eyrwph me aformh ta osa synebhsan stis ellhno-toyrkikes sxeseis. Ayth h apostash mporei na ofeiletai se paraleiceis h proteraiothtes ths Kybernhshs toy k. Papandreoy;

REPPAS: O k. Prwqypoyrgos ekane mia pragmatikh diapistwsh, thn opoia epanelabe shmera. Pio sygkekrimena, qa elega, shmera. Oti ekeino to brady, oydemia apo tis alles xwres ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs anelabe thn prwtoboylia na epikoinwnhsei me thn Ellhnikh Kybernhsh h na ekfrasei me opoiondhpote allo qewroyse ekeinh apotelesmatiko tropo, to endiaferon ths gia na odhghqoyme se apemplokh. Alla ayto einai mia pragmatikothta h opoia odhgei sthn ejagwgh kapoiwn symperasmatwn. Symperasmata, ta opoia asfalws deixnoyn oti h Ellada den exei katakthsei, sto plaisio ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, th qesh poy emeis qeloyme na exei. Na exei dhladh mia isxyrh paroysia, mia entonoterh parembash wste, apo apoch kyroys kai dynamhs, na mporei na ypologizetai diaforetika apo oti shmera. Einai kati poy den prepei kaneis na to paragnwrisei. Kai pisteyw oydeis diafwnei oti exoyme polla periqwria wste na beltiwsoyme th qesh ths Ellados kai th symmetoxh ths sto plaisio ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Mia diekrinish ep' aytoy kyrie Ypoyrge: Eipate oti kanena kratos apo ta melh ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs den phre prwtoboylia. H Ellada apeyqynqhke se xwres ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs ekeino to brady;

REPPAS: H Ellada - sas einai poly gnwsto - oti enhmerwse toys Presbeis, metajy twn allwn, kai twn xwrwn ths E.E.

PAYLOPOYLOS: Ma, hdh o Bretanos Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn exei dhlwsei oti epikoinwnhse me thn Ellhnikh Kybernhsh.

REPPAS: Ma eipa egw oti exei epikoinwnhsei. Eipa oti den ejedhlwsan endiaferon na exoyn kapoia sygkekrimenh prwtoboylia wste na odhghqoyme sthn apemplokh.

PARIS: Poy egkeitai h logikh, kyrie Ypoyrge, thn mia mera o Prwqypoyrgos na eyxaristei thn Amerikanikh Kybernhsh gia thn prwtoboylia kai bohqeia ths sthn apemplokh kai thn allh mera, xqes,na apofasisoyn oti o k. Xolmproyk einai anepiqymhtos h - en pasei periptwse - oti den tairiazoyn ta programmata toys;

REPPAS: Exoyme apanthsei kai sta dyo erwthmata. Qa moy epitrecete na epanelqw dinontas mia syntomotath apanthsh: Oi eyxaristies pros tis HPA den eixan allo nohma para mono thn epishmansh h anagnwrish, an qelete, toy roloy poy aytoboylws oi HPA anelaban na paijoyn ws endiamesos, ws tritos, o opoios - prepei na sas pw - apodeixqhke sthn periptwsh mas xrhsimos. Afeteroy, h episkech toy k. Xolmproyk eprepe na symfwnhqei kai apo tis dyo pleyres. O k. Xolmproyk oloklhrwnei th qhteia toy sto telos toy mhnos kai gia logoys texnikoys h organwtikoys den estaqh dynaton na yparjei symptwsh twn hmeromhniwn entos twn opoiwn eprepe na ginei ayth h episkech. Kai etsi h episkech ayth, telikws, den exei programmatisqei.

GARGALAKOS: Shmera ston Typo dhmosieyetai h plhroforia oti o k. Tsoxatzopoylos antedrase sthn apofash toy k. Shmith na antikatasthsei to Dioikhth ths Eqnikhs Trapezas ths Ellados, ton k. Mirko. Exete eseis kapoia enhmerwsh ep' aytoy;

REPPAS: Poy antedrase; Ekane kapoia dhlwsh dhmosiws o k. Tsoxatzopoylos;

GARGALAKOS: Sas eipa oti dhmosieyetai h plhroforia. Qa exete diabasei, fantazomai, ton Typo.

REPPAS: Einai mia plhroforia thn opoia exei h sygkekrimenh efhmerida. Den exw kanena logo na sxoliasw tis plhrofories mias efhmeridas.

GARGALAKOS: Yparxei kapoia antidrash toy k. Tsoxatzopoyloy;

REPPAS: Pisteyw oti ekfrazontai apoceis entos Organwn, isws, apo stelexh toy PASOK h Ypoyrgoys. Alla qa moy epitrecete na pw oti, otan aytes den ginontai me enan tropo epishmo, einai poly dyskolo na elegjw, oxi mono an einai etsi opws apodidontai oi dhlwseis aytes h oi skeceis h oi idees, alla einai dyskolo na elegjoyme akomh kai to an yparxoyn. Giati, polles fores, plhroforoymeqa apo MME peri qematwn ta opoia den exoyn anakycei poyqena alloy, para mono se ayta ta idia ta Mesa. Kai ayto den qelw na to sxoliasw.

KARELIAS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, mporeite na mas peite poios einai ypeyqynos gia thn allagh twn epikefalhs twn Dhmosiwn Organismwn, twn Trapezwn gia paradeigma;

REPPAS: O k. Prwqypoyrgos exei zhthsei apo oloys toys Ypoyrgoys, eggrafws, na toy kataqesoyn protaseis gia thn stelexwsh twn Organismwn toys opoioys epopteyoyn. Nomizw oti oi Ypoyrgoi exoyn kataqesei tis protaseis aytes. Kai, se synergasia me ton k. Prwqypoyr- go, poy bebaiws exei thn telikh kai apofasistikh gnwmh, lambanontai oi apofaseis.

KARELIAS: Ara, o Prwqypoyrgos qa parei apofash;

REPPAS: Ayto einai aytonohto. De nomizw na syzhtoyme ta aytonohta.

KARELIAS: Mporeite na mas peite tote, pws ejhgeitai h dhlwsh toy Ypoyrgoy toy k. Anwmerith - kai ayto einai dhlwsh, den einai diarroh - oti oi apofaseis aytes den mporoyn na lambanontai oyte apo ton Prwqypoyrgo oyte apo toys Ypoyrgoys, alla mono apo to Komma;

REPPAS: Nomizw oti to Komma einai enas qesmos toy opoioy thn ajia kai th xrhsimothta oloi anagnwrizoyme, alla h syntetagmenh Politeia mas exei problecei sygkekrimena organa ta opoia kaloyntai na laboyn sygkekrimenes apofaseis. Kai th sygkekrimenh apofash th lambanei o Prwqypoyrgos se synennohsh me ton Ypoyrgo o opoios epopteyei enos sygkekrimenoy Organismoy.

KANAS: Yphrje eishghsh toy armodioy Ypoyrgoy gia to proswpo toy k. Karatza;

REPPAS: Nomizw, oti egine se apolyth synergasia toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton Ypoyrgo Eqnikhs Oikonomias.

KANELLOPOYLOS: Eixe syzhthqei kai eixe egkrinei to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio thn antikatastash ths Dioikhshs ths Eqnikhs Trapezas;

REPPAS: Sas eipa kai pali oti epi twn qematwn aytwn yparxoyn organa ta opoia problepetai oti exoyn thn armodiothta na apofasisoyn. Kai ta organa ayta apofasisan kai h apofash toys sas einai gnwsth.

KACAMPELHS: Einai stis proqeseis toy Prwqypoyrgoy, - meta to dhmosiografiko, kat' esas, qorybo poy dhmioyrgeitai - gia tis epomenes allages stis dioikhseis Trapezwn kai DEKO, na ginei prin tis allages sxetikh syzhthsh p.x. sthn Kybernhtikh Epitroph;

REPPAS: O k. Prwqypoyrgos qa antimetwpisei kaq' oson ton afora, ayta ta qemata, me toys tropoys kai tis diadikasies poy exoyn qespistei kai einai symfwnes me toys Nomoys basei twn opoiwn leitoyrgei to Ellhniko Kratos.

KANELLOPOLOS: O Prwqypoyrgos exei zhthsei tis apoceis twn Ypoyrgwn mono gia allages stis Dioikhseis twn DEKO h kai twn Grammatewn;

REPPAS: O k. Prwqypoyrgos exei zhthsei apo toys Ypoyrgoys na toy proteinoyn opoiesdhpo- te skeceis exoyn gia th stelexwsh twn politikwn qesewn twn Ypoyrgeiwn toys - kai twn Genikwn Grammatewn symperilambanomenwn - opws epishs kai twn Dioikhsewn twn Organismwn toys opoioys epopteyoyn. Ayto einai aytonohto.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Eseis proteinate;

REPPAS: Allh erwthsh; O k. Zerbonikolakhs.

ZERBONIKOLAKHS: Jerete an to brady prokeitai na synanthqei o Prwqypoyrgos me ton Proedro toy PASOK;

REPPAS: To eipame apo xqes ayto. Stis 8:30 to brady o Prwqypoyrgos qa synanthsei ton k. Papandreoy, ton Proedro toy PASOK, sto Wnaseio. Einai gnwsto apo xqes ayto. O k. Filhs den shkwnei pia to xeri!

FILHS: Apogohteyqhka na perimenw!

REPPAS: Sas exoyne sth diaita oi synadelfoi sas! Olo sas pairnoyn to logo!

FILHS: Eimaste mesa sto genikotero pneyma ths Kybernhsews peri litothtas.

REPPAS: Mprabo! Esas, omws, blepw den sas plhttei kaqoloy! Alla einai gnwsto oti den symfwneite me ayth thn politikh, gia ayto.

FILHS: Anqistamai, kyrie Ypoyrge.

REPPAS: Se akoyw Niko.

FILHS: H erwthsh einai h ejhs: O k. Proedros ths Boylhs, me eggrafo toy pros ton k. Ypoyrgo Dikaiosynhs, zhta eisaggelea na diereynhsei an diepraxqhsan poinikhs fysews adikhmata apo ta kanalia kai ta Mesa Enhmerwshs kata thn kalych twn ellhno-toyrkikwn gegonotwn. Ayto einai to poiniko meros. Se o,ti afora to qema ths deontologias, eseis ws armodios kai epopteywn to Radiothleoptiko Symboylio Ypoyrgos, protiqeste na parete kapoia prwtoboylia wste na diapistwsete me bash ths kataggelies poy yparxoyn an yphrje parabiash ths dhmosiografikhs deontologias kata thn kalych twn gegonotwn;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete oti to Eqniko Radiothleoptiko Symboylio eyaisqhtopoihqhke kai me dikh toy prwtoboylia, hdh asxoleitai me to qema to opoio qesate. Ayto mas ikanopoiei. Poly perissotero poy einai ena Organo to opoio problecame kai sthn prajh apodeiknyetai oti einai pollaplws xrhsimo. Qa perimenoyme thn ejetash epi toy qematos poy qa kanei kai qa enhmerwqeite kai eseis gia ta porismata ta opoia qa bgalei.

KARASABBA: Exei kaqoristei h hmeromhnia enarjhs ths periodeias toy Prwqypoyrgoy sthn Eyrwph;

REPPAS: Nomizw oti tis epomenes hmeres, ka Karasabba, qa exoyme th dynatothta na anakoinwsoyme leptomerws to programma.

KARASABBA: Sthn Oyasingkton;

REPPAS: Den exei anakoinwqei hmeromhnia giati - opws gnwrizete - prokeitai entos Maioy na episkefqei tis HPA o Proedros ths Ellhnikhs Dhmokratias. Kai akoma einai ypo ejetash an qa ginei to tajidi toy Ellhna Prwqypoyrgoy stis HPA, pro ths episkecews ekei toy Ellhna Proedroy ths Dhmokratias. Pragma to opoio - epanalambanw kai pali - qa apofasisqei tis epomenes hmeres.

KARAKWSTAS: Hqela na sas rwthsw an alhqeyei h feromenh ws dhlwsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy kata th diarkeia ths omilias toy shmera sthn Koinoboyleytikh Omada symfwna me thn opoia eipe: "Mporei na eginan kapoia laqh, qa anatrecoyme to klima poy einai aporroia toy parelqontos" . Hqela na rwthsw kat' arxas an isxyei ayth h dhlwsh. Kai deyteron, an isxyei, synista apodokimasia ths prohgoymenhs Kybernhshs;

REPPAS: Ma, an synistoyse apodokimasia ths prohgoymenhs Kybernhshs, h opoia qesh ekfrazei o k. Shmiths pisteyw oti qa eixe odhghsei ton k. Shmith sto na mh symperilabei sto oionei triptyxo toy - as to pw etsi - th lejh "synexeia". Pragma poy shmainei pws anagnwrizei th qetikh prosfora pros thn patrida kai to lao ths prohgoymenhs Kybernhshs ypo ton Andrea Papandreoy kai qewrei oti h Kybernhsh ypo ton idio einai mia Kybernhsh poy den exei tipota allo na kanei, para na beltiwsei akribws to ergo ths Kybernhshs, to ergo to opoio prosefere h prohgoymenh Kybernhsh.

KACAMPELHS: Dedomenwn olwn aytwn poy lete, o k. Prwqypoyrgos h o k. Ypoyrgos twn Ejwterikwn mhpws protiqentai na zhthsoyn kai th synergasia toy prwhn Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn toy k. Papoylia o opoios - kata ton Typo panta - exei ekfrasei barytates apoceis gia thn politikh ths Kybernhsews; Gia na yparxei ayth h synexeia.

REPPAS: Prepei na pw oti h synergasia twn armodiwn Ypoyrgwn me boyleytes kai stelexh toy PASOK einai synexhs. Parakalw, na to dexqeite ayto. Oti epeidh akribws h Kybernhsh eyreqh, sta prwta ths kiolas bhmata, antimetwph me ena megalo qema, o Prwqypoyrgos kai oi Ypoyrgoi exoyn mia synergasia poy den anakoinwnetai pantote. Giati qewreitai oti pia den apotelei eidhsh aytoy toy eidoys h synergasia me ola ta stelexh kai toys boyleytes oi opoioi exoyn kati qetiko na prosferoyn sthn prospaqeia ths Kybernhshs na exei mia pio oloklhrwme- nh kai pio apotelesmatikh politikh.

PARIS: Giati kyrie Ypoyrge, meiwqhke to pososto twn metoxwn toy OTE poy qa mpei sto xrhmatisthrio;

REPPAS: Kriname to pososto ayto ws ikanopoihtiko. To paketo twn metoxwn poy qa eisaxqei sto xrhmatisthrio, proerxetai opws jerete apo thn ayjhsh toy metoxikoy kafalaioy. Qa yparjei isws 1% - 2% akomh. Alla kriqhke oti ayto to pososto einai ikanopoihtiko wste o OTE na exei mia kalh paroysia sto ellhniko kai ta dieqnh xrhmatisthria kai na mporesei etsi na antlhsei ygieis poroys gia to eksyxronistiko toy programma.

PARIS: Pote mpainei sto xrhmatisthrio;

REPPAS: Qa to doyme.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Epeidh opws moy epishmanate den metexw sthn Koinoboyleytikh Omada...

REPPAS: An to qelete, egw sas proteinw gia ypochfio sta chfodeltia toy PASOK. Gia na symmetexete. Na exete th dynatothta na symmetexete.

STAMATOPOYLOS: ...epeidh eseis symmetexete, posoi boyleytes, mexri thn wra poy fygate zhthsan thn apomakrynsh toy k. Pagkaloy kai toy k. Arsenh;

REPPAS: Oyte enas. Sas diabebaiw, oyte enas. Kai an gnwrizete poioi exoyn milhsei...

STAMATOPOYLOS: Jerw, sas eyxaristw.

REPPAS: Asfalws jerete, alla fantazomai oti den amfiballete pws gnwrizw kai egw. Sas eyxaristw para poly.

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