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BRIEFING 12-01-96Greek Government Press Release DirectoryFrom: Hellenic Ministry of Press <>YPOYRGEIO TYPOY KAI MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHS 12/01/96H ENHMERWSH TWN POLITIKWN SYNTAKTWN KAI TWN ANTAPOKRITWN JENOY TYPOY APO TON YPOYRGO TYPOY KAI MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHS KAI KYBERNHTIKO EKPROSWPO k. THLEMAXO XYTHRHKalhmera sas. Zhtw syggnwmh gia thn kaqysterhsh. Arxizoyme amesws.* Maqhma prwton: Peri allhlografias toy... Arxhgoy ths Ajiwmatikhs Antipoliteyshs! -Pisteyw oti o k. Ebert qa dwsei eparkeis ejhghseis sto komma toy gia ton tropo me ton opoio xeirizetai orismena qemata, etsi opws ta xeirizetai. -O k. Ebert esteile mia epistolh, h opoia einai qesmikh, pros ton Prwqypoyrgo. Den einai mia filikh epistolh, den einai eyxes. Thn esteile ston k. Kremastino. -Den thn esteile ston k. Kremastino ws Ypoyrgo, dioti o k. Kremastinos einai anarmodios na thn labei kai na thn paradwsei ston Prwqypoyrgo. -Den thn esteile ston k. Kremastino ws iatro, dioti tote o k. Kremastinos qa prepei na anoijei thn eswkleisth epistolh, na thn diabasei gia na dei ti synepeies exei to keimeno ths epistolhs ayths pros ton arrwsto toy. -Kata synepeia, ontws, einai anarmodios kai sth mia kai sthn allh periptwsh. -Gi' ayto, o k. Ebert eprepe na jerei oti mia tetoia epistolh qa eprepe na thn steilei alloy: Ston anaplhroynta, p.x., ton Prwqypoyrgo, sto Idiaitero Grafeio toy Prwqypoyrgoy. Oxi monon den ekane ayto, oxi monon diepraje to laqos ayto, alla taytoxrona apeilei me neoterh epistolh toy kai me dhlwseis toy gia eisaggeleis kai alla tetoia flhnafhmata, prospaqwntas na dhmioyrghsei entypwseis h prospaqwntas na deijei oti kanei mia politikh, h opoia exei kapoia strathgikh taxa h kapoia taktikh taxa, apenanti sthn Kybernhsh kai apenanti stis ejelijeis. -Ola ayta apodeiknyoyn, gia mia akomh fora, oti einai aneyqynos o k. Ebert. Den einai sobara ayta ta opoia kanei kai leei. Einai gnwston oti qelei na ginei Prwqypoyrgos. To erwthma einai an kanei gia Arxhgos ths Ajiwmatikhs Antipoliteyshs. ** Yparxei mia fwtografia shmera se prwtoselido efhmeridas, malista dhmosieyetai h fwtografia ayth kai se polles alles efhmerides, mia fwtografia poy kanei kai to gyro ths Eyrwphs, toy kosmoy kai h opoia apeikonizei enan Toyrko stratiwth, o opoios krata sta xeria toy kai epideiknyei ena kommeno kefali skotwmenoy Koyrdoy. Nomizw oti h fwtografia ayth milaei apo monh ths, ta leei ola en etei 1996. H Toyrkikh Kybernhsh ofeilei na dwsei ejhghseis, an yparxoyn ejhghseis, sth dieqnh koinothta. Ayta apo pleyras moy. Eimai etoimos na dexqw tis erwthseis sas, oi opoies qa einai polles kai endiaferoyses. Oriste o k. Kiaos. KIAOS: Sto prwto qema, epeidh eipate oti o k. Ebert eprepe na gnwrizei pws qa eprepe na steilei thn epistolh toy sto Idiaitero Grafeio toy Prwqypoyrgoy. Dhladh, ean thn estelne sth Dieyqyntria toy Idiaiteroy Grafeioy toy k. Prwqypoyrgoy, h Dieyqyntria toy Idiaiteroy Grafeioy qa thn edine ston anaplhroynta ton Prwqypoyrgo; XYTHRHS: Ayto einai allo qema. To qema einai poy thn esteile ston k. Kremastino. Kai o k. Kremastinos eipe oti "eimai anarmodios" kai o k. Ebert ejemanh kai kanei dhlwseis kai stelnei alles epistoles k.lp. Na thn steilei o k. Ebert thn epistolh ekei poy prepei na thn steilei. SKOYRHS: Eipate k. Ekproswpe oti o k. Ebert esteile thn epistolh ston k. Kremastino, den thn esteile omws ston k. Kremastino ws iatro, giati tote o k. Kremastinos qa eprepe na anoijei thn kleisth epistolh, na thn diabasei gia na diapistwsei ti synepeies qa eixe to keimeno ths epistolhs gia ton asqenh toy. XYTHRHS: Bebaiws. SKOYRHS: Qa hqela loipon na rwthsw: H enhmerwsh poy dexetai o Prwqypoyrgos, prepei na einai "filtrarismenh", gia na mhn exei synepeies gia thn ygeia toy; XYTHRHS: Den katalaba. Exoyme pei apo thn prwth stigmh oti o Prwqypoyrgos - kai to jeroyme oloi mas - kai arrwstos einai - to gnwrizei olh h xwra, to jerei olos o kosmos - kai epishs exoyme pei oti ejartatai apo toys giatroys, gia tis synanthseis poy exei o Prwqypoyr- gos kai gia tis synomilies. Den to exoyme apokrycei ayto, einai mia pragmatikothta. Kai to jerei kai o k. Ebert. MOYRTZHS: Mporei na exei dysarestes synepeies sthn cyxologia toy Prwqypoyrgoy k.lp., h synanthsh twn "qesmikwn", poy qa pane na toy zhthsoyn thn paraithsh; XYTHRHS: Den sxoliazw thn erwthsh sas. Gia th synanthsh exoyme pei oti elpizoyme kai prospaqoyme na doqei h dynatothta ston Prwqypoyrgo na exei tis synanthseis kai thn enhmerwsh poy prepei na exei. To gnwrizete ayto. MOYRTZHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, paraithsh zhthse o k. Ebert, paraithsh qa zhthsoyn kai ta melh toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy. XYTHRHS: Ayto einai diko sas sxolio. Emeis eipame gia synanthsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ta stelexh toy PASOK kai ths Kybernhshs. ZERBONIKOLAKHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, exete pei oti einai aparaithto na akoysete kai thn apoch toy Prwqypoyrgoy. XYTHRHS: Bebaiws. ZERBONIKOLAKHS: Prepei aparaithtws na einai eyxaristh ayth h apoch gia na mhn exei dysaresta apotelesmata gia ton Prwqypoyrgo; XYTHRHS: Ayto giati to lete; ZERBONIKOLAKHS: Symfwna me... XYTHRHS: Otan jekinate apo thn epistolh toy k. Ebert, o opoios ekane laqos kai thn esteile ekei poy thn esteile... ZERBONIKOLAKHS: Ma, einai laqos typiko h... Eseis mas eipate... XYTHRHS: Den yparxoyn laqh typika gia ton Arxhgo ths Ajiwmatikhs Antipoliteyshs. Ola ta laqh toy einai oysiastika. Kai ayto. BAREMENOS: Ektos apo tis epiptwseis poy mporei na exei opoiadhpote parotrynsh ston Prwqypoyrgo na paraithqei, egw qa sas rwthsw kati allo: O k. Kremastinos leei shmera se synenteyjh toy oti osoi briskontai sthn entatikh, den mporoyn na exoyn antikeimenikh krish h apofash gia ena opoiodhpote shmantiko qema kai epikaleitai tis apofaseis dikasthriwn se periptwseis poy asqeneis eyriskomenoi sthn entatikh, ekanan - as poyme - diaqhkes, tis akyrwse to dikasthrio. Oper shmainei oti o Prwqypoyrgos - symfwna me ta legomena toy k. Kremastinoy - den einai se qesh na dwsei mia apanthsh antikeimenikh, opws th leei me oro episthmoniko. XYTHRHS: O k. Kremastinos leei polla sth synenteyjh toy, th diabasame oloi mas. O k. Kremastinos gnwrizei th synanthsh - poy epikeitai - toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias me ton Prwqypoyrgo. Shmera malista yparxei kai mia anakoinwsh apo thn Proedria ths Dhmokratias. BAREMENOS: Me sygxwreite, mhpws yponoeite... XYTHRHS: Den yponow tipota. O k. Kremastinos gnwrizei th synanthsh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias me ton Prwqypoyrgo. BAREMENOS: An den yponoeite oti o Prwqypoyrgos qa paraithqei, an den yponoeite ayto to pragma, den leei tipota h apanthsh sas sthn erwthsh poy sas ekana. XYTHRHS: Den yponow tipota. BAREMENOS: Ektos kai yponoeite... XYTHRHS: Ayto poy lew einai oti o k. Kremastinos gnwrizei gia th synanthsh. BAREMENOS: Wraia. Kai pws apantaei... XYTHRHS: Poy shmainei oti o k. Kremastinos gnwrizei akribws thn katastash toy Prwqypoyr- goy kai epomenws, epitrepei na ginei h synanthsh. Ayto ws dedomeno. Kai etsi einai. ZERBONIKOLAKHS: Ean to Dikaio den anagnwrizei prajeis anqrwpwn poy briskontai sthn entatikh kai tis akyrwnei, den exei shmasia to ti qa gnwmateysei o k. Kremastinos. To Dikaio ayto leei. XYTHRHS: Gia mas, shmasia exei na ginei h synanthsh, meta thn epiqymia toy Prwqypoyrgoy, me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. Na ginei mia tetoia synanthsh. Epishs, shmasia exei gia to PASOK, gia thn Kybernhsh, gia to komma, na ginei mia synanthsh me ton Prwqypoyrgo, en ocei ths sygklhshs ths Kentrikhs Epitrophs, en ocei twn ejelijewn, gia na exoyme thn apoch toy. Ta ypoloipa sxolia dika sas. MIXAHL: H apanthsh sas prohgoymenws htan: Gia mas, shmasia exei h synanthsh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias me ton Prwqypoyrgo. XYTHRHS: Bebaiws. Afoy anakoinwqhke. MIXAHL: Tote, qa mas peite poia einai h shmasia poy dinete se ayth th synanthsh; XYTHRHS: Th shmasia, thn kaqorizei o idios o Prwqypoyrgos, o opoios kai epiqymei ayth th synanthsh. Apo th stigmh poy einai epiqymia toy Prwqypoyrgoy, exei shmasia, bebaiws. Kai gia mas kai gia sas, ap' o,ti gnwrizw. KIAOS: Exete ypoch sas thn anakoinwsh poy ekdoqhke apo to Grafeio Typoy ths Proedrias ths Dhmokratias; Sthn anakoinwsh ayth ginetai logos gia "katallhlo xrono". H Proedria ths Dhmokratias qa orisei ton "katallhlo xrono"; XYTHRHS: Den einai h qesh moy na sxoliasw tis anakoinwseis ths Proedrias ths Dhmokratias. Alla leei h anakoinwsh ayth (me logia dika moy) oti opoia stigmh einai h pleon katallhlh, tote o Proedros ths Dhmokratias qa episkefqei ton Prwqypoyrgo. MIXAHL: Poios qa krinei ton "katallhlo xrono"; XYTHRHS: Ayto leei h anakoinwsh poy sas eipa. KOYIN: Ean epidoqei telika h epistolh toy k. Ebert ston k. Tsoxatzopoylo, o teleytaios qa thn diabibasei ston Prwqypoyrgo; XYTHRHS: To qema einai poy eprepe na stalei h epistolh. Na stalei ekei poy prepei na stalei. Kai apo ekei kai pera, qa yparjei kai h apanthsh ston k. Ebert. KOYIN: H epistolh ayth poy brisketai ayth th stigmh; XYTHRHS: H epistolh ayth brisketai sta xeria toy k. Kremastinoy, o opoios shmera to prwi esteile mia allh epistolh ston k. Ebert (giati telika yparxei allhlografia metajy twn kyriwn Ebert kai Kremastinoy) kai poy leei oti "h epistolh ayth einai edw sth diaqesh sas. Den eimai egw armodios na thn paralabei kai na thn prowqhsei". DHMOSIOGRAFOS: Giati den thn epestrece; Afoy einai anarmodios o k. Kremastinos na paralabei thn epistolh toy k. Ebert, giati den thn epestrece; XYTHRHS: Ayto leei ston k. Ebert: Oti "thn exw edw sth diaqesh sas. Na thn parete pisw an qelete, na thn dwsw ston k. Tsoxatzopoylo, an qelete, opws prepei ws Ypoyrgos h o,ti allo moy peite". BAREMENOS: O k. Kremastinos ti thn ekane thn epistolh, prin antidrasei o k. Ebert; Thn ebale sto tsepaki toy kai thn kratoyse; XYTHRHS: Yparxei mia kleisth epistolh sta xeria toy k. Kremastinoy. BAREMENOS: Ma, antidra o k. Ebert kai bgainei o k. Kremastinos kai leei "exw edw thn epistolh". Kai erwtw: ti thn ekane thn epistolh; XYTHRHS: Ti thn ekane; BAREMENOS: Nai. XYTHRHS: Thn exei ekei. Ti na thn kanei; BAREMENOS: Dhladh, an den antidroyse o k. Ebert; XYTHRHS: Einai dyo epistoles: Mia epistolh pros ton k. Kremastino kai mia epistolh kleisth pros ton k. Prwqypoyrgo. KOYMANAKOY: Den thn anoije dhladh pote o k. Kremastinos thn epistolh toy k. Ebert poy apeyqynetai ston k. Prwqypoyrgo; XYTHRHS: Oxi, bebaia. DHMOSIOGRAFOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, ginetai logos gia kapoio senario kai an qelete moy dinete apanthsh. To senario ayto anaferei oti otan o Proedros ths Dhmokratias qa episkefqei ton Prwqypoyrgo sto Wnaseio, o Prwqypoyrgos qa orisei anaplhrwth Prwqypoyrgo h metabatiko Prwqypoyrgo. Ayto entassetai sto plaisio politikhs lyshs poy exei xarajei to Ektelestiko Grafeio; XYTHRHS: Sas eipa: Prwton, oti menoyme sthn apofash toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy. Deyteron, oson afora th synanthsh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias me ton Prwqypoyrgo, sas eipa oti qa einai mia enhmerwtikh synanthsh. O Prwqypoyrgos qelei na dei ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias kai na enhmerwqei apo ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias, o opoios einai kai o Anwtatos Arxwn. MIXAHL: Gia poio pragma; XYTHRHS: Kai na pei kai tis apoceis toy ston Proedro ths Dhmokratias gia tis ejelijeis. Ena einai to pragma poy syzhtame. KIAOS: Me sygxwreite, o Prwqypoyrgos qa zhthsei enhmerwsh apo ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias; XYTHRHS: Thn apoch toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias. KIAOS: Dhladh, an moy epitrepete na rwthsw pio sygkekrimena: Qa pei o Prwqypoyrgos ston Proedro ths Dhmokratias oti briskomaste mprosta se ena ojy politiko problhma, kata thn apofash toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy kai poia einai h apoch sas, kyrie Proedre, prokeimenoy na to lysoyme; XYTHRHS: Ton dialogo poy epixeireite na kanete oti qa ginei, qa sas ton pw thn epomenh ths synanthsews. KIAOS: Entajei, mhn menete "mot a mot", mporei na mhn ginei kan etsi. XYTHRHS: Qa ginei syzhthsh, enhmerwsh. KIAOS: Oxi, sas erwtw... XYTHRHS: Einai dyo politikoi andres, oi opoioi qa syzhthsoyn, opws to exoyn kanei polles fores. KIAOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, qa epimeinw... XYTHRHS: Kai qa poyn tis apoceis toys. KIAOS: Epeidh eipate oti qa zhthsei enhmerwsh o Prwqypoyrgos apo ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias... XYTHRHS: "Enhmerwsh" shmainei poia einai h apoch toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias. KIAOS: H apoch, akribws. XYTHRHS: Bebaiws. KIAOS: Kai epeidh exoyme ena sygkekrimeno xeiropiasto problhma symfwna me to Ektelestiko Grafeio kai ta stelexh toy PASOK (gia na mhn pw kai alloys kybernhtikoys paragontes, poy omiloyn gia ojy politiko problhma) epi toy ojeos aytoy politikoy problhmatos qa zhthsei thn apoch; XYTHRHS: Den jerw. Otan qa zhthsei thn apoch o Prwqypoyrgos... KIAOS: Gia poio pragma, o Prwqypoyrgos qa zhthsei thn apoch toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias; XYTHRHS: Qelete na sas pw ti qa kanei akribws kai pws akribws qa milhsei o Andreas Papandreoy ston Proedro ths Dhmokratias; Otan ginei h synanthsh, qa ta poyme. MIXAHL: Yparxei ena problhma to opoio den einai kaqoloy typiko, einai apolytws oysias. O Proedros ths Dhmokratias mporei na exei opoiesdhpote apoceis qelei. Kai opoiadhpote gnwmh. Den exei dikaiwma na thn ekfrasei. An o Prwqypoyrgos th zhthsei, aythn thn protash, einai san na toy leei "pes moy ti les esy gia to problhma kai meta qa apofasisw egw ti qa kanw". Dhladh, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias ti rolo qa paijei; XYTHRHS: Otan briskontai dyo andres kai malista toy qesmikoy epipedoy toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias kai toy Prwqypoyrgoy syzhtoyn metajy toys. MIXAHL: Genikws, "ante, breqhkame kai ta eipame"; XYTHRHS: Sas parakalw, ayto exei ginei epaneilhmmenws. Einai xiliades oi synanthseis aytoy toy eidoys poy lambanoyn xwra. MIXAHL: Syggnwmh poy epimenw: Otan ginontan synanthseis toy Prwqypoyrgoy, prin mpei sto Wnaseio, ebgaine anakoinwsh kai elege: "enhmerwse o Proedros ths Kybernhshs ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias gia ta sygkekrimena qemata, ejwterika, eswterika k.lp.". Twra, leei o Prwqypoyrgos, "ela Proedre na ta poyme, na se dw, na moy peis th gnwmh soy gia na dw ti qa apofasisw egw". XYTHRHS: Ayto to lete eseis. Egw den eipa ayto. DHMOSIOGRAFOS: Qema anakoinwshs apofasewn apo ton Prwqypoyrgo tiqetai sth synanthsh ayth h qa einai apla kai monon enhmerwtikh; XYTHRHS: Sas eipa kai xqes oti pisteyw pws qa einai mia synanthsh enhmerwtikh. DHMOSIOGRAFOS: An einai mono enhmerwtikh h synanthsh, o ryqmisths toy politeymatos, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias metatrepetai se symboylo toy Prwqypoyrgoy. Einai ligo anakoloyqa ayta. XYTHRHS: Sas parakalw, anakoloyqa einai osa akoygontai edw me tis erwthseis sas. Otan synantwntai dyo andres, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias kai o Prwqypoyrgos, syzhtoyn metajy toys, antallassoyn apoceis. Poy einai h anakoloyqia; ROYMPANHS: Yparxei kapoio shmeio adieykrinisto. XYTHRHS: Poio einai to adieykrinisto shmeio; Na to akoysw. ROYMPANHS: Ayto poy qa sas pw. O Proedros ths Dhmokratias gnwrizei thn apofash toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy toy PASOK. O k. Skandalidhs exei enhmerwsei ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. Etsi den einai; Prin synanthqei o Proedros ths Dhmokratias me ton Prwqypoyr- go, o k. Skandalidhs qa enhmerwsei ton Prwqypoyrgo gia thn apofash toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy; XYTHRHS: Kat'arxhn, eipame oti einai mia synanthsh h opoia einai enhmerwtikh. O Prwqypoyr- gos arxizei apo ton Anwtato Arxonta, opws kai prepei, kai den gnwrizoyme pws qa teqei, pws qa qesei o Prwqypoyrgos ston Proedro ths Dhmokratias to qema ths syzhthshs. To qema ths syzhthshs, profanws, einai to politiko problhma. O Prwqypoyrgos gnwrizei oti leipei apo thn politikh skhnh 50 meres. To qema poy mporei na syzhthsei me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias den einai mono to politiko problhma, einai kai oi synepeies toy. Yparxoyn polles ptyxes toy problhmatos, tis opoies o Prwqypoyrgos ejefrase thn epiqymia na syzhthsei me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. Den xreiazetai na milame parapanw h na ginomai manths ths synanthshs ayths. ROYMPANHS: Den moy dwsate apanthsh, me sygxwreite poy epanerxomai. Yparxei ena oysiastiko kombiko shmeio. H enhmerwsh... XYTHRHS: Rwtate an gnwrizei o Prwqypoyrgos thn apofash... ROYMPANHS: Mporei na mhn thn jerei. An problepetai kapoia synanthsh me to Grammatea toy Kommatos gia na ton enhmerwsei gia thn apofash; XYTHRHS: Ayto poy exei anakoinwqei einai h synanthsh me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. Apo ekei kai pera o Prwqypoyrgos mporei na zhthsei prin h meta na synanthqei me opoio apo ta stelexh toy PASOK qelhsei. Den yparxei qema. ZERBONIKOLAKHS: Mas lete oti qa kanei mia syzhthsh me ton Anwtato Arxonta xwris na gnwrizei basika dedomena. Kai einai basiko stoixeio... XYTHRHS: Gnwrizete ti qelei ton Anwtato Arxonta; ZERBONIKOLAKHS: Gnwrizei thn apofash toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy o Prwqypoyrgos; XYTHRHS: Den jerete ean qa syzhthsei gia thn apofash toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. Poios sas eipe oti qa syzhthsei thn apofash toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy; ROYMPANHS: To politiko problhma tiqetai apo thn apofash toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy. XYTHRHS: To politiko problhma den jerete pws qa to qesei o k. Papandreoy ston Proedro ths Dhmokratias. KOYIN: Mporeite na mas dieykrinisete to epipedo ths politikhs enhmerwshs toy Prwqypoyr- goy, poy brisketai ayth th stigmh; Xqes, milwntas sthn ET1, dwsate na katalabei o kosmos oti sxedon hjere ta panta gia tis politikes ejelijeis. Mporeite na mas peite se poio epipedo brisketai h enhmerwsh toy; XYTHRHS: Epanerxomaste sto xqesino, dhladh na erxomai edw kai na dieykrinizw tis synenteyjeis poy edwsa se Mesa Mazikhs Enhmerwshs. KOYIN: Mporeite na mas peite, an jerete, ti gnwrizei o Prwqypoyrgos gia thn politikh katastash; DHMOSIOGRAFOS: Den einai asxhmo... (den akoygetai). XYTHRHS: Bebaiws, gia sas den einai kaqoloy asxhmo. Oso perissotero milaei o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos toso kalytera einai. Sas eipa oti o k. Papandreoy gnwrizei oti brisketai 50 hmeres ektos ths politikhs skhnhs. Gnwrizei gia thn protash momfhs, gnwrizei gia diafora kairia gegonota ths periodoy ayths. Einai se qesh o Andreas Papandreoy - kai den to amfisbhtei kaneis sas - kai me bash ta dedomena ayta, na antilambanetai to problhma poy exei anakycei. Gi'ayto kai zhthse na dei ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. As meinoyme ekei, as mhn epanerxomaste. ROYMPANHS: Poia einai ta kairia gegonota gia ta opoia eipate oti exei enhmerwqei o Prwqypoyrgos; Ta gnwrizete; XYTHRHS: Ta kairia gegonota, ta gnwrizoyme oloi mas. Kai poly perissotero oi dhmosiogra- foi. ROYMPANHS: O Prwqypoyrgos leme an ta gnwrizei. XYTHRHS: Sas eipa. Einai h protash momfhs poy ypeblhqh, einai o Proypologismos poy syzhthqhke sth Boylh, einai to tajidi sth Madrith toy anaplhrwth Prwqypoyrgoy, einai h Kentrikh Epitroph h opoia syneklhqh. KANELLOPOYLOS: qewreite kairio gegonos oti h pleiochfia sxedon twn stelexwn toy PASOK zhtei antikatastash toy Prwqypoyrgoy; Ayto to gegonos to opoio egw qewrw oti einai to pio kyrio, o Prwqypoyrgos gnwrizei... XYTHRHS: Sas eipa oti o Prwqypoyrgos exei synaisqhsh toy politikoy problhmatos. DHMOSIOGRAFOS: Gnwrizei to logo gia ton opoio sygkaleitai h Kentrikh Epitroph; XYTHRHS: Sas eipa oti o Prwqypoyrgos exei synaisqhsh kai antilhch toy yparxontos problhmatos. KANELLOPOYLOS: Mia aporia. Eipate oti den jerete pws qa qesei o Prwqypoyrgos to politiko zhthma. Endexetai o Prwqypoyrgos na qesei to politiko zhthma diaforetika ap' o,ti leei h apofash toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy. Ti ginetai s'ayth thn periptwsh; XYTHRHS: Mhn kanete sxolia gia mia synanthsh poy prokeitai na ginei kai gia mia syzhthsh poy prokeitai na ginei. MIXAHL: Ws Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos qa qelate na sxoliasete osa dhlwse xqes se synenteyjh toy o Proedros ths Boylhs kai melos toy E.G. toy PASOK; Oxi oson afora ston idion, bebaia. XYTHRHS: Exoyn ginei polles dhlwseis, exoyn eipwqei polla pragmata olon ayton ton kairo. Prepei na pw oti genikws, o kaqenas krinei apo monos toy kai ton xrono kai ton tropo me ton opoion qetei ta problhmata kai tis apoceis toy. Den exw na sxoliasw kanenan. SKOYRHS: Eipate oti o Prwqypoyrgos qa exei enan kyklo syzhthsewn, arxhs genomenhs apo ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias. Qa hqela na sas rwthsw: poioys alloys qa dei o Prwqypoyr- gos; XYTHRHS: Otan qa yparjei allh synanthsh, qa sas anakoinwqei. BAREMENOS: Ena entelws praktiko erwthma, kyrie Ypoyrge. H efhmerida "TO PONTIKI" anaferei shmera se dhmosieyma ths oti o Prwqypoyrgos den eixe trichfio thlefwno - kai to dhmosieyma perilambanei ntokoymenta - oyte stoy Majimoy, oyte sthn Ekalh, oyte sth Boylh. XYTHRHS: Den exei dei pote toy trichfio thlefwno! BAREMENOS: Oxi, den leei ayto. XYTHRHS: A, den to leei ayto! Pali kala! BAREMENOS: Qelw na sas rwthsw... XYTHRHS: O Prwqypoyrgos eixe panta kai pantoy portokali thlefwno. BAREMENOS: Anaferei, loipon, to dhmosieyma oti ta portokali thlefwna einai sto onoma ths syzygoy toy kai enos - dyo symboylwn. XYTHRHS: O Prwqypoyrgos eixe pantote trichfio thlefwno kai sthn Ekalh kai sto Majimoy kai sth Boylh kai sto ejwteriko, otan phgaine. ZERBONIKOLAKHS: Einai plasto to ntokoymento poy dhmosieyei shmera to "PONTIKI"; XYTHRHS: Akoysate thn apanthsh moy. ZERBONIKOLAKHS: Se ayto qelw na apanthsete. Yparxei ena eggrafo. XYTHRHS: H apanthsh moy einai: o Prwqypoyrgos eixe pantoy trichfio thlefwno. ZERBONIKOLAKHS: Ara, ayto einai cemma. XYTHRHS: Allh erwthsh; KANELLOPOYLOS: Plhrofories anaferoyn oti yparxei etoimo Proedriko Diatagma gia thn anaplhrwsh toy Prwqypoyrgoy, gia anaplhrwth Prwqypoyrgo kai tis armodiothtes poy qa exei, oi opoies qa einai dieyrymenes. Diaceydete aytes tis plhrofories; XYTHRHS: Den gnwrizw kati tetoio. KANELLOPOYLOS: Mporeite na maqete kai na mas peite; XYTHRHS: Qa maqw. Den gnwrizw, omws, na yparxei kati tetoio. Den sas arkei h apanthsh moy; KANELLOPOYLOS: Qa exoyme mia apanthsh entos ths hmeras, an yparxei Proedriko Diatagma; XYTHRHS: Allh erwthsh; KANELLOPOYLOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, qa epimeinw. XYTHRHS: Sas eipa oti den gnwrizw na yparxei kati tetoio kai zhtate peraiterw apanthsh. Sas eyxaristw. |