The Hellenic Radio (ERA): News in English, 09-01-30
From: The Hellenic Radio (ERA) <www.ert.gr/>
[01] Defence Expenses not to Rise
[01] Defence Expenses not to Rise
Defence Minister Evangelos Meimarakis has assured that no more defence
expenses will take place in 2009, adding that defence expenses and
expenses on armaments since 2004 have been dropping. "The state-budget
will not be burdened with additional expenses on armaments" he
stressed, while in reply to a relevant question asked by SYRIZA
(Coalition of the Radical Left)
MP Thodoros Dritsas he stressed that Greece is still paying past debts.
Moreover, he reported middlemen have been excluded and the government
is signing intergovernmental agreements. He also accused SYRIZA of
SYRIZA MP Thodoros Dritsas spoke of a rise in kickbacks since the past,
demanding that rescue operations in the Aegean not be under the
rurisdiction of the Ministry of Defence, so that competition with
Turkey is averted. He also proposed that the money spent for an F-16
jet fighter should be spent for the restructuring of rural production.
News item: 18340