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Cosmos FM: News in Greek, 97-04-16

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From: G.A.E.P.I.S. <>

* Prosfora toy mh kerdoskopikoy organismoy Meswn Enhmerwshs G.A.E.P.I.S.*

* - Tel 718 728-1500, P.O. BOX 828 Suffern, NY 10901 *

  • Sta Tirana o prwtos ellhnikos loxos, en plw me to armatagwgo SAMOS o deyteros. Anhsyxia apo thn epiqesh enoplwn enantion jenodoxeioy poy diamenoyn dhmosiografoi sthn Aylwna.
  • Antidraseis apo thn antipoliteysh gia thn apofash ths kybernhshs na arei tis epifylajeis ths gia th symmetoxh ths Toyrkias stis epixeirhseis ths Dytikoeyrwpaikhs Enwshs.
  • Qetiko klima sth synanthsh toy Giwrgoy Papandreoy me ton Toyrko omologo toy sth Malta.
  • Arnhtikh h antidrash toy SEB stis kybernhtikes protaseis gia ton koinwniko dialogo. Prowres oi antidraseis, apanta h kybernhsh.
  • Nea troph sth dikastikh diamaxh gia th bila toy Cyxikoy. O idiokthths ths kateqese aithsh asfalistikwn metrwn kata ths Dhmhtras Papandreoy.
  • Metra gia thn anabaqmish toy roloy ths astynomias kai ths pyrosbestikhs, ejhggeile o prwqypoyrgos kata thn episkech toy sto ypoyrgeio Dhmosias Tajhs.
  • Gia tis metarryqmiseis sthn ekpaideysh enhmerwse o Gerasimos Arsenhs thn armodia epitroph ths boylhs.
  • Akribotera apo ayrio ta kaysima.
  • Egkardies alla oxi oysiastikes oi synomilies Arafat - Israhlinoy ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn, oi prwtes metajy twn dyo pleyrwn apo thn klimakwsh ths krishs sta katexomena.
  • Ekatombh nekrwn sth Mekka apo th xqesinh pyrkagia se kataylismo proskynhtwn. Toylaxiston 250 nekroi kai panw apo 2. 000 traymaties.
  • Me to Nelsona Mantela synantatai sto Keip Taoyn o hgeths twn Zairinwn antartwn Kampila se mia prospaqeia na epiteyxqei h eirhnh sto Zair.
  • Apoce to megalo ntermpi Panaqhnaikoy - AEK sto Karaiskakh gia to Kypello Ellados sto podosfairo.
  • Anodos 1,33% sto Xrhmatisthrio.


Sta Tirana briskontai apo to meshmeri oi 120 andres poy apoteloyn ton prwto loxo toy ellhnikoy tagmatos poy q'anaptyxqei sthn Albania sto plaisio ths polyeqnikhs dynamhs. Oi stratiwtes mas efqasan sthn albanikh prwteyoysa me tria metagwgika aeroskafh C-130, poy apogeiwqhkan apo to stratiwtiko aerodromio ths Qessalonikhs. Apo to meshmeri, brisketai en plw kai o deyteros loxos, poy mazi me ton texnologiko kai allo ejoplismo, epibibasqhke sto armatagwgo SAMOS, poy apepleyse apo to limani ths Qessalonikhs. To SAMOS anamenetai na fqasei sto limani ths Aylwnas, ta jhmerwmata ths Paraskeyhs, enw apo to ycos ths Kerkyras qa to synodeyoyn skafh toy Polemikoy mas Naytikoy. Prin apo thn anaxwrhsh, egine mia typikh apoxairetisthria ekdhlwsh paroysia toy ypoyrgoy Eqnikhs Amynas, ths stratiwtikhs hgesias kai syggenwn twn strateymenwn mas. O k. Tsoxatzopoylos xarakthrise dyskolh thn apostolh, tonise oti h ellhnikh dynamh exei ekpaideytei katallhla gia na antapokriqei stis synqhkes poy qa synanthsei kai prosqese oti toso o idios oso kai o ellhnikos laos qa brisketai sto pleyro ths ellhnikhs dynamhs. To KKE ektima oti h ellhnikh apostolh den exei sxesh me thn yperaspish twn laikwn symferontwn kai shmeiwnei oti h polyeqnikh dynamh strefetai enantion toy albanikoy laoy kai sthrizei tis imperialistikes epidiwjeis toy NATO kai ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs. H astynomia synedese me thn ellhnikh apostolh, thn ekrhjh poy shmeiwqhke ta jhmerwmata se platforma toy OSE, poy htan staqmeymenh ejw apo thn 301 Bash Texnikoy stoys Agioys Anargyroys. Sthn platforma yphrxan aytokinhta toy stratoy, ta opoia proorizontan gia episkeyh.

Sta Tirana efqase shmera o apestalmenos toy OASE, Frants Branitski, o opoios qa exei synomilies me ton proedro Sali Mperisa, ton prwqypoyrgo Mpaskim Fino kai qa episkefqei perioxes toy albanikoy notoy, opoy endexetai na synanthqei kai me ekproswpoys twn ejegerqentwn. Sto metajy, anhsyxia exei prokalesei h xqesinh epiqesh enoplwn symmoriwn, enantion jenodoxeioy sthn Aylwna, opoy diamenoyn Galloi kai Germanoi dhmosiografoi. Sthn Albania synexizoyn na katafqanoyn stratiwtikes dynameis allwn xwrwn, enw sto limani toy Dyrraxioy katepleyse to prwi metagwgiko skafos me 400 tonoys anqrwpistikhs bohqeias.

Thn ikanopoihsh twn HPA gia thn apofash ths Aqhnas na anakalesei ton Ellhna presbh sthn Texeranh ejefrase shmera o ekproswpos toy Steit Ntipartment Nikolas Mperns poy synexarh thn ellhnikh kybernhsh gia thn apofash ayth poy, opws shmeiwse, thn eyqygrammizei me thn genikoterh stash ths E.E. sto qema.

Symfwna me dhmosiografikes plhrofories o ellhnas presbhs brisketai stis Bryjelles, opoy symmetexei se epitroph, h opoia syzhtei tis sxeseis EE - Iran kai sth synexeia qa metabei sthn Aqhna gia diaboyleyseis.

Ejalloy, apantwntas se erwthsh dhmosiografoy gia to an h Ellada ajizei kalytero presbh apo ton Tzon Negroponte (ss. apo toys kyrioys ypochfioys na antikatasthsei ton Tomas Nails), o k. Mperns xarakthrise ton k. Negroponte ws ena apo toys kalyteroys Amerikanoys diplwmates kai ychloteroys sthn ierarxia toy amerikanikoy Ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn, kai ejefrase thn proswpikh toy dysforia gia to yfos ths anaforas sto proswpo toy k. Negroponte.

Antidraseis prokalese sto eswteriko ths Elladas h apofash ths kybernhshs na arei tis epifylajeis ths gia th symmetoxh ths Toyrkias stis epixeirhseis ths Dytikoeyrwpaikhs Enwshs, poy qa ginontai apo koinoy me to NATO. H Nea Dhmokratia erwta thn kybernhsh na anakoinwsei poia einai ta ofelh poy ejasfalise gia th xwra mas apo thn kinhsh ayth kai shmeiwnei oti prokaloyn anhsyxia kai erwthmatika oi dhlwseis kybernhtikwn paragontwn, sxetika me tis ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis. Parallhla, erwta thn kybernhsh an den qetei pleon ws rhth kai aparabath proypoqesh enos ellhnotoyrkikoy dialogoy to sebasmo twn kyriarxikwn dikaiwmatwn. Gia apisteyta kai jafnika dwra ths Aqhnas sthn Agkyra kanei logo o Antwnhs Samaras kai kataggelei thn kybernhsh gia ypoxwrhseis xwris antallagmata. H kybernhsh dia toy ekproswpoy ths ekane logo gia realistikh antimetwpish enos ekkremoyntos qematos dieykrinizontas oti to kaqestws twn sxesewn sth DEE paramenei ws exei. Apo thn pleyra toy o ekproswpos toy ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn ejhghse oti oi opoies apofaseis stoys kolpoys ths Enwshs qa lambanontai apo ta plhrh melh kai den yparxei dynatothta mplokarismatos toys apo ta syndedemena melh.

Qetika xarakthrise o anaplhrwths ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn, Giwrgos Papandreoy, ta apotelesmata ths synanthshs poy eixe me ton Toyrko omologo toy, Onoyr Oimen, sto periqwrio ths Eyrwmesogeiakhs Diaskechs poy pragmatopoieitai sth Malta. Mas doqhke h eykairia na antallajoyme apoceis, eginan qetika bhmata alla den exoyme telikh katalhjh, dhlwse o k. Papandreoy prosqetontas oti oi ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis den mporoyn na beltiwqoyn, an den epilyqoyn problhmata kaqoristikhs shmasias, opws to Kypriako kai prosfata to qema twn Imiwn. Shmeiwse akomh oti h Ellada exei taxqei yper ths eyrwpaikhs prooptikhs ths Toyrkias, h opoia prepei omws na syndeqei me basikes proypoqeseis, opws h stash ths Agkyras sto Aigaio kai sto qema ths Kyproy.

Sto metajy h diamorfwsh ths amerikanikhs ejwterikhs politikhs, htan to antikeimeno ths syzhthshs poy eixe ston Leyko Oiko o proedros Klinton me anwtatoys symboyloys toy kai stelexh toy Kogkresoy, metajy twn opoiwn oi hgetes twn Repoymplikanwn kai twn Dhmokratikwn.

Synexizontai oi antidraseis apo kommata kai syndikata gia ton koinwniko dialogo, enw h kybernhsh ejefrase th dysforia ths gia th qesh poy diatypwse o proedros ths GSEE, o opoios milhse gia aporyqmish twn ergasiakwn sxesewn se baros twn ergazomenwn. O k. Reppas dhlwse oti einai prowres tetoioy eidoys antidraseis kai den bohqoyn sth dhmioyrgia toy aparaithtoy klimatos gia th diejagwgh toy koinwnikoy dialogoy, o opoios apotelei qesmikh diadikasia kai dhmioyrgei ena neo kefalaio gia thn antimetwpish twn megalwn problhmatwn kai proklhsewn poy antimetwpizei h xwra. Gia ypokryptomenes kybernhtikes skopimothtes ekane logo o proedros ths Neas Dhmokratias, Kwstas Karamanlhs, epishmainontas oti to komma toy qa paroysiasei syntoma tis qeseis toy kai prosqese oti gia thn ajiwmatikh antipoliteysh apotelei prwth proteraiothta h koinwnikh prostasia kai h katapolemhsh ths anergias. O Synaspismos ektima oti o tropos poy prowqei h kybernhsh ton dialogo, ypobaqmizei thn ennoia toy, ton noqeyei kai prokalei dikaiologhmenh dyspistia kai antidraseis stoys ergazomenoys. Gia aneyro kai genikologo keimeno, san eyxologio, me arketh aoristia, poy dhmioyrgei anhsyxies stoys koinwnikoys etairoys kanei logo h dioikhsh toy SEB, prosqetontas oti o dialogos qa prepei na mpei sthn oysia toy problhmatos poy einai h antagwnistkothta ths ellhnikhs oikonomias.

Nea troph proslambanei h dikastikh diamaxh twn paidiwn toy Andrea Papandreoy kai ths syzygoy toy Dhmhtras Lianh, gia thn epimaxh bila toy Cyxikoy, h opoia exei pwlhqei apo ton Andrea Papandreoy kai th diekdikoyn ta paidia toy me bash th diaqhkh poy apokalyfqhke prosfata ths giagias toys Sofias Mineiko. O shmerinos idiokthths ths bilas, Xaralampos Blaxoytsikos, dia toy plhrejoysioy dikhgoroy toy, kateqese aithsh asfalistikwn metrwn kata ths Dhmhtras Lianh - Papandreoy, zhtwntas th synthrhtikh katasxesh ths kinhths kai akinhths perioysias ths, mexri toy posoy twn 500 ekat. drx. H aithsh qa syzhthqei th Megalh Trith kai opws dhlwse o dikhgoros toy k. Blaxoytsikoy, ean h kyria Lianh desmeyqei enwpion toy dikasthrioy oti den prokeitai na pwlhsei th bila ths Ekalhs, tote o pelaths toy protiqetai na aposyrei thn aithsh. O plhrejoysios dikhgoros ths kyrias Lianh-Papandreoy ejefrase thn pikria ths pelatissas toy, shmeiwnontas oti o Andreas Papandreoy odhgeitai kai pali sta dikasthria, ayth th fora apo ta paidia toy.

Megalh ekqesh me erga Fwth Kontogloy, qa paroysiasei gia prwth fora sth Nea Yorkh to Idryma Ellhnikoy Politismoy (IEP). H ekqesh "Fwths Kontogloy: Antaygeies toy Byzantioy ston 20o aiwna" qa anoijei stis 6 Maioy sto pararthma toy IEP sth Nea Yorkh. Perilambanei 22 prwtotypa erga poy proerxontai apo dhmosies kai idiwtikes sylloges ths Elladas kai apo th Monh Metamorfwsews ths Bostwnhs. H ekqesh ayth organwnetai me th synergasia kai thn episthmonikh epimeleia ths Dieyqynshs Byzantinwn kai Metabyzantinwn Arxaiothtwn toy ypoyrgeioy Politismoy, sto plaisio twn parallhlwn ekdhlwsewn ths ekqeshs "Doja toy Byzantioy" poy organwse to IEP. Meta thn epityxhmenh periodeia ths Byzantinhs Xorwdias toy L. Aggelopoyloy stis HPA, to IEP anadeiknyei twra thn texnh toy kyrioteroy sygxronoy Ellhna ekfrasth ths texnikhs kai texnotropias ths byzantinhs zwgrafikhs. O Agios Gewrgios o Tropaioforos, h Platytera, o Kwnstantinos Palaiologos, o Agios Dionysios o Areopagiths, synyparxoyn me ton Geronta ths Kimwloy, ton Makedonomaxo, ton Laokoonta, toys Palaistes. Synyparjh, poy proballei thn pneymatikothta ths Orqodojhs Ekklhsias, th synexeia ths megalhs byzantinhs paradoshs kai thn enothta ths poreias toy Ellhnismoy, opws thn apotypwse me thn proswpikh eikastikh toy ekfrash o sygxronos Byzantinos, Fwths Kontogloy. H paroysiash twn ergwn sto pararthma toy IEP sth Nea Yorkh, ferei thn kallitexnikh epimeleia toy zwgrafoy Giannh Mentzikwf, poy qa diamorfwsei to xwro ws "krypth", gia na ejasfalisei thn atmosfaira poy xreiazetai to ergo toy Fwth Kontogloy. Thn ekqesh synodeyei diglwssos katalogos me eisagwgh toy Nikoy Zia, proistamenoy ths Dieyqynshs Byzantinwn kai Metabyzantinwn Arxaiothtwn toy ypoyrgeioy Politismoy. Meta th Nea Yorkh, h ekqesh programmatizetai na paroysiastei sta pararthmata toy IEP sto Londino kai to Berolino.


H dhmioyrgia astynomias twn synorwn, h idrysh eniaioy forea antimetwpishs twn pyrkagiwn kai h leitoyrgia alloy forea poy qa antimetwpizei ta ylikotexnika problhmata ths astynomias, einai ta tria basika stoixeia twn anakoinwsewn poy ekane o prwqypoyrgos, meta thn triwrh episkech toy sto ypoyrgeio Dhmosias Tajews. O k. Shmiths anakoinwse oti toys prwtoys mhnes toy 1998 qa leitoyrghsei h eidikh astynomikh dynamh me apostolh th froyrhsh twn synorwn kai gia thn ejoikonomhsh proswpikoy qa katablhqei prospaqeia wste na apemplakoyn oi astynomikoi apo kaqhkonta poy den einai ths armodiothtas toys opws: epidosh dikografwn, froyrhsh stoxwn kai alla. O prwqypoyrgos anakoinwse akomh oti qa prowqhqei o qesmos toy eqelonth pyrosbesth, qa katablhqei prospaqeia na beltiwqei h troxaia astynomeysh kai h apotelesmatikoterh antimetwpish ths egklhmatikothtas. O k. Shmiths dhlwse apolyta ikanopoihmenos apo to ergo poy epiteleitai sto ypoyrgeio Dhmosias Tajews kai sta Swmata Asfaleias.

Tis metarryqmiseis se oloys toys tomeis ekpaideyshs, poy prowqei to ypoyrgeio Paideias, paroysiase to meshmeri o k. Gerasimos Arsenhs, sthn epitroph morfwtikwn ypoqesewn sthn aiqoysa ths geroysias sth Boylh. O ypoyrgos anaferqhke idiaitera sta Kentra Eyrwpaikwn Glwsswn poy prowqei na idryqoyn kai na leitoyrghsoyn mesa sto 1997 stoys nomoys kai stoys dhmoys ths xwras. Gia prwth fora qa didasketai s' ayta ta kentra kai h eqnikh mas glwssa, ws jenh, gegonos poy opws eipe o ypoyrgos, qa dhmioyrghsei nea dedomena, oxi mono gia thn prostasia ths alla kai gia thn prowqhsh ths. Parallhla eipe oti ta nea kentra den qa einai antagwnistika pros ta idiwtika frontisthria jenwn glwsswn, alla symplhrwmatika. O k. Arsenhs paroysiase leptomerws stoys boyleytes tis protaseis toy gia metarryqmiseis sthn tritobaqmia ekpaideysh apo to Septembrio, me thn leitoyrgia Kyklwn Eleyqerwn Spoydwn kai tmhmata Anoixtoy Panepisthmioy opoy mporoyn na foithsoyn atoma kaqe hlikias, xwris ejetaseis kai me symbolika didaktra efoson einai panw apo 25 xronwn, enw oi newteroi qa paroyn ypotrofies. O ypoyrgos eipe oti gia ola ayta ta qemata prowqoyntai antistoixa nomosxedia poy qa exoyn katateqei sthn Boylh prin apo to kalokairi.

O proedros ths Neas Dhmokratias, Kwstas Karamanlhs, dexqhke to meshmeri sth Rhgillhs thn hgesia ths GSEE, h opoia toy aneptyje tis qeseis ths gia qemata poy aforoyn toys ergazomenoys kai ton koinwniko dialogo. To prwi, o k. Karamanlhs episkefqhke ton proedro toy Areioy Pagoy Stelio Matqia kai ton proedro toy Symboylioy ths Epikrateias Basilh Mpotopoylo. Enhmerwqhke gia qemata poy aforoyn th leitoyrgia ths dikaiosynhs.

Aisiodojos gia thn oloklhrwsh ths kataskeyhs ths Egnatias Odoy mesa sto 2000, emfanisqhke shmera o ypoyrgos PEXWDE Kwstas Laliwths, diabebaiwnontas oti qa proxwrhsei taxytata h aporrofhsh Koinotikwn kondyliwn, enw mexri to fqinopwro qa exoyn ejeyreqei oi apaitoymenoi poroi, akomh kai me th symmetoxh idiwtwn. O k. Laliwths anakoinwse, epishs, oti akyrwqhke h kataskeyh ths legomenhs Paraegnatias Odoy, gegonos idiaitera shmantiko gia th xwra mas.

Me protash dialogoy pros thn eyryterh Aristera, o ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Qeodwros Pagkalos xairethse shmera thn ekdosh biblio toy Panoy Trigazh, stelexoys toy Synaspismoy kai palioy toy filoy. To biblio toy k. Trigazh ferei ton titlo "Oi Polites Apaitoyn" kai periexei tis protaseis kai ta aithmata twn Kinhmatwn ths Eyrwphs enocei ths Diakybernhtikhs Diaskechs gia thn anaqewrhsh ths synqhkhs toy Maastrixt. O k. Pagkalos sthn protash toy epeshmane ws pedio drashs thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh kai tis allages poy synteloyntai sto plaisio ths Diakybernhtikhs, tonizontas oti ta qemata ayta mporoyn na apotelesoyn th bash gia koinh drash. Emmesws apanthse ston k. Pagkalo, o proedros toy Synaspismoy Nikos Kwnstantopoylos, poy eipe oti ta kinhmata politwn ajiwnoyn nees morfes synergasias kai allhleggyhs kai prosqese oti einai anagkh kai sth xwra mas na anoijei o dialogos gia thn Diakybernhtikh, prin ayth oloklhrwsei tis ergasies ths ton Ioynio. Yparxei elleima dialogoy ston topo mas, eipe o k. Kwnstantopoylos kai anakoinwse oti to komma toy meta to Pasxa qa organwsei anoikth syzhthsh gia thn Diakybernhtikh.

Den proklhqhkan zhmies apo to prwino seismo megeqoys 3,9 baqmwn ths klimakas Rixter, to epikentro toy opoioy, entopizetai notia ths Kozanhs. Shmeiwnetai oti sthn idia perioxh eixe shmeiwqei o katastreptikos seismos to Maio toy 1995, o opoios eixe megeqos 6,6 baqmoys ths klimakas Rixter.


Egkardies alla oxi oysiastikes, xarakthrisan tis synomilies poy eixan sthn Malta o palaistinios hgeths, Giaser Arafat kai o ypoyrgos ejwterikwn toy Israhl, Ntabint Lebi. Prokeitai gia tis prwtes synomilies metajy twn dyo pleyrwn, meta thn klimakwsh ths krishs poy pyrodothse h apofash toy Israhl na dhmioyrghsei ebraikoys oikismoys sthn anatolikh Ieroysalhm. Amesws meta tis synomilies, o ypoyrgos ejwterikwn toy Israhl dhlwse oti o Giaser Arafat toy yposxeqhke oti qa ananewsei th synergasia se qemata asfaleias me to ebraiko kratos. Sthn synanthsh pareyriskontan ektos apo ton Arafat, ton symboylo toy kai ton Lebi, oi ypoyrgoi ejwterikwn ths Gallias Erbe nte Saret, ths Ollandias, Xans Ban Mirlo kai ths Aigyptoy, Amr Moysa. To bradi o amerikanos apestalmenos sth Mesh Anatolh, Ntenis Ros, qa exei xwristes synanthseis me ton israhlino prwqypoyrgo, Mpenzamin Netaniaxoy kai me ton Giaser Arafat.

Sto makabrio ergo ths anagnwrishs twn ptwmatwn, epididontai oi arxes ths Saoydikhs Arabias, meta thn pyrkagia poy jespase xqes se kataylismo moysoylmanwn proskynhtwn sth Meka kai eixe ws apotelesma na xasoyn th zwh toys 250 atoma, sthn pleiochfia toys indoi proskynhtes kai na traymatisqoyn alla 2. 000, ta opoia noshleyontai se krisimh katastash. H fwtia proklhqhke apo ekrhjh fialhs ygraerioy poy yphrxe se mia skhnh toy kataylismoy kai to gegonos ayto egeirei twra polla erwthmatika kai problhmatismoys, sxetika me toys kanones asfaleias poy throyntai sto ethsio proskynhma sthn polh, opoy kaqe xrono syrreoyn panw apo 2 ekat. moysoylmanoi proskynhtes. Thn baqeia toy odynh gia ton qanato ekatontadwn anqrwpwn, ejefrase o amerikanos proedros Mpil Klinton, enw symfwna me asfaleis plhrofories, den yparxoyn ellhnes moysoylmanoi anamesa stoys nekroys.

Me ton proedro ths Notias Afrikhs, Nelsona Mantela, synantatai apoce sto Keip Taoyn o hgeths twn antartwn toy Zair, Loran Kampila, se mia prospaqeia na ejeyreqei tropos gia eirhnh sto Zair. Protoy anaxwrhsei gia thn Notia Afrikh, o Kampila aperrice gia allh mia fora tis ekklhseis toy GG toy OHE, Kofi Anan, gia katapaysh toy pyros, proeidopoiwntas oti o polemos qa synexisqei mexri na katarreysei to kaqestws Mompoytoy. Diplwmatikes phges wstoso, anaferoyn oti einai poly piqanon na pragmatopoihqei mia synanthsh Kampila-Mompoytoy to Sabbatokyriako.

Dwdeka atoma skotwqhkan kai alla oktw traymatisqhkan, sthn polh Amarante ths boreia Portogalias, otan koykoyloforoi ebalan fwtia se ntiskotek ths polhs. Oi koykoyloforoi eisebalan tis prwtes prwines wres sthn ntiskotek kai afoy erijan benzinh sto patwma, ebalan fwtia. Enas qamwnas poy epixeirhse na toys stamathsei, pyrobolhqhke kai traymatisqhke sobara. Opws dhlwse ekproswpos ths pyrosbestikhs, einai h deyterh pyrkagia poy jespa sthn idia ntiskotek ton teleytaio xrono.

Sth Germania, h Genikh Eisaggelia dieceyse dhmosieyma ths efhmeridas, Frankfoyter Algkemaine, symfwna me to opoio h kybernhsh dietaje thn enarjh anakrisewn kata toy iranoy ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn, Ali Akmpar Belagiati, gia thn ypoqesh ths dolofonias tessarwn iranwn koyrdwn sto Berolino to 1992. Katesthse omws safes oti qa synexisei tis ereynes pros pasa kateyqynsh. Se apofash poy ekdoqhke stis 10 Aprilioy, to dikasthrio toy Berolinoy kathgorhse thn iranikh hgesia oti dietaje th dolofonia tessarwn Koyrdwn antikaqestwtikwn to 1992 sto estiatorio Mykonos ths polhs. H apofash prokalese diplwmatikh krish metajy toy Iran, ths Germanias kai allwn xwrwn ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs.

Idiwtikh episkech sthn Ellada pragmatopoiei shmera o prwqypoyrgos toy Mayroboynioy, Milo Tzoykanobits, epikefalhs kybernhtikoy klimakioy. Se anakoinwsh ths kybernhshs toy Mayroboynioy, anaferetai oti o Tzoykanobits qa synanthqei me ton ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn, Qeodwro Pagkalo, me ton opoio qa syzhthsei qemata poy aforoyn thn proagwgh twn dimerwn oikonomikwn sxesewn kai ths synergasias metajy twn dyo xwrwn.

Eikosi eji eyrwpaikes xwres, metajy twn opoiwn kai h Ellada, dokimazoyn ayrio ta diktya plhroforhshs toys me thn eykairia enos skhnoqethmenoy atyxhmatos sto pyrhniko ergostasio ths Lobiisa, sth notia Finlandia, sth diarkeia toy opoioy to dieqnes diktyo epikoinwnias INTERNET qa xrhsimopoihqei gia prwth fora. H askhsh onomazetai Inex-2-Fin, organwqhke apo ton OOSA kai exei stoxo na ektimhsei tis diadikasies lhchs apofasewn se eqniko kai dieqnes epipedo meta apo diarroh radienergwn ylikwn sto periballon logw pyrhnikoy atyxhmatos.


H AEK nikhse 5 -3 ton Panaqhnaikos, ston teliko toy Kypeloy Ellados. Oi dyo omades synanthqhkan sto stadio Karaiskakh.

Apofasistiko bhma gia prokrish sta hmitelika toy prwtaqlhmatos mpasket ths A1 Eqnikhs kathgorias, ekane h AEK afoy se agwna gia ton B` gyro twn plei of poy egine sto OAKA epikrathse me 83-50 toy Sportigk. O deyteros agwnas anamesa stis dyo omades qa ginei thn prosexh Paraskeyh. To prwto bhma poy odhgei sta hmitelika toy fetinoy prwtaqlhmatos mpasket ths A1 eqnikhs kathgorias twn andrwn, ekane shmera h omada toy Peristerioy, afoy epikrathse sto ghpedo ths toy Arh me 72-58. O deyteros agwnas anamesa stis dyo omades qa ginei meqayrio sto Alejandreio Melaqro ths Qessalonikhs. Ean kerdisei to Peristeri qa perasei sta hmitelika, enw an nikhsei o Arhs, tote qa ginei kai trito paixnidi thn Kyriakh sto kleisto toy Peristerioy.

To Sabbato q' anadeixqei o prwtaqlhths sto Bolei ths A1 andrwn. H Orestiada sto deytero teliko, poy egine sto ghpedo ths, nikhse 3-0 ton Arh. Etsi twra oi dyo omades exoyn apo dyo nikes kai h omada poy qa epikrathsei ston trito teliko, o opoios qa ginei to Sabbato sto ghpedo ths Mikras sth Qessalonikh, qa katakthsei ton titlo.

O Eqnikos Asteras, se agwna ths 28hs hmeras gia to prwtaqlhma toy Notioy omiloy sto podosfairiko prwtaqlhma ths G' eqnikhs, poy egine sto ghpedo ths Kaisarianhs, nikhse 1-0 ton Ergotelh. Etsi o Eqnikos Asteras prohgeitai me 54 baqmoys, enanti 52 ths Kalliqeas poy exei ena agwna ligotero kai 48 toy Aiolikoy, poy exei epishs 27 agwnes, enw o Ergotelhs paremeine sthn 6h qesh me 43 baqmoys.


Me shmantikh anodo 1,33% ekleise o genikos deikths timwn sth shmerinh synedriash toy Xrhmatisthrioy kai diamorfwqhke stis 1. 413,42 monades. H ajia twn synallagwn efqase ta 15,1 dis. draxmes. Oi epimeroys deiktes ekleisan ws ejhs: Trapezes anodos 1,31%, Asfaleies anodos 2,21%, Lhzingk ptwsh 0,38%, Ependyseis ptwsh 1%, Kataskeyes anodos 0,03%, Biomhxanies anodos 2,01%, Diafores anodos 1,65%, Symmetoxwn anodos 1,13%. O deikths ths Parallhlhs Agoras shmeiwse shmantikh ypoxwrhsh 1,36%.


16. 04. 97 VALEUR: 18. 04. 97



DOLLARIO H.P. A 271. 2700 270. 4560 272. 0840 EYRWPAIKH NOM. MON. 307. 3700 306. 4480 308. 2920 MARKO GERMANIAS 157. 3800 156. 9080 157. 8520 FRAGKO GALLIAS 46. 8040 46. 6640 46. 9440 LIRA AGGLIAS-SKWTIAS-B. IRL. 440. 2000 438. 8790 441. 5210 LIRA DHM. IRLANDIAS 418. 0000 416. 7460 419. 2540 FRAGKO BELGIOY 7. 6305 7. 6076 7. 6534 FIORINI OLLANDIAS 140. 0300 139. 6100 140. 4500 LIRETA ITALIAS GIA 100 MON. 15. 9810 15. 9330 16. 0290 SELLINI AYSTRIAS 22. 3610 22. 2940 22. 4280 KORWNA DANIAS 41. 3140 41. 1900 41. 4380 KORWNA SOYHDIAS 35. 2600 35. 1540 35. 3660 MARKO FINLANDIAS 52. 5280 52. 3700 52. 6860 PESETA ISPANIAS 1. 8680 1. 8620 1. 8740 ESKOYDO PORTOGALIAS 1. 5710 1. 5660 1. 5760 GIEN IAPWNIAS GIA 100 MON. 215. 8300 215. 1830 216. 4770 FRAGKO ELBETIAS 185. 1600 184. 6050 185. 7150 KORWNA NORBHGIAS 38. 6660 38. 5500 38. 7820 LIRA KYPROY 530. 8000 529. 2080 532. 3920 DOLLARIO KANADA 194. 3000 193. 7170 194. 8830 DOLLARIO AYSTRALIAS 209. 8900 209. 2600 210. 5200


Astatos qa einai ayrio o kairos s' oloklhrh th xwra, me synnefia sta boreiodytika, broxes kai liga xionia sta kentrika kai boreia kai parodikes broxes h topikes kataigides sta nhsia toy anatolikoy Aigaioy. Apo to apogeyma o kairos qa paroysiasei beltiwsh apo ta dytika. Oi anemoi qa einai boreiodytikoi metrioi mexri isxyroi. H qermokrasia qa kymanqei sta boreia 1 me 11 baqmoys sto Ionio kai ta ypoloipa hpeirwtika 3 me 16 kai sto Aigaio 7 me 17 baqmoys Kelsioy. Nefwseis, proskaira ayjhmenes, metrioys mexri isxyroys anemoys kai qermokrasia 5 me 15 kai 4 me 11 antistoixa, qa exoyn ayrio Aqhna kai Qessalonikh.
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