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Cosmos Nea - Eidhseis (Nov. 07)

From: Cosmos News <>

Cosmos Directory

* Prosfora toy mh kerdoskopikoy organismoy Meswn Enhmerwshs G.A.E.P.I.S.*

*  -  Tel 718 728-1500, P.O. BOX 828 Suffern, NY 10901 *

Aqhna,Ellada,07/11/1995 (APE)

Arxise sthn Karditsa h synedriash ths Panqessalikhs syntonistikhs epitrophs h opoia qa apofasisei gia to mellon twn agrotikwn kinhtopoihsewn. Plhrofories anaferoyn oti anamenetai na apofasistei anastolh twn kinhtopoihsewn aytwn. O proedros ths Giannhs Patakhs, me dhlwseis toy prin th synedriash, apedwse thn mikrh symmetoxh twn agrotwn stis kinhtopoihseis sth mh swsth epilogh toy xronikoy diasthmatos poy ginontai kaqws kai stis asxhmes kairikes synqhkes. Symfwna me to klima poy exei diamorfwqei, prosqese, to piqanotero einai h apofash ths epitrophs na einai yper ths anastolhs twn kinhtopoihsewn.

Ojeia antiparaqesh me aformh toys xeirismoys sto Skopiano, shmeiwqhke sth Boylh metajy toy Proedroy ths Politikhs Anoijhs, Antwnh Samara kai toy prwhn Prwqypoyrgoy Kwnstantinoy Mhtsotakh, kata th diarkeia ths pro hmerhsias diatajews syzhthshs. O k.Mhtsotakhs kathgorhse ton k.Samara oti erije thn kybernhsh toy gia na ejyphrethsei ta symferonta gia ton OTE toy k.Kokalh . Apo thn pleyra toy o proedros ths Politikhs Anoijhs, eipe oti o prwhn Prwqypoyrgos me thn taktikh toy sto Skopiano ejyphrethse ta symferonta toy kyklwmatos petrelaioy.

Kata thn omilia toy, o Prwqypoyrgos,Andreas Papandreoy, yposthrije oti h endiamesh symfwnia htan to prwto qetiko bhma kai ejefrase thn aisiodojia toy gia thn katalhjh. Kathgorhse ton k.Ebert gia aneyqynothta, otan leei oti qa epanadiapragmateytei th symfwnia. O proedros ths Neas Dhmokratias, Miltiadhs Ebert, xarakthrise astoxoys toys isxyrismoys ths kybernhshs, enw zhthse na erqei sth Boylh pros kyrwsh h symfwnia. Apo thn pleyra toy, o proedros ths Politikhs Anoijhs, Antwnhs Samaras, zhthse th diejagwgh dhmochfismatos h th sygklhsh toy symboylioy twn politikwn arxhgwn oson afora to qema toy onomatos. Telos, h Genikh Grammateas toy KKE, Aleka Paparhga, epeshmane oti to Skopiano qa prepei na kleisei epi twn hmerwn ayths ths kybernhshs.

To prwi,apo th Mytilhnh o k.Samaras dhlwse oti sth Boylh, omologhqhke h sympleysh PASOK kai Neas Dhmokratias sto qema twn Skopiwn. Ejefrase de thn apoch oti h sympleysh ayth epekteinetai kai sta ellhnotoyrkika, ypo thn kaqodhghsh twn Amerikanwn. Anaferomenos o k.Samaras, stis kathgories toy k.Mhtsotakh eipe oti o prwhn Prwqypoyrgos, mperdece tis epixeirhmatikes toy drasthriothtes me ta politika toy epixeirhmata kai prosqese oti an den toy bghkan oi epixeirhseis toy, as anazhthsei alloy toys ypeyqynoys.

Sygkentrwsh kai poreia pros th Boylh, pragmatopoihsan to prwi oi Dhmarxoi kai oi Koinotarxes ths Attikhs, zhtwntas na toys katablhqoyn ta problepomena kondylia. Oi ekproswpoi toys, ejeqesan chfisma me ta aithmata toys ston Proedro ths Boylhs, kaqws kai stoys ekproswpoys twn kommatwn.

Synenteyjh ths syzygoy toy Prwqypoyrgoy, Dhmhtras Papandreoy-Lianh, qa metadoqei stis 10.30 to brady apo thn ET1. Symfwna me plhrofories, h k.Lianh qa anaferqei stis prosfates epikriseis poy dexetai, kaqws kai sto qema twn fwtografiwn, enw qa tonisei oti den prokeitai na paraithqei apo th qesh ths dieyqyntrias toy idiaiteroy grafeioy toy Prwqypoyrgoy. Qa afhsei anoixto to qema ths endexomenhs kaqodoy ths stis ekloges.

Idiaitera xamhles gia th epoxh qermokrasies epikratoyn kai shmera sth Boreia Ellada. H xamhloterh shmeiwqhke tis prwtes prwines wres sth Flwrina, opoy ta qermometra edeixnan meion 7 baqmoys Kelsioy.Problhmata sthn kinhsh twn aytokinhtwn parathroyntai se orismena shmeia twn nomwn Flwrinas kai Hmaqias opoy xreiazontai antiolisqhtikes alysides.

O Proedros ths Boylhs Apostolos Kaklamanhs paroysiase to prwi to Kentro Plhroforhshs poy dhmioyrghqhke sto Koinoboylio apo tis egkyroteres eyrwpaikes kai ellhnikes baseis dedomenwn. Ergo toy Kentroy einai h anazhthsh kai paroxh plhroforiwn mesw ypologistwn stoys boyleytes kai se melethtes ths Boylhs gia qemata koinoboyleytikoy kai eidhseografikoy periexomenoy. Metajy twn basewn dedomenwn poy exei prosbash h Boylh einai kai toy APE.


O Proedros ths Gallias, Zak Sirak, ekane to meshmeri dekth thn paraithsh ths kybernhshs, poy toy ypebale o prwqypoyrgos, Alen Zipe kai toy zhthse to sxhmatismo neas. H synqesh ths neas kybernhshs qa anakoinwqei to brady.

Epanalambanontai shmera oi synomilies toy Israhl me thn OAP, gia thn paradosh twn edafwn ths Dytikhs Oxqhs stoys Palaistinioys. Oi synomilies eixan diakopei logw ths dolofonias toy Israhlinoy Prwqypoyrgoy Gitzak Rampin. Shmera qa epanalhfqei epishs kai h apoxwrhsh twn israhlinwn strateymatwn apo ta katexomena ths Dytikhs Oxqhs, enw to Tel Abib xalarwse kai ton apokleismo sthn perioxh ayth. Sto metajy, o Palaistinios hgeths,Giaser Arafat, anaxwrhse shmera gia to Kairo, opoy qa exei synomilies me ton Proedro ths Aigyptoy, Xosni Moymparak. H Syria ejalloy, kalese to neo israhlino hgeth Simon Peres, na anaqermanei ton eirhneytiko dialogo sth Mesh Anatolh.

Yper toy Proedroy ths Polwnias, Lex Balesa, taxqhke to trito se dynamh komma ths xwras, h Enwsh gia thn Eleyqeria, enocei toy deyteroy gyroy twn Proedrikwn eklogwn. Shmeiwnetai oti h Enwsh gia thn Eleyqeria eixe labei ston prwto gyro 9,22%, pososto poy den apokleietai na apotelesei kaqoristiko paragonta sthn eklogh toy Balesa.

Arketes xiliades rwsoi kommoynistes pragmatopoihsan shmera diadhlwsh se kentrikh lewforo ths Mosxas gia thn 78h epeteio ths Oktwbrianhs Epanastashs. H epeteios ths Oktwbrianhs Epanastashs ejakoloyqei na apotelei hmera argias sth Rwsia.Sth diadhlwsh phran meros peripoy 10.000 atoma,sthn pleiochfia toys mesokopoi kai hlikiwmenoi,poy kratoysan portraita toy Stalin kai ekatontades kokkines shmaies,enw gyrw toys eixan parataxqei isxyres dynameis ths astynomias.

O genikos eisaggeleas ths Notias Koreas kalese gia anakrish toys dieyqyntes twn pente megalwn omilwn epixeirhsewn ths xwras, sxetika me to oikonomiko skandalo ypejaireshs ycoys 650 ekatommyriwn dollariwn, sto opoio feretai anamemeigmenos kai o prwhn proedros Ro Tae-Boy, metedwse shmera o kratikos radiostaqmos. Symfwna me thn idia phgh prokeitai gia toys dieyqyntes twn etaireiwn Xioyntai, Samsoyngk, El Tzi, Ntaegoy kai Soynkyongk, oi opoioi eklhqhsan na paroysiasqoyn ston anakrith ayrio.

To alkool mporei na metatrecei ta ek fysews hrema gaidoyria se epiqetikoys meqystakes, proeidopoiei kaqe endiaferomeno,ekproswpos filozwikoy swmateioy sth Bretania, to opoio diathrei ena prwtotypo "kentro apotojinwshs" twn sympaqwn aytwn tetrapodwn. "Ginontai poly epiqetika, giati to alkool alloiwnei ton synhqh hpio xarakthra toys", tonizei h dieyqyntria enos katafygioy zwwn sth dytikh Agglia, opoy exoyn "noshleyqei" arketa gaidoyria me problhma alkoolismoy.


Me apoxh apo ta podosfairika ghpeda apeiloyn oi astynomikoi, sth boreia Ellada me aformh ta qlibera epeisodia poy eginan xqes brady sth Qessalonikh kai odhghsan sth diakoph toy agwna PAOK-AEK. Malista h Enwsh Ajiwmatikwn ths ELAS ths kentrikhs Makedonias, diamartyretai entona gia ton anaitio,opws shmeiwnei traymatismo 25 astynomikwn apo toys opadoys.Sto metajy,odhgoyntai shmera ston eisaggelea,oi oktw opadoi toy PAOK poy synelhfqhsan sth diarkeia twn xqesinwn symplokwn.Entos ths hmeras anamenetai ejalloy h apofash toy aqlhtikoy dikasth gia thn timwria toy PAOK.Symfwna me oles tis endeijeis,qa afaireqoyn treis baqmoi apo thn omada ths Qessalonikhs poy kindyneyei kai me apokleismo toy ghpedoy gia toylaxiston 5 agwnes prwtaqlhmatos kai kypelloy.

O proedros kai megalometoxos ths PAE PAOK, Qwmas Boylinos, kinhse tis diadikasies gia thn paraxwrhsh toy paketoy twn metoxwn poy exei sthn katoxh toy, prokeimenoy na apomakrynqei plhrws apo ta dioikhtika ths PAE.H apofash toy k.Boylinoy, poy anakoinwqhke meta ta qlibera xqesinobradyna epeisodia toy ghpedoy ths Toympas, anamenetei na dromologhsei oysiastikes ejelijeis sto qema ths diadoxhs toy.

Sthn Aqhna brisketai apo xqes o Boylgaros dieqnhs podosfairisths ths Lefski Sofias Emil Kremenlief, o opoios apotelei metagrafiko stoxo toy Olympiakoy.Symfwna me dhlwsh toy proedroy ths Lefski kai palioy termatofylaka toy Panaqhnaikoy Qwma Laftsh, h timh toy Boylgaroy amyntikoy ftanei ta 130 ekatommyria draxmes.

Gia prwth fora meta ton perifhmo agwna Argentinhs-Agglias poy egine sto Mejiko gia ta prohmitelika toy Pagkosmioy Kypelloy 1986, o Ntiegko Marantona paradexqhke dhmosiws, oti shmeiwse to prwto terma ths omadas toy me to xeri,legontas malista oti to gkol den shmeiwqhke mono apo to xeri toy ... Qeoy alla kai apo to xeri toy Marantona. H "omologia" toy argentinoy podosfairisth egine se ekdhlwsh poy diorganwse pros timhn toy to Panepisthmio ths Ojfordhs.


Proskairh beltiwsh toy kairoy anamenetai mexri to brady apo th dytikh pros thn anatolikh Ellada. Stis perissoteres pantws perioxes h kakokairia synexizetai me broxes kai kataigides kyriws panw apo tis qalassies perioxes kai xionia sta oreina. Oi anemoi pneoyn metrioi ews isxyroi kai topika poly isxyroi. H qermokrasia fqanei sta boreia toys 7 baqmoys, sto Ionio kai ta ypoloipa hpeirwtika toys 12 kai sta nhsia toy Aigaioy toys 16 baqmoys Kelsioy. Ayrio sth boreia Ellada qa shmeiwqoyn topikes xionoptwseis enw sta dytika problepontai broxes alla kai diasthmata me hlio. Sthn ypoloiph xwra anamenetai ayjhsh twn nefwsewn me topikes broxes kai kataigides kai xionia sta oreina. Oi anemoi qa pneoyn boreioi metrioi mexri isxyroi.H qermokrasia qa kymanqei se poly xamhla epipeda th nyxta enw to prwi qa shmeiwqei pagetos.

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