Athens News Agency: News in English, 09-09-10
[01] Broken toys turn into works of art
[01] Broken toys turn into works of art
An alternative and environmentally friendly proposal saves the broken
children's toys and useless materials that can be found in most
children's rooms from being tossed into the trash can.
Destroyed toy cars, broken dolls and trains can be part of a modern
form of recycling and turned into works of art in an alternative
workshop established within the framework of the 74th International
Trade Fair in Thessaloniki (TIF).
Between September 11 and 13, children will transform their broken toys
into brand-new ones, saving the planet from additional plastic waste,
under the guidance of Miquel Angel Juan Oliver (Llonovoy), founder of
"The Strange Museum of Lllonovoy" in Majorca, which houses a Broken
Toys Collection and also runs a Travelling Exhibition of Original Toys
made from broken toys.
This unique workshop is part of the "Kid & Fun" exhibition and is open
to children between the ages of 7 and 12./ ANA-MPA/STR