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Athens Macedonian News Agency: News in Greek, 15-03-07

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>

  • [01] Gioynker: Apokleietai ejodos ths Elladas apo thn eyrwzwnh
  • [02] Gk. Xardoybelhs: Forologika tekmhriwmena ta epimaxa posa kai dhlwmena sto Poqen Esxes toy 2014
  • [03] Giatros ypoxrewqhke na katabalei 584.400 eyrw gia ton qanato 32xronhs egkyoy
  • [04] Problhmata se Qrakh kai Messhnia apo tis broxoptwseis
  • [05] Polynekres epiqeseis sthn polh Maintoygkoyri ths Nighrias
  • [06] Elhje o synagermos ston Leyko Oiko
  • [07] Anablhqhke o agwnas Panqrakikos-Olympiakos

    [01] Gioynker: Apokleietai ejodos ths Elladas apo thn eyrwzwnh

    O proedros ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs Zan-Klont Gioynker, kalese ``olo ton kosmo'', stoys kolpoys ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, na katanohsei th sobarothta ths koinwnikhs katastashs sthn Ellada, se synenteyjh poy paraxwrhse sth germanikh efhmerida Die Welt kai dhmosieyetai ayrio, sto kyriakatiko fyllo ths.

    ``Prepei na diasfalisoyme oti h katastash den qa synexisei na epideinwnetai sthn Ellada. Ayto poy me anhsyxei einai oti den exoyn katanohsei oloi, entos ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, th sobarothta ths katastashs sthn Ellada'' epemeine.

    O proedros ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs den dieykrinise an anaferotan se ena h perissotera krath melh h se ena apo ta qesmika organa ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, dyo hmeres, meta to aysthro mhnyma ths Eyrwpaikhs Kentrikhs Trapezas pros thn Aqhna.

    O Zan-Klont Gioynker ypenqymise oti to ena tetarto twn Ellhnwn stereitai koinwnikhs asfalishs, oti h anergia einai ``sto ychlotero'' epipedo kyriws stoys neoys kai oti sth xwra oi diadhlwseis diamartyrias einai syxnotates.

    O Gioynker apekleise ek neoy opoiadhpote ejodo ths Aqhnas apo thn Eyrwzwnh, xarakthrizontas ena tetoio senario ``anepanorqwth apwleia gia th fhmh'' toy eyrwpaikoy nomismatos, enw parallhla kalese thn Ellada na ``sebastei tis metarryqmiseis poy exoyn symfwnhqei me toys pistwtes. Ean h kybernhsh qelei na dapana perissotera xrhmata, prepei na antistaqmizei me thn ejoikonomhsh h prosqeta esoda'' dhlwse.

    [02] Gk. Xardoybelhs: Forologika tekmhriwmena ta epimaxa posa kai dhlwmena sto Poqen Esxes toy 2014

    ``Ta epimaxa posa einai plhrws forologhmena kai aforoyn esoda apo polyeth misqwth ergasia dikh moy kai ths syzygoy moy.Yparxei plhrhs tekmhriwsh basei twn forologikwn dhlwsewn kai briskontai se kataqeseis kai logariasmoys poy diathroysa sto ejwteriko, logw ths ekei polyetoys emmisqhs proyphresias moy'', anaferei se anakoinwsh toy o Gkikas Xardoybelhs, me aformh dhmosieyma ths Real News opoy anaferetai se eggrafo toy ypoyrgoy Epikrateias gia thn katapolemhsh ths Diafqoras, Panagiwth Nikoloydh, sxetika me to poqen esxes, toy prwhn ypoyrgoy Oikonomikwn, Gkika Xardoybelh.

    ``Ta xrhmata ayta, sto synolo toys, perilambanontai sth dhlwsh Poqen Esxes toy 2014, thn opoia ypebala to Septembrio toy etoys aytoy, ws ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn''prosqetei o k.Xardoybelhs.

    O k.Xardoybelhs sthn dhlwsh toy epishmainei oti ``ta xrhmata ayta estalhsan se periodo kata thn opoia den yphretoysa se dhmosia qesh kai den eixa ypoxrewsh pros ypobolh dhlwshs Poqen Esxes''

    ``Ta teleytaia xronia, ta idia posa kai forologika stoixeia dhlwnw ethsiws kai stis amerikanikes forologikes arxes, basei ths ekei nomoqesias (FBAR)''anaferei o Gkikas Xardoybelhs.

    "Pagia qesh ths ND se zhthmata diafaneias htan, einai kai qa einai ola sto fws", dhlwse o Kwstas Karagkoynhs,sxetika me to dhmosieyma ths efhmeridas Real News, gia ton Gkika Xardoybelh.

    [03] Giatros ypoxrewqhke na katabalei 584.400 eyrw gia ton qanato 32xronhs egkyoy

    To A1 Politiko Tmhma toy Areioy Pagoy, me sxetikh apofash toy, apofanqhke oti giatros maieythras-gynaikologos ypoxreoytai na katabalei to poso twn 584.400 eyrw se syggeneis 32xronhs mhteras dyo paidiwn, h opoia apebiwse ligo prin gennhsei to trito paidi ths, logw laqoys toy iatroy poy thn parakoloyqoyse, kata th diarkeia ths egkymosynhs.

    Symfwna me thn dikastikh apofash to epimaxo poso ypoxrewqhke o maieythras-gynaikologos na to katabalei gia thn cyxikh odynh poy ypesthsan ta syggenika proswpa ths atyxhs 32xronhs (dyo anhlika paidia, syzygos, mhtera, adelfia) kai logw sterhshs diatrofhs twn dyo anhlikwn paidiwn.

    [04] Problhmata se Qrakh kai Messhnia apo tis broxoptwseis

    Problhmata exei dhmioyrghsei se perioxes ths Qrakhs, h paratetamenh broxoptwsh twn teleytaiwn wrwn, poy, kata topoys, synodeyetai apo isxyroys anemoys.

    H Pyrosbestikh Yphresia exei dexqei dekades klhseis stoys nomoys Janqhs kai Rodophs gia antlhsh ydatwn apo ayles, ypogeia kai isogeia spitia, opws epishs kai gia kopes dendrwn.

    Sth Rodoph, pyrosbestes apegklwbisan dyo hlikiwmenoys apo ta spitia toys, enw sthn Janqh plhmmyrisan agrotikes kalliergeies.

    Ligotera einai ta problhmata apo th neroponth sthn polh ths Alejandroypolhs.

    Sto metajy, apo nwris to apogeyma, me apofash twn astynomikwn dieyqynsewn Rodophs kai Janqhs, apagoreythke h kykloforia olwn twn forthgwn aytokinhtwn me wfelimo fortio anw twn 3,5 tonwn kai sta dyo reymata kykloforias ths Egnatias odoy, metajy toy dytikoy anisopedoy komboy Komothnhs kai toy anisopedoy komboy Bafeikwn Janqhs.

    H apofash ayth elhfqh, logw twn qyellwdwn anemwn poy pneoyn sthn perioxh, enw h kykloforia gia ta sygkekrimena oxhmata diejagetai, mesw ths eqnikhs odoy Komothnhs - Porto Lagos - Janqhs.

    Ejalloy, oi entones broxoptwseis twn teleytaiwn hmerwn dhmioyrghsan sobara plhmmyrika fainomena xqes sthn perioxh toy Dhmoy Oixalias.

    Apo th broxh foyskwsan xeimarroi kai plhmmyrisan dromoi. Ta nera exoyn kalycei megales ektaseis apo to Diabolitsi ws to Zeygolatio kai elaiwnes eginan mia aperanth limnh, enw perissotera apo deka spitia kai poimniostasia plhmmyrisan sthn perioxh, prokalwntas anhsyxia stoys katoikoys ths 'Anw Messhnias kai shmantikes zhmies.

    [05] Polynekres epiqeseis sthn polh Maintoygkoyri ths Nighrias

    Penhnta oktw anqrwpoi skotwqhkan shmera se treis epiqeseis poy sygklonisan to Maintoygkoyri, th megalyterh polh ths boreioanatolikhs Nighrias, propyrgio ths ejtremistikhs islamistikhs organwshs Mpoko Xaram, symfwna me neotero apologismo poy anakoinwse h astynomia, h opoia apodidei thn eyqynh stoys islamistes antartes.

    "Oi plhrofories poy lambanoyme apo tis treis perioxes (opoy shmeiwqhkan oi epiqeseis) anaferoyn oti 58 anqrwpoi exasan th zwh toys, enw 139 exoyn traymatistei", dhlwse o Kleman Antonta, arxhgos ths astynomias toy kratidioy Mporno, toy opoioy to Maintoygkoyri einai prwteyoysa.

    [06] Elhje o synagermos ston Leyko Oiko

    Hrqh o synagermos poy energopoihqhke nwritera ston Leyko Oiko logw enos isxyroy qoryboy poy akoysthke elaxista lepta prin o proedros Mparak Ompama kai h oikogeneia toy anaxwrhsoyn me elikoptero apo to notio peribolo, symfwna me mesa enhmerwshs.

    Oi plhrofories anaferoyn pws ekproswpos ths mystikhs yphresias toy Leykoy Oikoy eipe pws mia aytokinoymenh kantina poy briskotan konta eixe piasei fwtia.

    Symfwna me th New York Times, thn idia wra poy proklhqhke h fwtia, enas skylos ekpaideymenos ston entopismo ekrhktikwn mhxanismwn eixe entopisei kati se oxhma poy briskotan konta sthn perioxh ayth. Wstoso ta dyo peristatika den fanhke na eixan sxesh metajy toys.

    [07] Anablhqhke o agwnas Panqrakikos-Olympiakos

    Anablhqhke logw akatallhlolhtas toy agwnistikoy xwroy h anametrhsh anamesa ston Panqrakiko kai ton Olympiako, poy htan programmatismenh na diejaxqei apoce stis 19:30, sto ghpedo ths Komothnhs. O diaithths Delfakhs epiqewrhse treis fores ton agwnistiko xwro mazi me toys bohqoys toy kai ystera apo endelexh ejetash apefanqh oti einai entelws akatallhlos gia thn diejagwgh ths synanthshs, kaqws h synexhs broxoptwsh poy plhttei thn perioxh apo xqes ton eixe metatrecei se ``boyrko''.

    O agwnas anablhqhke ep' aoriston kai qa oristei ek neoy apo th diorganwtria arxh toy prwtaqlhmatos, afoy h katastash toy agwnistikoy xwroy den epetrepe th diejagwgh toy oyte ayrio.

    Diabaste epishs:

    Beroia-Ergotelhs 0-1

    Asteras Tripolhs-Atromhtos 1-0

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