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Athens Macedonian News Agency: News in Greek, 13-12-06

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>

  • [01] Gia ton filellhna Mantela mila sto APE - MPE, o filos toy G. Mpizos
  • [02] Xwris lewforeia to kentro ths Qessalonikhs
  • [03] Ta esoda apo tis apokratikopoihseis yperkalycan ton stoxo, sthn Portogalia
  • [04] Elamce kai pali o Koyfos
  • [05] Epimenei h Inter gia ton Ntzeko

    [01] Gia ton filellhna Mantela mila sto APE - MPE, o filos toy G. Mpizos

    O Nelson Mantela elege syxna oti ``h Ellada einai mhtera ths dhmokratias kai qa hqele h Notia Afrikh na ginei mia apo tisnees qygateres ths'' leei sto APE-MPE o 87xronos Giwrgos Mpizos, o pio stenos filos, synergaths kai dikhgorostoy Nelsona Mantela, o pio taktikos episkepths toy sta 27 xronia ths fylakishstoy. O megalos Ellhnas apo to Basilitsi ths Messhnias, poy eftase sth Notia Afrikh metanasths kata ton Deytero Pagkosmio polemo. O Ellhnas poy emaqe sto pleyro toy Mantela na polema mazi toy gia to dikio, thn katarghsh toy apartxaint kai twn fyletikwn diakrisewn, gia ta dikaiwmata twn adynatwn kai th Dhmokratia.

    To APE-MPE epikoinwnhse thlefwnika me ton Giwrgo Mpizo isws sth dyskoloterh stigmh ths zwhs toy. Liges wres meta thn anakoinwsh toy qanatoy toy Nelsona Mantela. Htan sto spiti toy ``stratiwth ths eleyqerias'', opoy eixe metabei gia na syllyphqei thn oikogeneia toy eklipontos. Dexqhke na milhsei, an kai h fwnh toy dyskola ebgaine apo th sygkinhsh.

    ``Na peite ekei sthn patrida oti o Nelson Mantela htan qermos filellhnas. Qymamai poy, ws proedros, eixe pei oti h Ellada einai mhtera ths Dhmokratias kai qa hqele h Notia Afrikh na ginei mia apo tis nees qygateres ths''.

    O k. Mpizos perigrafei th skhnh otan o Mantela hrqe sthn Aqhna to 2002 kai antikryse gia prwth fora ton Parqenwna apo to paraqyro toy jenodoxeioy toy. ``Koitaje ton Parqenwna, koitaje kai janakoitaje kai moy eipe: "Giwrgo, pisteyw oti to exw dei ayto to qayma prin". Den to eixe dei prin, alla sto pneyma toy o Parqenwnashtan to symbolo ths Dhmokratias, to opoio eixe sto myalo toy''.

    [02] Xwris lewforeia to kentro ths Qessalonikhs

    Kykloforiako komfoyzio epikratei sto kentro ths Qessalonikhs, kaqws apo tis 5 ta jhmerwmata oloklhros o nomos emeine xwris lewforeia astikhs sygkoinwnias, ejaitias ths episxeshs ergasias poy pragmatopoioyn oi ergazomenoi ston OASQ.

    Stoys dromoys kinoyntai mono ta dyo lewforeia toy OASQ gia ta atoma me eidikes anagkes, ta opoia pragmatopoioyn dromologia katopin synennohshs me toys epibates.

    [03] Ta esoda apo tis apokratikopoihseis yperkalycan ton stoxo, sthn Portogalia

    Oi metoxes ths portogalikhs etaireias taxydromeiwn anatimhqhkan 7% kata th xqesinh prwth hmera diapragmateyshs toys sto Xrhmatisthrio ths Lisabonas, shmatodotwntas mia epityxhmenh apokratikopoihsh poy bohqhse thn Portogalia na yperbei peraiterw ton stoxo gia ta esoda apo tis apokratikopoihseis sto plaisio toy mnhmonioy ths.

    Me thn pwlhsh toy 70% twn metoxwn ths CTT - h prwth pwlhsh poy egine mesw toy Xrhmatisthrioy apo to 2008 -, ta esoda ths Portogalias apo th diaqesh kratikhs perioysias anhlqan se 6,9 dis. eyrw, yperkalyptontas ton stoxo twn 5,5 dis. eyrw poy eixe teqei gia to telos toy 2013.

    [04] Elamce kai pali o Koyfos

    Oi Gkrizlis htthqhkan apo toys Klipers mesa sto Memfis me 101-81, alla gia ena akomh paixnidi elamce to asteri toy Kwsta Koyfoy. O omogenhs dieqnhs senter pragmatopoihse allh mia ejairetikh emfanish, exontas 17 pontoys kai 9 rimpaoynt sto energhtiko toy.

    Analytika o Koyfos eixe 17 pontoys (7/9 boles, 5/12 diponta), 9 rimpaoynt, dyo klecimata kai ena laqos se 30:27 lepta symmetoxhs, alla den mporese na apotrecei to ``moiraio'' gia thn omada toy. O Nik Kalaqhs agwnisthke gia 14:26 lepta, exontas 2 pontoys, 2 rimpaoynt, 1 asist kai 1 klecimo.

    [05] Epimenei h Inter gia ton Ntzeko

    O Entin Ntzeko einai poly piqano na synexisei ton Ianoyario thn kariera toy sto italiko prwtaqlhma me th fanela ths Inter. O Bosnios dieqnhs epiqetikos ths Mantsester Siti qelei na fygei apo thn premier ligk, symfwna me italika MME, kaqws den exei sigoyrh qesh sthn arxikh endekada kai h Inter toy prosferei tetraetes symbolaio synergasias anti 17 ekat. eyrw.

    Symfwna me ta idia dhmosieymata, h omada toy Milanoy piezei th Siti gia na oloklhrwqei h metagrafh ton Ianoyario. Prosferei panw 20 ekat. eyrw kai elpizei gia thn oloklhrwsh ths metagrafhs, molonoti o texnikos ths Siti, Manoyel Pelegkrini, dhlwse prin liges hmeres oti den syzhtaei to endexomeno ths paraxwrhshs toy. H gkrinia omws toy Ntzeko gia thn agwnistikh metaxeirish toy einai to ``kleidi'' gia thn italikh omada, h opoia einai se synexh epafh me ton atzenth toy.

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