Athens Macedonian News Agency: News in Greek, 12-05-09
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[01] O Ntmimtri Mentbentef anti toy Blantimir Poytin sth synodo twn G8 -
synanthsh Poytin - Ompama sto periqwrio ths Synodoy
[01] O Ntmimtri Mentbentef anti toy Blantimir Poytin sth synodo twn G8 -
synanthsh Poytin - Ompama sto periqwrio ths Synodoy
O rwssos proedros Blantimir Poytin den qa symmetasxei sth Synodo twn G8
poy qa ginei se deka hmeres sth Nea Yorkh. Sth qesh toy ejioysiodothqhke
o prwqypoyrgoe Ntmitri Mentbentef.
O rwssos proedros qa synanthqei nwritera me ton amerikano omologo toy,
Mparak Ompama sto periqwrio ths diaskechs sto Mejiko,. symfwna me thn
anakoinwsh ths proedrias twn HPA, meta'apo thlefwnikh epikoinwnia twn
dyo proedrwn.