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Athens Macedonian News Agency: News in Greek, 12-01-26

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>

  • [01] H ellhnistria Zaklin nte Romigi kai o sygxronos kosmos sto Megaron Plus
  • [02] H Italia antlhse 5 dis.eyrw mesw dietwn omologwn
  • [03] H ekqesh ths troikas gia thn Ellada den qa einai etoimh ews th Synodo Koryfhs ths EE th Deytera, ektima to Berolino
  • [04] H Kypros eisepraje th 2h dosh toy daneioy apo th Rwsia
  • [05] O Mpil Gkeits qa dwrisei 750 ekat. dolaria gia thn katapolemhsh toy AIDS

    [01] H ellhnistria Zaklin nte Romigi kai o sygxronos kosmos sto Megaron Plus

    ``To na maqeis na skeftesai, na eisai akribhs, na zygizeis tis lejeis soy, na akoys ton allon, shmainei na mporeis na syndialegesai kai einai to mono meso gia na anaxaitisqei h tromaktikh bia poy ayjanetai gyrw mas. O logos einai ena froyrio kata ths kthnwdias. Otan den jeroyme, otan den mporoyme na ekfrastoyme, otan o logos den einai eparkhs kai arketa epejergasmenos epeidh h skech einai asafhs kai mperdemenh, den apomenoyn para mono oi groqies, ta xtyphmata, h ajesth, blakwdhs, tyflh bia''.

    Den qa mporoyse na einai pio epikaira ta logia ayta ths Zaklin nte Romigi, ths yperoxhs ellhnistrias kai koryfaias istorikoy, poy anakalypte synexws stoys syggrafeis kai ta dhmosia proswpa ths arxaiothtas ta ergaleia gia na ermhneysei ton sygxrono kosmo.

    Me ayta ta logia jekinhse kai to symposio poy pragmatopoihqhke, thn Tetarth, sto Megaron Plus, sxedon ena xrono meta ton qanato ths, poy sygklonise ton pneymatiko kosmo alla kai toys aploys anqrwpoys se Ellada kai Gallia.

    H Zaklin nte Romigi, Ebraia apo patera kai syzygo, argotera kaqolikh, arxise arga thn akadhmaikh ths kariera, afoy to kaqestws toy Bisi ths apagoreyse na entaxqei sthn ekpaideysh. Meta ton polemo didaje gia liga xronia sto Lykeio Qhlewn stis Bersalies, apo ekei sto Panepisthmio ths Lilhs kai ligo argotera sth Sorbonnh.

    Apo to 1973 didaje sto Kolegio ths Gallias kai egine h prwth gynaika kaqhghtria ston koryfaio ayton galliko qesmo.

    Yphrje h deyterh gynaika melos ths Gallikhs Akadhmias meta th Margkerit Gioyrsenar. Perissotera apo 20 biblia einai oi karpoi ths afosiwshs ths sthn ellhnikh grammateia kai ston dhmosio bio ths arxaiothtas.

    [02] H Italia antlhse 5 dis.eyrw mesw dietwn omologwn

    Sthn antlhsh posoy ycoys 5 dis. eyrw proxwrhse h Italia, mesw dhmoprasias dietwn omologwn (lhjhs 2014), me epitokio, shmantika meiwmeno, sto epipedo toy 3,76%, enanti 4,85% ths prohgoymenhs dhmoprasias.

    H prosfora anhlqe synolika sto poso twn 9,1 dis.eyrw, gia th sygkekrimenh ekdosh.

    [03] H ekqesh ths troikas gia thn Ellada den qa einai etoimh ews th Synodo Koryfhs ths EE th Deytera, ektima to Berolino

    H ekqesh ths troikas DNT- EE- EKT epi ths poreias toy programmatos staqeropoihshs sthn Ellada den qa einai etoimh ews th Synodo Koryfhs ths EE th Deytera, ektima to Berolino, symfwna me ychla istameno Germano ajiwmatoyxo.

    "Den perimenw na einai etoimh h ekqesh ths troikas prin apo th Synodo ths Deyteras", epishmane o ajiwmatoyxos, sth diarkeia enhmerwtikhs synanthshs me ekproswpoys toy Typoy, enocei ths Synodoy Koryfhs.

    Symfwna me ton idio, ws apotelesma toy gegonotos aytoy h katastash sthn Ellada den anamenetai na diadramatisei kyrio rolo kata tis ergasies ths Synodoy twn hgetwn ths EE.

    [04] H Kypros eisepraje th 2h dosh toy daneioy apo th Rwsia

    Th deyterh dosh toy daneioy apo th Rwsia, ycoys 1,32 dis. eyrw, exei eisprajei h Kypriakh Dhmokratia.

    Opws anaferei anakoinwsh toy kypriakoy Ypoyrgeioy Oikonomikwn, sto plaisio ths Symfwnias Daneioy Kyproy- Rwsias, exei eispraxqei h deyterh dosh toy en logw daneioy, h opoia anerxetai se 1,32 dis. eyrw.

    [05] O Mpil Gkeits qa dwrisei 750 ekat. dolaria gia thn katapolemhsh toy AIDS

    O proedros ths Microsoft, Mpil Gkeits, o opoios exei ploysio filanqrwpiko ergo, desmeythke shmera na dwrisei epipleon 750 ekatommyria dolaria sto Pagkosmio Tameio gia thn Katapolemhsh toy AIDS kai kalese tis kybernhseis na synexisoyn tis prospaqeies toys wste na swzontai zwes.

    "Pername dyskoloys oikonomika kairoys, alla ayto den einai dikaiologia gia thn meiwsh ths bohqeias stoys pio ftwxoys toy kosmoy", eipe sto Ntabos sth diarkeia toy 42oy Pagkosmioy Oikonomikoy Foroym.

    To Pagkosmio Tameio gia thn Katapolemhsh toy AIDS, ths Fymatiwshs kai ths Elonosias anakoinwse prin apo dyo hmeres oti o dieyqynths toy Misel Kazatskin qa apoxwrhsei nwritera meta thn kritikh poy dexthke gia kakodiaxeirish porwn kai perikopes sth xrhmatodothsh.

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