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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-07-02Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] To Sabbato h thlediaskech ths EyrwomadasThlediaskech me antikeimeno thn apodesmeysh ths pempths doshs toy daneioy qa exoyn to Sabbato oi ypoyrgoi Oikonomikwn ths eyrwzwnhs. H synanthsh ths Eyrwomadas (Eurogroup) stis Bryjelles, poy eixe programmatistei gia thn Kyriakh akyrwqhke.Kykloi toy ypoyrgeioy Oikonomikwn xarakthrisan "qetiko" to gegonos oti epitaxynetai h diadikasia sygklhshs toy Eurogroup. Sthn epistolh, poy esteile o prwqypoyrgos Giwrgos Papandreoy ston proedro ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs, Zoze Mparozo, me antikeimeno thn paroxh texnikhs bohqeias kai thn epitaxynsh ths ektamieyshs twn koinotikwn kondyliwn sthn Ellada anaferqhke o ekproswpos ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs. Se o,ti afora thn epitaxynsh twn ektamieysewn twn koinotikwn kondyliwn, o ekproswpos anefere oti to qema ayto meletatai kaqws kai to qema ths meiwshs ths eqnikhs symmetoxhs sthn ylopoihsh twn ergwn. O ekproswpos dhlwse pws sthn paroysa fash den mporei akoma na mpei se leptomereies, shmeiwse wstoso oti ola ayta qa jekaqaristoyn sthn apanthsh poy qa steilei sto eggys mellon o Z. Mparozo ston G. Papandreoy. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] "Oyte kata dianoia h Ellada ektos eyrw ""Oyte kata dianoia, h Ellada ektos eyrw kai Eyrwphs", dhlwnei sto Bhma ths Kyriakhs o Germanos ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Gkinto Besterbele. Shmeiwnei de oti oydepote skefthke thn apoxwrhsh h apobolh ths Elladas apo thn eyrwzwnh dierwtwmenos ``pws qa mporoysa na mhn qelw sthn Eyrwph mia apo tis koitides toy eyrwpaikoy politismoy;''.O Germanos ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn dhlwnei thn plhrh yposthrijh toy sth filosofia ths kybernhshs, opws leei, gia ayjhsh ths antagwnistikothtas ths oikonomias. Ypogrammizei pws ``to kalo farmako exei tis perissoteres fores pikrh geysh''. Afhnei aixmes gia th stash ths ND kai toy k. Samara legontas oti ``toy anagnwrizw to dikaiwma ths diaforetikhs apochs, alla exw to dikaiwma na mhn apodexqw thn apoch toy kai na proeidopoiw gia toys kindynoys poy qa prokycoyn apo tyxon aporrich twn metarryqmisewn''. Anagnwrizei oti yphrjan yperoptikes dhlwseis Germanwn politikwn gia thn Ellada poy htan atopes kai pws polla ellhnika plakat kata Germanwn afhsan pikrh geysh. Pantws tonizei oti den mporei na katapolemhqei to xreos me nea xreh alla mono me dhmosionomikh peiqarxia kai metarryqmiseis. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] Eleyqeros xwris eggyhsh afeqhke o Nt. Stros-Kan VideoDikasthrio toy Manxatan apofasise na afeqei eleyqeros me perioristikoys oroys o prwhn genikos dieyqynths toy Dieqnoys Nomismatikoy Tameioy, Ntominik Stros-Kan, o opoios exei kathgorhqei gia sejoyalikh epiqesh se kamariera.O dikasths Maikl Ompas dexthke thn protash na epistrafei ston Stros-Kan h eggyhsh twn 6 ekatommyriwn dolariwn poy eixe katabalei, wstoso oi kathgories poy toy exoyn apaggelqei den katepesan afoy, opws eipe, "h ypoqesh den kleinei". To dikasthrio zhthse epishs na krathqoyn ta tajidiwtika eggrafa toy Stros-Kan kai orise thn epomenh akroash ths ypoqeshs gia tis 18 Ioylioy. Amesws meta thn oloklhrwsh ths diadikasias o Stros-Kan bghke apo to dikasthrio xamogelastos, synodeyomenos apo th syzygo toy An Senkler. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] Ey. Benizelos: "Anaptyjh to 2012"Stoxos ths kybernhshs einai h epistrofh ths ellhnikhs oikonomias sthn anaptyjh to 2012, meta thn yfesh to 2011 poy anamenetai na fqasei to 3,9%, dhlwse o antiproedros ths kybernhshs kai ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Ey. Benizelos se synenteyjh poy edwse, xqes, sto dieqnes praktoreio eidhsewn Roiter. "Ayth einai h ypoxrewsh mas, h elpida mas kai o stoxos mas. Dioti, xwris anaptyjh den einai dynato na epityxoyme toys strathgikoys mas stoxoys", eipe xarakthristika o k. Benizelos, o opoios anefere ws koryfaies proteraiothtes thn epitaxynsh twn prospaqeiwn gia thn antimetwpish ths forodiafyghs kai tis apokratikopoihseis."Qa systhsoyme amesa to tameio gia tis apokratikopoihseis, gia na epityxoyme toys stoxoys mas gia efetos kai ews to 2015. O stoxos gia to 2011 einai efiktos, epeidh perilambanei dhmosia perioysia, h opoia den epibarynetai me synqeta nomika zhthmata" eipe o antiproedros, prosqetontas oti qa ergasqei me th Nea Dhmokratia gia th stelexwsh toy 5meloys Dioikhtikoy Symboylioy toy Tameioy. H anergia, symfwna me tis probleceis, qa fqasei fetos to 16-17%, eipe o antiproedros, shmeiwnontas oti "ta metra yper ths anaptyjhs qa kanoyn thn Ellada filikh stis epixeirhseis kai qa wfelhsei toys ergazomenoys". © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] Jekinhse to Rockwave festivalDynath moysikh, prasino kai pareistikh diaqesh htan ta tria xarakthristika ths prwths hmeras toy fetinoy "rok goyeib festibal" (Rockwave festival), sto Tera Baimp Park sth Malakasa. Oi nees hlikies eixan thn timhtikh toys enw polloi htan kai oi taktikoi qamwnes toy festibal. O kosmos arxise na proserxetai apo nwris to prwi sto parko, opoy thn enarjh ekane to sygkrothma "Go Over" stis 11.15, enw h proseleysh toy koinoy ayjhqhke ligo meta tis 4 to apogeyma. To spoydaio sygkrothma apo to parelqon ``Stranglers'' apoqewqhke apo to koino.Kosmos kaqismenos h kai japlwmenos sto grasidi apolambane th fysh meta moysikhs, enw polloi htan aytoi oi opoioi eixan hdh kataskhnwsei sto parko gia na apolaysoyn tis ekdhlwseis toy trihmeroy festibal. Mikroproblhmata ston hxo kata th diarkeia ths synaylias toy sygkrothmatos Cake den ptohsan tragoydistes kai koino oi opoioi synexizan na diaskedazoyn mexri tis 8 to brady. Oi Editors, to basiko sygkrothma ths prwths meras toy festibal, ekleise th bradia me jefrenoys electro (hlektro) ryqmoys. To plhres reportaz ths B. Papatzikoy sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [06] Proionta molysmena me E.coliKatecygmena proionta kreatos apo th Germania, molysmena me to paqogono bakthrio E. coli O157, entopisthkan apo elegxoys toy EFET sth Boreia Ellada. Prokeitai gia katecygmeno proion kima apo bodino kreas kai katecygmena pikantika soytzoykakia apo bodino kreas, ta opoia diakinoyntai apo thn etaireia LIDL.O E.F.E.T. apaithse thn amesh anaklhsh kai aposyrsh toy synoloy twn sygkekrimenwn proiontwn apo thn ellhnikh agora kai hdh briskontai se ejelijh oi sxetikoi elegxoi. Kaloyntai oi katanalwtes poy exoyn hdh promhqeytei ta proionta ayta na mhn ta katanalwsoyn. Opws dhlwse sto APE - MPE o proedros toy EFET, Giwrgos Nyxas to stelexos poy entopisthke sta proionta poy diakinhqhkan mesw ths Lidl den einai to idio me ayto poy entopisthke se alles eyrwpaikes xwres, alla einai ejisoy epikindyno. ``Oi katanalwtes den prepei na anhsyxoyn, giati olo ayto deixnei poso kala antanaklastika exei o EFET, kaqws kata th dienergeia deigmatolhptikwn elegxwn kai se synergasia me to Kentro Elegxoy kai Prolhchs Noshmatwn, poy ekane thn analysh, entopisthke h molysmenh partida kai zhthqhke h amesh aposyrsh ths'' tonise o k. Nyxas. To plhres reportaz toy Q. Metsioy sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [07] Hlektronikh ypobolh sygkentrwtikwn katastasewn mesw toy TAXISnetSe leitoyrgia teqhke apo xqes, Paraskeyh, kai lhgei stis 30 Septembrioy, h yphresia hlektronikhs ypobolhs, mesw toy TAXISnet, twn sygkentrwtikwn katastasewn pelatwn, promhqeytwn kai pistwtikwn ypoloipwn.Opws anakoinwqhke apo to ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn, apo efetos h ypobolh twn katastasewn mporei na ginei gia prwth fora me dyo tropoys: - Me thn apeyqeias symplhrwsh diadiktyakhs hlektronikhs formas. Ayth symplhrwnetai mesa apo ton logariasmo toy xrhsth sto periballon toy TAXISnet. H dynatothta ayth prosferetai gia katastaseis poy perilambanoyn ews kai 50 eggrafes. Me ton tropo ayton, dieykolynetai h ypobolh dhlwsewn apo forologoymenoys me sxetika mikro ogko kinhsewn. - Me th dhmioyrgia kai ypobolh katallhloy arxeioy. To arxeio ayto syxna paragetai aytomata apo to systhma mhxanografhmenhs logistikhs ths kaqe epixeirhshs. Epipleon, to arxeio mporei na dhmioyrghqei kai me efarmogh ths GGPS, thn opoia o xrhsths egkaqista ston proswpiko toy ypologisth. H efarmogh einai diaqesimh apo ton diadiktyako topo ths GGPS ( © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [08] Parapomph TsoxatzopoyloyThn askhsh poinikhs diwjhs kata toy prwhn ypoyrgoy Amynas toy PASOK Akh Tsoxatzopoyloy gia dyo adikhmata kai thn parapomph toy sto Dikastiko Symboylio, apofasise thn Paraskeyh, me eyreia pleiochfia, h Olomeleia ths Boylhs epeita apo mystikh chfoforia, apodexomenh to porisma ths Eidikhs Koinoboyleytikhs Epitrophs poy diereynhse thn ypoqesh twn germanikwn ypobryxiwn.Eidikotera, chfisan 242 boyleytes kai sthn kalph breqhkan 236 egkyra, 6 akyra kai 4 leyka. Gia to adikhma ths paqhtikhs dwrodokias, yper ths parapomphs toy k. Tsoxatzopoyloy chfisan 216, 9 "kata", enw 7 dhlwsan "parwn", enw gia to adikhma nomimopoihshs esodwn apo paranomh drasthriothta, yper chfisan 215, kata 9, enw 8 dhlwsan "parwn". Katopin aytoy, sthn Olomeleia ths Boylhs qa ginei h klhrwsh twn pente melwn anwtatwn dikastikwn leitoyrgwn poy qa apartizoyn to Dikastiko Symboylio. To Dikastiko Symboylio qa apofanqei gia to an exoyn h oxi paragrafei ta adikhmata me ta opoia diwketai o prwhn ypoyrgos Amynas Akhs Tsoxatzopoylos, an qa yparjei diaxwrismos toys kai an qa parapemfqei sto Eidiko Dikasthrio h sthn Taktikh Dikaiosynh. Nwritera, o A. Tsoxatzopoylos emfanisthke sth Boylh dhlwnontas aqwos kai me thn epishmansh pros toys "prwhn syntrofoys toy", oti den qa kataferoyn na ton katasthsoyn ``boliko enoxo me koyreloxarta ths kaqarshs'', enw xarakthrise ``mnhmeio plastografhshs ths alhqeias'' to porisma ths Proanakritikhs Epitrophs gia thn ypoqesh twn ypobryxiwn, me to opoio proteinetai h parapomph toy. Taytoxrona, o k. Tsoxatzopoylos dhlwse oti prosfeygei sto Eyrwpaiko Dikasthrio Anqrwpinwn Dikaiwmatwn gia na apokalycei thn politikh toy diwjh me nomiko mandya, enw yposthrije oti ``h parastash ayth qa exei aprosmeno telos gia toys afaneis kai emfaneis prwtagwnistes ths''. Epiteqhke de, sto kybernhtiko komma, yposthrizontas oti ``ayto to PASOK poy katesth synwnymo toy martyrioy toy ellhnikoy laoy den einai to komma toy''. Sthn eikosalepth omilia toy sthn Olomeleia ths Boylhs, o prwhn ypoyrgos Amynas toy PASOK ekane logo gia "skeywria" kai "anhqiko kathgorhthrio", dinontas idiaiterh emfash stis omofwnes apofaseis toy KYSEA gia thn paraggelia twn ypobryxiwn kai kalwntas onomastika na erqoyn na milhsoyn sth Boylh gi' ayto ton shmerino prwqypoyrgo Giwrgo Papandreoy, kai toys ypoyrgoys Qodwro Pagkalo, Basw Papandreoy, Eyaggelo Benizelo Dhmhtrh Reppa, Mixalh Xrysoxoidh, Kwsta Skandalidh kai Giannh Magkriwth. ``H paroysia moy edw den shmainei nomimopoihsh ths parwdias kaqarshs kai eytelismoy twn qesmwn. Briskomai edw gia na apogymnwsw to diatrhto, prokataskeyasmeno porisma kai th bolikh kai kalpikh eikonikh pragmatikothta poy sas paroysiasan'', tonise o k. Tsoxatzopoylos, o opoios xarakthrise "terastio ceydos" kai "paranomo symperasma" oti dwrodokhqhke. Apekroyse de thn kathgoria oti phre paranoma perioysiaka wfelhmata apo thn etairia "Ferostal" gia thn dieykolynsh ths, shmeiwnontas oti ``dieykolynsh xwris ephreasmo twn melwn toy KYSEA kai toy A.N.S. den ginetai'', kai oti ``den yparxei oydemia martyria peri dwrodokias moy''. To plhres reportaz ths N. Qwma kai toy A. Makridh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [09] H Toyrkia sto epikentroH dieyrynsh kai h omalh poreia twn entajiakwn diapragmateysewn me thn Toyrkia, stoxos ths polwnikhs proedrias, dhlwnei o presbhs ths Polwnias Mikal Klingker.O stoxos ths ``anoixths Eyrwphs'' mesw ths diadikasias ths dieyrynshs qa teqei sto epikentro ths polwnikhs proedrias poy paroysiase tis proteraiothtes ths gia to epomeno ejamhno. Opws dhlwse o presbhs ths Polwnias Mikal Klingker, h proedria stoxeyei sthn oloklhrwsh twn diapragmateysewn me thn Kroatia, enw parallhla qa epidiwjei kai proodo stis diapragmateyseis me thn Toyrkia kai thn Islandia. ``Yphrjan diaboyleyseis se ychlo epipedo metajy Elladas kai Polwnias, prin apo thn analhch ths proedrias kai eimaste poly eytyxeis giati h proseggish ths Polwnias san kratos melos alla kai san proedreyoysa ths E.E. einai koinh me thn Ellada. H Toyrkia prepei na lambanetai ypoch kai na synexisei tis diapragmateyseis gia plhrh entajh sthn E.E.'' ypogrammise milwntas sto APE-MPE o presbhs ths Polwnias, poy anefere akoma oti ``o kyrios logos gia ton opoio exoyn pagwsei oi diapragmateyseis einai mallon enas distagmos apo thn Eyrwph gia ayth th qemeliwdh apofash poy elabe sto Elsinki thn opoia skopeyoyme na thrhsoyme. Nomizw oti twra ta krath melh yposthrizoyn ayth thn apofash ki elpizoyme oti kata th diarkeia ths proedrias mas qa shmeiwqei proodos me to anoigma kapoiwn kefalaiwn ths diapragmateyshs''. H Kypros poy qa analabei to timoni ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs to deytero ejamhno toy 2012, yposthrizei thn entajiakh poreia ths Toyrkias me thn proypoqesh oti h xwra qa antapokriqei sta krithria ths Kopegxaghs, dhlwse sto APE-MPE o presbhs ths Kyproy, Iwshf Iwshf. Parallhla, h yposthrijh ths eyrwpaikhs poreias twn xwrwn twn Dytikwn Balkaniwn qa apotelesei shmantikh proteraiothta gia thn polwnikh proedria. To plhres reportaz ths F. Doylgkerh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [10] Ta "cila grammata"Se stayrolejo gia dynatoys lytes exei apobei h symplhrwsh toy mhxanografikoy deltioy apo toys xiliades ypochfioys stis fetines panellhnies ejetaseis.Oi idiaiterothtes fetos einai polles, alla kyrioteres einai h hlektronikh gia prwth fora ypobolh toy mhxanografikoy deltioy kai ta nea metra poy isxyoyn gia tis eidikes kathgories poy dikaioyntan meteggrafh (triteknoi, polyteknoi, me adelfia poy spoydazoyn se allh polh k.a.). Fetos gia prwth fora to mhxanografiko deltio ypoballetai hlektronika kai epeidh h diadikasia einai kainoyria oi perissoteroi ypochfioi protimhsan na symplhrwsoyn to mhxanografiko me th syndromh twn ekpaideytikwn. Opws lene sto APE-MPE arketoi kaqhghtes, h diadikasia einai "ena bhma proodoy", kaqws o ypochfios mporei na to symplhrwsei apo to spiti toy, exei th dynatothta na ftiajei polla "proxeira" mhxanografika prin katalhjei sto oristiko, an ginoyn orismena laqh to systhma exei th dynatothta na ta diorqwsei klp. Polloi ypochfioi alla kai oi kaqhghtes toys, poy toys bohqoyn sth symplhrwsh toy mhxanografikoy, zhtoyn apo to ypoyrgeio Paideias na parateinei peran ths 28hs Ioynioy th lhjh ths hmeromhnias kataqeshs twn mhxanografikwn, wstoso mexri stigmhs to ypoyrgeio den exei ikanopoihsei to aithma. Oi ypochfioi epishmainoyn oti mexri stigmhs den gnwrizoyn basika stoixeia poy ephreazoyn tis epiloges toys. To megalytero omws problhma fetos isws to antimetwpisoyn oi ypochfioi poy anhkoyn stis eidikes kathgories. Opws lene oi ekpaideytikoi, ta paidia ayta sthn pleiochfia toys den exoyn syneidhtopoihsei to neo systhma me to opoio oysiastika katargoyntai oi meteggrafes. Polles eyergetikes diatajeis poy yphrxan sto parelqon kai toys edinan to "eisithrio" akomh kai gia sxoles me poly pio ychlh bash apo ta moria poy eixan sygkentrwsei katarghqhkan kai etsi oi perissoteroi qa spoydasoyn ekei opoy qa epityxoyn. Ta "cila grammata" toy mhxanografikoy Epeidh h epilogh spoydwn kai kat' epektash h symplhrwsh toy mhxanografikoy einai mia apo tis prwtes shmantikoteres energeies sth zwh enos anqrwpoy, exei shmasia na gnwrizoyn oi ypochfioi tis dynatothtes, tis paraleiceis kai me dyo logia ta "cila grammata" toy mhxanografikoy deltioy. To APE-MPE apeyqynqhke s' enan eidiko episthmona, ton Str. Strathgakh, poy einai maqhmatikos kai ereynhths, zhtwntas toy na dieykrinisei tis "leptomereies" kai tis "yposhmeiwseis" toy mhxanografikoy. O kaqhghths ejhgei: "Oi eidikes periptwseis einai treis: oi polyteknoi, oi triteknoi kai ta koinwnika krithria". Se kaqe mia apo tis treis basikes kathgories exei doqei jexwristos ariqmos eisaktewn. Ayto shmainei oti qa exoyme se kaqe tmhma 4 diaforetikes baseis. Mia gia th genikh kathgoria kai treis baseis mia gia kaqe eidikh kathgoria. Oi ypochfioi poy anhkoyn stis eidikes kathgories symmetexoyn sthn epilogh gia tis epipleon qeseis mono gia th dioikhtikh perifereia toy topoy diamonhs toys ektos an yparxei adelfos h adelfh poy spoydazei se allh polh, opote epilegoyn mia perifereia h thn perifereia toy topoy diamonhs h thn perifereia toy topoy spoydwn toy adelfoy. Se kaqe mia eidikh kathgoria yparxoyn ejaireseis - ta cila grammata - poy exoyn skopo na periorisoyn ton ariqmo twn entassomenwn sthn kathgoria giati oi qeseis einai elaxistes. Tis odhgies me tis periptwseis twn eidikwn kathgoriwn kai ta apaitoymena dikaiologhtika mporoyn na broyn oi ypochfioi sthn istoselida ypobolhs toy mhxanografikoy sto koympi odhgies xrhshs. Ta dikaiologhtika prepei na exoyn hmeromhnia progenesterh ths hmeromhnias ths oristikhs ypobolhs toy mhxanografikoy deltioy. Ta dikaiologhtika katatiqentai sth grammateia ths sxolhs epityxias kai se periptwsh poy den einai swsta, h poinh einai poly baria: o foithths diagrafetai apo th sxolh kai apokleietai apo to systhma eisagwghs gia dyo xronia. Prosoxh loipon giati oi poines einai poly aysthres se osoys apo laqos h eskemmena dhlwsoyn laqos stoixeia. To plhres reportaz ths M. Papoytsakh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [11] "Epanastash ajioprepeias"Eikosipente xiliades eqelontes apo thn Ellada kai xwres toy ejwterikoy symmetexoyn anidiotelws, sthn yposthrijh twn Special Olympics 2011, bazontas kaqe enas apo aytoys, to diko toy liqaraki sthn prospaqeia ths metadoshs toy mhnymatos gia sebasmo sth diaforetikothta. Apoteloyn thn ``atmomhxanh'' twn Agwnwn. Einai aytoi poy kanoyn to oneiro ekatommyriwn melwn toy kinhmatos, pragmatikothta, apodeiknyontas emprakta oti, oso dyskoles kai na einai oi sygkyries, h Ellada den payei, se kamia periptwsh, na einai koitida filojenias, prosforas, enothtas kai elpidas, gia olo ton kosmo. O dr Kaxiso Moloi einai o proedros ths Odontiatrikhs Etaireias ths Namimpia. Hrqe sthn Ellada, gia na symmetasxei kai aytos sthn ``epanastash ths ajioprepeias'', opws apokaleitai to kinhma twn Special Olympics, kai milhse sto APE-MPE gia thn empeiria toy.``Katagomai apo to Gioxanesmpergk kai eimai odontiatros. To 2005 arxisa na symmetexw energa sto programma Special Smiles twn Special Olympics, sto opoio ws odontiatros, frontiza gia thn kalh ygeia twn dontiwn twn aqlhtwn'', leei sto APE-MPE. ``Ap to 2007 eimai o ypeyqynos toy programmatos "Ygieis Aqlhtes" (Healthy Athletes), ths Namimpia. Sto sygkekrimeno programma, bebaiwnoyme kai frontizoyme genikotera gia thn kalh ygeia twn aqlhtwn. Parexoyme eqelontika iatrikes yphresies, ypoballontas toys symmetexontes se genikes, orqopedikes, odontiatrikes, ofqalmologikes ejetaseis kai prosferontas toys fysioqerapeies'', prosqetei. Symfwna me toys epikefalhs toy kinhmatos twn Special Olympics, ekatontades einai oi giatroi poy symballoyn eqelontika sth diadosh toy mhnymatos ths enothtas. Afierwnoyn to xrono toys kai ton ylikotexniko ejoplismo toys, prokeimenoy na parasxoyn dwrean iatrikh diagnwsh se xiliades paidia kai enhlikes me dianohtikh anaphria, mesw toy programmatos ``Ygieis Aqlhtes'', enw xiliades gyalia orasews, akoystika barhkoias kai proionta proswpikhs ygieinhs moirazontai dwrean stoys aqlhtes. To plhres reportaz toy Hlia Palialejh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [12] "Eirhnh" sthn Epidayro"Poia Eirhnh les; Poia Eirhnh twra moy zhtas; Poia Eirhnh caxneis kai rwtas; Emeis ki an eixame Eirhnh, thn diwjame...", tragoyda o o Xoros ths "Eirhnhs", mias apo tis pio agaphmenes kai entypwsiaka epikaires kwmwdies toy Aristofanh, h opoia shkwse xqes brady aylaia gia ta fetina Epidayria, xarizontas sto koino gelio,sygkinhsh kai eilikrineia.Apo nwris to apogeyma, plhqos kosmoy arxise na sygkentrwnetai sto Arxaio qeatro ths Epidayroy gia n' apolaysei thn kwmwdia toy Aristofanh, poy qewreitai sthn pagkosmia dramatoyrgia ena apo ta pio antipolemika erga olwn twn epoxwn. Meta toys "Batraxoys", tis "Orniqes" kai tis "Qesmoforiazoyses" poy exei paijei sto parelqon, o Petros Filippidhs dokimazei ayth th fora tis dynameis toy sth skhnoqesia enos akoma aristofanikoy ergoy- poy anebainei se metafrash toy K.X. Myrh - me to opoio symmetexei sto Festibal Aqhnwn. Th dramatoyrgikh epejergasia, ypografei o idios, mazi me toys Giwrgo Galith kai Giwrgo Lefa. Prokeitai gia thn prwth toy skhnoqesia sto argoliko qeatro, sthn opoia synergazetai me to qiaso Qeatrikh Diadromh. Sthn panta epikairh "Eirhnh", enan ymno sthn agrotikh zwh o Aristofanhs kataggellei ton polemo kai taytoxrona parwdei to qeatro ths epoxhs toy. "Otan arxisame n' asxoloymaste me thn epejergasia toy ergoy anarwtiomastan ti einai o polemos shmera. O polemos einai koinwnikos, oikonomikos, eswterikos. Ayto qeloyme na poyme shmera me thn "Eirhnh", giati den yparxei enas polemos swma me swma, alla enas poly pio ypoylos kai epikindynos ton opoio dexetai h koinwnia" , leei o Petros Filippidhs milwntas gia thn parastash. To ampeli toy Trygaioy - Petroy Filippidh exei sthqei gia ta kala sth skhnh ths Epidayroy. Ena laiko panhgyri me entono eikastiko xarakthra parakoloyqoyn epi skhnhs oi qeates na diadramatizetai mprosta sta matia toys. "Polemos gia th doyleia moy, polemos gia to fai. Mh me pnijoyne ta xreh kai me baloyn fylakh...." tragoydoyn kai xoreyoyn ena tsoyrmo gewrgoi, plai ston ftwxo ampeloyrgo Trygaio, me to koyreliasmeno toy kostoymi kai ta prasina papoytsia (kostoymia Giannhs Metzikwf). Enw oi hxoi ths prwtotyphs moysikhs toy Minoy Matsa kataklyzoyn to Arxaio qeatro ths Epidayroy. Ta skhnika moiazoyn me pinaka zwgrafikhs poy zwntaneyei. Ews kai ton Olympo zwgrafismeno blepei to koino epi skhnhs. Allwste exei frontisei gi' ayto o eikastikos Giannhs Kotths. Xwris na akyrwnetai to keimeno kai h epoxh toy, h dramatoyrgikh epejergasia fernei to ergo pio konta mas, wste na afora kai th shmerinh epoxh. Etsi ginontai entones anafores sto shmera oxi me onomata, alla me perigrafes. Oi hqopoioi anaferontai metajy allwn sto mnhmonio, ston prosfato anasxhmatismo alla kai se dhlwseis politikwn poy syzhthqhkan to teleytaio diasthma: " Ma kala, poios kybernaei epiteloys ayton ton topo ; O Kanenas", "Mazi ta fagame", "Mas fagane ta tzakia, gi ayto kahkame ta koytsoyra", "Einai periergo ayto poy symbainei se aythn thn xwra. Prwta soy bgazoyn to ladi, meta thn pisth, gia na soy bgei meta h cyxh me thn anesh ths", "Den mas planeyoyn twra pia oi koyfies yposxeseis, ki an toys janachfisoyme kateba na mas..". Akomh, h parastash prwtotyphse kai se alla shmeia kaqws perieixe anafores ston Tsak Noris, sthn prasinh energeia, sto kinhma "Den plhrwnw", sto thleoptiko sooy "Dancing with the stars", moysikh apo tis epikindynes apostoles kai atakes apo thn tainia toy Nikoy Perrakh "Seirhnes sto Aigaio". H Eirhnh prwtoparoysiasthke to 421 p.X. sta Megala Dionysia , opoy kai kerdise to deytero brabeio. O Aristofanhs egrace thn kwmwdia kata th diarkeia twn diapragmateysewn metajy Aqhnaiwn kai Spartiatwn, poy katelhjan sthn eirhnh toy Nikia, me thn opoia oi laoi twn dyo antipalwn hlpizan oti qa lhjei o Peloponnhsiakos polemos. Prwtagwnisths o Trygaios, enas ftwxos ampeloyrgos poy aganaktismenos apo thn katantia twn ampeliwn toy apofasizei na cajei kai na apeleyqerwsei thn Eirhnh, h opoia einai fylakismenh se mia sphlia. Jekinaei gia ton Olympo, kabalwntas ena terastio skaqari, sthn prospaqeia toy ews kai toys qeoys na peisei gia na eleyqerwsei thn Eirhnh, th stigmh poy h Gh kai oi anqrwpoi katastrefontai apo ton polemo. Prepei na biastei omws giati o Polemos exei sto metajy mazecei se ena terastio goydi oles tis poleis-krath kai etoimazetai na tis liwsei me to goydoxeri. Apo kei arxizoyn oi peripeteies toy mexri na epistrecei nikhths sth Gh... Me ena qermo kai paratatetameno xeirokrothma epibrabeyse xqes brady thn parastash to koino sto Arxaio qeatro ths Epidayroy. Apoxairetwntas toys qeates, o skhnoqeths kai prwtagwnisths Petros Filippidhs afierwse thn "Eirhnh" sthn mnhmh toy Qanash Beggoy, gnwrizontas oti o Trygaios htan kai o teleytaios rolos toy megaloy Ellhna hqopoioy. To plhres reportaz ths Nantias Mpakopoyloy sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [13] Isopalia sthn premieraArgentinh kai Bolibia anadeixqhkan isopales 1-1 ston enarkthrio agwna toy 43oy Kopa Amerika, poy filojeneitai sth xwra toy tagko.Oi filodojoi ghpedoyxoi paraligo na gnwrisoyn tapeinwtikh htta enwpion twn 50.000 filaqlwn toys, kaqws sto 47o lepto breqhkan pisw sto skor, meta to gkol toy Entibalnto Roxas. Telikws, th lysh gia thn omada toy Serxio Mpatista edwse o Serxio Agkoyero, poy mpainontas ws allagh sto 70', sth qesh toy Ezekiel Labetsi, skorare me entypwsiako bole sto 77' kai "eswse" ena baqmo gia thn omada toy, h opoia pantws problhmatise gia akomh mia fora. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |