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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-06-01Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Synanthseis gia peraiterw apokratikopoihsh OTEMe to klimakio ths Deutshce Telekom synantatai ayth thn wra, sto ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn, o ypoyrgos, Giwrgos Papakwnstantinoy, sto plaisio ths peraiterw apokratikopoihshs toy OTE.Basei ths yfistamenhs symfwnias, h kybernhsh exei to dikaiwma na zhthsei apo th germanikh etairia na proxwrhsei sthn apokthsh enos epipleon posostoy 10% ston OTE. Thn perasmenh Pempth, 26 Maioy, o k. Papakwnstantinoy eixe aposteilei epistolh sth dioikhsh ths Deutsche Telekom, gia thn ekkinhsh ths diadikasias sxetika me thn peraiterw apokratikopoihsh toy OTE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] Enwpion DPD o Mlantits thn ParaskeyhH prwth emfanish toy prwhn stratiwtikoy hgeth twn Serbwn ths Bosnias, Ratko Mlantits, enwpion toy Dieqnoys Poinikoy Dikasthrioy (DPD) gia thn prwhn Gioygkoslabia qa pragmatopoihqei thn Paraskeyh stis 10:00 (11:00 wra Elladas), sth Xagh, symfwna me anakoinwsh toy dikasthrioy poy ekdoqhke shmera.O 69xronos Ratko Mlantits, o opoios synelhfqh stis 26 Maioy sth Serbia afoy diefeyge epi 16 xronia, metaferqhke xqes to brady sta kraththria toy DPD sth Xagh, meta thn afijh toy aeroporikws sto aerodromio toy Roterntam. O Mlantits kathgoreitai gia genoktonia, egklhmata polemoy kai egklhmata kata ths anqrwpothtas poy diapraxqhkan kata ton polemo sth Bosnia (1992-1995). © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] Sto Proedriko Megaro oi Xilianoi metallwryxoiEpiskech kai jenaghsh sto Proedriko Megaro ekanan to prwi oi 33 metallwryxoi apo th Xilh, oi opoioi eixan egklwbistei se oryxeio, epi dyo kai pleon mhnes kai apeleyqerwqhkan meta apo epimones prospaqeies.Toys ypodexqhke o genikos grammateas ths proedrias presbhs k. K.Gewrgioy, o opoios toys synexarh gia to qarros poy eixan epideijei kai ejefrase th lyph toy proedroy ths Dhmokratias poy den mporese na toys synanthsei. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] G. Probopoylos: "Geloia ta senaria ejodoy apo thn eyrwzwnh"Geloia xarakthrise ta senaria ejodoy ths xwras apo thn eyrwzwnh o dioikhths ths Trapezas ths Ellados, G. Probopoylos.Milwntas se ekdhlwsh gia thn paroysiash ekqeshs gia thn klimatikh allagh, epeshmane oti oloi oi ypologismoi poy exoyn ginei gia th sxesh kostoys wfeleias gia ta epomena 50 xronia exoyn ginei se eyrw. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] ''H ellhnikh krish apeilei thn pagkosmia oikonomia''H krish xreoys ths Elladas "epideinwnetai me anhsyxhtiko ryqmo" kai mporei na yponomeysei, an den periorisqei, thn anakamch ths pagkosmias oikonomias, dhlwse h dioikhths ths Kentrikhs Trapezas ths Notias Afrikhs kyria Tzil Merkoys, symfwna me to praktoreio Bloomberg."An kai kapoia morfh anadiarqrwshs toy xreoys fainetai anapofeykth kai orismenoi qa elegan oti exei kaqysterhsei, h epiptwsh sto eyrwpaiko trapeziko systhma qa einai shmantikh", dhlwse h Dioikhths se dhmosiografoys sto Gioxanesmpoyrgk, prosqetontas oti to kratikos xreos ths Elladas, ths Irlandias kai ths Portogalias apotelei shmantiko pososto twn isologismwn germanikwn kai gallikwn trapezwn. "Mia apotyxia ston periorismo twn systhmikwn problhmatwn mporei na exei epiptwseis gia th xrhmatopistwtikh staqerothta oxi mono twn eyrwpaikwn oikonomiwn, alla genika ths pagkosmias oikonomias", dhlwse h kyria Merkoys. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [06] Qelei na dei ton ProedroTon Proedro ths Dhmokratias epidiwkei na synanthsei ayth thn wra o proedros toy LA.O.S., Giwrgos Karatzaferhs, meta apo dekalepth synanthsh poy zhthse kai eixe me ton Proedro ths Boylhs.Amesws meta th synanthsh me ton k. Petsalniko, o k. Karatzaferhs den qelhse na kanei kanena sxolio, dhlwnontas stoys dhmosiografoys oti ayto poy qa epidiwjei einai na synanthqei shmera me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias, Karolo Papoylia. Nwritera to prwi, milwntas se thleoptiko staqmo (Antena), o k. Karatzaferhs eipe oti skeptetai poly sobara na aposyrei to komma toy apo th Boylh. Epishmane oti h sygkekrimenh energeia qa exei ws stoxo na leitoyrghsei ``ws xastoyki se ena lipoqymismeno systhma, opoy, dystyxws, kybernhsh kai ajiwmatikh antipoliteysh peri allwn tyrbazoyn, se mia stigmh krishs kai otan o exqros den einai pro twn pylwn, einai entos. Na katalaboyn oti to pragma den paei allo''. Opws eipe ayto piqanws qa ypoxrewsei ta dyo megala kommata na omonohsoyn, na anagnwrisoyn ta laqh toys, ``giati PASOK kai ND eferan ta pragmata oxi apo oikonomikhs mono kataqlichs alla kai koinwnikhs, na erqoyn na baloyn plath na swsoyme ton topo. O topos xanetai''. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [07] Ejelissetai to kinhmaEdw kai mia ebdomada, exei stadiaka dhmioyrghqei ena aytonomo Kinhma Ellhnwn politwn poy sygkentrwnetai sthn plateia Syntagmatos kai ta Propylaia, diekdikwntas allages sto politiko systhma, katarghsh toy mnhmonioy, ena kalytero biotiko epipedo kai dikaiwma sthn...elpida.To Kinhma onomasthke h omada twn ``Aganaktismenwn'' sta xnaria toy adelfoy kinhmatos ``Los indignados'', sthn Ispania, einai paidi toy diadiktyoy kai anaptyssetai shmera me taxeis ryqmoys. Ta xarakthristika toy Kinhmatos aytoy einai h xalarh organwtikh diarqrwsh, h elleich hgetikhs ekproswphshs, h ``aktinwth'' domh kinhmatikoy xarakthra poy basizetai stis laikes syneleyseis kai thn ennoia ths ameshs dhmokratias. Oi syneleyseis einai anoixtes, gia oloys toys endiaferomenoys polites kai lambanoyn xwra synhqws kata tis 9 to brady, panw sthn plateia Syntagmatos. Shmera, pera apo ta tessera gkroypakia sto facebook poy exoyn anaptyxqei me panw apo 150.000 melh kai tis dekades sxetikes istoselides, yparxoyn perissoteres apo 30 aytonomes kai aytodiaxeirizomenes omades poy oles mazi apoteloyn to Kinhma twn Aganaktismenwn. Se aytes tis omades me thn xalarh syndetikh morfh prostiqentai diafores enwseis politwn, newn kai syntajioyxwn, akoma kai perastikwn poy erxontai sto Syntagma gia na dhlwsoyn thn paroysia toys. O Panagiwths Qeodwridhs, melos toy, ejhgei sto APE - MPE, toys logoys ths paroysias toy shmera sto Syntagma. ``Dhmioyrghsame toys 300ellines prin apo peripoy dyo mhnes. Hmastan tote mia omada deka atomwn poy zhtame epiteloys na allajei to politiko kai oikonomiko skhniko ths xwras''. H omada exei eikositetrawrh paroysia sto Syntagma, me ta melh ths na kratoyn tesseris ejawres bardies. ``Zhtame na enwqoyme oloi gyrw apo ta dikaia aithmata toy kosmoy, thn arnhsh toy xreoys, thn arnhsh ths boyleytikhs asylias kai thn allagh toy Syntagmatos me mia syntaktikh eqnosyneleysh''. H omada poy jekinhse stis 22 Maioy exei hdh sygkentrwsei 12.000 ypografes kai epekteinei thn drasthriothta ths sthn Krhth kai thn Paro. ``O kosmos exei koina aithmata kai ayto einai kati poy arxizei na to syneidhtopoiei. Caxnoyme synexws eqelontes, eytyxws mexri stigmhs den prolabainoyme na mazeyoyme ypografes'', dhlwnei o k. Qeodwridhs. Aytonomes omades yparxoyn polles. Mia apo aytes to ``Diktyo Episfalwn kai Anergwn'', poy diekdikoyn perissotera dikaiwmata gia toys ergazomenoys. O Qeodoshs Baikos apo thn omada thn youtubers, dhladh twn Ellhnwn xrhstwn ths gnwsths yphresias Youtube, dhlwnei thn aganakthsh toy apenanti sta nea metra. ``Isws twra na katalaboyn. Den feygoyme mexri na dikaiwqoyme'', anaferei o k. Baikos Ektos apo neoys anqrwpoys, dynamiko paron dinei kai h trith hlikia. Idiaitero endiaferon paroysiazei to gegonos pws stadiaka, to Kinhma twn Aganaktismenwn fainetai oti organwnetai. Mexri kai thn perasmenh Trith eixan hdh dhmioyrghqei 18 epitropes organwshs poy asxoloyntai me pio ejeidikeymena qemata, opws h texnikh yposthrijh ths grammateias, nomika qemata, kaqarismos kai periballon, sitish, ejormhseis kai dianomh fylladiwn, metafrash ktl. Sthn perioxh toy Syntagmatos, exoyn sthqei panw apo 25 skhnes, me anqrwpoys poy dianyktereyoyn kaqhmerina sb enan xwro poy exei pleon metatrapei se bhma anoixtwn syneleysewn, opoy o kaqenas mporei na parei ton logo gia tria lepta gia na ekfrasei tis apoceis toy. H kaqe idea tiqetai se anoixth, dhmokratikh chfoforia kai mesw apo thn diadikasia ayth prokyptei kai h atzenta ths epomenhs hmeras. Symfwna me toys diorganwtes exoyn proapofasistei sygkekrimenes draseis kai kalesmata mesa ston Ioynio. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |