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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-03-15Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Ypobaqmish OTE apo ton oiko Moody'sO oikos Moody's anakoinwse oti meiwse thn pistolhptikh baqmologia toy OTE se Baa3 apo Baa2 kai thn eqese ypo ejetash gia piqanh peraiterw ypobaqmish.O epikefalhs analyths toy oikoy gia ton OTE k. Karlos Goyinzer dhlwse oti h kinhsh ayth htan synepeia ths prosfaths ypobaqmishs toy ajioxreoy ths Elladas sto B1 apo Ba1 apo ton Moody's. "Ayth proekyce, metajy allwn, apo th grhgorh epideinwsh ths katanalwtikhs dapanhs sthn Ellada kai thn ayjanomenhs anhsyxias oson afora to makrooikonomiko periballon sth xwra, me to AEP ths na anamenetai na meiwqei kata 3% efetos", eipe o k. Goyinzer, prosqetontas oti "to periballon qa ephreasqei peraiterw apo to polyetes programma staqeropoihshs ths Kybernhshs, to opoio qa exei arnhtikh epidrash sta protypa zhthshs toy OTE". More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form o''W [02] Anakamptoyn oi dytikes oikonomiesShmadia anakamchs deixnei h oikonomia twn xwrwn ths Dytikhs Eyrwphs, meta thn oikonomikh krish poy xarakthrise thn perysinh xronia (22% ayjhsh twn ptwxeysewn), idiws stoys tomeis toy pagkosmioy emporioy kai twn ependysewn, symfwna me ethsia meleth poy dhmosiopoieitai sthn Ellada kat' apokleistikothta apo thn ICAP Group AE.Opws epishmainei se dhlwseis toy o k. Giannhs Efraimidhs, Ektelestikos Dieyqynths toy Omiloy ICAP sthn Ellada, h oikonomikh yfesh entaqhke kata to 2010 enw h meiwsh toy AEP diamorfwqhke sto 4%, se synexeia ths prohghqeisas meiwshs toy 2009 poy htan -2,3%. Symfwna me ton k. Efraimidh, oson afora stis katagegrammenes 355 ptwxeyseis sthn Ellada gia to etos 2010, einai fainomenika idiaitera xamhles se sygkrish me oles tis xwres ths Dytikhs Eyrwphs, gegonos poy mporei na odhghsei se esfalmena symperasmata. Oson afora ston ariqmo twn etairikwn ptwxeysewn stis memonwmenes xwres ths D.Eyrwphs (xwres ths EE, Elbetia kai Norbhgia) to 2010 aytos meiwqhke, omws to aqroisma toys einai to deytero ychlotero mesa sta teleytaia 10 xronia, htoi 175.677 dhl. 1,4% mono xamhlotero apo to arnhtiko rekor twn 178.235 toy 2009. Ajioshmeiwth einai h parathrhsh oti 3 apo tis 10 ptwxeyseis synebhsan sth Gallia (29,1%). Sth deyterh qesh erxetai h Germania me 18,3% kai oi Skandinabikes xwres me 12,1% enw peripoy 10% twn ptwxeysewn synebhsan stis xwres Benelux (Belgio, Ollandia kai Loyjemboyrgo) kai sto Hnwmeno Basileio. Enw to 2009 o ariqmos twn anergwn poy exasan th qesh ergasias toys logw ptwxeyshs ths etaireias sthn opoia apasxoloyntan anhlqe se 2 ekatommyria, to 2010 o antistoixos ariqmos kymanqhke sto 1,4 ekatommyria, htoi 30% mikroteros. To gegonos ayto ofeiletai sth meiwsh twn ptwxeysewn megalwn etaireiwn oi opoies prokaloyn mazikes apolyseis kai logw toy oti oi ptwxeymenes epixeirhseis, opws anaferqhke anwterw, htan sto megalytero ogko toys mikromesaies. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form o''W [03] Krathseis sto DiadiktyoThn ylopoihsh diadiktyakoy topoy gia krathseis toyristikwn paketwn sthn ellhnikh epikrateia, se synergasia me to Syndesmo Ellhnikwn Toyristikwn Epixeirhsewn, anakoinwse o ypoyrgos Politismoy kai Toyrismoy Paylos Geroylanos se synanthsh poy eixe me dhmosiografoys, ypogrammizontas taytoxrona, oti ayth h prwtoboylia den exei sxesh me thn protash toy SETE gia synergasia se epipedo marketingk kai probolhs toy ellhnikoy toyristikoy proiontos.Gia thn ylopoihsh toy diktyakoy topoy, opws tonise o ypoyrgos qa systaqei enas foreas, opoy kai qa analabei th diaxeirish toy. O neos diktyakos topos qa exei polles omoiothtes me to Visitgreece, wstoso h diafora qa entopizetai metajy allwn sth dynatothta toy diadiktyakoy episkepth na pragmatopoiei krathseis se jenodoxeia, aeroporika kai aktoploika eisithria klp, kati poy den ginetai apo thn platforma toy Visitgreece. Malista ta esoda toy neoy forea, poy qa exei katastatiko gia thn emporikh toy xrhsh, qa didontai gia th diafhmistikh probolh ths Elladas, se mia periodo poy ta kondylia gia diafhmish einai elaxista. Sto shmeio ayto o k. Geroylanos ypogrammise oti me thn ylopoihsh toy en logw diktyakoy topoy "den kanoyme prowqhsh toy ellhnikoy toyristikoy proiontos me to SETE", oyte aytos qa ejyphrethsei mono ta melh toy syndesmoy. Antiqeta qa diasfalistei h dynatothta na eiselqei opoiosdhpote sthn en logw diadiktyakh platforma. Paramenontas ston "aera" toy diadiktyoy o Paylos Geroylanos exontas epistrecei apo tis megales toyristikes ekqeseis toy ejwterikoy staqhke metajy allwn sthn prwtoboylia na kalesei ekproswpoys twn diktyakwn topwn gia krathseis toyristikwn paketwn, Expedia & Trip advisor, na pragmatopoihsoyn seminaria se jenodoxeiakoys epixeirhmaties. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form o''W [04] Enhmerwsh sth Boylh"Mini" pro hmerhsias diatajews syzhthsh pragmatopoieitai ayrio stis 10 to prwi sthn Olomeleia ths Boylhs.Sxetiko aithma, basei toy arqroy 142 A toy Kanonismoy ths Boylhs, ypebale pros ton proedro ths Boylhs Filippo Petsalniko, o prwqypoyrgos Giwrgos Papandreoy, prokeimenoy na enhmerwsei to Koinoboylio sxetika me ta apotelesmata ths Synodoy Koryfhs ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs. Symfwna me ton Kanonismo ths Boylhs, "gia thn egkairh kai ypeyqynh plhroforhsh kai enhmerwsh ths Boylhs, h kybernhsh dia toy prwqypoyrgoy, mporei ektos apo th syzhthsh pro hmerhsias diatajews, na zhthsei opotedhpote na kanei anakoinwseis h dhlwseis enwpion ths gia opoiadhpote sobarh dhmosia ypoqesh". H problepomenh diadikasia ths syzhthshs exei ws ejhs: H anakoinwsh h dhlwsh ths kybernhshs ginetai apo ton prwqypoyrgo kai h diarkeia ths den mporei na yperbainei ta 10 lepta, enw oi proedroi twn koinoboyleytikwn omadwn mporoyn na anaptyjoyn tis apoceis toys gia pente lepta. H apanthsh toy prwqypoyrgoy stis apoceis twn arxhgwn twn koinoboyleytikwn kommatwn den mporei na yperbainei ta 5 lepta. Oi arxhgoi twn kommatwn exoyn dikaiwma deyterologias gia tria lepta enw o prwqypoyrgos "kleinei" th syzhthsh, milwntas epi 5 lepta. Synedriazei h KO toy PASOK Toys boyleytes toy PASOK enhmerwnei shmera o prwqypoyrgos Giwrgos Papandreoy, gia tis apofaseis ths prosfaths Synodoy Koryfhs ths eyrwzwnhs. H Koinoboyleytikh Omada toy kybernwntos kommatos qa syneleqei pros toyto stis 4.30 to apogeyma. "Mhnyma asfaleias pros tis agores" kai "shmantiko staqmo poy deixnei th qetikh poreia ths xwras", xarakthrise thn apofash ths ektakths Synodoy Koryfhs o prwqypoyrgos, Giwrgos Papandreoy, kata th xqesinh synanthsh toy, me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias Karolo Papoylia. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form o''W [05] Etoimh gia "katebasma"H Microsoft kykloforhse se 39 glwsses thn telikh ekdosh toy neoy programmatos plohghshs Internet Explorer 9, poy diaqetei beltiwmenes dynatothtes gia diaxeirish grafikwn, asfaleia, prostasia twn proswpikwn dedomenwn toy xrhsth k.a.O neos IE9 kykloforei se mia periodo poy ta antagwnistika programmata plohghshs "kleboyn" olo kai megalytera meridia agoras apo thn Microsoft, symfwna me to BBC kai to Galliko Praktoreio. Metajy allwn, o neos "fyllometrhths" (browser) epitrepei ston xrhsth na apokryptei ta online "bhmata" toy kaqws metakineitai apo diadiktyako se diadiktyako topo, empodizontas etsi diafores etairies na parakoloyqoyn hlektronika tis perihghseis toy kai na syllegoyn xrhsima apo emporikh apoch stoixeia. Akoma, o IE9 epitrepei stoys xrhstes na exoyn amesh epignwsh toy ti "katebazoyn", wste na entopizoyn eykolotera ioys kai alla kakoboyla programmata poy prospaqoyn na "trypwsoyn" ypoyla ston ypologisth. O Internet Explorer 9 epishs ajiopoiei apotelesmatikotera thn karta grafikwn toy ypologisth, me apotelesma na mporei na paroysiazei taxytera kai kalytera toys diadiktyakoys topoys poy episkeptetai o xrhsths. H Microsoft anakoinwse oti perissoteroi apo 40 ekat. xrhstes "katebasan" tis pilotikes-dokimastikes ekdoseis (beta) toy IE9, perissoteroi apo kaqe allh fora sto parelqon. Hdh peripoy to 2% twn xrhstwn twn Windows 7 "trexoyn" th nea ekdosh toy Internet Explorer, h opoia "trexei" epishs sta Vista, alla oxi sta XR. Oi xrhstes mporoyn na "katebasoyn" dwrean ton IE9 sth dieyqynsh More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |