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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 10-12-16

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>

  • [01] Sto 12,4% ayjhqhke h anergia sthn Ellada
  • [02] Meiwseis timwn se 661 proionta
  • [03] "Xeirofreno" sta MMM
  • [04] H thleorash "skotwnei" to sej o''W

    [01] Sto 12,4% ayjhqhke h anergia sthn Ellada

    Sto ychlotero epipedo ths dekaetias diamorfwqhke h anergia sthn Ellada, symfwna me ta stoixeia poy anakoinwse h Ellhnikh Statistikh Arxh kai aforoyn to trito trimhno toy 2010. Sygkekrimena kata to trito trimhno toy 2010 o ariqmos twn apasxoloymenwn anhlqe se 4.402.931 atoma kai twn anergwn se 621.938 kai etsi to pososto anergias ayjhqhke sto 12,4%, enanti 11,8% toy prohgoymenoy trimhnoy kai 9,3% toy antistoixoy trimhnoy 2009. Epishs, h apasxolhsh meiwqhke kata 0,5% se sxesh me to prohgoymeno trimhno kai kata 3,0% se sxesh me to trito trimhno toy 2009. O ariqmos twn anergwn ayjhqhke kata 4,7% se sxesh me to prohgoymeno trimhno kai kata 33,7% se sxesh me to trito trimhno toy 2009.

    To pososto anergias twn gynaikwn (16,1%) einai shmantika ychlotero apo twn andrwn (9,7%). Apo thn kata omades hlikiwn diarqrwsh ths anergias prokyptei oti to ychlotero pososto parathreitai stoys neoys hlikias 15-29 etwn, htoi 24,2%. Gia nees gynaikes to antistoixo pososto fqanei sto 30,6%.

    Ws pros to epipedo ekpaideyshs, to ychlotero pososto anergias parathreitai se osoys den exoyn paei kaqoloy sxoleio (19,3%), stoys apofoitoys anwterhs texnologikhs epaggelmatikhs ekpaideyshs (15,1%) kai se osoys exoyn oloklhrwsei merikes tajeis dhmotikoy (12,4%). To xamhlotero pososto parathreitai se osoys exoyn didaktoriko h metaptyxiako (7,5%) kai stoys ptyxioyxoys ths tritobaqmias ekpaideyshs (9,4%).

    Kata to G' trimhno toy 2010, brhkan apasxolhsh 102.797 atoma, ta opoia htan anerga prin apo ena etos. Parallhla, kata to idio xroniko diasthma, 62.444 atoma metakinhqhkan apo ton oikonomika mh energo plhqysmo se qeseis apasxolhshs. Antiqeta, 158.586 atoma, ta opoia ena xrono prin htan apasxoloymena, shmera einai anerga kai alla 89.447 atoma poy htan apasxoloymena, einai pleon oikonomika mh energa. Epipleon, 91.848 atoma, poy prin ena etos anhkan ston oikonomika mh energo plhqysmo, eishlqan sthn agora ergasias anazhtwntas apasxolhsh, alla einai anerga.

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    [02] Meiwseis timwn se 661 proionta

    Meiwseis timwn se pososto apo 0,71% ews 37,9% se 661 proionta eyreias katanalwshs, exoyn jekinhsei sthn agora arketes etairies alla kai megales alysides soyper market. Wstoso, h syntriptikh pleiochfia twn meiwsewn twn timwn qa fanei meta thn 1h Ianoyarioy 2011, opws proekyce apo tis epafes poy eixe o ypoyrgos Perifereiakhs Anaptyjhs kai Antagwnistikothtas M. Xrysoxoidhs me toys ekproswpoys twn epixeirhsewn.

    O ypoyrgos dhlwse meta th synanthsh, oti epixeireitai apo thn kybernhsh mia prospaqeia anaqermanshs ths oikonomias me prwtoboylies opws h anamorfwsh ths leitoyrgia ths Epitrophs Antagwnismoy o ependytikos nomos, h aplopoihsh adeiodothshs twn texnikwn epaggelmatwn kai nees ryqmiseis gia th leitoyrgia twn epixeirhmatikwn parkwn alla apaitoyntai poly perissotera pragmata opws einai h eyqynh kai h allhleggyh xwris antipalothtes kai entaseis.

    "H ellhnikh oikogeneia exei qysiasei meros toy eisodhmatos ths kai gia kairo oi times den epeftan", eipe o ypoyrgos synexizontas oti h anagkh na meiwqoyn oi times einai yparkth kai apotelei stash eyqynhs kai allhleggyhs toy kratoys kai twn epixeirhsewn. Se ayto to kalesma brhkame symparastates dekades epixeirhseis kai h prwtoboylia poy analabame mas kanei na pisteyoyme oti kati qa allajei sth xwra.

    "Triantaeji megales epixeirhseis ston klado trofimwn kai eidwn prwths anagkhs proxwroyn se meiwseis mexri 38% se 661 kwdikoys epwnymwn proiontwn", eipe o ypoyrgos kai dieykrinise oti prokeitai gia meiwseis se proionta poy apoteloyn to kaqhmerino kalaqi ths noikokyras kai apo tis meiwseis aytes mporei na prokycei ews kai 50 eyrw ofelos mhniaiws gia mia tetramelh oikogeneia.

    Epishs shmeiwse oti prokeitai gia meiwseis kai oxi gia prosfores.

    Qa yparjoyn nees synanthseis kai me alloys tomeis sths agoras kai ta kaysima ypagontai se ayth thn prwtoboylia poy se prwth fash afora panw apo to 60% twn emporeymatwn twn soyper market.

    More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form


    [03] "Xeirofreno" sta MMM

    Sobarotata problhmata stis metakinhseis toy qa antimetwpisei shmera to epibatiko koino, ejaitias twn kinhtopoihsewn twn ergazomenwn stis astikes sygkoinwnies.

    Exei programmatistei 24wrh apergia se ola ta Mesa Mazikhs Metaforas kai ston OSE.

    Ta trena toy OSE kai o proastiakos qa meinoyn akinhtopoihmena, afoy h Panellhnia Omospondia Sidhrodromikwn exei hdh ejaggeilei 24wrh apergia.

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    [04] H thleorash "skotwnei" to sej

    H thleorash, analoga me to ti parakoloyqei kapoios s aythn, mporei na leitoyrghsei ws arnhtikh parametros gia th sejoyalikh toy epiqymia. Oso pio enqermos latrhs twn eidhsewn kai genikotera ths enhmerwshs einai, toso pio cyxros apodeiknyetai sto krebati. An.... kataferei kai ftasei s' ayto, kaqws h epiqymia se andres kai gynaikes gia sejoyalikh syneyresh meta apo ena deltio eidhsewn meiwnetai drastika. Ayta kai alla polla kai endiaferonta yposthrizei ereyna ths EMAS (Etairia Meleths ths Anqrwpinhs Sejoyalikothtas) h opoia doqhke sth dhmosiothta.

    Ta apotelesmata ths, deixnoyn oti oi ekpompes poy kinoyntai sthn orqh politikh qesh (eidhseis, politikh, reportaz) ephreazoyn arnhtika th limpinto se pososto 84%, enw mono to 16% toy deigmatos ephreazetai qetika.

    Oi ekpompes me piperata sxolia kai optikh kleidarotrypas opws kai oi ekpompes rialiti (ta bthle-skoypidiabopws onomazontai) poy qa perimene kaneis na rixnoyn thn limpinto poly perissotero, fainetai oti thn anebazoyn shmantika, afoy to 56% apanta pws ephreazetai qetika. Oso kai na moiazei paradojo ayto, ermhneyei thn difyh fysh toy anqrwpoy, apo th mia ta ychla kai idewdh, alla kai ta tapeina kai geloia poy anakoyfizoyn to swma apo thn egkefalikh dynasteia. Sta rialiti kai stis koinwnikes-ploysies se koinwnika sxolia- ekpompes o mesos thleqeaths mesa apo thn tapeinwsh twn tritwn jorkizei toys daimones poy exei mesa toy kai krybei epimelws ton kaqwsprepismo toy.

    Oi ekpompes me xioymor, satira kai gelio eixan entypwsiakh qetikh epidrash ston orgasmo sto 77% toy deigmatos.

    Aytes oi ereynes alla kai prohgoymenh ereyna ths EMAS exoyn deijei mia arnhtikh epidrash toy xronoy thleqeashs kai ths erwtikhs diaqeshs me pososto apoxhs apo to sej 17% gia osoys eblepan panw apo 2-3 wres thleorash thn hmera.

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