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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 09-07-18

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  • [01] "Aplopoihsh diadikasiwn kai diafaneia"
  • [02] "H kybernhsh den yphretei to dhmosio symferon"
  • [03] Hmerhsia Atzenta: 18/7/2009

    [01] "Aplopoihsh diadikasiwn kai diafaneia"

    Synergasia me ton ypoyrgo Anaptyjhs, Kwsth Xatzhdakh, eixe sto Megaro Majimoy o prwqypoyrgos, Kwstas Karamanlhs. O k. Xatzhdakhs tonise oti syzhthqhke ypo katartish sxedio nomoy gia thn aplopoihsh ths diadikasias sthn idrysh epixeirhsewn, wste apo 17-18 bhmata, poy xreiazontai shmera, na apaitoyntai molis 3 me 4.

    ``Stoxos einai na ginei pio eykolh h zwh twn newn epixeirhmatiwn kai idiws twn mikromesaiwn epixeirhsewn'', eipe o k. Xatzhdakhs.

    Epishs, anakoinwse oti h kybernhsh qa prowqhsei peraiterw th diafaneia stis promhqeies toy dhmosioy tomea, me ena pio sygxrono, pio diafanes kai pio eyrwpaiko systhma, to opoio qa ajiopoiei kai tis dynatothtes toy diadiktyoy.

    ``H diafaneia einai chla stis kybernhtikes proteraiothtes'', tonise o ypoyrgos, shmeiwnontas oti stoxos einai na qa dhmosiopoioyntai, mesw diadiktyoy, oles oi promhqeies kai oi diagwnismoi.

    Apantwntas se erwthsh gia dhmosieymata sxetika me th dhmioyrgia pyrhnikwn ergostasiwn paragwghs hlektrikhs energeias apo th DEH, o k. Xatzhdakhs eipe ``den einai stis proteraiothtes mas, isxyoyn oi palaioteres topoqethseis mas''.

    [02] "H kybernhsh den yphretei to dhmosio symferon"

    "To montelo ths ypersygkentrwshs kefalaioy se liga xeria fqanei sto telos toy kai antikaqistatai apo ena allo montelo, ayto ths prasinhs anaptyjhs", htan to aisiodojo mhnyma, poy aphyqyne o proedros toy PASOK Giwrgos Papandreoy se ekdhlwsh poy egine me thn eykairia ths oloklhrwshs twn ergasiwn toy Symposioy ths Symhs, sth Skiaqo.

    To idio aisiodojos htan o k. Papandreoy anaferomenos sthn eswterikh katastash, opoy kathgorhse thn kybernhsh oti ypobaqmise ena eynooymeno kratos me apotelesma o poliths na bombardizetai kaqhmerina me apokalyceis diafqoras. H kybernhsh, prosqese, yphretei mono eidika symferonta twn ligwn kai isxyrwn kai oxi to dhmosio symferon. Ayto, tonise, qa to anatrecoyme kai malista poly syntoma stis erxomenes ekloges, wste h politeia na yphretei mono to dhmosio symferon kai kanena allo.

    O proedros toy PASOK anaferomenos sthn prasinh anaptyjh tonise pws ayth diasfalizei pente stoxoys: prwton, thn koinwnikh allhleggyh, th synoxh kai thn koinwnikh dikaiosynh, mia koinwnia xwris anisothtes, deyteron, mia nea sxesh toy anqrwpoy me th fysh, to periballon kai ton politismo, triton, ajiopoihsh twn newn texnologiwn me ependysh ston anqrwpo, tetarton, apallagh ths dhmokratias apo to sygkentrwtiko kai pelateiako kratos, enw prosqese oti h dhmokratia einai to neo stoixhma sthn politikh kai pempton, kaqista thn Ellada mia xwra anoixtwn orizontwn poy mporei na einai prwtoporos sthn prasinh anaptyjh.

    Syzhthsh me dhmosiografoys

    Se syzhthsh poy eixe me toys dhmosiografoys, amesws meta th lhjh twn ergasiwn toy Symposioy, o k. Papandreoy anaferomenos sta symperasmata gia thn Ellada, tonise oti ``h Ellada mporei na exei enan poly shmantiko rolo sta Balkania, thn Eyrwph, th Mesogeio kai th Mesh Anatolh. Ypo thn proypoqesh bebaia oti qa sxediasei to mellon ths, qa analabei prwtoboylies kai den qa parameinei sth shmerinh akinhsia''.

    Shmantiko rolo epishs, opws eipe, mporei na exei sth diamorfwsh twn sxesewn ths Eyrwphs me th Rwsia, ``logw twn paradosiakwn kalwn sxesewn, poy sthrizontai sthn Orqodojia kai tis politistikes paradoseis twn dyo xwrwn, kaqws epishs kai sth diamorfwsh twn sxesewn ths Eyrwphs me thn Toyrkia me thn opoia mporei na synergastei kai sta qemata energeias, efoson prwtoporhsei sthn ajiopoihsh twn Ananewsimwn Phgwn Energeias, tomeas ston opoio h xwra mas mporei na einai prwtoporos''.

    Opws anaferqhke apo toys synedroys, h Ellada exei polles anajiopoihtes dynatothtes stis sxeseis ths me thn perioxh kai qa mporoyse na paizei rolo synqetiko gia th dhmioyrgia kai thn anaptyjh newn prwtoboyliwn kai newn politikwn.

    Anaforika me to qema ths prasinhs anaptyjhs, h opoia, opws eipwqhke, einai anagkaiothta gia oloys, to erwthma, poy eqese o k. Papandreoy, einai ``an qa pame se aythn me sxediasmo kai ajiopoiwntas tis eykairies poy parexei gia eyryteres allages, h qa sernomaste pisw apo tis alles xwres me o,ti epiptwseis mporei na exei kati tetoio''.

    H Ellada, symfwna me tis ektimhseis poy eginan, exei terasties dynatothtes, alla qa dexqei kai arketes apeiles, kaqws h Mesogeios anamenetai na einai perioxh, poy qa plhgei amesa apo tis klimatikes allages. ``Sthn antimetwpish aytwn twn allagwn, h Ellada mporei na exei shmantiko logo kai rolo, enw shmera einai apoysa''.

    Sxetika me ta zhthmata dhmokratias, kai ekei, opws eipwqhke, h Ellada exei polla na prosferei. Anaferqhke de, ws paradeigma, sth dhmoskopikh diaboyleysh, poy egine prin apo tis teleytaies dhmotikes ekloges gia thn epilogh ypochfioy dhmarxoy sto Maroysi.

    Sto qema ths dhmokratias kai ths symmetoxhs anaferqhke kai h Segkolen Royagial, h opoia exei anaptyjei sxetikes drasthriothtes sth Gallia kai malista prosfata ekane diaboyleysh me ta sxoleia (maqhtes, kaqhghtes, goneis kai ergazomenoys sta sxoleia) kai to pws kai poy prepei na diatiqentai ta xrhmata, poy proorizontai gia to sxoleio.

    Stis nees aytes morfes dhmokratias eipwqhke oti h Ellada qa mporoyse na apotelesei ena kentro paromoiwn diadikasiwn.

    Megalh syzhthsh egine kai gia ta qemata asfaleias, poy prokyptoyn kaqhmerina kai den sxetizontai toso me th gnwsth eswterikh asfaleia, oso kyriws me th fylajh twn synorwn, to emporio, to laqremporio, ta narkwtika klp, opoy h Ellada -epishs kata tis ektimhseis twn synedrwn- qa mporoyse na exei shmantiko rolo, ws kentro sthn perioxh ths Mesogeioy, anaforika me tis ereynes, poy prepei na ginontai gia thn antimetwpish olwn aytwn twn fainomenwn.

    Sto Symposio antallaxqhkan eyryteres apoceis, prokeimenoy na fwtistoyn orismena qemata h pleyres qematwn, enw egine syndesh twn pagkosmiwn problhmatwn me ta topika, kyriws ekeina poy antimetwpizei h Ellada, mias kai -opws anaferqhke- ta pagkosmia kai ta topika problhmata exoyn koinh atzenta me tis diaforopoihseis ths.

    Sxetika me to xrhmatopistwtiko systhma, opws leitoyrgei shmera, anaferqhke, oti den ejyphretei tis anagkes toy planhth kai exei shmantikes epiptwseis kai se topiko epipedo. Antistoixa, ektimhqhke oti yparxoyn dynatothtes dhmokratikhs ekfrashs kai aytonomhs organwshs, alla kai diaboyleyshs kai symmetoxhs twn politwn, enw parathrhqhke oti shmera yparxei megalo elleimma dhmokratias pagkosmiws kai kyriws sxetika me to poios pairnei apofaseis, me poio tropo kai giati pairnei tis sygkekrimenes apofaseis, kai oxi alles. Opws tonisthke ``shmera apofaseis pairnontai apo trapezes kai megales epixeirhseis, enw h symmetoxh toy kratoys se aytes meiwnetai''.

    Anafora egine, epishs, kai sta mesa enhmerwshs, palaia kai nea, sto rolo poy paizoyn kai sthn aytonomia poy prepei na exei h politikh apenanti se ayta.

    O k. Papandreoy anaferqhke sthn prasinh asfaleia, ws zhthma poy afora kai thn ejwterikh politikh ths xwras, h opoia prepei na lambanei ypoch ths to montelo ths prasinhs oikonomias. Anefere, ws paradeigma, to endexomeno na dhmioyrghqoyn polla problhmata, p.x. elleich neroy se mia polh 15 ekatommyriwn katoikwn. ``Tetoia problhmata qa prokalesoyn megales metakinhseis plhqysmwn kai prepei kanenas na sxediasei thn antimtwpish toy problhmatos ek twn proterwn, wste na yparjei asfaleia kai sthn perioxh, poy exei to problhma, alla kai sthn periox,h poy piqanon na dexqei kymata metanastwn'', eipe.

    To deytero paradeigma, poy anafere o k. Papandreoy, afora th diaxeirish twn aporrimmatwn. Anarwthqhke ti qa ginei se mia polh san thn Aqhna an prokycei mia opoiadhpote pandhmia kai exei problhmata me ta skoypidia. Prosqese de, oti, se tetoia zhthmata, h Ellada mporei na exei shmantiko rolo sthn perioxh ths Mesogeioy.

    Epishs, anefere oti qa mporoyse h Ellada anaptyssontas tis Ananewsimes Phges Energeias na proteinei sthn Eyrwph kai thn Toyrkia, anti h geitonikh xwra na syzhtaei gia kataskeyh ergostasiwn paragwghs pyrhnikhs energeias, na lyqei to qema apo koinoy me thn Ellada me thn paragwgh energeias apo Ananewsimes Phges, sxetika me tis opoies h xwra mas exei terasties dnatothtes.

    O proedros toy PASOK synedese thn prasinh anaptyjh me thn koinh agrotikh politikh, h opoia lhgei to 2013, otan qa stamathsoyn kai oi epidothseis ston agrotiko tomea. Yposthrije pws ``an h Ellada qesei ws stoxo thn prwtoporia sthn prasinh anaptyjh, qa exei polla atoy stis diapragmateyseis me thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh se qemata agrotikhs paragwghs'' kai epekrine thn kybernhsh oti ``den exei sxedio gia to ti prepei na ginei meta to 2013''.

    ``H kybernhsh exei krish strathgikhs, sta eqnika qemata'', anefere o proedros toy PASOK, Giwrgos Papandreoy, o opoios ekane makra anafora sth syzhthsh, poy eixe me toys dhmosiografoys sth Skiaqo, gia tis ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis me aformh tis prosfates dhlwseis Ntaboytogloy. Diatypwse de, th diafwnia toy me mia episkech ths ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn sthn Toyrkia, qewrwntas oti ``h Ellada den einai proetoimasmenh gia kati tetoio''.

    ``Otan phgaineis idiaitera sthn Agkyra, prepei na jereis poy qeleis na pas. Alla h kybernhsh den jerei poy na paei. Antiqeta, oi Toyrkoi jeroyn poy qeloyn na pane'', eipe.

    Anaferomenos, ejalloy, sthn antidrash ths ellhnikhs pleyras epi twn dhlwsewn Ntaboytogloy, o k. Papandreoy yposthrije oti ``ayth apokalyce poso apoysiazei mia synektikh, synephs kai apotelesmatikh politikh se sxesh me thn Toyrkia'', kathgorwntas thn kybernhsh oti ``antimetwpizei antifatika ta zhthmata twn ellhnotoyrkikwn sxesewn''.

    Ws paradeigma ayths ths antifatikothtas, epikalesqhke thn ``egkataleich'' apo thn kybernhsh ths parapomphs toy qematos ths yfalokrhpidas sthn Xagh, opws anaferotan sth symfwnia toy Elsinki toy 1999, dioti opws eipwqhke apo pleyras kybernhshs, h Xagh den einai eynoikh gia thn Ellada.

    Prosfata, h kybernhsh janaanaklyptei th Xagh. Etsi den mporei na exei kamia ajiopistia apenanti stoys dieqneis organismoys, thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, alla kai thn idia thn Toyrkia. Me poia ajiopistia qa diapragmateytei h Ellada, otan h kybernhsh den jerei ti leei kai ayto to jeroyn kai oi Toyrkoi;'', eipe o k. Papandreoy.

    O proedros toy PASOK anefere, epishs, oti to 1999 yphrje odikos xarths gia thn entajh ths Toyrkias sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh kai gia parapomph toy qematos ths yfalokrhpidas sto Dieqnes Dikasthrio ths Xaghs se periptwsh poy den mporoyse to qema ayto na epilyqei apo tis dyo xwres.

    ``Sth Xagh qa fqanane mesa apo thn thrhsh toy Dieqnoys Dikaioy, poy htan h pio swsth diadikasia, kaqws qa diasfalize ta symferonta ths xwras kai ta kyriarxika ths dikaiwmata, h lysh qa dinotan xwris pieseis kai pazaria gia anomoia pragmata kai h diadikasia qa htan apolytws eirhnikh'', ypogrammise.

    Epekrine thn kybernhsh kai ton k. Karamanlh oti den ekanan apolytws tipota to 2004 kai prosqese pws toylaxiston o k. Karamanlhs qa eprepe na eixe krathsei th dynatothta ths shmantikhs epifylajhs toy beto se periptwsh poy hToyrkia den qa hqele na proxwrhsei se epilysh toy problhmatos ths yfalokrhpidas.

    O k. Papandreoy eipe akomh oti ``oso den yparxei ena staqero plaisio, qa mpoyme se alles logikes, opoy oi etairoi sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh qa lene na dwsoyme kati sthn Toyrkia, alla ayto to kati qa proerxetai apo ta dika mas qemata, ta dika mas symferonta kai dikaiwmata. Parallhla, h Toyrkia, an den kanoyme kati, qa prosqetei zhthmata kai qa qetei kai alles diekdikhseis gia na pazareyei thn afairesh toys apo ton katalogo''.

    O proedros toy PASOK jekaqarise pws gia to Kinhma kai gia thn Ellada, to qema me th moysoylmanikh meionothta ths Qrakhs ``einai ena qema apokleistika ellhniko kai den to syzhtame me kanenan''. Se sxesh, ejalloy, me to Oikoymeniko Patriarxeio, tonise oti ``mporei na afora thn Ellada h tyxh toy, den prokeitai omws gia ena dimeres qema metajy Elladas - Toyrkias, alla gia mia ypoxrewsh ths Toyrkias apenanti sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh'' kai prosqese pws ``an syzhthsoyme tetoia qemata me thn Toyrkia, ayto den qa ginei me bash to Dieqnes Dikaio, alla me bash to dikaio toy isxyroy. Kai se ena tetoio plaisio, h Ellada den kerdise pote kai oyte prokeitai na kerdisei''.

    Se erwthsh an yparxei dynatothta beto apo thn pleyra ths Elladas, ton Dekembrio, otan qa ajiologhqei h eyrwpaikh poreia ths Toyrkias, o k. Papandreoy apanthse oti ``einai laqos ths kybernhshs, poy eipe kai pali oti den qa probalei antirrhseis ton Dekembrio''. Anefere de, oti to beto poy eixe balei to PASOK epi germanikhs Proedrias, to prwto ejamhno toy 1999, eixe ws apotelesma, epi finlandikhs Proedrias to deytero ejamhno, na diamorfwqei mia nea strathgikh apo thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh gia thn entajiakh poreia ths Toyrkias.

    O proedros toy PASOK eipe oti ``an oi ekloges sthn Ellada ton Ioynio htan diples, sto ejamhno poy mesolabei mexri ton Dekembrio, qa mporoyse na diamorfwqei mia allh politikh kai na mpoyn nees proypoqeseis gia thn Toyrkia''. Prosqese pws ``an, gia paradeigma, oi ekloges sthn Ellada ginoyn ton Noembrio, tote h katastash qa einai diaforetikh'', apofeygontas ajiologhsei ti qa mporoyse na ginei se ayth thn periptwsh.

    Eipe, omws, oti ``an teqei beto apo thn Ellada, xwris h xwra mas na exei kanei tipota gia thn dikh ths proetoimasia kai gia thn proetoimasia twn etairwn, tote oi etairoi qa rijoyn thn eyqynh sthn Ellada kai thn Kypro kai ayto qa ginei, logw ths aprajias poy deixnei h shmerinh kybernhsh''.

    Drimeia epiqesh kata ths kybernhshs, ejapelyse o proedros toy PASOK, Giwrgos Papandreoy, me aformh tis prosfates ejelijeis, tis opoies synedese me thn en genei diakybernhsh ths xwras apo th ND.

    Otan toy zhthqhke apo toys dhmosiografoys na sxoliasei tis ejelijeis gyrw apo thn ypoqesh ths ``symmorias twn 16'' kai alla gegonota, opws h allagh sthn hgesia ths EYP, o k. Papandreoy yposthrije oti ``ws Ellada, den exoyme janazhsei pote sto parelqon mia tetoia morfh diakybernhshs ths xwras, me tetoia egklhmatikothta, diafqora, anomia kai sygkalych''.

    O k. Papandreoy rwthqhke, epishs, an qa prokalesei ekloges to Martio, anejarthta apo to poio proswpo protaqei ws ypochfio kai ti qa kanei sthn periptwsh, poy protaqei o prwhn prwqypoyrgos, Kwstas Shmiths. Apantwntas o k. Papandreoy estiase sthn politikh, poy askei, tonizontas oti ``shmera, to mono poy den ejyphreteitai einai to dhmosio symferon. Ejyphretoyntai polla alla symferonta, h anomia kai h adiafaneia. H allagh poreias ths xwras proexei opoiwndhpote proswpwn''.

    [03] Hmerhsia Atzenta: 18/7/2009

  • Syskech toy Panelladikoy Swmatos toy SYRIZA - 10:30:00, Aqhna/Stadio Eirhnhs kai Filias. O Proedros toy SYN Alejhs Tsipras qa milhsei stis 12.30 to meshmeri.

  • 41o Synedrio ths P.E.A , Hrakleio/Hrakleio. Qa parastoyn o proedros ths Dhmokratias K. Papoylias kai h YPEJ Nt. Mpakogiannh. Aponomh ston Proedro ths Dhmokratias K.Papoylia toy ``Benizeleioy Brabeioy'' apo ton Proedro ths P.E.A. E. Belhbasakh.

    Aqlhtikh Atzenta

  • Podosfairo-Filikos: AEK-Slabia Pragas - 18:30:00

  • Podosfairo-Filikos: Janqh-Doja Dramas - 19:00:00, 3-5 Phgadia

  • Mpasket-Eyrwpaiko Newn Andrwn (3h hmera-B' Omilos): Gallia-Ellada - 19:00:00,

  • O 39os diaploys Torwnaioy apo thn Kalliqea Kassandras sth Nikhth Siqwnias. Qessalonikh/Xalkidikh.

  • Ydatosfairish-9o ``PYQIA KAP'' neanidwn, Itea, 10.00 ITALIA - ISPANIA




  • Pagkosmio Prwtaqlhma ygroy stiboy, Rwmh (ITA)


    11:00 10m. (G) (Hmitelika)

    13:30 3m. sygxronismenes (A) (Prokrimatika)

    16:30 10m. (G) (TELIKOS)

    18:15 3m. sygxronismenes (A) (TELIKOS)


    12:00 Omadiko-texniko programma (Prokrimatika)

  • Istioploia-46o Rali Aigaioy

  • Stibos: Eyrwpaiko Newn A-G (4h hmera), Kaoynas (LTU)
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