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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 08-05-27

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>

  • [01] Airetai to asymbibasto
  • [02] Anebainoyn oi tonoi sthn PGDM

    [01] Airetai to asymbibasto

    Me chfoforia sthn Olomeleia ths Boylhs, oloklhrwqhke h diadikasia anaqewrhshs toy Syntagmatos, poy odhghse sthn yioqethsh triwn protasewn allagwn ek meroys ths megalhs pleiochfias twn boyleytwn ths Neas Dhmokratias, toy KKE, toy SYRIZA kai toy LAOS.

    Me apon to komma ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs, h Olomeleia ths Boylhs, enekrine 3 apo tis 38 anaqewrhtikes protaseis:

    Thn katarghsh toy apolytoy epaggelmatikoy asymbibastoy twn boyleytwn (arqro 57 kai metabatikes diatajeis sto arqro 115 toy prohgoymenoy Syntagmatos). Yper ths katarghshs chfisan 194 boyleytes, enantion chfisan 2 (o Alekos Alabanos kai o Giannhs Mpanias apo ton SYRIZA) kai 1 chfise ``parwn'' (P. Lafazanhs apo ton SYRIZA).

    Thn apolabh ek meroys ths Boylhs, toy dikaiwmatos na tropopoiei epimeroys kondylia toy taktikoy Proypologismoy kai na parakoloyqei thn ektelesh toy (arqro 79), omofwnws

    Thn epifortish toy nomoqeth, na merimna eidika gia tis nhsiwtikes kai oreines perioxes se kaqe nomo poy syntassei (arqro 101) me chfoys 195 yper, enanti 2 kata (P. Korobeshs kai Aq. Lebenths).

    Parallhla, sto neo Syntagma, apaleifetai kai metabatikh diatajh toy arqroy 115 toy prohgoymenoy Syntagmatos, poy exei katastei axreiasth logw ylopoihshs ths.

    Apo tis 38 protaseis anaqewrhshs, h Nea Dhmokratia (kai o anejarthtos boyleyths Kwstas Koykodhmos) chfise monh ths tis 11. Prokeitai gia tis protaseis gia thn katoxyrwsh ths enisxyshs toy eqelontismoy kai ths koinwnias twn politwn, th rhth prostasia ths pneymatikhs idiokthsias, thn katoxyrwsh ths proswrinhs dikastikhs prostasias, thn ypoxrewsh toy kratoys na merimna gia thn koinwnikh synoxh kai thn ajiopreph diabiwsh, thn anaqewrhsh twn diatajewn gia thn diadikasia metaforas toy prwtogenoys koinotikoy dikaioy sthn ellhnikh ennomh tajh, th qespish kanonwn diafaneias kai dhmokratikhs leitoyrgias twn kommatwn, thn sygkrothsh Syntagmatikoy Dikasthrioy, epifortismenoy na elegxei to kyros twn boyleytikwn eklogwn kai thn epilysh twn misqologikwn kai syntajiodotikwn diaforwn twn dikastikwn leitoyrgwn kai thn tropopoihsh mias metabatikhs diatajhs poy afora toys antiproedroys twn anwtatwn dikasthriwn.

    H chfos ths Neas Dhmokratias, synepese mb ekeinhn toy LAOS, se alles 18 diatajeis, anamesa stis opoies, sthn anaqewrhsh toy arqroy 16 gia to kratiko monopwlio sthn tritobaqmia ekpaideysh, twn arqrwn 24 kai 117 gia thn dasoprostasia, toy arqroy 14 gia th katoxyrwsh ths diafaneias kai ths polyfwnias sta mme (me mia chfo ``parwn'' ek meroys toy boyleyth toy SYRIZA, G. Carianoy), sthn protash anaqewrhshs ths diatajhs gia thn boyleytikh asylia (arqro 62), sthn protash gia thn epektash twn armodiothtwn toy Symboylioy ths Epikrateias stis dioikhtikes symbaseis (arqro 95), gia th systash eidikoy tmhmatos toy Elegktikoy Synedrioy gia ton elegxo twn dhmosiwn symbasewn (arqro 98), thn ektash ths kanonistikhs armodiothtas twn OTA (arqro 102), sthn dynatothta entajhs sthn ypallhlikh ierarxia toy dhmosioy, ypallhlwn me sxesh idiwtikoy dikaioy aoristoy xronoy (arqro 103, opoy yphrje kai mia leykh chfos ek meroys toy boyleyth toy SYRIZA, G. Carianoy), sthn syntagmatikh katoxyrwsh ths proswpikhs eyqynhs twn dhmosiwn ypallhlwn kai sthn allagh ths onomasias toy Symboylioy Apodhmoy Ellhnismoy, se ``Symboylio Ellhnismoy ths Diasporas''.

    Eyryteres pleiochfies (xwris wstoso na fqanoyn ta aparaithta gia thn anaqewrhsh, 2/3 twn boyleytwn) sygkentrwsan oi protaseis gia thn kratikh merimna gia thn prostasia twn zwwn kai gia thn xorhghsh eggyhsewn toy Ellhnikoy Dhmosioy me eidiko typiko nomo (tis opoies katachfise to KKE), opws epishs kai h katarghsh ths metabatikhs diatajhs (arqro 111 par. 6) gia ton Kwdika Ellhnikhs Iqageneias, thn opoia katachfise to KKE, oi boyleytes toy SYRIZA G. Mpanias, A. Filinh kai P. Korobeshs kai o boyleyths toy LAOS, Aq. Pleyrhs.

    Telos, thn protash gia syntagmatikh katoxyrwsh ths anejarthsias ths Epitrophs Antagwnismoy kai ths Ryqmistikhs Arxhs Energeias, yperchfisan kai dyo boyleytes toy SYRIZA - oi P. Korobeshs kai A. Lebenths.

    Shmeiwnetai oti apo thn chfoforia apoysiaze h g.g. toy KKE, Aleka Paparhga.

    To neo Syntagma qa teqei se isxy, me th dhmosieysh toy sxetikoy nomosxedioy kai chfismatos, sthn Efhmerida ths Kybernhsews, kata tis prosexeis 10 hmeres, enw gia na yparjei nea anaqewrhsh toy syntagmatikoy xarth, qa prepei na parelqei toylaxiston mia pentaetia.

    Dhlwsh G.Papandreoy

    Logo gia "prosxhmatikh anaqewrhsh elaxistwn hssonos shmasias diatajewn" kanei o proedros toy PASOK Giwrgos Papandreoy, se dhlwsh toy gia thn anaqewrhsh toy Syntagmatos, enw xarakthrizei "akatanohth se kaqe dhmokratiko proodeytiko polith thn symprajh twn allwn kommatwn ths Aristeras se ayth thn aparadekth meqodeysh". To PASOK, opws einai gnwsto, den meteixe sthn diadikasia anaqewrhshs toy Syntagmatos.

    "Shmera h anaqewrhsh parwdia ths N.D. elabe to xeirotero gia to Syntagma telos. H kybernhsh epixeirwntas na diaswsei to gohtro toy prwqypoyrgoy perioristhke sthn anajia logoy, prosxhmatikh anaqewrhsh elaxistwn hssonos shmasias diatajewn. Monos stoxos ths na empodisei mia pragmatikh, oysiastikh anaqewrhsh me proodeytikh kateyqynsh. Gia allh mia fora ebale th stenh kommatikh idioteleia panw apo to symferon toy topoy", anaferei sth dhlwsh toy o k. Papandreoy kai synexizei:

    "H stash ayth ths N.D. den ekplhssei kanenan. Einai h gnwsth adiorqwth dejia politikh. Proxwrhse xwris sebasmo sthn koinoboyleytikh deontologia. Kai gib ayton kai mono to logo den qa htan dynato na yparjei dhmokratiko apotelesma sto egxeirhma ths anaqewrhshs. Qymizoyme tis aqlies kybernhtikes meqodeyseis kai parabiaseis twn dhmokratikwn koinoboyleytikwn diadikasiwn, prokeimenoy na chfisqei h anaqewrhsh toy arqroy 24".

    Sth synexeia, o proedros toy PASOK shmeiwnei: 'H symprajh toy LAOS htan anamenomenh, epibebaiwnontas to rolo toy ws ideologika syggenoys kommatos kybernhtikhs efedreias. Akatanohth omws se kaqe dhmokratiko proodeytiko polith einai h symprajh twn allwn kommatwn ths Aristeras se ayth thn aparadekth meqodeysh. H apofash toys na leitoyrghsoyn ws sthrigma ths aneparkoys gia thn anaqewrhsh kybernhtikhs pleiochfias, ejyphretei mono toys sxediasmoys ths kybernhshs. Epelejan anti mias anaqewrhshs poy qa exei gnwmona ta symferonta twn politwn kai to mellon ths patridas mas, mia anaqewrhsh gia to asymbibasto twn boyleytwn. Apo thn prooptikh mias neas prospaqeias synainetikhs anaqewrhshs se proodeytikh kateyqynsh, protimhsan na ginoyn symplhrwma ths kybernhtikhs pleiochfias se mia anaqewrhsh mikrokommatikhs skopimothtas".

    Katalhgontas, o k. Papandreoy shmeiwnei: "Oi meqodeyseis aytes se tipota den ejyphretoyn tis anagkes ths xwras. To PASOK paramenei synepes sthn desmeysh toy na analabei eyqys molis to epitrecoyn oi syntagmatikes proqesmies mia nea prwtoboylia pragmatikhs allaghs gia to Syntagma, opws qa kanei kai se kaqe tomea politikhs".

    [02] Anebainoyn oi tonoi sthn PGDM

    Liges hmeres prin tis ekloges sthn PGDM o prwqypoyrgos Gkroyefski anebazei toys eqnikistikoys tonoys sto zhthma ths onomasias.

    Kritikh ef' olhs ths ylhs kata twn politikwn toy antipalwn kai ths antipoliteyshs ejapelyse, milwntas sth xqesinobradinh kentrikh proeklogikh sygkentrwsh sta Skopia toy synaspismoy ``Gia kalyterh "Makedonia'', toy opoioy hgeitai to VMRO-DPMNE.

    O k. Gkroyefski, metajy allwn rwthse thn ajiwmatikh antipoliteysh kai toys politikoys antipaloys toy ``giati kata ta prohgoymena eth den epilysate to zhthma ths dienejhs me thn Ellada gia th xrhsh ths syntagmatikhs onomasias ths Dhmokratias ths Makedonias";''

    ``Poy hsastan epi 15 xronia gia na lysete to zhthma me thn onomasia; Perasan 15 xronia afotoy paraithqhkame apo thn onomasia kai apodexqhkame thn proswrinh onomasia FYROM, afotoy anaqewrhsame to Syntagma, allajame th shmaia kai paraithqhkame apo thn frontida gia thn meionothta. Twra, kanete toys sofoys, dhlwnete ekplhktoi kai mas lete oti h Ellada den exei epikyrwsei th Symfwnia gia th Makedonia''; anefere o k. Gkroyefski.

    O idios ejefrase thn prosdokia oti h EE to 2009 qa katarghsei to kaqestws qewrhsewn eisodoy gia toys polites ths PGDM. H anagennhsh toy topoy, eipe o hgeths toy VMRO-DPMNE, qa exei ws apotelesma thn enswmatwsh stis eyrwatlantikes domes, sto NATO kai thn EE.

    ``H anagennhsh qa exei ws apotelesma th diafylajh ths ajioprepeias mas, oson afora to zhthma ths makedonikhs taytothtas, onomasias, eqnoys, glwssas, rizwn, yperhfaneias kai ploytoy'', ypogrammise o k. Gkroyefski.

    Sto metajy, o epikefalhs ths aytoapokaloymenhs ``Makedonikhs Orqodojhs Ekklhsias'' k. Stefan arnhqhke oti osa eipe sth diarkeia ths ekdhlwshs sth Rwmh gia ton Agio Kyrillo emperieixan edafikes bleceis kata ths Ellados, thn opoia kathgorhse oti diastreblwse ta logia toy.

    Epemeine wstoso oti kaneis den mporei na arnhqei pws h Qessalonikh einai ``h koitida twn prwtwn panslabikwn Grammatwn apotelwntas th glwssikh bash twn ntopiwn katoikwn'', symfwna me dhlwseis toy poy metedwse to praktoreio MIA ths geitonikhs xwras.

    O k. Stefan edwse ek neoy sth dhmosiothta to plhres keimeno ths ekdhlwshs sth Rwmh, sto opoio oi alytrwtikes anafores den periorizontai mono sth Qessalonikh, alla ekteinontai kai sto Kilkis, th Flwrina kai thn Kastoria.

    ``Qa qelame na akoysoyme estw kai ena antepixeirhma poy na katarriptoyn tis qeseis aytes'' katalhgei to deltio Typoy poy edwse sth dhmosiothta o k. Stefan.

    Anaferomenh sta osa eipe o k.Gkoyefski h ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Ntora Mpakogiannh, afoy anefere oti den protiqetai na ton akoloyqhsei sthn proeklogikoy xarakthra rhtoreia sthn opoia epididetai, ypogrammise oti oi dhlwseis toy epibebaiwnoyn thn orqothta twn ellhnikwn epixeirhmatwn.

    Parallhla, h ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn ejefrase thn eyxh h kybernhsh poy qa prokycei sta Skopia meta tis ekloges na epideijei politikh boylhsh analogh me ayth ths Aqhnas, wste na breqei koinws apodekth lysh sto qema ths onomasias ths PGDM.

    ``Akrws proklhtikes kai apolytws aparadektes'' xarakthrise tis anafores toy k. Stefan sto Batikano, paroysia toy Nikola Gkroyefski, o ekproswpos toy PASOK Giwrgos Papakwnstantinoy, tonizontas pws ``tis katadikazoyme aperifrasta''.

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