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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 07-06-19

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>

  • [01] G. Papandreoy: ``Se qesh eklogikhs maxhs to PASOK''

    [01] G. Papandreoy: ``Se qesh eklogikhs maxhs to PASOK''

    Se qesh eklogikhs maxhs tiqetai gia olo to kalokairi to PASOK, opws anakoinwse o Proedros toy Giwrgos Papandreoy sth shmerinh synedriash toy Koinoboyleytikoy Symboylioy.

    Olo to kalokairi qa doylecoyme sxediasmena, me bash to programma kai thn ypeyqynh antipoliteysh se oloys toys tomeis,tonise o k. Papandreoy kai prosqese oti h anadeijh toy programmatos kai h ypeyqynh kai swsth antipoliteysh pane xeri - xeri.

    H diatajh twn stelexwn toy kommatos qa ginei me eyqynh toy Grammatea toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy Nikoy Aqanasakh, me tropo wste , opws anefere o k. Papandreoy, ola ta stelexh na kalyptoyn oles tis gwnies ths xwras, alla kai kaqe kladiko kai qematiko tomea kai se antiparaqesh me to programma ths Neas Dhmokratias.

    O G. Papandreoy metefere sta stelexh toy kinhmatos thn empeiria toy apo tis periodeies poy exei pragmatopoihsei mexri twra, tonizontas oti h diapistwsh toy einai oti empedwnetai pantoy mia nea aisiodojia h opoia ofeiletai sth systhmatikh doyleia toy Kinhmatos.

    Se antiqesh me thn qetikh apodoxh toy PASOK kai toy programmatos toy apo to lao, o G. Papandreoy tonise oti pantoy sthn Ellada yparxei aisqhsh anajiopistias gia thn kybernhsh kai ton K. Karamanlh, h opoia exei empedwqei.

    Ayto, prosqese, edeijan oi teleytaies periodeies toy prwqypoyrgoy, kaqws ta megala logia kai oi yposxeseis toy 2004 diaceydontai trishmisy xronia meta. Oi episkeceis toy K. Karamanlh sthn eparxia, prosqese, petyxainoyn to antiqeto apo ton epikoinwniako stoxo poy eixe qesei h kybernhsh.

    O G. Papandreoy anaferqhke kai se qemata dhmosias tajhs tonizontas oti yparxei mia aparadekth katastash gia thn asfaleia toy polith, yparxoyn parabiaseis dikaiwmatwn kai diasyrmos ths xwras dieqnws.

    H kybernhsh, prosqese, traymatise thn Astynomia me ton kommatismo, thn anajiokratia kai thn epibrabeysh twn "hmeterwn", thn atimwrhsia twn ypeyqynwn kai thn anoxh anepitreptwn katastasewn.

    Ola ayta, eipe, synistoyn bareia politikh eyqynh ths kybernhshs.

    Anaferomenos se qemata dikaiosynhs o Proedros toy PASOK dhlwse oti h kybernhsh qelei na xeiragwgei th dikaiosynh, wste na yparxei atimwrhsia gia toys "hmeteroys" kai ekdikhsh gia toys antipaloys.

    Yparxei, prosqese, yponomeysh qemeliwdwn qesmikwn leitoyrgiwn, anaferomenos sthn prosfath apofash toy Areioy Pagoy gia toys symbasioyxoys, h opoia elhfqh me thlefwnikh perifora ths apofashs apo ton k. R. Kedikogloy.

    O Giwrgos Papandreoy xarakthrise koryfaia qemata kybernhtikhs eyqynhs tis ypoqeseis twn thlefwnikwn ypoklopwn kai twn omologwn.

    Sto qema twn omologwn, tonise, to PASOK ekane to xreos toy kai anedeije oles tis diastaseis toy skandaloy.

    H ypoqesh, anefere epishs, baqainei olo kai perissotero, kaqws, opws eipe, h kybernhsh prospaqei na th sygkalycei kai arneitai epimona na dwsei sth dhmosiothta ta stoixeia poy zhtame. H sygkalych, anefere, einai mia politikh epilogh ths ND kai toy K.Karamanlh.

    Mexri twra, shmeiwse o Proedros toy PASOK, exoyn emfanistei oceis ths alhqeias, oi opoies, omws, einai apokalyptikes gia tis poinikes kai astikes eyqynes, alla kai gia tis politikes eyqynes ths kybernhshs.

    Xarakthrise ceytodilhmma kai kataskeyasmeno apo thn kybernhsh to erwthma an to PASOK asxoleitai me ta omologa h me to programma toy.

    Jekaqarizontas de th qesh toy kommatos sto qema ayto, o Giwrgos Papandreoy anefere oti epilogh einai to programma kai ypoxrewsh h antipoliteysh gia ola ta qemata poy dhmioyrgei h kybernhtikh politikh kai aforoyn th xwra kai ton polith.

    Sth synexeia o G. Papandreoy anakoinwse thn kataqesh ths protashs gia th systash Ejetastikhs Epitrophs poy qa diereynhsei thn ypoqesh twn omologwn. Efqase h wra gia th systash Ejetastikhs Epitrophs, tonise o k. Papandreoy kai ayto, prosqese, einai mia prajh synepeias apenanti ston ellhniko lao, o opoios apaitei na systaqei Ejetastikh Epitroph wste na erqoyn ola sto fws gia oloys.

    O G. Papandreoy dieykrinhse pws ef oson h protash den ginei dekth apo thn kybernhsh, h Epitroph qa systaqei apo thn epomenh kybernhsh toy PASOK.

    O ekproswpos toy PASOK Petros Eyqymioy dieykrinhse, apantwntas se erwthsh gia to an h protash qa katateqei me th synypografh kai allwn kommatwn, oti einai sto xeri twn allwn kommatwn an qeloyn na synypogracoyn.

    Kai se o,ti afora sto an h ereyna fqasei se baqos xronoy, o Petros Eyqymioy anefere oti gia to qema ayto mporei na systaqei mia Diakommatikh Epitroph gia na to ereynhsei.

    To PASOK den ektima oti h ypoqesh twn omologwn exei opoiadhpote sxesh me th diaxeirish twn apoqematikwn twn asfalistikwn tameiwn apo to 1950 mexri prosfata.

  • ** To prwi, o k. G. Papandreoy synanthqhke me thn ypoyrgo Anaptyjhs ths Ispanias, armodia gia toys tomeis Dhmosiwn Ergwn, Metaforwn kai Emporikhs Naytilias, Magdalena Alvarez Arza kai -meta th synedriash toy Koinoboyleytikoy Symboylioy- me ton Grammatea toy kommatos twn Italwn Sosialistwn Dhmokratwn (SDI - melos ths Sosialistikhs Dieqnoys), Enriko Mpozeli, kai to melos ths Ektelestikhs Epitrophs toy kommatos kai Proedro ths Sosialistikhs Dieqnoys Gynaikwn, Pia Lokateli.
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