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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 07-06-09

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>

  • [01] Sth Qrakh h A.Paparhga
  • [02] "Toys tokoys toys plhrwnei o ergazomenos"

    [01] Sth Qrakh h A.Paparhga

    Synexizei thn periodeia ths sthn Qrakh h Genikh Grammateas toy KKE Aleka Paparhga. To prwi qa milhsei sthn Komothnh se sygkentrwsh gynaikwn kai to meshmeri qa dwsei synenteyjh Typoy. Sth synexeia qa metabei sthn Alejandroypolh opoy to brady qa milhsei se sygkentrwsh sthn paralia.

    Al. Paparhga: ``Katadikh toy dikommatismoy''

    ``H katadikh toy dikommatismoy kai h enisxysh toy KKE, einai to kentriko synqhma me to opoio katerxetai to Komoynistiko Komma stis ekloges, ena synqhma poy enoxlei kai th ND kai to PASOK, giati h men prwth qelei na peisei oti exei sobares diafores apo th diakybernhsh PASOK kai to deytero giati para thn empeiria diakybernhshs 20 xronwn qelei na peisei oti einai to palio PASOK me rizospastika stoixeia''.

    Me ayta ta logia h genikh grammateas toy KKE Aleka Paparhga apo thn Kabala opoy periodeyei shmera kai ayrio edwse to stigma ths proeklogikhs taktikhs poy qb akoloyqhsei to Komoynistiko Komma enocei twn epikeimenwn eklogwn opote aytes ginoyn.

    Sth diarkeia synenteyjhs Typoy poy paraxwrhse to meshmeri, meta thn episkech ths sth Biomhxania Fwsforikwn Lipasmatwn (BFL), h k. Paparhga ypogrammise pws einai shmantiko gia thn politikh zwh toy topoy na mh xaqei allh mia tetraetia, ``me to dikommatismo na paramenei isxyros, giati ayto qa shmanei poly xeiroteres katastaseis gia ta laika strwmata. Qa shmanei antilaika metra poy q' antistoixoyn se apwleies triwn kai pleon tetraetiwn''.

    ``Emeis den q' allajoyme twra logw proeklogikhs periodoy, oyte tis qeseis mas, oyte to profil mas'' shmeiwse xarakthristika kai symplhrwse pws to KKE einai komma maqhmeno se dyskolies kai h ideologikh tromokratia den pianei.

    Anaferomenh sth BFL epishmane pws to parelqon, to paron kai to agnwsto mellon ths, arkoyn gia na apokalyfqei h pragmatikh shmasia twn synqhmatwn peri antagwnistikothtas, eleyqerhs oikonomias, metarryqmishs, koinwnikwn dialogwn.

    Erwthqeisa gia tis sxeseis toy KKE me to PASOK to teleytaio diasthma, h Aleka Paparhga epishmane: ``Emeis eimaste enantion sth ND kai sto PASOK opws kai enantion opoioydhpote alloy poy ektimoyme me apodeijeis oti yphretei ta symferonta ths ploytokratias. Den mas endiaferoyn ta symbola, alla koitame thn politikh toys. Ola ayta poy legontai exoyn stoxo na sygkrathsoyn ta laika strwmata, na ta peisoyn oti den exoyn allh epilogh apo th ND kai to PASOK. Epeidh to KKE opws kai h zwh kai h empeiria, apokalyptei oti sympleoyn, ayto toys enoxlei''.

    Sxetika me to endexomeno h epomenh Boylh na einai pentakommatikh kai an ephreazei ayto to KKE, h Genikh Grammateas epishmane pws to KKE den eterokaqorizetai, pws o stoxos stis ekloges den exei na kanei me to posa kommata qa mpoyn sth Boylh, alla oti krithrio einai h meiwsh twn chfwn se ND kai PASOK kai h ayjhsh toy KKE.

    Oso gia to an pisteyei oti KKE apeileitai apo to LAOS, eipe pws h monh apeilh einai na mhn exei apwleies o dikommatismos kai ``paleyoyme gia na exei apwleies kai ayto enoxlei kai osoys exoyn diasyndeseis me ta dyo kommata. Diekdikoyme isotimia sthn probolh mesw twn meswn enhmerwshs gia oloys kai otan den threitai ayto antidroyme''.

    Sb erwthsh sxetika me to an qa yparjei staqerh kybernhsh kai sxetika me endexomenes kybernhtikes synergasies, h k. Paparhga apanthse pws to krithrio einai h politikh kai oti eite staqerh kybernhsh eite kybernhsh synergasias an efarmozetai h antilaikh politikh einai to idio.

    [02] "Toys tokoys toys plhrwnei o ergazomenos"

    O proedros toy Synaspismoy Alekos Alabanos qa milhsei to meshmeri sthn 6-h Syndiaskech ths Nomarxiakhs Epitrophs ths A' Aqhnas toy kommatos toy.

    "Toys tokoys den toys plhrwnei to Tameio ths ND, toys plhrwnei o proypologismos, poy shmainei pali o idios o ergazomenos",tonizei se anakoinwsh toy o proedros toy SYN A.Alabanos anaferomenos sthn kalych twn tokwn twn domhmenwn omologwn apo to ellhniko dhmosio

    Emeis pisteyoyme oti h kybernhsh qa eprepe na diekdikhsei thn entokh epistrofh twn xrhmatwn twn Tameiwn apo osoys kataxrasthkan ayta ta xrhmata kai deyteron na apofygei ayth th diadikasia, h opoia telika einai diadikasia koykoylwmatos ychlwn politikwn eyqynwn, prosqetei o proedros toy SYN.

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