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Athens News Agency: News in Greek (AM), 99-04-11Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>Aqhna, Ellada, 11/04/1999 (APE)[01] TITLOI EIDHSEWN- To xarmosyno aggelma ths Anastashs giortazoyn oi Orqodojoi.- Synexizontai oi natoikes epiqeseis sth Gioygkoslabia. - Thlefwnikes synomilies hgetwn toy NATO me rwsikh kybernhsh. - Dieceyse h kybernhsh to dhmosieyma ths efhmeridas TO BHMA. - Se 190 troxaia apo th M. Pempth 19 nekroi. - Stratopeda episkeptetai h politikh hgesia. - Thn Tetarth o Shmiths stis Bryjelles gia to Symboylio Koryfhs EE. [02] AQLHTIKES EIDHSEIS- Thn apoqewsh apo ton Typo ths Gioygkoslabias, gnwrise h AEK.- Metagrafiko "stoxastro" ths AEK oi adelfoi Ilia kai Blanto Ibits. - Rixnei toys tonoys o Olympiakos, sto qema toy Grhgorh Gewrgatoy. [03] TIMES SYNALLAGMATOS - XRHMATISTHRIO AQHNWN[04] KAIROS[01] OI EIDHSEIS ANALYTIKATo xarmosyno aggelma ths Anastashs giortazoyn oi Orqodojoi.H Orqodojia giortazei apo ta mesanyxta to xarmosyno aggelma ths Anastashs toy Qeanqrwpoy. Ekatommyria Orqodojoi Xristianoi se olo ton kosmo kai sthn Ellada synerreysan stis ekklhsies kai parakoloyqhsan me qrhskeytikh eylabeia thn Anastasimh Leitoyrgia. Sth Gioygkoslabia omws oi orqodojoi ekanan anastash sta katafygia. Ta maxhtika toy NATO bombardizan mexri tis prwtes metamesonyxties wres stoxoys se olh th xwra. Synexizontai oi natoikes epiqeseis sth Gioygkoslabia. Epikentro twn natoikwn epiqesewn htan h Pristina, poy eplhgh dyo fores mesa se 24 wres. Oi epiqeseis toy NATO qa synexistoyn kai tis epomenes hmeres. O prwqypoyrgos ths Bretanias, Toni Mpler kai o Amerikanos proedros, Mpil Klinton, eixan xqes thlefwnikh synomilia diarkeias 20 leptwn gia to pws qa mporoysan na entaqoyn, sto ameso mellon, oi bombardismoi. Oi dynameis toy NATO enisxyontai akomh me 82 amerikanika maxhtika aeroskafh kai ena bretaniko aeroplanoforo. Thlefwnikes synomilies hgetwn toy NATO me rwsikh kybernhsh. Ayrio to omospondiako koinoboylio ths Gioygkoslabias anamenetai na chfisei gia to ean h xwra qa prosxwrhsei sthn enwsh metajy Rwsias kai Leykorwsias, metedwse shmera to praktoreio Tangioyngk. O Rwsos ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn, diabebaiwse to Bretano omologo toy oti h xwra toy den protiqetai na emplakei sth balkanikh dienejh. Thlefwnikes synomilies gia thn gioygkoslabikh krish eixe xqes epishs o Rwsos prwqypoyrgos, Gebgeni Primakof, me ton gg toy OHE, Kofi Anan kai ton Italo prwqypoyrgo, Masimo Nt' Alema. Dieceyse h kybernhsh to dhmosieyma ths efhmeridas TO BHMA. H kybernhsh dieceyse kathgorhmatika xqesino dhmosieyma ths efhmerida TO BHMA, symfwna me to opoio epikeitai anagnwrish ths prwhn Gioygkoslabikhs Dhmokratias ths Makedonias, ypo nea synqeth onomasia, kaqws kai enarjh ellhnotoyrkikoy dialogoy. O k. Reppas tonise oti den exei yparjei katalhjh stis syzhthseis gia thn onomasia ths PGDM, enw den exei prosdioristei synanthsh toy k. Shmith me ton proedro ths Toyrkias. Se 190 troxaia apo th M. Pempth 19 nekroi. Den htan anaimakth kai h fetinh ejodos twn katoikwn twn astikwn kentrwn pros thn eparxia gia ton eortasmo toy Pasxa. Apo thn Megalh Pempth mexri shmera se 190 troxaia 19 atoma exasan th zwh toys kai 263 traymatisthkan. Stratopeda episkeptetai h politikh hgesia. O Proedros ths Dhmokratias qa episkefqei shmera gia tis pasxalines eyxes to Nosokomeio Patrwn, to KETQ Aylwnos, thn aeroporikh bash toy Tatoioy kai to Naystaqmo Salaminas. O prwqypoyrgos thn 8h merarxia kai to fylakio sto Molybdoskepasto sta ellhnoalbanika synora. O proedros toy SYN to aerodromio Dekeleias kai to stratopedo toy Aylwna. H gg toy KKE thn aeroporikh bash sto Tatoi. O proedros toy DHKKI to Kentro Ekpaideyshs Ygeionomikoy kai to kratiko nosokomeio sthn Arta. O proedros ths ND qa giortasei to Pasxa sto Lewnidio. Thn Tetarth o Shmiths stis Bryjelles gia to Symboylio Koryfhs EE. Gia tis Bryjelles anaxwrei thn Tetarth o prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Shmiths, prokeimenoy na metasxei sthn prwth synanthsh poy qa exei to Eyrwpaiko Symboylio me to neo proedro ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs, Romano Pronti. Thn Pempth to prwi o prwqypoyrgos qa metabei apo tis Bryjelles sth Sofia, opoy qa exei synomilies me thn politikh hgesia ths Boylgarias. [02] AQLHTIKES EIDHSEISThn apoqewsh apo ton Typo ths Gioygkoslabias, gnwrise h AEK.Thn apoqewsh apo ton Typo ths Gioygkoslabias, gnwrise h AEK gia ton istoriko agwna toy Beligradioy, me thn Partizan. ''Adelfia me adelfia kontra ston polemo'', htan o prwtoselidos titlos ths aqlhtikhs efhmeridas ''SPORT'', ''Anasane h eirhnh'' titloforeitai h ''Sportski Zoyrnal'', enw h ''Politika'' anaferei: ''H Ellada apedeije th gennaiothta ths kai h AEK mas ypenqymise gia mia akomh fora pws ayth h xwra ayth einai sto pleyro mas kai ths ofeiloyme eygnwmosynh''. Metagrafiko "stoxastro" ths AEK oi adelfoi Ilia kai Blanto Ibits. Sto metagrafiko ''stoxastro'' ths AEK briskontai oi adelfoi Ilia kai Blanto Ibits. Ekproswpoi ths ''Enwshs'' kata thn diarkeia ths paroysias toys sto Beligradi gia to filiko me thn Partizan, hlqan se epafh me ton Blanto, o opoios antimetwpizei poly qetika to endexomeno metagrafhs toy sthn AEK. Parallhla, qa prepei na qewreitai dedomeno, oti o Ilia Ibits to kalokairi egkataleipei ton Olympiakoy kai einai piqano na foresei thn ''kitrinomayrh'' fanela. Rixnei toys tonoys o Olympiakos, sto qema toy Grhgorh Gewrgatoy. Rixnei toys tonoys o Olympiakos, oson afora sto qema toy Grhgorh Gewrgatoy, o opoios antedrase otan antikatastaqhke sto mats kypelloy me ton Hraklh kai eixe frastiko epeisodio me ton Ntoysan Mpagebits. H omada toy Peiraia qelei na perasei sta ''cila'' to epeisodio, omws o Mpagebits den deixnei na jexna to peristatiko kai eixe syzhthsh me to dieqnh aso, o opoios feretai metanoiwmenos kai symfwna me plhrofories zhthse syggnwmh apo ton proponhth toy. [03] TIMES SYNALLAGMATOS - XRHMATISTHRIO AQHNWNOi epishmes times pwlhshs twn jenwn nomismatwn,poy dinei h Trapeza ths Ellados einai: dolario HPA pros 304,58 draxmes, germaniko marko pros 168,44, galliko fragko pros 50,22, lira Agglias pros 488,76, elbetiko fragko pros 206,50, tis ekato italikes liretes pros 17,01, ta ekato gien Iapwnias pros 252,13, th lira Kyproy pros 570,67 kai to eyrw pros 329,44 draxmes.[04] KAIROSAstatos qa einai o kairos s'olh sxedon th xwra, me broxes kai sporadikes kataigides, alla kai diasthmata hliofaneias. Apo to brady o kairos, qa beltiwqei s'olh th xwra. Oi anemoi qa pneoyn dytikoi isxyroi, alla argotera qa ginoyn boreiodytikoi me thn idia entash. H qermokrasia qa kymanqei sta boreia 9 me 17,sto Ionio kai ta ypoloipa hpeirwtika 12 me 20 kai sto Aigaio 13 me 23 baqmoys. Astatos qa einai o kairos sthn Attikh me piqanh proskairh broxh, alla kai diasthmata hliofaneias.Oi anemoi qa pneoyn dytikoi isxyroi kai h qermokrasia qa kymanqei sthn Aqhna 13 me 20 baqmoys. Sth Qessalonikh anamenetai broxh kai piqanon kataigida, alla argotera o kairos qa beltiwqei. Oi anemoi qa pneoyn boreiodytikoi isxyroi kai h qermokrasia qa kymanqei sthn polh 10 me 17 baqmoys.(P.D.) Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |