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Antenna: Sports News in Greek (PM), 97-04-17

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From: Antenna Radio <> - email:

Pempth 17-04-97

Grafei o Iakwbos Filippoyshs Prwino Deltio

To ntampl einai h o epomenos stoxos ths AEK, meta thn katakthsh toy kypelloy Ellados. Meta apo enan sygklonistiko teliko poy egine sto stadio Karaiskakh kai kriqhke sth diadikasia twn penalti, h AEK ton Panaqhnaiko 5- 3. Prokeitai gia to 10o kypello sthn istoria ths AEK h opoia kerdise ton Panaqhnaiko se teliko gia prwth fora meta to 1949.

H kanonikh diarkeia toy agwna kai h paratash brhke tis dyo omades isopales xwris termata. Moiraios paikths gia ton Panaqhnaiko sth diadikasia twn penalti staqhke o Kristof Bazexa poy esteile thn mpalla sto dokari.

Ta gkol ths AEK petyxan kata seira oi Kopitshs, Mpormpokhs, Nikolaidhs, Ntompos kai Atmatzidhs. Gia toys prasinoys skoraran oi Kwnstantinidhs, Gewrgiadhs toy Xaralampoys kai Markos.

Synedriazei ayth thn wra to dioikhtiko symboylio ths EPO me qemata thn efesh toy Panaqhnaikoy sthn poinh poy toy epebale o aqlhtikos dikasths gia na agwnistei kekleismenwn twn qyrwn sto agwna prwtaqlhmatos me th Skonta Janqh, alla kai gia th polykroth ypoqesh twn sthmenwn agwnwn me omades poy agwnizontai sta prwtaqlhmata ths B, G kai D eqnikhs kathgorias.

Sto mpasket,

- Dyo spoydaies synanthseis ginontai shmera gia thn prohmitelikh fash twn plei-of toy prwtaqlhmatos ths A1 kathgorias.

Stis epta para eikosi o Apollwn Patras qa ypodextei ton Olympiako, enw stis ennia sto Alejandreio o PAOK qa antimetwpisei ton Panaqhnaiko.

Kai oi dyo apocinoi agwnes qa metadoqoyn ap eyqeias apo thn thleorash toy ANT1. Me nikh sta shmerina paixnidia, Olympiakos kai Panaqhnaikos pairnoyn thn prokrish gia toys tesseris toy prwtaqlhmatos.

Se antiqeth periptwsh qa xreiastoyn kai tritoi agwnes poy qa ginoyn to Sabbato sto Stadio Eirhnhs kai Filias kai to kleisto twn Olympiakwn Egkatastasewn antistoixa.

Xqes AEK kai Peristeri ekanan to prwto bhma gia thn prokrish stoys tesseris.

H omada toy Giannh Iwannidh kerdise aneta sto kleisto twn Olympiakwn Egkatastasewn me 83-50 ton Sportigk enw to Peristeri epiblhqhke sthn edra toy me 72-58 toy Arh, alla einai amfibollh h symmetoxh toy Aggeloy Korwnioy sth rebans logw diastremmatos elafrias morfhs poy ypestei sto xqesino paixnidi.

O Giwrgos Katsifarakhs paraithqhke apo thn qesh toy proedroy sto TAK Paniwnios meta apo frastikh epiqesh poy dexthke apo merida opadwn ths omadas ths N.Smyrnhs oi opoioi twn qewrhsan ypeyqyno gia thn apoxwrhsh toy Fanh Xristodoyloy.

Sto bolei,

O titlos ths A1 qa paixtei to erxomeno Sabbato sth Mikra ths Qessalonikhs, opoy qa ginei o tritos kai teleytaios telikos metajy toy Arh kai ths Orestiadas. H akritikh omada kerdise ton Arh sthn edra ths me 3-0 set kai isofarise tis nikes se 2-2.

Sto polo,

- Agkalia me thn katakthsh toy titloy sto fetino prwtaqlhma ths A1 brisketai h Boyliagmenh, meta th shmantikh nikh poy shmeiwse sth Xio epi ths topikhs omadas me 12-11.

To nikhthrio gkol petyxe o Giwrgos Mayrwtas eji deyterolepta prin th lhjh toy paixnidioy.

O deyteros telikos qa ginei to Sabbato sth Boyliagmenh kai me nikh h kypelloyxos Eyrwphs qa katakthsei ton titlo.

- H Italia, h Ispania kai oi Hnwmenes Politeies qa einai oi antipaloi ths eqnikhs mas omadas polo sto Pagkosmio Kypello poy qa diejaxqei apo tis 27 Maioy ews th 1hIoynioy sthn Aqhna. Kalh klhrwsh.

Ston allo omilo qa paijoyn h Rwsia, h Gioygkoslabia, h Kroatia kai h Oyggaria.

To deytero tropaio sthn istoria ths meta to 1964 katekthse xqes h Lester. Sto epanalhptiko teliko toy Ligk Kap kerdise 1-0 th Mintlesmpro, sth rebans toy 1-1 sto Xilsmporo.

Gia thn 34h agwnistikh ths premier ligk: Eberton - Liberpoyl 1-1, Nioykastl - Tselsi 3-1, Goyimpleton - Lints 2-0.

Sthn Ispania, stoys agwnes ths 34hs agwnistikhs h Real Madriths kerdise 4-2 th Sebilh kai se syndiasmo me thn htta ths Mpartselona me 3-1 apo th Bagiadolid jefyge 10 baqmoys sth prwth qesh ths baqmologias, oktw agwnistikes prin th lhjh toy prwtaqlhmatos.

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