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Athens News Agency: Daily News Bulletin in English, 07-08-22Athens News Agency: Daily News Bulletin in English Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <http://www.ana.gr/>Wednesday, 22 August 2007 Issue No: 2677CONTENTS
[01] Karamanlis chairs ND political council, points to economic turnaround since 2004Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis chaired a meeting of his New Democracy party's Political Council on Tues-day, which expectedly focused on preparations of the ruling party's candidate lists.Speaking after the meeting, Karamanlis said ND will announce candidates that are capable and distinguished; citizens who serve the party's overture to society and who are determined to work for the changes the country needs. The prime minister stressed that in 2004 the government opened a cycle of reforms that are leading society ahead, in the economy, education, the public administration the citizens' day-to-day life. "All of us together succeeded in achieving the country's departure from the excessive deficit process. The fiscal deficit decreased for the first time since our accession to EMU, from 7.9 percent to 2.6 percent of GDP," he said, adding that this was a "considerable national success." Karamanlis mentioned that the economy's growth rates are among the highest in the eurozone; that unemployment decreased from 11.3 percent in the first quarter of 2004 to 7.7 percent in May 2007, as was announced earlier by the National Statistical Service. He further pointed out that exports are increasing, international interest in investing in Greece is heightening, entrepreneurship is rising whereas tourist arrivals are increasing impressively and inflation is at the lowest levels of the past decade. Karamanlis also referred to a handful of international energy agreements placing the country on the international energy map. Karamanlis underlined that the top priorities of his government's new term are revision of the Constitution, tackling the social security issue, improving the country's administrative structure, education reform and the consolidation of a substantive social state. "I wish to stress once again that what was not feasible for the others is not enough for us. We have achieved a great deal, but much more is needed," the prime minister said. Lastly, Karamanlis said New Democracy is requesting a "new and strong popular mandate to enable it to continue efforts to achieve a Greece we are all envisaging." [02] Karamanlis briefed over former PM Tzannetakis' decision to retirePrime Minister Costas Karamanlis on Tuesday met with long-time New Democracy cadre and one-time prime minister Tzannis Tzannetakis, as the latter subsequently announced that he informed the premier of his decision not to stand in the upcoming Sept. 16 elections and to also withdraw from politics."The former prime minister served his country, his party and public life for many years, with ethos and self-respect," Karamanlis said, adding that Tzannetakis contributed greatly to national consensus, cooperation and establishing a new political culture recognised today by all. The septuagenarian Tzannetakis told reporters that he had informed Karamanlis of his decision, unofficially, some time ago, "as one must depart while strong, and not be dragged away." "I believe this political formation (ruling New Democracy party) can, compared with the other parties, can help this country go forward," he stressed. Karamanlis also met separately with Employment and Social Insurances Minister Vassilis Magginas in the morning. No statements were made afterwards. [03] Papandreou promises higher state funding for social security system; hefty increases in farmers' pensionsMain opposition PASOK leader George Papandreou on Tuesday toured and met with the leaderships and employees of three of Greece's largest state-controlled social security funds, where, among others, he promised increased funding via state coffers for Greece's pension system."I made a commitment and assured the boards (of the funds) and social partners that I will deal with the social security system problem responsibly immediately after the elections. I promise and guarantee, we guarantee, a social security system that is socially fair, economically viable, a system where there will be increased state support for its three-part (employees', employers' and the state's contribution) funding," he said. He also promised to double the number of pensioners receiving a low-income monthly bonus tacked on to their regular monthly pensions, higher payments for individuals receiving low pensions and a minimum 550-euro pension for a farmer or 950 euros per month pension for a farm sector couple. During his tour of the IKA, OGA and OAEE funds' headquarters, Papandreou also sharply criticised the ND government's handling of social security issue and pension funds over the past three and a half years, charging that ND is now trying to cover up the huge deficits and major problems it created in the sector. ND spokesman on PASOK leader's statements Ruling New Democracy (ND) spokesman Constantine Arvanitopoulos on Tuesday evening commented on statements made earlier in the day by main opposition PASOK leader George Papandreou during his visit to social insurance funds. "Our commitments have been put into practice," Arvanito-poulos said. At the same time, the ND spokesman mentioned two elements which he described "showed how PASOK when in government ignored the socially insured." Arvanitopoulos noted: "First element: The deficit in the health sector in the Farmers' Pension Fund (OGA) today stands at 200 million euros. When the government assumed power in the country in March 2004, it had reached 1 billion 7 million euros. "Second element: in 2004 the basic pension of OGA was 170 euros. Today, with the increases which the government had done, it is 278 euros and in four months time, it will be legislatively increased to 330 euros. "And only this data goes to show that our commitments were put into practice." [04] PASOK spokesman requests replacement of justice ministerMain opposition PASOK spokesman Yiannis Rangousis on Tuesday expressed his opinion that following the latest developments, the prime minister was obliged to resort to elections on Sept. 16, "not only because he is unable to prepare next year's budget, but also because he is trying systematically to conceal the great structured bonds scandal."Rangousis added that prosecutor George Koliokostas "who has so far not denied deciding whether or not ministers have responsibilities, is exposed. He must explain how it is possible that a report that he characterises as being unlawful was used by him yesterday for conclusions to be reached." The spokesman further said that "following the latest developments, we directly question the objectiveness of certain court officers. We directly question the will of Justice Minister Mr. (Anastasis) Papaligouras to proceed with objective national elections. Consequently, PASOK requests the immediate replacement of ... Mr. Papaligouras by a caretaker minister, a personality of prestige who will safeguard the non-partisan functioning of justice." Lastly, Rangousis said that after the elections PASOK will create a fact-finding committee "so that responsibilities will be attributed, wherever they may be." [05] Papariga reiterates KKE's ideological stance on labour, capitalCommunist Party of Greece (KKE) leader Aleka Papariga on Tuesday continued her campaign appearances ahead of the Sept. 16 elections, with a downtown Athens hotel the latest stop for her standing message of snubbing the country's two major parties.Papariga reiterated that working people and the younger generations "will acquire the opportunity to effectively challenge for their rights when they recognise a truth that only KKE proclaim: that whatever is produced and offered in the country is an exclusive product of working peoples' labour." "KKE considers the fact that a general perception that there are no differences between ND and PASOK as very significant. KKE is the only party that is honorably struggling against both (ND and PASOK) and does not enter into the reasoning of winking at one or the other," she added. Meanwhile, Papariga noted that her party is against "pre-election give-&-take" regarding cooperation with other political formations, in answer to a question regarding cooperation with the out-of-Parliament DHKKI party. [06] KKE leader addresses people in Nea PhiladelphiaCommunist Party of Greece (KKE) Secretary General Aleka Papariga, speaking to people in the Athens district of Nea Philadelphia on Tuesday night, said that her party has shaped a large agenda of issues that constitutes a criterion for voting in the elections.On the other hand, she added, the New Democracy and PASOK parties have singled out two or three issues and are trying to promote them as matters for voting on. Papariga said that when ND speaks of development, it means what is in the interests of the plutocracy, while PASOK says nothing about privatisations and limits itself to the bonds issue. According to Papariga, the greatest scandals are mainly the armaments programmes about which nobody speaks because, as she said, it will appear what is being requested by those who the two mainstream parties term strategic partners and foreign governments will be exposed. Lastly, Papariga said that both ND and PASOK have decided to assist the creation of an independent state in Kosovo, with repercussions for Greece, adding that in the years to come developments will occur regarding the Cyprus issue, the Aegean and the Palestinian question and about which the two large parties say nothing. [07] Leftist coalition's candidates to be announced on WednesdayCoalition of the Left (Synaspismos) leader Alekos Alavanos on Tuesday announced a handful of mostly recognisable leftist political figures as candidates for the "Syriza ticket" - the radical left coalition -- he will head in the coming Sept. 16 election.Among others, veteran leftist political personality and noted WWII resistance figure Manolis Glezos will vie for a Parliament seat in Messinia prefecture, extreme southwest Greece, while the first name of the nascent formation's state deputies' list will be another figure from the Athens-area's out-of-Parliament leftist circle, Yiannis Banias. Additionally, Alavanos again declined to respond directly to the latest barrage of criticism aimed at Syriza and himself personally by the rival Communist Party of Greece (KKE), saying he prefers to consider the two-party system as the primary opponent. The bulk of the Syriza candidates for Parliament will be announced on Wednesday. In a related development, Synaspismos' candidate in the last Athens mayoral race, Alexis Tsipras, was appointed as spokesman for the formation ahead of the elections. [08] LA.OS party's list of candidates on FridayThe Popular Orthodox Rally (LA.OS) party's list of candidates for Parliament will be announced on Friday, party founder and leader George Karatzaferis, a current Euro-MP, announced on Tuesday from Kalavryta, in the northern Peloponnese.Karatzaferis, who left ruling New Democracy party after disagreements with its leadership prior to 2004, also expressed a conviction that his party will manage to enter Parliament. Parties need more than 3 percent of the general vote to field deputies in Parliament. [09] FM Dora Bakoyannis on summoning of Ecumenical PatriarchForeign Minister Dora Bakoyannis commented on Tuesday on the summoning of the Ecumenical Patriarch to testify before a prosecuting authority in Istanbul on the use of the title "Ecumenical", saying that those responsible are wasting their time and are discrediting themselves."If some people in Turkey believe that with such stale, provocative and ulitmately unacceptable actions they can deal a blow at the prestige of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and of the spiritual leader of over 300 million Orthodox Christians all over the world, let it be made clear to them that they are wasting their time. They are wasting their time and discrediting themselves, while also discrediting their country interna-tionally, that is hoping for a European course without obstacles such as those that they are raising with such actions," the foreign minister said. [10] Zorbas report on structured bonds affair returned for more signaturesThe Appeals Court Prosecuting Authority has returned, as being irregular, to the money laundering watchdog authority a report by its head, top prosecutor George Zorbas, concerning the structured bonds affair, with the reasoning that all the board members of the authority must sign the report.Prosecutor George Koliokostas said on Tuesday that the prosecutor's office was given, on August 13, the file of proceedings prepared by the Authority. However, the report accompanying the file of proceedings, as Koliokostas explained, only bore the signature of Zorbas, and not the signatures of the remaining 11 members of the Authority, as required by the relevant law (3424/05). Financial News [11] Statistical service cites 7.7% unemployment figure for May 2007The unemployment figure for May 2007 was recorded at 7.7 percent, with the number of registered unemployed individuals totalling slightly more than 378,000 people, the National Statistical Service (NSS) announced on Tuesday.According to the state agency, the figure is a nine-year low. In terms of the statistical break down, joblessness for men was 4.9 percent in May' 11.8 for women; 12.1 in the western Macedonia region; 9.8 in eastern Macedonia-Thrace and western Greece regions; 9.4 percent in the northern Aegean region; 8.2 percent in the Epirus region and 8 percent in the Thessaly region. The lowest figures were on Crete, 3.4 percent, and the southern Aegean region, 6.4 percent. In terms of age groups, joblessness for ages 15 to 24 was 23.2 percent, and 10.8 percent for ages 25 to 34. ND spokesman points to positive unemployment figure as proof of gov't achievements Ruling New Democracy party spokesman Constantine Arvanitopoulos on Tuesday reiterated that commitments made by the Karamanlis government are turning into practice, as political developments increase on almost a daily basis ahead of the Sept. 16 election. "As announced by the National Statistical Service today, unemployment (in May 2007) stands at 7.7 percent. From an unemployment figure we inherited at 11.3 percent in March 2004, it has decreased today to 7.7 percent. Our policy has produced results. This is reality and it is not by chance," he said. The spokesman further said that more than 200,000 new jobs have been created from 2004 until today. [12] Halkor increases consolidated turnover by 22.9%The Halkor company increased consolidated turnover by 22.9 percent in the first half of 2007, rising to 714.2 million euros as against 581.3 million euros in the corresponding period in 2006.According to a relevant announcement, the increase in the volume of sales, 10 percent, the increase in processing prices, as well as the improvement in sales of products of higher added value, had a considerabale impact on the increase in turnover. On the contrary, the average price of copper in euros during the first half of 2007 posted a marginal increase of about 3 percent, compared to the corresponding period last year. Cable sales during the first half of 2007 accounted for 35 percent of the total volume of sales and pipe sales 30 percent. The group's mixed profits during the first half of the current year totalled 55.1 million euros as against 61.2 million euros over the same period last year, decreasing by 10 percent. [13] Athens Chamber organising business mission to CairoThe Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EBEA) will organise a business mission to Cairo, Egypt, between Oct. 29 and Nov. 1.Interested entrepreneurs should contact the Chamber by Sept. 10. Delegates will have the opportunity of scheduling meetings with Egyptian counterparts, as EBEA will shoulder preparation expenses for meetings for each business separately, providing necessary premises and interpretation services. The main sectors of interest are foodstuffs, tobacco, unprocessed cotton, livestock foodstuffs, pipes made of stainless steel, hospital and hotel equipment, aluminium, copper, building materials, chemicals, cosmetics, furniture, plastics, packaging products, agricultural machinery, paper, electrical appliances and electrical materials, office machines, textiles, fisheries, construction, environmental protection, energy, irrigation works, etc. [14] Athens Stock Exchange: Flat session on TuesdayGreek stocks were mostly following a stabilising trend on Tuesday, with the composite index recording a meagre 0.02-percent increase to end at 4,682.50 points. Turnover was a low 315.5 million euros.Most sector indices were up, with the biggest gains in Utilities (5.91 percent), Chemicals (1.34 percent) and Technology (0.78 percent). The biggest losses were in Personal/Household Goods (-1.93 percent) and Industrial Products (-1.61 percent). The Big Cap index ended 0.07 pct up, the Mid Cap index was down by 0.84 pct and the Small cap index lost 0.42 pct. Decliners led advancers by 119 to 129 with another 50 issues unchanged. Sector indices ended as follows: Insurance: +0.54% Industrials: -1.61% Commercial: -0.28% Construction: +0.27% Media: -0.33% Oil & Gas: -1.45% Personal & Household: -1.93% Raw Materials: -0.30% Travel & Leisure: +0.17% Technology: +0.78% Telecoms: +0.28% Banks: -0.18% Food & Beverages: -1.19% Health: -0.46% Utilities: +5.91% Chemicals: +1.34% Financial Services: -0.83% The stocks with the highest turnover were National Bank, OTE, Piraeus Bank and Alpha Bank. Selected shares from the FTSE/ASE-20 index closed in euros as follows: Alpha Bank: 22.48 ATEbank: 3.62 Public Power Corp (PPC): 21.90 HBC Coca Cola: 34.26 Hellenic Petroleum: 10.24 Emporiki Bank: 19.20 National Bank of Greece: 40.20 EFG Eurobank Ergasias: 24.50 Intralot: 24.44 Cosmote: 22.20 OPAP: 25.88 OTE: 23.18 Titan Cement Company: 36.52 [15] Greek bond market closing reportTurnover in the Greek electronic secondary bond market increased to 1,588 million euros on Tuesday, of which 953 million were buy orders and the remaining 635 milllion euros were sell orders.The 10-year benchmark bond (July 20, 2017) was the most heavily traded security with a turnover of 545 million euros. The Greek bond yielded 4.55 pct. In the domestic interbank market, interest rates were mixed. National Bank's overnight rate was 4.00 pct, the two-day rate 4.03 pct, the one-week rate 4.14 pct, the one-month rate 4.41 pct, the three-month rate 4.64 pct, the six-month rate 4.66 pct and the 12-month rate 4.66 pct. [16] ADEX closing reportFutures contract prices restricted their discount in the Athens Derivatives Exchange on Tuesday, with turnover reaching 110.758 million euros.The September contract on the FTSE 20 index was traded at a discount of 1.00 pct while the August contract on the FTSE 40 index at a discount of 0.09 percent. Volume in futures contracts on the FTSE 20 index totaled 6,394 contracts worth 78.220 million euros, with 43,749 open positions in the market, while on the FTSE 40 index volume was 617 contracts worth 18.683 million euros, with 957 open positions. Volume in futures contracts on equities totaled 8,967 contracts worth 13.855 million euros, with investment interest focusing on Marfin Investment Group (1,080) followed by Intracom (994), Post Office Savings Bank (993), Marfin Popular Bank (871), Bank of Piraeus (724), National Bank (431) Viochalko (222), Alpha Bank (214), ELTEX (185), Atebank (177) GEK (149), Mytilineos (134), Bank of Cyprus (143) Hellenic Petroleum (109) and Motor Oil (102). [17] Foreign Exchange Rates - WednesdayReference buying rates per euro released by the European Central Bank:U.S. dollar 1.361 Pound sterling 0.686 Danish kroner 7.501 Swedish kroner 9.439 Japanese yen 156.22 Swiss franc 1.637 Norwegian kroner 8.062 Cyprus pound 0.588 Canadian dollar 1.441 Australian dollar 1.695 General News [18] New 'Aristarchos' telescope on Mt. Helmos inauguratedThe new "Aristarchos" telescope, the largest in Greece and amongst the newest in Europe, was inaugurated atop Mount Helmos, Kalavryta township of northwest Peloponnese, on Tuesday."From the first moment when we undertook responsibility for the country's governance, the Greek state embraced the efforts of the astronomers for the creation of the Helmos Observatory," Development Minister Dimitris Sioufas said on Tuesday during a brief address. According to the minister, the European Union allocated five million euros for the projects, which was matched by four million from national coffers. [19] Greek-American fugitive arrested on CreteA US national of Greek origin was arrested at the popular Hersonissos resort near Irakleio, Crete on Tuesday after authorities reportedly ascertained that the man is wanted in the United States on felony embezzlement charges.Police said the 35-year-old -- whose name was not released on Tuesday -- is listed in an international arrest warrant issued by authorities in the United States. [20] Three wildfires extinguished in GrevenaThree wildfires that occurred early Tuesday afternoon in regions of Grevena, northern Greece, were all extinguished in the evening.The first fire, which took place in the region between Sarakina and Itea, of Grevena's Ventzio Municipality, burnt wheat stalks. The second fire, near the city of Grevena, which threatened to spread to a nearby factory, was placed under full control. Firemen, who took part in extinguishing the fire, remained at night at the scene of the fire in the event that it rekindles. Finally, a fire in Grevena's region of Kastro was extinguished. It burnt forest and pastureland expanses. Weather Forecast [21] Rise in temperatures on WednesdaySunny weather with northerly, northeasterly winds are forecast throughout the country on Wednesday with wind velocity reaching 6-7-5 beaufort. Strong northerly winds in the Cycladic islands, Crete, the Dodecanese and the eastern islands of the Aegean. Temperatures will range between 19C and 41C. Sunny in Athens, with light, variable 3-4 beaufort winds and temperatures ranging from 22C to 40C. Same in Thessaloniki, with temperatures ranging from 21C to 38C.Cyprus Affairs [22] Papadopoulos:good will and sincere desire at meeting with TalatNICOSIA (ANA-MPA/CNA)President Tassos Papadopoulos said here on Tuesday he would go to his September meeting with the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community with good will and a sincere desire to find ways to implement what had been agreed a year ago between the two, under UN auspices. He also said that he remains committed to a bizonal bicommunal federal solution which will be viable and functional, as this term is defined by the UN and the European Union, warning that any diversion from such a solution would lead to adventures and deadlock. In his address to Cypriots living overseas, who gathered here for their meeting, Papadopoulos called for concerted action and collective effort in their moves to promote a just and lasting settlement that would reunite Cyprus, divided since the 1974 Turkish invasion. "The process envisaged by the July agreement of last year is still alive and offers optimistic prospects. I look forward to my upcoming meeting with the Turkish Cypriot leader Mr Talat on the afternoon of 5 September, to discuss practical ways to promote the implementation of the July 8th agreement, a year after it was signed," the president said. He noted that he could not prejudge the outcome of the meeting on the basis of the policy and the stance of the Turkish side so far but added: "The only thing I would like to say is that I will go to this meeting with all the good will and a sincere desire to find ways to implement what was agreed, in order to pave the way soon for substantive talks, on a new basis for a mutually acceptable solution in Cyprus." The president said that there was no other road towards a solution in Cyprus than peace talks and this has no room for experimentation, naive approaches, oversimplified positions or moves beyond the acceptable limits. The road to a solution, he continued, calls for "wisdom and responsibility, perseverance and boldness, faith and vision, in addition to courage to say no where you must and yes when necessary." "The process of the July agreement was on course through our own initiative. This is not a minor process, it is one with substance, supported by the UN Secretariat, the five permanent members of the Security Council and the European Union. Promoting its full implementation will be a way out of the current disappointing stalemate, which would offer some hope," he pointed out. Papadopoulos described the year ahead as "critical and decisive for Cyprus," saying at times like this one has to handle the situation in a responsible and courageous manner, take wise and bold decision and have the ability to judge properly. "One wrong move or a wrong option would be fatal for Cyprus and Cypriot Hellenism," he warned and welcomed the firm support by Greece in the efforts Cyprus is making to reunite the country. On the prospect for a solution, Papadopoulos said he is talking about a "compromise solution but not one that will divide the country." "We are talking about a bizonal bicommunal federal solution, which will safeguard the human rights of all the legitimate inhabitants of our island, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots; a settlement that will reunite the country," he said, noting that "our objective has not been, nor is it to close the question of Cyprus, in any kind of settlement, for the sake of the time that elapses." A solution can be found tomorrow, he said, if what the Turkish side demands is accepted and warned that in such a case, the time factor would be met but the people of Cyprus would be condemned. A federal solution, he stressed, was the only possible solution under the circumstances. "The non solution of the question of Cyprus is certainly not a solution. However, a bad arrangement is not a solution either. A good solution is difficult because of the Turkish intransigence but not impossible," he said. Addressing overseas Cypriots, he thanked them for all they do for their country, saying this is recognized by everybody and noting that their strength lies in unity and collective action. "The weight you carry and the political clout you exert can influence foreign governments and policies on Cyprus. Collectively and in an organized manner, you can play a more significant and effective role," he told them, reminding them also that they must put Cyprus over and above any party affiliations or personal views. Concluding, he said that the government has kept all its promises to them and that it had never asked them to function as a mouthpiece for Nicosia nor had it demanded applaud and agreement with everything the government did or said. "I would like to believe that we have had a production dialogue and excellent cooperation, united by common goals, a common vision to see justice in Cyprus," he added. [23] Cypriot Foreign Ministry to grant all possible help to overseas CypriotsNICOSIA (ANA-MPA/CNA)The aim of the Foreign Ministry is to support POMAK and PSEKA by granting every possible assistance in implementing their pursuits, assured here Tuesday Erato Kozakou Markoullis, speaking before a gathering of overseas Cypriots in Nicosia. Addressing the delegates of the Central Councils of the World Federation of Overseas Cypriots (POMAK) and the International Coordinating Committee-Justice for Cyprus (PSEKA) who are meeting in Nicosia between 21-24 August, together with NEPOMAK (World Organisation for Young Cypriots) and the World Council of Hellenes Abroad (SAE), Markoullis stressed the role that overseas Cypriots play in the struggle for a just solution to the Cyprus issue, a solution which will "reunify our island, our people, society, economy and the stat'Ôs institutions." She said the role of overseas Cypriots in this struggle "has been valuable and has led to creating access and promoting our positions both at the European and US arenas." Markoullis pointed out that due to the contribution of overseas Cypriots, "Cyprus remains firm in its strategic pursuit, serving its national interest and responding to the wishes of our people, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, for peaceful co-habiting in our common homeland, without foreign intervention and interference." She repeated that "the Government remains committed to a Cypriot solution, which all the lawful residents of the island will embrace and which will comply with the principles of international law, the UN Security Council resolutions, the High Level Agreements and the fundamental principles of the EU." The Foreign Ministry, said Markoullis, "is fully aware of the struggles undertaken by our overseas Cypriots to maintain and promote in their second homelands, our spiritual tradition and civilization. We are grateful to them because they pass on to the next generations the principles and values which derive from our long history, but also the language and the religion which are the cornerstone of the Hellenic diaspora." Appreciating the role and contribution of overseas Cypriots, she said the Foreign Ministry has announced measures to promote the role of their organizations and "our intention is to continue on this direction." Markoulli also wished a speedy recovery to SEA honourary President Andrew Athens, noting he has contributed over the years to promote the rights of the Cypriot people. 36, TSOCHA ST. ATHENS 115 21 GREECE * TEL: 64.00.560-63 * FAX: 64.00.581-2 INTERNET ADDRESS: http://www.ana-mpa.gr * e-mail: anabul@ana gr * GENERAL DIRECTOR: GEORGE TAMBAKOPOULOS Athens News Agency: Daily News Bulletin in English Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |
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