European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 09-01-26
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Moyen-Orient : Louis Michel annonce 58 millions d'euros
supplémentaires d'aide humanitaire pour les populations palestiniennes
[02] Financial markets: Commission adopts measures to strengthen
supervisory committees and standard-setting bodies for accounting and
[03] Commission sets out steps to clarify the responsibilities of UCITS
depositaries (see <a href="http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=MEMO/09/27&format=HTML&aged=0&language=FR&guiLanguage=en">MEMO/09/27)
[04] Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner to attend Belarus Troika in Brussels
[05] Les États membres renforcent l'effort de financement de la Commission
européenne en faveur de projets d'infrastructure dans le voisinage de l'UE
[06] Commissioner Janez Potočnik addresses the European Road Transport
Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) conference
[07] Visit to Liechtenstein: Commissioner Hübner set for talks with Prince
Alois and Prime Minister Hasler
[08] Mergers: Commission approves proposed joint venture between Samsung
Electronics and Samsung SDI
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2009-01-26
Reference: MEX/09/0126
Date: 26/01/2009
EXME09 / 26.01
News from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Communicationb
[01] Moyen-Orient : Louis Michel annonce 58 millions d'euros
supplémentaires d'aide humanitaire pour les populations palestiniennes
Le Commissaire européen chargé du développement et de l'aide humanitaire,
Louis Michel, a annoncé ce plan de financement alors qu'il est en visite
au Moyen-Orient en mission humanitaire durant deux jours. Le Commissaire
Michel utilise cette visite pour voir de ses propres yeux la destruction de
Gaza après le conflit et pour témoigner combien les conditions de vie y
sont difficiles pour la population palestinienne qui compte 1,5 million
d'individus. Il visitera également la ville israélienne de Sderot et
tiendra des réunions avec les principaux responsables politiques
israéliens et palestiniens.
[02] Financial markets: Commission adopts measures to strengthen
supervisory committees and standard-setting bodies for accounting and
The European Commission has adopted a set of decisions to strengthen the
supervisory framework for EU financial markets, in order to improve
supervisory cooperation and convergence between Member States and to
reinforce financial stability. Under the new rules, the three committees
that supervise, respectively, the securities , banking and insurance
sectors will benefit from a clearer operational framework and more
efficient decision-making processes. In addition, the Commission proposes
that these committees, as well as key bodies involved in the standard-
setting process for financial reporting and auditing at both EU and
international level , should be provided with financial support from the EU
budget so that they can achieve their objectives as rapidly and efficiently
as possible. The proposal for financial support now passes to the Council
and the European Parliament for consideration.
[03] Commission sets out steps to clarify the responsibilities of UCITS
depositaries (see <a href="http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=MEMO/09/27&format=HTML&aged=0&language=FR&guiLanguage=en">MEMO/09/27)
The UCITS regulatory framework has proved very resilient during the current
crisis. However, the depositaries of 4 UCITS funds (from a population of
30'000 funds) entrusted fund assets, worth 1.6bn€ to Madoff entities and
those assets have not yet been recovered. On the 12th January, Mme Lagarde,
the Minister for finance and economy in France addressed a letter to
Commissioner McCreevv highlighting the diverging approaches that Member
states have taken on the role and liability of UCITS funds' depositaries.
This situation could imply intolerable differences in investor protection
depending on the domicile of fund depositaries. This matter was also
discussed by EU Finance Ministers at ECOFIN Council on 20th January. On the
occasion of the ECOFIN Council, Commissioner McCreevy explained the steps
that the Commission will take to respond to these concerns.
[04] Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner to attend Belarus Troika in Brussels
European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood
Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, will participate in the EU-Belarus Foreign
Ministers' Troika meeting in Brussels on 27 January. This is the second
ministerial Troika with Belarus following the Council's decision to suspend
the visa ban against Belarusian officials for the period of 6 months. From
the Belarusian side Foreign Minister Martynov will take part in the meeting,
which will touch upon the state of play of EU-Belarus relations, internal
developments in the country, regional matters, the economic situation and
energy issues.
[05] Les États membres renforcent l'effort de financement de la Commission
européenne en faveur de projets d'infrastructure dans le voisinage de l'UE
La signature de l'accord sur le fonds fiduciaire FIPV en marge du Conseil
Affaires générales et relations extérieures du 26 janvier 2009 permettra
aux États membres de l'UE de fournir des fonds supplémentaires la
facilité d'investissement dans le cadre de la politique de voisinage
(FIPV), qui est un levier essentiel de la politique européenne de
voisinage. Ce fonds fiduciaire a été constitué par la Banque européenne
d'investissement afin de percevoir les contributions bilatérales des
États membres au financement de projets d'infrastructure prévus dans les
pays voisins du sud et de l'est de l'Union. En 2008, 15 États membres se
sont engagés fournir un montant total de 37 millions d'euros qui viendra
s'ajouter aux 100 millions d'euros déj fournis par le budget
[06] Commissioner Janez Potočnik addresses the European Road Transport
Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) conference
Today, Commissioner Janez Potočnik addresses the European Road Transport
Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) conference. He will stress on EU
reseach's action towards greener car transport, and will notably explain
more about the European Commission's "Green cars initiative". ERTRAC will
unveil the scenarios for Europe's road transport system of the future, and
set out what the sector needs to do to achieve a step-change in the
sustainability of road transport. The accompanying MEMO provides with
information of how EU research policy contributes to the overall EU's
objective to fight climate change by supporting transport research.
[07] Visit to Liechtenstein: Commissioner Hübner set for talks with Prince
Alois and Prime Minister Hasler
Danuta Hübner, European Commissioner for Regional Policy, will meet Prime
Minister Otmar Hasler and Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein in Vaduz
on Monday 26 January, for talks focused on strengthened cooperation between
the European Union, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.
[08] Mergers: Commission approves proposed joint venture between Samsung
Electronics and Samsung SDI
The European Commission has approved under the EU Merger Regulation the
acquisition of joint control over a joint venture, Samsung Mobile Display,
by Samsung Electronics and Samsung SDI, both of Korea. Samsung SDI had
previously spun off its activities in the area of small and medium LCD
panels and organic light-emitting diodes (“OLEDs”), a specific type
of ultra thin, ultra bright display technology which does not require a
backlight, into Samsung Mobile Display, which is currently solely
controlled by Samsung SDI. The Commission concluded that the transaction
would not significantly impede effective competition in the European
Economic Area (EEA) or any substantial part of it.
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
• Memo on Greening road transport: EU-funded research supports EU's
environmental objectives
• Memo Responsibilities of UCITS depositaries: Frequently Asked Questions
(see <a href="http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/09/126&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en">IP/09/126)
• Speech by Commissioner Piebalgs 'Establishment of the International
Renewable Energy Agency', Bonn
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/