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European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 07-12-14Midday Express: News from the EU Commission Spokesman's Briefings Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <>CONTENTS / CONTENU
MIDDAY EXPRESSNews from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefingNouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction GĂ©nĂ©rale Communicationb14/12/07[01] Irish regions go full steam ahead with 2007-13 cohesion programmesRegional Policy Commissioner Danuta HĂĽbner and Dick Roche, Irish Minister of State for European Affairs, today sign key documents for the implementation of Cohesion Policy in Ireland over the next seven years. They will sign the National Strategic Reference Framework and the two programmes which will be supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) at a ceremony in Brussels.[02] European Commission and JT International (Japan Tobacco) sign 15-year Agreement to combat contraband and counterfeit cigarettesThe European Commission, together with 26 participating Member States of the European Union , and JT International (JTI) today announced a multi- year agreement that includes an efficient system to fight against future cigarette smuggling and counterfeiting. Through the Agreement, JTI will work with the European Commission, its anti-fraud office OLAF, and law enforcement authorities of the Member States to help in the fight against contraband, including the problem of counterfeit cigarettes. The Agreement includes substantial payments by JTI, which total USD 400 million over fifteen years. “I welcome the conclusion of the negotiations of this important agreement. It is to the advantage of the EU because it protects its financial interests,” said Commission President JosĂ© Manuel Barroso. “This Agreement represents a further major step forward in the continuing battle against contraband and counterfeit cigarettes,” said Vice- president Siim Kallas, responsible for the fight against fraud. “Contraband and counterfeit products cheat everyone: governments, consumers and legitimate businesses. This new agreement will further enhance the ability of the European Commission and of the Member States to combat the illegal trade in cigarettes, which results in the loss of substantial tax and customs revenues each year. It sends a strong signal to the world that agreements.[03] European Research Council awards its first prestigious grants to top researchersToday the European Research Council (ERC), a new research funding body created under the EU's 7th Framework Programme for Research, announced the outcome of its first competition for Starting Independent Investigators. About 300 up-and-coming research leaders, between two and nine years after their doctorate, will receive grants. The first Starting Grants will be signed in February next year. The successful candidates represent over 30 nationalities and are based in some 170 host institutions in 21 different countries. Today's announcement concludes a successful first year of operation of the ERC, which will expand considerably its research funding programme in 2008, including the introduction of the Advanced Grant, for experienced researchers.[04] Mergers: Commission approves proposed acquisition of ICI by Akzo Nobel subject to conditionsThe European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed acquisition of Imperial Chemical Industries ("ICI") of the UK by Akzo Nobel of The Netherlands, subject to commitments to divest activities in the UK, Ireland and Belgium as well as a shareholding in the adhesives manufacturer Purbond AG. In view of the remedies proposed by the parties, the Commission concluded that the operation would not significantly impede effective competition in the European Economic Area (EEA) or any substantial part of it.[05] Two new executive agencies bolster European researchToday sees the creation of two agencies to manage research projects funded by the European Union budget. The "European Research Council Executive Agency" will support the implementation of the Ideas Programme of the 7th Research Framework Programme (FP7), which supports frontier research. It will manage about €7 billion. The "Research Executive Agency" will administer the Marie Curie fellowships schemes, research for the benefit of SMEs and parts of the Space and Security research themes. It will manage research funding of €6.5b and provide evaluation and support services to all other parts of FP7. The creation of these two agencies was put forward in the legal document setting up FP7 and the plans have recently been approved by the Member States and the European Parliament. These agencies are just one strand of wide-ranging actions within FP7 to improve the efficiency of research management, thereby supporting the aims of the European Research Area and providing the best possible service to scientists.[06] La Commission plaide pour une nouvelle approche en matière d'investissements de fonds publics dans la recherche de pointe Ă risquesLa Commission a proposĂ© aujourd'hui une nouvelle stratĂ©gie pour exploiter le potentiel des investissements publics en Europe au service de l'innovation dans le domaine de la recherche et du dĂ©veloppement (R&D). L'Europe a un retard considĂ©rable sur les Etats-Unis en ce qui concerne les investissements dans la R&D et rattraper ce retard figure dans les prioritĂ©s de la stratĂ©gie renouvelĂ©e de Lisbonne. L'Europe pourrait en faire beaucoup plus au stade prĂ©-commercial, oĂą les produits ne sont pas encore prĂŞts pour le marchĂ© et oĂą les investissements sont particulièrement risquĂ©s mais sont cruciaux pour permettre Ă la recherche de progresser. C'est pourquoi la Commission a dĂ©cidĂ© aujourd'hui de plaider en faveur de la passation de marchĂ©s pour les investissements publics dans la R&D se trouvant dĂ©jĂ en phase prĂ©-commerciale. Pour la Commission, ces marchĂ©s publics prĂ©-commerciaux pourraient tirer parti d'un potentiel sous-employĂ©, notamment dans les domaines de pointe tels que la recherche sur les technologies de l'information et de la communication dans les soins de santĂ© et la mĂ©decine. Des innovations technologiques importantes telles que le protocole internet et le système mondial de dĂ©termination de la position (GPS) auraient Ă©tĂ© inconcevables sans investissements combinĂ©s du secteur public et des entreprises privĂ©es.[07] European Commission and United Nations to deploy a joint expert team to South Korea following oil spillA team of marine pollution and civil protection assessment experts are being deployed to South Korea following a request made by the country to the European Commission's Monitoring and Information Centre (MIC) on 12 December. Around 10,500 tonnes of crude oil were spilt some eight kilometres off Malipo in the Taean district, off Korea's west coast. The joint expert team, led by the United Nations, will be composed of MIC experts, United Nations officials and a representative from the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). South Korea has also requested material assistance and equipment.[08] RĂ©forme de la PAC: la commissaire Fischer Boel exhorte les ministres Ă adopter une rĂ©forme audacieuse du secteur du vinĂ€ la veille des nĂ©gociations finales autour de la rĂ©forme du secteur vitivinicole dans le cadre du Conseil Agriculture de la semaine prochaine, Mariann Fischer Boel, membre de la Commission chargĂ© de l'agriculture et du dĂ©veloppement rural, a appelĂ© les ministres Ă adopter des dĂ©cisions courageuses afin d'assurer la compĂ©titivitĂ© de ce secteur. «L'heure est venue de s'entendre sur une rĂ©forme qui marquera une rĂ©elle avancĂ©e. L'heure est venue car les importations et la production de vin de l'Union europĂ©enne n'ont cessĂ© d'augmenter au fil des ans parallèlement Ă une baisse de la consommation intĂ©rieure. Cela s'impose Ă©galement car nous pourrons ainsi utiliser le budget consacrĂ© Ă ce secteur beaucoup plus judicieusement que nous ne le faisons actuellement de manière Ă le renforcer et Ă le rendre plus rationnel aux yeux de l'opinion publique. Un accord est Ă notre portĂ©e lors du Conseil de la semaine prochaine, mais ce doit ĂŞtre un bon accord», a t elle dĂ©clarĂ©.[09] Combating illicit tobacco trade: preparing the ground for future International Protocol to WHO tobacco control convention.Representatives of over 30 countries, the European Commission, international organisations and NGOs met in Montevideo, Uruguay, on 5 and 6 December, in a regional conference about illicit trade in tobacco products to prepare the ground for negotiations in early 2008 on a Protocol to the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. The Protocol will deal specifically with combating illicit trade in tobacco and tobacco products. Alongside DG Health and Consumer Protection, OLAF contributed by sharing its experience of tackling the smuggling and counterfeiting of tobacco products, including making several presentations and moderating some sessions of the conference. The conference was organised by the Government of Uruguay, with the support of the World Health Organization, and was given very strong support by the President of Uruguay and the Minister of Health who gave the closing address.[10] Humanitarian aid: Commission allocates €1.5 million to Rohingya refugees in BangladeshThe European Commission has approved a €1.5 million humanitarian aid package to provide assistance to the unregistered Rohingya refugees of Teknaf, Cox's Bazaar, in South East Bangladesh. Assistance will focus on the relocation of refugees to a suitable place and the provision of humanitarian aid including shelter, water, health, and nutrition . Funds are being allocated via the European Commission Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) under the responsibility of Commissioner Louis Michel.[11] La Commission autorise l’acquisition de Futerro par PetroFina et GalacticLa Commission europĂ©enne a autorisĂ©, en vertu du règlement Concentrations, le projet d'acquisition du contrĂ´le en commun de l’entreprise belge Futerro S.A./N.V par les entreprises PetroFina S.A./N.V. de la Belgique, appartenant au groupe français Total, et l'entreprise Galactic S.A./N.V., contrĂ´lĂ©e en dernier ressort par l'entreprise belge Finasucre S.A. et Frederic van Gansberghe S.A./N.V. (FVG) de la Belgique. PetroFina est active dans la production et la vente de produits chimiques de base et des polymères de grande consommation. Total est une entreprise active dans les secteurs de l'Ă©nergie et de la chimie intĂ©grĂ©e verticalement. Galactic produit et vend de l'acide lactique, des sels et des esters (lactates). Finasucre produit et vend du sucre de canne et de la betterave, ainsi que des caramels et autres spĂ©cialitĂ©s. FVG fournit des services de conseil et de gestion. Il ressort de l'enquĂŞte menĂ©e par la Commission que l'opĂ©ration envisagĂ©e n'entravera pas de manière significative la concurrence dans le marchĂ© commun. Cette affaire a Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©e selon la procĂ©dure simplifiĂ©e.[12] Enregistrement de dix dĂ©nominations de produits agricolesLa Commission europĂ©enne a ajoutĂ© dix dĂ©nominations de produits agricoles et alimentaires Ă la liste des appellations d'origine protĂ©gĂ©es (AOP) et indications gĂ©ographiques protĂ©gĂ©es (IGP). Aujourd’hui les produits “Carne de BĂsaro Transmontano” ou “Carne de Porco Transmontano” (Viande de porc – Portugal – AOP), “Szegedi szalámi” ou “Szegedi tĂ©liszalámi (Produit Ă base de viande (salami) – Hongrie – AOP), “Pecorino di Filiano (Fromage – Italie – AOP), “Cereza del Jerte” (Fruit (cerise) - Espagne – AOP), “Garbanzo de FuentesaĂşco (LĂ©gume (pois chiche) - Espagne – IGP), “Lenteja Pardina de Tierra de Campos” (LĂ©gume (lentilles) - Espagne – IGP), “Loukoumi Geroskipou” (Confiserie – Chypre – IGP) et “SkalickĂ˝ trdelnĂk” (Pâtisserie - Slovaquie – IGP) ont Ă©tĂ© ajoutĂ©s Ă la liste. Fin novembre les produits “TĹ™eboHskĂ˝ kapr” (Poisson – RĂ©publique Tchèque – IGP) et “Salame Cremone” (Produit Ă base de viande (salami) – Italie – IGP) avaient Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© ajoutĂ©s. Les dix dĂ©nominations s'ajoutent Ă la liste d'environ 800 produits dĂ©jĂ protĂ©gĂ©s en vertu de la lĂ©gislation sur la protection des indications gĂ©ographiques, des appellations d'origine et des spĂ©cialitĂ©s traditionnelles. Des renseignements sur les produits de qualitĂ© ainsi que la liste des dĂ©nominations protĂ©gĂ©es sont disponibles sur l'internet Ă l'adresse: <a href="">[13] Le taux d’inflation annuel de la zone euro en hausse Ă 3,1%Le taux d’inflation annuel de la zone euro a Ă©tĂ© de 3,1% en novembre 2007, contre 2,6% en octobre. Un an auparavant, il Ă©tait de 1,9%. Le taux d’inflation mensuel a Ă©tĂ© de 0,5% en novembre 2007. Le taux d’inflation annuel de l’UE a Ă©tĂ© de 3,1% en novembre 2007, contre 2, 7% en octobre. Un an auparavant, il Ă©tait de 2,1%. Le taux d’inflation mensuel a Ă©tĂ© de 0,5% en novembre 2007. Ces chiffres sont publiĂ©s par Eurostat.[14] Air passenger transport up by 5% in 2006The total number of passengers transported by air in the EU27 rose by 4.7% in 2006 compared with 2005, to almost 740 million. In 2005, passenger numbers in the EU25 rose by 8.5%2. In 2006, the highest numbers of passengers were registered in the United Kingdom (211 million, +4%), Germany (154 million, +6%), Spain (151 million, +5%), France (113 million, +5%) and Italy (96 million, +9%). Passenger numbers rose in 2006 in all Member States except Cyprus and Malta. Four Member States recorded growth of 30% or more compared to 2005: Romania (+35%), Slovakia (+34%), Latvia (+33%) and Poland (+31%). Eight Member States reported an increase of more than 10%: seven Member States from Central and Eastern Europe as well as Ireland. These figures are published in a report from Eurostat on air transport in the EU27 in 2006. This report also looks in detail at national, intra-EU and extra-EU air transport passengers, as well as the most important airport pairs, nationally and internationally.[15] Rediffusion[16] La part la plus importante du budget 2008 de l'UE va servir Ă dynamiser la croissance Ă©conomiqueEn 2008, pour la première fois, la part la plus importante du budget de l'Union europĂ©enne – soit 45 % de l'ensemble des dĂ©penses – sera consacrĂ©e Ă des mesures visant Ă dynamiser la croissance Ă©conomique et Ă renforcer la cohĂ©sion dans les 27 pays de l'Union. Le choix d'accroĂ®tre les dĂ©penses en faveur de la compĂ©titivitĂ© montre que l'Europe est rĂ©solue Ă prospĂ©rer dans une Ă©conomie mondiale en constante Ă©volution, tout en assurant un soutien stable Ă l'agriculture. Celle-ci continuera Ă recevoir plus de 40 % des fonds de l'UE.[17] Cohesion Policy 2007-2013: Polish Operational Programme worth €27.9 billion is biggest-ever Community investmentRegional Policy Commissioner Danuta HĂĽbner today announced the biggest Community investment ever made, an Operational Programme worth €27.9 billion for Poland. The programme, entitled 'Environment and Infrastructure', will develop transport, environment and social infrastructure (higher education, health care) in the whole of Poland over the next seven years.Autre matĂ©riel diffusĂ© • Memo on Poland – Operational programme 2007-2013: "Infrastructure and Environment" • Memo on EU budget 2008: a breakdown • Memo on Ireland – Border, Midland and Western Regional Programme • Memo on Ireland – Southern and Eastern Programme • Memo on Poland – Lubelskie Operational programme 2007-2013 • Memo on Poland – Operational programme 2007-2013: "Silesia" • Memo on Poland – Operational programme 2007-2013: "Warminsko- Mazurskie" • Memo on Poland – Operational programme 2007-2013: "Zachodniopomorskie" • Memo on Background to the JLS issues to be discussed at the European Council meeting on 14 December 2007 • Memo on Contraband and counterfeit cigarettes: frequently asked questions • Memo on Poland – Operational programme 2007-2013: "Pomerania" • Memo on The European Research Council awards its first grants • Memo on Preparation Agriculture/Fisheries Council of December 2007 • Speech by Commissioner Dimas on "GEEREF - Innovative Financing for Clean Energy" • Speech by Commissioner Rehn on Europe's Soft Power in a Changing World • Calendrier du 7 au 16 dĂ©cembre • Top News from the European Commission A disposition au secrĂ©tariat de Jonathan Todd (BERL 03/315): Notification prĂ©alable d'une opĂ©ration de concentration :
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