European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 07-07-18
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[I] RĂ©sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome
of today's Commission meeting
[01] La Commission s'emploie à combler l'écart de rémunération entre
hommes et femmes
[02] Water scarcity and droughts in Europe : Commission addresses key
[03] La Commission ouvre le marché intérieur européen aux services de
télévision mobile
[04] La Commission autorise sous condition l'acquisition de Télé 2 France
par SFR
[05] La Commission est favorable à la démarche de l'Italie qui compte
clarifier les procĂ©dures d'autorisation dans le secteur des autoroutes Ă
[06] La Commission approuve €1,8 milliard d'aide pour les départements
d'outremer français (DOM)
[07] Commission endorses €262 million aid to AMD for large investment
project in Dresden, Germany
[08] Commission endorses aid for Czech banks Agrobanka and GE Capital
[09] La Commission enjoint à la Grèce de récupérer les exonérations
fiscales illégales
[10] Commission endorses €9 billion capital contributions for German
public banks WestLB and NORD/LB
[11] Antitrust : Commission closes proceedings against past roaming tariffs
in the UK and Germany
[12] Commission launches formal investigation into annual compensation
payments, investment and training grants to Irish Bus and Dublin Bus
[13] La Commission approuve un régime d'aide au transport par voies
navigables en Belgique
[14] Commission formally requests Italy to comply with EU rules on
electronic communications
[15] Nature protection : Bulgaria warned over breaches of EU environmental
[16] Free movement of services : infringement proceedings against Austria,
Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom
[17] João Aguiar Machado est nommé directeur général adjoint à la
direction générale des relations extérieures
[18] Hugues Mingarelli est nommé directeur général adjoint à la
direction générale des Relations extérieures
[19] Nicholas David Bearfield appointed Head of the European Communities
Personnel Selection Office (EPSO)
[20] KatarĂna Mathernová appointed Deputy Director-General for Regional
[21] Antti Peltomäki appointed Deputy Director-General for Information
Society and Media
[22] Paola Testori-Coggi nommée directrice générale adjointe de la DG
santé et protection des consommateurs
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[23] Reaction President Barroso and Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner on ruling
of Libyan High Judicial Council
[24] Emissions trading: Commission adopts decision on Cyprus' national
allocation plan for 2008-2012
[25] Commission clears acquisition of Sachsenfonds by Nikko Principal
Investmentsand Eastmerchant
[26] Commission clears acquisition of Valentino Group by Red & Black
[27] Commission clears joint venture between Mapfre and Cattolica
[28] Commission takes further steps to improve nuclear safety through
dialogue and transparency
[29] Euro area external trade surplus €1.7 billion ; € 15.0 billion
deficit for EU27
[30] La production dans le secteur de la construction en hausse de 0,2%
dans la zone euro ; hausse de 0,1% dans l'UE27
[31] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2007-07-18
Reference: MEX/07/0718
Date: 18/07/2007
EXME07 / 18.7
News from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Communicationb
[I] RĂ©sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome
of today's Commission meeting
[01] La Commission s'emploie à combler l'écart de rémunération entre
hommes et femmes
Dans l'Union européenne, les femmes continuent de gagner en moyenne 15% de
moins que les hommes, estime la Commission européenne. Un rapport publié
aujourd'hui Ă©nonce des solutions permettant Ă l'UE de combler cet Ă©cart,
qui ne s'est guère modifié au cours des dix dernières années.
L'écart salarial entre hommes et femmes représente la différence entre
la rémunération horaire moyenne brute des premiers et celle des secondes
dans l'ensemble de l'économie. Il reflète les discriminations et les
inégalités qui caractérisent le marché du travail et dont les femmes
sont, dans la pratique, les principales victimes.
[02] Water scarcity and droughts in Europe : Commission addresses key
Moving the European Union towards a water-efficient and water-saving
economy is the aim of a Communication presented by the European Commission.
The objective is to open a debate on the ways the EU can address water
scarcity and droughts in an environment dominated by climate change. The
Communication presents an initial set of policy options and raises issues
to be taken into account to ensure the availability of water for all human,
economic and social activities. The Commission will report on the progress
of these issues in 2008.
[03] La Commission ouvre le marché intérieur européen aux services de
télévision mobile
La Commission a adopté une stratégie pour favoriser le décollage de la
télévision mobile dans les 27 Etats membres de l'UE. Elle pousse les
Etats membres et les acteurs du secteur à soutenir et à accélérer le
déploiement de la télévision mobile dans toute l'Europe et encourage
l'utilisation du DVB-H la norme européenne de TV mobile.
[04] La Commission autorise sous condition l'acquisition de Télé 2 France
par SFR
La Commission européenne a approuvé, en application du règlement sur les
concentrations de l'UE, le rachat des activités de téléphonie fixe et
d'accès à Internet de Télé 2 France par l'opérateur de téléphonie
mobile français SFR. La Commission a considéré que l'opération
projetée, telle qu'initialement notifiée, soulevait des doutes sérieux
d'atteinte à la concurrence sur les marchés de la télévision payante en
France, et a ouvert une enquĂŞte approfondi (voir IP/07/347). Ces doutes
ont été écartés par des engagements garantissant aux opérateurs DSL
une égalité de traitement avec la nouvelle entité concernant l'accès
aux contenus audiovisuels détenus par le groupe Vivendi, dont SFR fait
partie. A la lumière de ces engagements, la Commission a conclu que la
concentration n'entravera pas de manière significative une concurrence
effective dans l'espace économique européen (EEE) ou une part
substantielle de celui-ci.
[05] La Commission est favorable à la démarche de l'Italie qui compte
clarifier les procĂ©dures d'autorisation dans le secteur des autoroutes Ă
Après des discussions constructives avec la Commission européenne, les
autorités italiennes ont présenté une proposition de règles destinées
à clarifier le cadre règlementaire qui régit l'autorisation de transfert
des concessions autoroutières en Italie. Ces règles prendront la forme
d'une "Direttiva" (Ă adopter par les ministres des infrastructures et de
l'économie). La Commission est favorable à la démarche des autorités
italiennes et remarque que le projet de "Direttiva" se propose de régler
les questions soulevées dans l'affaire opposant la Commission à l'Italie
en application de l'article 21 du règlement sur les concentrations (voir
IP/06/1418 et IP/07/117). Lorsque la Direttiva et ses dispositions
d'application entreront en vigueur, la Commission pourra clĂ´turer
l'affaire qu'elle a engagée en application du règlement sur les
[06] La Commission approuve €1,8 milliard d'aide pour les départements
d'outremer français (DOM)
La Commission européenne a approuvé, en vertu des règles du traité CE
en matière d'aides d'Etat, dix régimes d'aides en faveur des
départements français d'outre-mer. Cette décision s'inscrit dans le
cadre global du réexamen des aides régionales en place dans tous les
Etats membres (voir IP/05/1653 et MEMO/05/491) conformément aux nouvelles
lignes directrices, adoptées en décembre 2005. Ces nouvelles lignes
directrices visent à réorienter les aides régionales vers les régions
les plus défavorisées de l'Union élargie. Les dix régimes d'aide
concernent des exemptions de taxes et de charges sociales qui visent Ă
compenser les handicaps spécifiques des régions ultrapériphériques,
dont font partie les DOM, reconnus par le traité CE dans son article
[07] Commission endorses €262 million aid to AMD for large investment
project in Dresden, Germany
The European Commission has authorised, under EC Treaty state aid rules,
€262 million of aid, which the German authorities intend to grant to AMD
for the conversion and extension of its existing micro-processor wafer
plants in Dresden. The Commission's assessment found the measure to be
compatible with the Single Market, as it meets the requirements of the
applicable Regional Aid Guidelines of 1998 and the rules for regional aid
for large investment projects of 2002 (see IP/02/242). The investment
project of €2.2 billion into the high-tech sector by AMD will
significantly contribute to the further regional development of Saxony.
[08] Commission endorses aid for Czech banks Agrobanka and GE Capital
The European Commission has decided that the guarantee measures and a so-
called "Put Option" in favour of the Czech Agrobanka Praha a.s. and GE
Money Bank a.s. (former GE Capital Bank a.s.) are compatible with EC Treaty
state aid rules and has closed its formal investigation procedure. Although
the measures were granted before the Czech accession to the EU, the
Commission has jurisdiction to rule on them as the potential financial
exposure of the Czech State was not sufficiently defined at the date of
accession (1st May 2004).
[09] La Commission enjoint à la Grèce de récupérer les exonérations
fiscales illégales
La Commission européenne a décidé, en vertu des règles du traité CE
relatives aux aides d'Etat, que les déductions fiscales accordées au
titre de la loi grecque n°3220/2004 étaient incompatibles avec le marché
unique et devaient être récupérées auprès des bénéficiaires. Des
aides incompatibles pour un montant d"environ €200 millions ont été
accordées à des milliers d'entreprises en vertu de ladite loi. L"article 2
de la loi grecque n°3220/2004 a permis aux entreprises de certains
secteurs de déduire de leur base d'imposition jusqu'à 35% de leurs
bénéfices, ce qui leur a conféré un avantage déloyal. Les secteurs
concernés étaient notamment la production de matériaux textiles et de
métaux de base, l'industrie manufacturière, la production d'énergie,
l'exploitation minière, l'agriculture et la pêche intensives et certaines
entreprises touristiques. La mesure n'a jamais été notifiée à la
Commission et est donc illégale. Sur la base de son enquête approfondie,
la Commission vient de décider que l'aide était également incompatible
avec les règles du traité CE relatives aux aides d'Etat (article 87), car
elle fausse la concurrence et les Ă©changes entre les Etats membres, et que
les autorités grecques devaient récupérer les aides versées aux
entreprises bénéficiaires, intérêts compris.
[10] Commission endorses €9 billion capital contributions for German
public banks WestLB and NORD/LB
The European Commission has authorised, in accordance with the EC Treaty's
rules on state aid, eight capital contributions worth a total of some
€9.1 billion for the German public banks WestLB AG (€6.2 billion) and
NORD/LB (€2.9 billion) from their public shareholders. The capital
contributions are aimed at strengthening the core capital of the two banks.
The Commission has concluded that the capital increases have been made on
conditions which a private investor would have accepted (the market
investor principle) and therefore do not constitute state aid within the
meaning of Article 87 of the EC Treaty.
[11] Antitrust : Commission closes proceedings against past roaming tariffs
in the UK and Germany
The European Commission has decided to close the competition proceedings
opened against Vodafone UK, O2 UK, Vodafone Germany and T-Mobile Germany
regarding the roaming tariffs applied to other European mobile network
operators up to 2003.
[12] Commission launches formal investigation into annual compensation
payments, investment and training grants to Irish Bus and Dublin Bus
The European Commission has decided to open a formal investigation
regarding the annual operating compensation payments for urban, suburban
and regional bus transport services, as well as investment and training
grants to the companies Irish Bus and Dublin Bus. The Commission has to
examine whether these measures are in line with the European legislation.
Ireland is therefore requested to submit its comments and to provide all
information needed for the Commission to assess the measures.
[13] La Commission approuve un régime d'aide au transport par voies
navigables en Belgique
La Commission europĂ©enne a autorisĂ© un rĂ©gime d'aide destinĂ© Ă
encourager le développement du transport par voies navigables en Belgique.
Ce régime soutiendra les entreprises de transport exploitant des services
réguliers au départ et à destination du port de Bruxelles. Le régime
d'aide couvre la période 2007-2009 et son montant s'élève à un total de
[14] Commission formally requests Italy to comply with EU rules on
electronic communications
The European Commission has sent a formal request to Italy to bring its
broadcasting legislation in line with the EU Regulatory Framework for
Electronic Communications. The request takes the form of a reasoned opinion,
the second stage of the infringement procedure under Article 226 of the EC
Treaty. The Commission considers that the Italian legislation regulating
the switchover from analogue to digital terrestrial TV places unjustified
restrictions on the provision of broadcasting transmission services and
attributes unjustified advantages to existing analogue operators. The
current situation in analogue TV, where only few operators are able to
compete on the market for broadcasting transmission services, risks being
reproduced in digital terrestrial TV, thus maintaining the reduced choice
for Italian consumers. The Commission sent a letter of formal notice in
July 2006 (see IP/06/1019). If Italy does not take the necessary measures
to comply with the reasoned opinion within two months of receipt, the
Commission may decide to refer Italy to the European Court of Justice.
[15] Nature protection : Bulgaria warned over breaches of EU environmental
The European Commission is sending Bulgaria a first written warning in two
separate cases over its failure to properly transpose EU environmental laws
into its national legislation. The first case concerns the directive on the
conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora and the second
the directive on the conservation of wild birds. These two directives form
the core of EU policy on nature and biodiversity.
[16] Free movement of services : infringement proceedings against Austria,
Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom
The European Commission has taken action to put an end to obstacles to the
free movement of services in Austria, Germany, Spain and the United
Kingdom. The Commission has decided to refer Germany to the European Court
of Justice over its application of a bilateral agreement with Poland in
relation to the construction sector. Austria will be referred to the Court
over its legislation restricting the free movement of services for patent
agents. The Commission has also decided to send formal requests to Spain
and the United Kingdom concerning their rules on reimbursement of urgent
hospital treatment in another Member State. These requests take the form of
'reasoned opinions', the second stage of the infringement procedure under
Article 226 of the EC Treaty. If there is no satisfactory reply within two
months, the Commission may refer the matter to the European Court of
[17] João Aguiar Machado est nommé directeur général adjoint à la
direction générale des relations extérieures
La Commission européenne a nommé M. João Aguiar Machado au poste de
directeur général adjoint à la direction générale des relations
extérieures (DG RELEX). Il sera chargé des relations avec l'Asie et
l'Amérique latine.
[18] Hugues Mingarelli est nommé directeur général adjoint à la
direction générale des Relations extérieures
La Commission européenne a nommé ce jour Hugues Mingarelli au poste de
directeur général adjoint à la direction générale des relations
extérieures (DG RELEX). Il sera en charge de la politique européenne de
voisinage et des relations avec l'Europe orientale, le Caucase du Sud et
l'Asie centrale, le Moyen-Orient et la Méditerranée du Sud.
[19] Nicholas David Bearfield appointed Head of the European Communities
Personnel Selection Office (EPSO)
Mr Nicholas David Bearfield has been appointed as Head of the European
Communities Personnel Selection Office (EPSO), an interinstitutional office
whose mission is to organise open competitions to select staff for the
various institutions and advisory bodies of the European Union. He will be
responsible for overall management of EPSO, under the supervision of its
management board.
[20] KatarĂna Mathernová appointed Deputy Director-General for Regional
The European Commission appointed KatarĂna Mathernová as Deputy Director-
General of the Directorate-General for Regional Policy (DG REGIO). She will
be responsible for the three policy directorates, and for coordinating
relations with the Commission's other Directorates-General and with
authorities in the Member States and regions.
[21] Antti Peltomäki appointed Deputy Director-General for Information
Society and Media
The European Commission appointed Antti Peltomäki as Deputy Director-
General of the Directorate-General for the Information Society and Media
(DG INFSO). He will be responsible for promoting international cooperation
in information and communication technology (ICT) research and for
representing the Commission in negotiations on ICT development, the
regulatory environment and the availability and accessibility of ICT-based
[22] Paola Testori-Coggi nommée directrice générale adjointe de la DG
santé et protection des consommateurs
La Commission européenne a désigné Paola Testori-Coggi au poste de
directeur général adjoint de la direction générale santé et protection
des consommateurs (DG SANCO). Elle sera responsable de la politique de la
Commission en matière de sécurité alimentaire, en particulier la
sécurité de la chaîne alimentaire humaine et animale, la santé animale,
le bien-être animal et la santé des plantes. Elle assistera également le
directeur général dans la gestion générale de la DG.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[23] Reaction President Barroso and Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner on ruling
of Libyan High Judicial Council
Reacting to the decision of the Libyan High Judicial Council on 17 July to
convert the death sentence of the Bulgarian Nurses and the Palestinian
doctor into a prison term, European Commission President José Manuel
Barroso and Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood
Policy Benita Ferrero-Waldner said: "The fact that the High Judicial
Council did not uphold the death sentence is a first relief. However, our
objective is a solution which allows for the departure of the Bulgarian and
Palestinian medical personnel from Libya and their transfer to the EU as
soon as possible. We will now study the ruling and its implications with
the Libyan authorities and others involved. But we do hope that this tragic
and long-running case can be brought to a speedy solution."
[24] Emissions trading: Commission adopts decision on Cyprus' national
allocation plan for 2008-2012
The European Commission concluded the assessment of Cyprus' national plan
for allocating carbon dioxide (CO2) emission allowances for the 2008-2012
trading period of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). The Commission
accepted the plan on condition that certain changes are made, including a
reduction in the total number of emission allowances proposed. The cleared
annual allocation is 5.48 million tonnes of CO2 allowances, 23% less than
Cyprus had proposed. The Emissions Trading Scheme ensures that greenhouse
gas emissions from the energy and industry sectors covered are cut at least
cost to the economy, thus helping the EU and its Member States to meet
their emission commitments under the Kyoto Protocol.
[25] Commission clears acquisition of Sachsenfonds by Nikko Principal
Investmentsand Eastmerchant
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of joint control of Sachsenfonds Holding GmbH
(Sachsenfonds) of Germany by Nikko Principal Investments Ltd of the UK and
Eastmerchant GmbH of Germany. Nikko Principal Investments is a private
equity investments company. Eastmerchant is a financial investments
company. Sachsenfonds is active in the design, initialisation, distribution
and management of closed-end funds. The operation was examined under the
simplified merger review procedure.
[26] Commission clears acquisition of Valentino Group by Red & Black
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of sole control of Valentino Fashion Group
S.p.A. (Valentino Group) of Italy by Red & Black Lux S.Ă€ R.L. (Red &
Black) of Luxembourg, controlled by Permira IV fund ('P IV', Guernsey,
Channel Islands), which is ultimately controlled by Permira Holdings
Limited (PHL) of Guernsey, the Channel Islands. PHL invests in companies at
all stages of development and in different market sectors. Red & Black is a
special purpose vehicle established for the purpose of the transaction.
Valentino Group is active in the design, production and wholesale
distribution of luxury women's and men's clothes and related accessories.
The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.
[27] Commission clears joint venture between Mapfre and Cattolica
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the joint venture between Mapfre S.A of Spain and Societá
Cattolica di Assicurazioni soc.coop. (Cattolica) of Italy. The joint
venture - Mapfre Cattolica Auto S.p.A. – will provide motor vehicle
liability insurance services in Italy. Mapfre and Cattolica are both
insurance companies operating primarily in Spain and Italy respectively.
The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.
[28] Commission takes further steps to improve nuclear safety through
dialogue and transparency
The European Commission decided on 17 July to establish a High Level Group
on Nuclear Safety and Waste Management. The Group will develop a common
understanding and reinforce common approaches in the safety of nuclear
installations. The high level of representation expected from countries
that operate or possess nuclear installations as well as countries that
have chosen not to use this form of energy, should facilitate Europe-wide
cooperation and increase confidence in the levels of safety in European
nuclear facilities.
[29] Euro area external trade surplus €1.7 billion ; € 15.0 billion
deficit for EU27
The first estimate for the euro area (EA13) trade balance with the rest of
the world in May 2007 gave a €1.7 billion surplus, compared with €-3.9
billion in May 2006. The April 2007 balance was €+2.3 billion, compared
with €-2.7 billion in April 2006. The first estimate for May 2007 extra-
EU27 trade was a deficit of €15.0 billion, compared with €-17.9 billion
in May 2006. In April 2007 the balance was €-13.9 billion, compared with
€-16.6 billion in April 2006. These data are released by Eurostat.
[30] La production dans le secteur de la construction en hausse de 0,2%
dans la zone euro ; hausse de 0,1% dans l'UE27
Dans le secteur de la construction, la production corrigée des variations
saisonnières a augmenté de 0,2% dans la zone euro (ZE13) et de 0,1% dans
l'UE27 en mai 2007 par rapport au mois précédent. En avril, la production
avait baissé de 1,2% dans la zone euro et de 0,3% dans l'UE27. Par rapport
à mai 2006, la production a enregistré en mai 2007 une hausse de 1,8% dans
la zone euro et de 1,9% dans l'UE27. En avril, la croissance annuelle
était de 3,3% dans la zone euro et de 4,8% dans l'UE27. Ces premières
estimations sont diffusées par Eurostat.
[31] Autre matériel diffusé
Combler l'écart de rémunération entre hommes et femmes
An EU Strategy for Mobile TV – Frequently Asked Questions
Speech by Mariann Fischer Boel : "Wine Reform" at audience with Italian
Senate (17/07, Rome)
Statement by Ferrero-Waldner on the announcement of the Libyan families
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/