European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 07-07-10
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] L'UE contribue pour €38,9 millions à la promotion des produits
[02] Commission clears acquisition of ESG by Apax
[03] Commission clears acquisition of nine European hotels in the Hilton
chain by Morgan Stanley
[04] La Commission autorise le projet de rachat de Magyar Hipermarket par
Louis Delhaize
[05] Commission adopts new guidelines for coal and steel research
[06] Tennis, rugby, cyclisme, football sur liste française des
événements majeurs prévue par la Directive "Télévision sans
[07] Danuta HĂĽbner in Cantabria (Spain) : fostering Research and
Development for a stronger Sustainable Growth
[08] Welcoming Cyprus and Malta into the euro area
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2007-07-10
Reference: MEX/07/0710
Date: 10/07/2007
EXME07 / 10.7
News from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Communicationb
[01] L'UE contribue pour €38,9 millions à la promotion des produits
La Commission européenne a approuvé 23 programmes dans 11 Etats membres
(Allemagne, France, République tchèque, Grèce, Espagne, Italie, Pays-Bas,
Hongrie, Autriche, Pologne, et Portugal) afin de donner des informations
sur les produits agricoles et d'en assurer la promotion dans l'Union
européenne. Cofinancé à raison de 50% par l'UE, le budget total des
programmes – dont la durée est comprise entre un et trois ans – est de
€77,7 millions. Les programmes retenus concernent les produits
biologiques, les produits agricoles de qualité (AOP/IGP/STG), les produits
laitiers, la viande de volaille, le vin, les fruits et légumes et le miel.
[02] Commission clears acquisition of ESG by Apax
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of sole control of Electro-Stock Grup SL
(ESG) of Spain by Apax Partners Worldwide LLP (Apax) of the UK. Apax
provides private equity fund advisory and management services to funds
investing primarily in Europe in a range of industrial sectors. ESG
distributes electrical components in Spain, primarily to electrical
installers and builders. The operation was examined under the simplified
merger review procedure.
[03] Commission clears acquisition of nine European hotels in the Hilton
chain by Morgan Stanley
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of sole control of a portfolio of nine
European hotels, currently controlled by Hilton Hotels Corporation (Hilton)
of the US by Morgan Stanley Real Estate F International Funding, L.P.
(MSREF) of the US, part of the Morgan Stanley group of companies (MS) of
the US. MSREF is active in real estate investment and management. MS is a
global financial services institution. Hilton owns, manages and franchises
hotels. The operation was examined under the simplified merger review
[04] La Commission autorise le projet de rachat de Magyar Hipermarket par
Louis Delhaize
La Commission européenne a autorisé, en vertu du règlement CE sur les
concentrations, le projet d'acquisition de Magyar Hipermarket Kft, un
détaillant hongrois exploitant plusieurs hypermarchés, par le détaillant
belge Louis Delhaize S.A. Elle est parvenue Ă la conclusion que
l'opération n'aurait pas pour conséquence d’entraver de manière
significative une concurrence effective dans l'Espace économique européen
ou dans une partie substantielle de celui-ci.
[05] Commission adopts new guidelines for coal and steel research
The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Council Decision on
the revised guidelines for spending funds on coal & steel research. The
Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) has an annual budget of about €60
million for research in these two areas, financed by interest on the assets
of the now expired European Coal and Steel Community Treaty. The RFCS
programme is a separate, complementary programme to the Research Framework
programme and covers all aspects of coal and steel, from production
processes to application, looking at the utilisation and conversion of
resources, safety at work and environmental protection by improving the use
of coal as a clean energy source and reducing CO² emissions from coal use
and steel production.
[06] Tennis, rugby, cyclisme, football sur liste française des
événements majeurs prévue par la Directive "Télévision sans
La liste des événements majeurs notifiée par la France a été publiée
aujourd'hui au Journal officiel de l'Union européenne. L'utilisation de
cette possibilité, que donne la directive "Télévision sans frontières"
depuis 1997 et qui sera maintenue dans la nouvelle directive sur les
services de médias audiovisuels, donne aux autorités françaises les
moyens de garantir que la plus grande partie de ses téléspectateurs
auront accès en clair à quelques grands événements. En effet, la liste
française a pour effet d'obliger les radiodiffuseurs établis sur le
territoire français ainsi que tous les radiodiffuseurs des autres Etats
membres susceptibles d'acquérir des droits exclusifs sur les événements
concernés, de les diffuser en clair sur des chaînes reçues par au moins
85% des foyers en France.
[07] Danuta HĂĽbner in Cantabria (Spain) : fostering Research and
Development for a stronger Sustainable Growth
European Regional policy Commissioner Danuta HĂĽbner visited the Spanish
C.A. of Cantabria on 9 July. She met Mr Miguel Angel Revilla, President of
Cantabria, Ms Dolores Gorostiaga and Mr Angel Agudo, the Vice-President and
the Regional Minister for Economy and Finance of the Regional Government,
as well as the regional media. She opened the international seminar on
'Issues and Challenges for the Spanish Public Finance in a Global World' at
the International University Menéndez Pelayo. Then, she went to Santoña,
where she visited both a tidal power production plant and a factory within
the local fishery cluster, which have been co-funded by the Structural
[08] Welcoming Cyprus and Malta into the euro area
The ECOFIN meeting today is expected to take the formal decision on the
adoption by Cyprus and Malta of the euro on 1 January 2008 as well as on
the conversion rate of the Cypriot pound and the Maltese lira into the
euro. This decision will be celebrated, from around 14.30hrs, at the
Berlaymont Esplanade. JoaquĂn Almunia, Commissioner for Economic and
Monetary affairs, Jean Claude Juncker, President of the Eurogroup, Fernando
Teixeira dos Santos, Portuguese Minister of Finance, Lucas Papademos, Vice-
President of the ECB, Michael Sarris, Cypriot Minister of Finance, Lawrence
Gonzi, Maltese Minister of Finance and representatives of the Central Banks
of Cyprus and Malta will be present and will say a few words. There will be
also folklore dancers from Malta and a Cyprus band.
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Statement on Financial Services by Charlie McCreevy to the European
Parliament (Strasbourg)
Statement on Postal Services by Charlie McCreevy to the European Parliament
Speech by Viviane Reding : "The importance of freedom of expression for
democratic societies in the enlarged European Union" on the occasion of the
conclusion of a Framework Agreement between the International Federation of
Journalists and WAZ Mediengruppe (09/07)
Speech by Andris Piebalgs : "Reinforcing the Euro-Mediterranean Energy
Cooperation" at the conference to promote Trans Saharan Gas Pipeline
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/