European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 07-05-02
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome
of today's Commission meeting
[01] Company taxation/Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base : Commission
presents a progress report on the preparatory work made before finalising
its proposal due in 2008
[02] Proposed budget 2008 : growth and employment at the heart of EU
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[03] Marché intérieur: la Commission ouvre le débat sur la politique
future de l'UE concernant les services financiers de détail
[04] Europe to take another step towards a new EU maritime policy in Bremen
[05] Promouvoir la protection des données par les technologies renforçant
la protection de la vie privée
[06] The new EU Regulation to reduce roaming charges ahead of the European
Parliament plenary vote : frequently asked questions
[07] La Commission se félicite de l'acquittement de Me Nlandu, ancienne
candidate à l'élection présidentielle en RDC
[08] Lorenzo Natali Prize for excellence in reporting on human rights and
democracy to be awarded by Louis Michel
[09] On-line consultation opened on new perspectives for the European
Research Area
[10] March 2007 : Euro area unemployment down to 7.2% ; EU27 stable at 7.3%
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2007-05-02
Reference: MEX/07/0502
Date: 02/05/2007
EXME07 / 2.5
News from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Communicationb
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome
of today's Commission meeting
[01] Company taxation/Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base : Commission
presents a progress report on the preparatory work made before finalising
its proposal due in 2008
Following a first progress report in 2006 (IP/06/448), the European
Commission has adopted a second Communication on the progress towards a
Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB). The Commission, in this
Communication draws the attention of the other EU institutions to the work
that has been done and the work that has to be done at experts level,
identifying the problems and the possible options to solve them, before
making a formal proposal in 2008. The CCCTB would enable companies to
follow the same rules for calculating the tax base for all their EU-wide
activities, rather than in accordance with the existing 27 systems, thereby,
simplifying procedures, improving efficiency and reducing compliance costs
(IP/04/1091). The consolidated tax base would be distributed between Member
States in accordance with an agreed fair sharing mechanism which will also
form part of the proposal. Member States will retain full sovereignty over
their tax revenues as they will continue to set their own national tax
rates. The Commission confirmed that it will not make any proposal on
harmonizing tax rates.
[02] Proposed budget 2008 : growth and employment at the heart of EU
(! embargo 12h30 !) For the first time, spending on growth and employment
policies will represent the highest share of the budget, ahead of
agriculture and natural resources. This is the key message sent by the
Commission in its budget proposals for 2008, adopted today. At €129.2
billion in commitment appropriations, the budget increases by 2% compared
to 2007. Payment appropriations are set at €121.6 billion, a 5.3%
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[03] Marché intérieur: la Commission ouvre le débat sur la politique
future de l'UE concernant les services financiers de détail
La Commission européenne vient de publier un livre vert dans lequel elle
donne sa vision de la politique future de l'UE concernant les services
financiers de détail, à savoir les produits financiers tels que les
comptes bancaires, les prêts, les hypothèques, les investissements et les
produits d'assurance offerts aux consommateurs individuels. Le livre vert
de la Commission vise à mieux comprendre les problèmes rencontrés par les
consommateurs et par les entreprises dans ce domaine, à définir les
principaux objectifs de la Commission et à identifier les domaines dans
lesquels il y a lieu de poursuivre les efforts. Il constitue une
contribution importante au réexamen du marché intérieur entrepris par la
Commission pour faire en sorte que ses politiques soient adaptées au
21ème siècle (voir IP/07/214). La Commission invite les parties
concernées à faire connaître leurs observations au sujet du livre vert
pour le 16 juillet 2007 au plus tard.
[04] Europe to take another step towards a new EU maritime policy in Bremen
This evening, 2 May, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President of the
European Commission José Manuel Barroso will open a major international
conference in Bremen on the Commission's Green Paper on a future Maritime
Policy for Europe. Hosted by the German Presidency of the European Union
Council of Ministers and by the Land of Bremen, this event will be one of
the high-points of the year-long Green Paper consultation process. The
three days of debate will bring together political and business leaders
with scientific experts, and stakeholders' representatives from across the
EU. The main focus of their discussions will be on the added value of an
integrated European maritime policy, and how to identify new potential for
sustainable development of Europe's oceans and seas and coastal regions.
Participants will review the preliminary results of the ongoing process of
consultation, and their conclusions will inform the activities of the
Commission and the Portuguese Council Presidency during the second half of
[05] Promouvoir la protection des données par les technologies renforçant
la protection de la vie privée
La Commission européenne a adopté une Communication destinée Ã
identifier les avantages des technologies renforçant la protection de la
vie privée et à fixer les objectifs de la Commission dans ce domaine,
objectifs qu'elle souhaite atteindre par une série d'actions spécifiques
de soutien au développement des technologies renforçant la protection de
la vie privée et leur utilisation par les responsables du traitement et
les consommateurs.
[06] The new EU Regulation to reduce roaming charges ahead of the European
Parliament plenary vote : frequently asked questions
On 10 May, the plenary of the European Parliament will vote on the European
Commission's proposal for an EU Roaming Regulation to bring down mobile
roaming charges by up to 70%. The vote will be preceded by a public debate
in the European Parliament in Brussels on 9 May, Europe Day. "For years,
the European Parliament, in the name of EU citizens, has asked for lower
roaming charges. Now, we have the unique chance to abolish this last border
in Europe's internal market once and for all," commented EU Telecom
Commissioner Viviane Reding. "I trust the European Parliament, together
with the Council of Ministers, to make sure that already this summer,
European consumers will benefit from substantially lower charges when using
their mobile phone abroad."
[07] La Commission se félicite de l'acquittement de Me Nlandu, ancienne
candidate à l'élection présidentielle en RDC
La Commission européenne se félicite de l'acquittement de Maître
Marie-Thérèse Nlandu et neuf autres prévenus en République
Démocratique du Congo, accusés de lancer un mouvement d'insurrection lors
d'une manifestation en novembre 2006. Le verdict écarte toute politisation
du procès et renforce l'image d'une justice indépendante et efficace en
[08] Lorenzo Natali Prize for excellence in reporting on human rights and
democracy to be awarded by Louis Michel
European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid Louis Michel
will award the 2006 Lorenzo Natali Prizes for excellence in reporting on
human rights and democracy in the developing world in the Commission's
Press Room tomorrow 3 May. The ceremony will start with an introduction to
the prize and an audiovisual portrait of the 15 nominees at 14h15. Prizes
will be handed over by the Commissioner at 15h45. The 2006 edition of the
Lorenzo Natali Prize achieved a significant success with more than 1500
applications from 165Â countries all over the world. The Jury chaired by
Femi Oke, anchor of CNN's "Inside Africa" called on 16 April in Berlin and
nominated 15 journalists, first, second and third prizes in each of five
world regions as well as a "grand prix" will be awarded. The nominees are :
Massoud Ansari (Pakistan), Mohammad Ben Hussein (Jordania), Maria Paz
Cuevas (Chile), Andrej Dynko (Belarus), Talal El-Atrache (Syria), Tanya
Farber (South Africa), Lucky George (Nigeria), Syed Shoaib Hassan
(Pakistan), Mario Kaiser (Germany), Mauri Konig (Brasil), Siew Ying Leu
(China), Robert Mugagga (Uganda), Maria Teresa Ronderos Torres (Colombia),
Michael Tierney (Scotland), Aijaz ZakaSyed (India). A VNR with a portrait
of the prize winners will be distributed by EBS on 3 May. All articles will
be online on 3 May at: <a href="http://www.nataliprize.eu/nataliprize/index.php">http://www.nataliprize.eu/nataliprize/index.php
[09] On-line consultation opened on new perspectives for the European
Research Area
A broad online public consultation on the future of the European Research
Area is now open for contributions, as announced in the recent Green Paper
'The European Research Area: New Perspectives' of 4 April 2007. The
consultation is accessible on <a href="http://ec.europa.eu/research/era">http://ec.europa.eu/research/era
and it will remain open until 31Â August 2007. The results of this online
consultation provide important input to the overall debate on ERA which
will run until the end of 2007 and which will help prepare further
initiatives in 2008. The possibility of commenting informally via the
website of European Science and Research Commissioner Janez Potocnik
remains open as well:
<a href="http://blogs.ec.europa.eu/potocnik/Weblog/giving_europe_a_fifth_freedom">http://blogs.ec.europa.eu/potocnik/Weblog/giving_europe_a_fifth_freedom
[10] March 2007 : Euro area unemployment down to 7.2% ; EU27 stable at 7.3%
Euro area (EA13) seasonally-adjusted unemployment stood at 7.2% in March
2007, compared with 7.3% in February. It was 8.2% in March 2006. The EU271
unemployment rate was 7.3% in March 2007, the same as February. It was 8.2%
in March 2006. In March 2007, the lowest rates were registered in Denmark
and the Netherlands (both 3.4%) and Ireland (3.9%). Unemployment rates were
highest in Poland (11.4%) and Slovakia (10.8%). These figures come from
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Technologies renforçant la protection de la vie privée
Green Paper on Retail Financial Services in the Single Market –
frequently asked questions
<!-- PRV_REF ID="SPEECH|07/263|0|FR" -->Discours de M. Louis Michel :
"Tenons les promesses que nous avons faites dans le domaine de
l'éducation" Ã
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/