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European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 07-01-19

Midday Express: News from the EU Commission Spokesman's Briefings Directory - Previous Article - Next Article

From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <>


  • [01] Un nouveau livre de la Commission vise à améliorer la compréhension de la science par le public européen
  • [02] Commission and International Atomic Energy Agency meet to reinforce mutual cooperation
  • [03] La Commission autorise le projet d'acquisition de Sportfive par Lagardère
  • [04] Air transport in the EU25 : air passenger transport up by 8.5% in 2005 ; London/Heathrow processes most passengers ; Frankfurt handles most freight
  • [05] Autre matériel diffusé Midday Express of 2007-01-19 Reference: MEX/07/0119 Date: 19/01/2007 EXME07 / 19.1


    News from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefing

    Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Communicationb


  • [01] Un nouveau livre de la Commission vise à améliorer la compréhension de la science par le public européen

    La Commission européenne a publié aujourd'hui un livre sur la communication scientifique. Ce livre, 'Communicating European Research 2005', est l'un des résultats de la conférence de l'année dernière sur la communication en matière de recherche en Europe. Il se fonde sur les séminaires, les présentations et les événements auxquels ont participé des spécialistes de la communication scientifique du monde entier. Avec des chapitres consacrés notamment à l'actualité scientifique sur l'Internet, aux moyens de faire publier dans la presse les résultats de recherches et à la difficulté de montrer l'inconnu et d'en parler, le livre apporte des informations utiles sur un grand nombre de sujets importants qui concernent la communication scientifique et plus généralement la communication à vocation européenne et internationale. Les bénéficiaires de fonds de recherche communautaires ont l'obligation de mener des activités qui visent à communiquer au public les résultats de leurs recherches. Cet aspect restera un élément important du nouveau programme-cadre de recherche, qui débutera en 2007.

    [02] Commission and International Atomic Energy Agency meet to reinforce mutual cooperation

    The High Level Liaison Committee for the implementation of nuclear safeguards between the European Commission and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) met yesterday in Vienna to discuss nuclear safeguards. Parties reviewed principal matters in relation to the implementation of safeguards in the EU and agreed to strengthen their cooperation on the basis of their respective roles. This will reinforce the effectiveness of mutual action, thereby contributing to the highest standards of nuclear safety, security and non-proliferation and help such high standards to be observed internationally.

    [03] La Commission autorise le projet d'acquisition de Sportfive par Lagardère

    La Commission européenne a autorisé, en vertu du règlement CE sur les concentrations, le projet d'acquisition de Sportfive Group, société française exerçant ses activités dans le domaine de la commercialisation des droits et du marketing sportifs, par Lagardère, autre société française. La Commission a considéré que l'opération n'entraverait pas de manière significative une concurrence effective dans l'Espace économique européen ou dans une partie substantielle de celui-ci.

    [04] Air transport in the EU25 : air passenger transport up by 8.5% in 2005 ; London/Heathrow processes most passengers ; Frankfurt handles most freight

    In 2005, the total number of passengers transported by air in the EU25 rose by 8.5% compared to 2004, to more than 700 million. Passenger numbers rose by 8.8% in 2004 and by 4.9% in 2003. Of these passengers, 23% were carried on national flights, 42% on intra-EU25 flights and 35% on extra-EU25 flights. London/Heathrow remained the EU's busiest airport in terms of passengers, handling 68 million in 2005 - nearly 10% of all air passengers in the EU25 - and up 1% compared to 2004. Paris/Charles de Gaulle (53 million passengers, +5%) and Frankfurt (52 million, +2%) were the second and third busiest airports, followed by Amsterdam/Schipol (44 million, +4%) and Madrid/Barajas (42 million, +9%). Passenger numbers rose in almost all Member States in 2005 compared to 2004. Five Member States recorded growth of 25% or more, the highest being Latvia (+77%), followed by Slovakia (+46%), Lithuania (+44%), Estonia (+41%) and Hungary (+25%). The highest numbers of passengers were registered in the United Kingdom (204 million, +6% compared to 2004), Germany (146 million, +8%), Spain (144 million, +11%), France (108 million, +5%) and Italy (88 million, +8%). These figures and more are published in a recent report from Eurostat on air transport in the EU, Candidate countries and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland in 2005. This wide-ranging report also looks in detail at national, intra-EU and international air transport passengers and freight, as well as the most important airport pairs, nationally and internationally.

    [05] Autre matériel diffusé

    Competition : Commission has carried out inspections in the calcium carbide sector

    Speech by Günter Verheugen : "Turkey belongs to Europe" on the occasion of the award of the Bosphorus Prize for European Understanding (Ankara, ! embargo 19h00 !)

    Speech by José Manuel Barroso at opening ceremony for International Green Week (18/09, Berlin)

    Speech by Mariann Fischer Boel : "Rückblick und Ausblick" at Grüne Woche, Treffen mit dem Agrarausschuss des Deutschen Bundestags (18/01, Berlin)

    Speech by Margot Wallström : "From the blame game to day-to-day partnership: Commission, German Presidency and Member States discuss key principles of EU communication policy" at Stakeholders' conference on the White Paper (18/01, Berlin)

    Calendrier du 22 au 26 janvier 2007 From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at

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