European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 06-10-30
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Ministers and experts share ideas to tackle Europe's ageing challenge
[02] Premier forum sur la gouvernance de l’internet: pour la Commission,
l’internet doit rester un moteur de la démocratie et du développement
[03] Concentrations: la Commission autorise le projet de rachat d'Inopart
par Plastic Omnium
[04] EU Fisheries Control Agency adopts first work programme for 2007
[05] Danuta Hübner: "The economic growth of the Baltic Sea Region a model
for other regions in Europe"
[06] Commissioner Kyprianou on official visit to Stockholm
[07] Commission clears acquisition of Olympia Village by HSBC PIL and Lamda
[08] Rédiffusion
[09] Blue whiting: EU / Iceland / Norway / Faeroe Islands agree on
management measures for 2007
[10] La Commission européenne félicite le peuple congolais pour son
civisme et sa participation l’élection présidentielle
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2006-10-30
Reference: MEX/06/1030
Date: 30/10/2006
EXME06 / 30.10
News from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Communicationb
[01] Ministers and experts share ideas to tackle Europe's ageing challenge
Hot on the heels of its Communication on Europe's demographic challenge
(IP/06/1359), the European Commission is today holding the first EU-level
expert Forum to exchange policy solutions to Europe's ageing crisis. The
'Forum on Europe's demographic future' will bring together 400
representatives from Member States and experts from around Europe over two
days (30-31 October) to discuss concrete ways of taking on the challenges
of a shrinking workforce and ageing population.
[02] Premier forum sur la gouvernance de l’internet: pour la Commission,
l’internet doit rester un moteur de la démocratie et du développement
La première réunion du Forum sur la gouvernance de l’internet (FGI)
débute aujourd’hui Athènes. Il s’agit d’une étape
importante décidée en novembre dernier lors du sommet mondial sur la
société de l’information Tunis, dans le cadre des efforts visant
internationaliser la gouvernance de l’internet, préserver la liberté
des internautes et combler la fracture numérique mondiale. La Commission
soutient vivement ce forum, qui offre une occasion unique d’avoir un
dialogue multilatéral ouvert sur la gouvernance de l’internet et le
développement, contribuant ainsi concrétiser l'accord de Tunis.
[03] Concentrations: la Commission autorise le projet de rachat d'Inopart
par Plastic Omnium
La Commission européenne a autorisé, en vertu du règlement CE sur les
concentrations, le projet de rachat de l'entreprise française Inopart par
Plastic Omnium, autre entreprise française. Après avoir examiné
l'opération envisagée, la Commission a conclu qu'elle n'entraverait pas
de manière significative l'exercice d'une concurrence effective dans
l’Espace économique européen (EEE) ou dans une partie substantielle de
[04] EU Fisheries Control Agency adopts first work programme for 2007
At a meeting, last Friday, the Administrative Board of the Community
Fisheries Control Agency, adopted the first work programme for the newly
created Agency. The Agency’s task is to strengthen inspection and control
of fisheries measures and to make enforcement more uniform throughout the
European Union. To do this, it will organise operational coordination of
Member States’ inspection and monitoring activities from the fishing
vessel to the first sale of fish landed in or imported to the Union. In
2007, the Agency will give priority to the implementation of the recovery
and management of cod stocks, protection of bluefin tuna, the fight against
illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, reduction of destructive
fishing practices and discards. The Administrative Board also adopted the
€ 5 million budget of the Agency for 2007.
[05] Danuta Hübner: "The economic growth of the Baltic Sea Region a model
for other regions in Europe"
Regional Policy Commissioner Danuta Hübner today attends the 8th Annual
Baltic Development Forum Summit in Helsinki, to deliver a speech on
"Contribution of Regional Policy to Development of Peripheral regions in
the Baltic Sea area". Commissioner Hübner will meet President Tarja
Halonen and Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen of Finland; Prime Minister Andrus
Ansip of Estonia; Mr Carl Bildt, Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs; Mr
Hannes Manninen, Finnish Minister of Regional Policy, and Mr. Uffe Ellemann-
Jensen, the Chairman of the Board of the Baltic Development Forum. The
Summit brings also together other high representatives from national and
regional administrations, financial institutions and business
[06] Commissioner Kyprianou on official visit to Stockholm
EU Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner Markos Kyprianou is on an
official visit to Stockholm on 30 and 31 October for meetings with
ministers from the new Swedish government and with the European Centre for
Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). On Tuesday Commissioner Kyprianou
will meet Mr Eskil Erlandsson, Minister of Agriculture and Food, Mrs Nyamko
Sabuni, Minister for Integration, Gender Equality and Consumer Affairs, Mrs
Maria Larsson, Minister for Elderly Care and Public Health, and Mr Goran
Hagglund, Minister for Social Affairs. In the afternoon, Commissioner
Kyprianou will meet the Director of the ECDC, Zsuzsanna Jakab. On Monday
evening, Commissioner Kyprianou will take the opportunity of his presence
in Stockholm to meet with Chief Executive Officers of a number of European
alcoholic beverage companies to emphasise to them the importance of the
alcohol industry actively demonstrating their commitment to reducing
alcohol related harm and responsible advertising.
[07] Commission clears acquisition of Olympia Village by HSBC PIL and Lamda
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of joint control of The Mall, a real estate
development currently held by Lamda Olympia Village S.A. (Olympia Village)
of Greece by HSBC Property Investments Luxembourg S.a.r.l. (HSBC PIL),
belonging to the HSBC group, and Lamda Development S.A. (Lamda) of Greece.
HSBC PIL and Lamda are active in real estate investment and management.
Olympia Village owns, maintains, operates, and lets the commercial retail
centre known as "The Mall", located in Athens, and residential and office
real estate developments. The operation was examined under the simplified
merger review procedure.
[08] Rédiffusion
[09] Blue whiting: EU / Iceland / Norway / Faeroe Islands agree on
management measures for 2007
Agreement was reached, earlier this evening, in Tórshavn, Faeroe Islands,
between the European Commission, on behalf of the European Union, the
Faeroe Islands, Iceland and Norway, on management measures for blue whiting
in the north-east Atlantic for 2007. As provided for under the multi-annual
management arrangement on blue whiting, set up last year, the Parties
agreed on a reduced Total Allowable Catch (TAC) of 1,700,000 tonnes, down
from 2,000,000 tonnes for this year. The TAC will be shared between the
Parties to the Agreement in the waters under their national jurisdictions.
At the annual meeting of the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission
(NEAFC), in November, discussions will take place on a compatible blue
whiting TAC for the area covered by this organisation. The arrangements
will then be confirmed by the EU Council of Fisheries Ministers in December,
when they agree on the annual Regulation setting fishing possibilities for
2007. The gradual reduction of the TAC was agreed in accordance with the
objectives set out by the Parties in the multi-annual management
arrangement, which are to reach a sustainable fishing mortality rate within
five years. This reduction will allow the respective industries of the
Parties to gradually adjust to the final level of fishing mortality as
foreseen in this arrangement. see also: Fisheries : long-awaited agreement
concluded on blue whiting fishery (MEX/05/1216)
[10] La Commission européenne félicite le peuple congolais pour son
civisme et sa participation l’élection présidentielle
La Commission européenne félicite le people congolais pour son civisme et
sa participation dans le calme aux élections présidentielle et
provinciales. Une fois de plus depuis le début du processus électoral, le
peuple congolais a fait preuve de maturité, de sérénité et
d'engouement. Le Commissaire européen au Développement et l'Aide
humanitaire, Louis Michel, a déclaré: "Je suis particulièrement heureux
d'avoir, dès son début, fait confiance ce processus, au peuple
congolais et ses acteurs. Avec ce vote, le Congo est désormais entré de
façon irréversible dans la phase finale de la Transition. » La
Commission européenne tient également féliciter la Commission
électorale indépendante (CEI), pour le bon déroulement du vote, ainsi
que les acteurs de la communauté internationale, avec une mention
particulière pour l’EUFOR et la MONUC. Louis Michel a souligné qu’
présent « une réelle opportunité de relancer le développement, de
restaurer la gouvernance démocratique et de rétablir la paix s'offre la
population congolaise. J'invite chaleureusement les nouvelles autorités
qui résulteront de ces élections, ainsi que l'ensemble des forces
politiques, saisir sans réticences cette chance unique, dès que les
résultats officiels seront connus. » "En se rendant aux urnes, les
Congolais ont écrit l'histoire démocratique de leur pays. Après avoir
élu leurs députés le 30 juillet dernier, les Congolais ont aujourd'hui
décidé qui seront leurs représentants provinciaux et qui sera leur
Président de la République pour les cinq prochaines années. Nous
comptons sur l'ensemble de la population et des acteurs politiques pour le
respect du verdict des urnes, dans un climat de tolérance et de paix pour
le développement du pays. La Commission européenne, pour sa part,
continuera d'appuyer la consolidation de la démocratie et le
développement du pays", a-t-il ajouté.
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by V. Spidla “Premier Forum sur l’avenir démographique
européen” au Premier Forum sur l’avenir démographique européen
Speech by Neelie Kroes « A new energy policy for a new era » at the
Conference on European Energy Strategy – the Geopolitical Challenges in
Speech by Viviane Reding “The Internet – key to freedom, democracy andf
economic development” at the Internet Governance Forum in Athens
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/