European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 06-10-20
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] EU calls on social partners to join the flexicurity debate
[02] Commission proposes an EU strategy for peace, security and development
in the Horn of Africa
[03] Liban: la Commission alloue une nouvelle aide humanitaire de €30
millions pour les victimes du conflit
[04] Picture of EU telecoms landscape virtually complete
[05] Commission urges Iceland to reconsider its decision to resume
commercial whaling
[06] La Commission autorise le projet de rachat d'Eneco Energia par Edison
[07] Commission clears acquisition of GMAC by Cerberus
[08] GM rice : Commission to propose strict counter testing of US rice
[09] Danuta Hübner participe à la Conférence des Présidents des Régions
ultrapériphériques, en Guadeloupe
[10] Benita Ferrero-Waldner to visit Moscow (23/10)
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2006-10-20
Reference: MEX/06/1020
Date: 20/10/2006
EXME06/ 20.10
News from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Communicationb
[01] EU calls on social partners to join the flexicurity debate
European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, Finnish Prime Minister
Matti Vanhanen, together with Commissioner VladimÃr `pidla and Member
States' representatives called on employers' and workers' organisations to
participate actively in the debate on flexicurity. The informal Tripartite
Social Summit was organised jointly by the Finnish Presidency and the
Commission to encourage high-level trade union and employer representatives
to examine ways of combining active labour market policies, flexible
contractual arrangements, lifelong learning and social protection. It was
the first opportunity for the social partners to provide input to
discussions on flexicurity at the European level.
[02] Commission proposes an EU strategy for peace, security and development
in the Horn of Africa
The European Commission has adopted today an "EU partnership for peace,
security and development in the Horn of Africa". This strategy sets out a
comprehensive approach to conflict prevention in the Horn of Africa,
tackling the root causes of instability, and provides a political framework
for concrete regional initiatives and for structured dialogue between
partners. The Horn of Africa is one of the poorest and most conflict prone
regions in the world. The protracted border dispute between Eritrea and
Ethiopia, the Somalia crisis and the Sudanese and Northern Uganda conflicts
have a negative impact on the region as a whole and broader international
ramifications. Cross-border dynamics, such as illegal migration and
trafficking of arms, drugs and refugee flows, are factors contributing to
regional instability. An uncontrolled, politically neglected, economically
marginalised and environmentally damaged Horn has the potential to
undermine the region and the EU broad stability and security.
[03] Liban: la Commission alloue une nouvelle aide humanitaire de €30
millions pour les victimes du conflit
La Commission européenne vient d'allouer une aide humanitaire
supplémentaire de €30 millions pour les victimes du conflit au Liban.
Cette aide vise à répondre aux besoins de réhabilitation des personnes
retournées dans leur région d'origine. Cette nouvelle décision porte Ã
€50 millions le montant global de l'aide humanitaire versé par la
Commission dans le cadre du conflit au Liban. Les fonds transitent par le
Service d'aide humanitaire de la Commission européenne (ECHO), placé sous
la responsabilité du Commissaire Louis Michel.
[04] Picture of EU telecoms landscape virtually complete
With its letter dated 19 October 2006 to the Greek telecom regulator (EETT),
the European Commission has, as of today, assessed 500 notifications from
Member States reviewing competition in their electronic communications
markets. EETT's notification concerned low speed narrowband access to fixed
telephone networks in Greece. With this 500th notification, the Commission
now has a clearer picture of the state of competition in all Member States,
in time for the review of the regulatory framework.
[05] Commission urges Iceland to reconsider its decision to resume
commercial whaling
Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas and Fisheries Commissioner Joe Borg
regret, on behalf of the European Commission, that Iceland has decided to
resume commercial whaling. The EU is strongly committed to the conservation
of whales. The Commission said: "If it was simply a matter for the EU to
decide, all commercial whaling would be abandoned once for all. Whales are
a fragile component in the biological equilibrium of marine fauna, already
threatened by the unwarranted resumption of whaling, and by other human
activities, mainly pollution". Accordingly, the level of protection of
whales in the EU is high and EU legislation bans commercial whaling. The
Commission strongly supports the general moratorium on whaling decided
within the International Whaling Commission (IWC), which is fully
implemented by the European Union, and sees no valid reason for its
termination. The EU has observer status at the IWC and will make the best
use of this. The EU is resolved to spare no efforts to ensure that whale
species are effectively protected worldwide.
[06] La Commission autorise le projet de rachat d'Eneco Energia par Edison
La Commission européenne a autorisé, en vertu du règlement sur les
concentrations, le projet de concentration par lequel Edison SpA, une
société italienne active dans le secteur du gaz et de l'électricité en
Italie, compte acquérir le contrôle exclusif d'Eneco Energia S.p.A., une
société italienne spécialisée dans la fourniture au détail
d'électricité en Italie. La Commission a conclu que l'opération
envisagée n'entraverait pas de manière significative l'exercice d'une
concurrence effective dans l'Espace économique européen ou une partie
substantielle de celui-ci.
[07] Commission clears acquisition of GMAC by Cerberus
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of sole control of General Motors Acceptance
Corporation (GMAC) of the US by Cerberus Group (Cerberus) also of the US.
Cerberus is active in investment in real property and personal property
worldwide and is ultimately controlled by Mr Stephen A. Feinberg. GMAC is
active in the EEA in vehicle related activities such as loan and leasing
finance, reinsurance, second hand vehicle sales and fleet management
services and in financial services and employee relocation services. The
operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.
[08] GM rice : Commission to propose strict counter testing of US rice
The European Commission will table a Decision imposing mandatory counter
testing for unauthorised GMOs in all imports of US long grain rice, at the
Standing Committee on the Food Chain next Monday. The decision follows the
lack of agreement by the US authorities to a common sampling and testing
protocol which would ensure a high level of consistency and accuracy in the
tests for the unauthorised GM rice LLRICE601 in consignments to the EU. The
measures are being taken in response to findings four weeks ago of
LLRICE601 in shipments of US long grain rice, despite the rice having been
certified as free from this unauthorised GMO.
[09] Danuta Hübner participe à la Conférence des Présidents des Régions
ultrapériphériques, en Guadeloupe
Danuta Hübner, Commissaire européenne en charge de la Politique
régionale, participe à la XIIème Conférence des Présidents des Régions
ultrapériphériques, en Guadeloupe, les 19 et 20 octobre 2006. Cette
année, la conférence donne l'occasion aux régions ultrapériphériques
de faire le point sur leurs problématiques communes. Elle se tient sous la
présidence de M. Victorin Lurel (président du Conseil Régional de
Guadeloupe), en présence des représentants de la Réunion, de la
Martinique, de la Guyane, des Canaries, des Açores et de Madère. "La
meilleure façon pour ces régions, de tirer parti de leur position
géographique, est de développer des projets de coopération avec leurs
voisins", a indiqué la Commissaire au cours de la Conférence.
[10] Benita Ferrero-Waldner to visit Moscow (23/10)
European Commissioner for External Relations and Euoprean Neighbourhood
Policy Benita Ferrero-Waldner will travel to Moscow for meetings on 23rd
October with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and President Putin's Special
Representative for the EU, Sergey Yastrzhembski. During her visit she will
join Minister Lavrov and and Mr Yastrzhembski in an opening ceremony to
inaugurate a new EuropeanStudies Institute jointly funded by the EU and
Russia. This new institute will offer a one year Master's programme, as
well as shorter courses, to enhance understanding of the EU in the Russian
Federation. 50 students are already enrolled for this first academic year,
and the numbers are expected to rise to 200 in future years.
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Note on preparation of Environment Council (23/10, Luxembourg)
Speech by Charlie McCreevy : "Harmonisation and Better Regulation" at Irish
Brokers Association Lunch (Dublin, ! embargo 14h00 !)
Discours de Mme Hübner à la XXIIème Conférence des Présidents des
Régions Ultrapériphériques (19/10, Guadeloupe)
Calendrier du 23 au 27 octobre 2006
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/