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European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 06-09-21

Midday Express: News from the EU Commission Spokesman's Briefings Directory - Previous Article - Next Article

From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <>


  • [01] Les citoyens, les entreprises et les gouvernements de l'UE donnent leurs avis sur l'avenir du marchĂ© unique
  • [02] Commission proposes to clarify the use of the sales description 'veal'
  • [03] Des projets pilotes de la Commission incitent des industriels Ă prendre l'engagement d'Ă©laborer des produits plus Ă©cologiques
  • [04] Commission report shows better implementation of environmental legislation in 2005
  • [05] Directive sur la vente Ă distance : Ă©tat des lieux et consultation publique
  • [06] Key findings of 2005 budget : record execution of payments, benefits for all Member States
  • [07] Commission earmarks around €45 million to support third countries in the field of migration and asylum in 2006
  • [08] EU Solidarity Fund to pay nearly €15 million to support Austria in dealing with flooding disaster in 2005
  • [09] Commission opens in-depth investigation into Glatfelter take-over of Crompton's Lydney paper mill
  • [10] Commission approves proposed acquisition of Spectra by Linde
  • [11] La Commission condamne les attentats contre le PrĂ©sident et le Parlement en Somalie
  • [12] Danuta HĂĽbner in Scotland : "Time for action to help new Cohesion policy deliver more jobs and growth"
  • [13] Personnel : la Commission nomme le Directeur GĂ©nĂ©ral adjoint Ă la Recherche
  • [14] Energy in the EU - first estimates 2005 : EU25 energy consumption equivalent to more than three and a half tonnes of oil per capita ; EU25 energy dependence rate was 56%
  • [15] Autre matĂ©riel diffusĂ© Midday Express of 2006-09-21 Reference: MEX/06/0921 Date: 21/09/2006 EXME06 / 21.9


    News from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefing

    Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Communicationb


  • [01] Les citoyens, les entreprises et les gouvernements de l'UE donnent leurs avis sur l'avenir du marchĂ© unique

    Les citoyens, les entreprises et les gouvernements de l'Union européenne estiment que le marché unique joue un rôle crucial pour relever les défis auxquels l'Europe est actuellement confrontée, mais également qu'il peut être amélioré et qu'il lui faut des perspectives d'avenir claires. C'est ce qu'ont montré les réponses à une consultation de la Commission européenne sur la future politique du marché unique, qui a été lancée en avril 2006 (voir IP/06/512). Un rapport de la Commission donne un aperçu global des 1514 réponses reçues (voir le site <a href=""> Il sera tenu compte de cette consultation dans la poursuite du débat sur la future politique du marché unique, et notamment dans le rapport de la Commission sur le marché unique au XXIe siècle, qui sera présenté au Conseil européen en 2007.

    [02] Commission proposes to clarify the use of the sales description 'veal'

    The European Commission has tabled a proposal to clarify the marketing conditions for meat from bovine animals aged twelve months or less. The proposal would require the use of fixed sales descriptions for these meats in the various Member States coupled with an indication of the age of the animals at slaughter. The proposal aims to improve the transparency on the market and to help consumers to recognise precisely what they are buying. It follows lengthy discussions with all interested parties, including a recent internet consultation. It comes in the wake of requests from the trade and from Member States for clearer rules to reflect the different production systems in different Member States. Once adopted by Council, this regulation should enhance the functioning of the Single Market and provide better information for consumers.

    [03] Des projets pilotes de la Commission incitent des industriels Ă prendre l'engagement d'Ă©laborer des produits plus Ă©cologiques

    Deux projets pilotes de la Commission européenne destinés à réduire l'incidence environnementale de produits usuels ont amené des fabricants de téléphones portables et de mobilier de jardin en bois à chercher de nouvelles solutions pour réduire les effets de leurs produits sur l'environnement. Sous la houlette du groupe finlandais Nokia, un grand nombre de sociétés se sont volontairement engagées à faire des efforts supplémentaires pour réduire la consommation énergétique des téléphones portables et la quantité de matériaux dangereux entrant dans leur composition et pour sensibiliser davantage le consommateur au recyclage. Le groupe français Carrefour et d'autres parties prenantes se sont engagés à modifier la conception des chaises de jardin en bois tropical afin d'en réduire l'incidence environnementale. La Commission, qui a lancé le projet il y a deux ans, contrôlera le respect de ces engagements. Elle demande maintenant aux autres industriels de s'inspirer de ces exemples pour réduire l'incidence environnementale de leurs produits.

    [04] Commission report shows better implementation of environmental legislation in 2005

    A new report shows that the number of infringement cases opened by the European Commission for breaches of EU environmental legislation went down significantly in 2005. This is due to a more efficient way of handling complaints and infringement proceedings on the part of the Commission, together with swifter action by Member States to comply with their obligations. The Commission has adopted a more strategic approach, grouping together cases which concern the same issue and focusing on general cases which cut across several policy areas. It has also stepped up its assistance to the Member States, meeting the national authorities more often and providing them with guidance documents. By the end of 2005, the Commission had 489 infringement cases open in the environment field as compared to 570 at the end of 2004. This represents a reduction of 14%.

    [05] Directive sur la vente Ă distance : Ă©tat des lieux et consultation publique

    La Commission européenne a adopté une communication relative à l'application de la directive 1997/7/CE concernant la vente à distance et lancé une consultation en vue d'évaluer la nécessité d'actualiser ladite directive. Tous les Etats membres de l'Union européenne l'ont transposée, mais certains problèmes sont apparus dans son application pratique. Par exemple, l'utilisation de nouvelles technologies, telles que le "commerce mobile" par SMS, et la popularité de certaines méthodes commerciales, comme les ventes aux enchères en ligne, soulignent la nécessité de se pencher sur l'efficacité de la réglementation de la vente à distance. Par ailleurs, le recours à la "clause minimale", en vertu de laquelle les Etats membres peuvent adopter des dispositions plus strictes pour assurer au consommateur un niveau de protection plus élevé, a entraîné une variation du degré de protection selon les Etats membres, ce qui peut avoir donné lieu à des divergences et des distorsions dans le marché intérieur.

    [06] Key findings of 2005 budget : record execution of payments, benefits for all Member States

    (! embargo 12h30 !) The European Union budget increased only narrowly in 2005, by 0.01% of EU Gross National Income (GNI), while benefits were shared by all 25 Member States. The biggest Member States got nearly 2/3 of total allocated expenditure, similarly to last year. The ten new Member States are still gradually catching up ; the relative impact of financial transfers, however, is becoming more and more important, reaching 9.5% of the EU total in 2005, compared to 6.6% in 2004. Presenting the main findings of the 'Report on the allocation of 2005 EU expenditure by Member State', Commissioner Dalia Grybauskaité commented: "It was a positive year for the EU budget: execution was higher than in recent years due to better advance planning and enhanced monitoring throughout the year; we managed to focus more resources on EU competitiveness, research, growth and jobs". Nevertheless, according to Ms Grybauskaité, "amounts for economic progress should be further increased. A profound revision of European finances in 2008/2009 remains a vital necessity".

    [07] Commission earmarks around €45 million to support third countries in the field of migration and asylum in 2006

    The European Commission has adopted the Aeneas 2006 Work Programme for co- financing of actions to support to third countries in their efforts to ensure more effective management of all aspects of migration flows. Aeneas has a total budget of €120 million for the 2004-2006 period of which €75 million were allocated for 2004 and 2005 actions and the remaining €45 million in 2006. This year, Aeneas will support the dialogue and the cooperation on migration and asylum issues with the countries bordering on the enlarged European Union and also with the countries, in other regions of the world (ACP, North Africa, Asia and Latin America) where asylum issues are particularly acute.

    [08] EU Solidarity Fund to pay nearly €15 million to support Austria in dealing with flooding disaster in 2005

    Danuta Hübner, European Commissioner for Regional Policy and the Solidarity Fund, and Austrian Interior Minister Liese Prokop signed an agreement to pay €14,798,589 to Austria to reimburse emergency costs incurred after the severe flooding that hit the Austria's western Länder Vorarlberg and Tyrol at the end of August 2005. The grant is being made available through the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF). It will reimburse public funds spent on the immediate emergency response, in particular on the restoration of transport infrastructures and protective river engineering in the affected area.

    [09] Commission opens in-depth investigation into Glatfelter take-over of Crompton's Lydney paper mill

    The European Commission has opened a detailed investigation under the EU Merger Regulation into the acquisition by US-specialty paper manufacturer P.H. Glatfelter Company of a paper mill and related assets at Lydney (Gloucestershire, UK). Glatfelter has acquired the mill from J.R. Crompton Ltd., a UK-based manufacturer of wetlaid fibre products, which on 7 February 2006 was placed in court-ordered administration as part of UK insolvency proceedings. The wetlaid fibre materials produced at Lydney are used for products such as tea bags, coffee filters, wall paper, adhesive tapes, and as battery components. The Commission's initial market investigation has found that the proposed acquisition may create a dominant supplier with the ability to restrict production and drive up prices in the industry. The Commission now has 90 working days (until 6Â February 2007) to take a final decision on whether the concentration would significantly impede effective competition within the European Economic Area. The opening of an in-depth investigation does not prejudge the final result of the investigation.

    [10] Commission approves proposed acquisition of Spectra by Linde

    The European Commission has approved under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed takeover of the US-based Spectra by the German company Linde. Both companies are active in specialty gases with Linde having further activities in industrial gases. The Commission concluded that the envisaged operation would not significantly impede effective competition in the European Economic Area or any substantial part of it, as the parties will continue to face effective competition from other big gas companies and entry from neighbouring markets is relatively easy.

    [11] La Commission condamne les attentats contre le Président et le Parlement en Somalie

    Le Commissaire européen au Développement et à l'Aide Humanitaire, Louis Michel, a condamné hier l'attentat perpétré le 18 septembre à Baidoa, siège des institutions fédérales de transition en Somalie, contre le Président Abdullahi Yusuf et le Parlement somalien. De toute évidence, cet attentat visait, au-delà des institutions fédérales de transition somaliennes, à saboter l'ensemble du processus de paix.

    [12] Danuta HĂĽbner in Scotland : "Time for action to help new Cohesion policy deliver more jobs and growth"

    The European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Danuta HĂĽbner, is visiting Scotland, where she is discussing the future of European Union co-funding of Scottish programmes during the new programming period 2007-2013. During her two-day visit, the Commissioner will also visit a series of projects in the Highlands and Islands. Today, the Commissioner will hold discussions with the First Minister Jack McConnell, with the Convenor and Deputy Convenor of the Scottish Parliament European and External Relations Committee who have just completed a report on EU regional policy in Scotland in the period 2007-2013, and with the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities.

    [13] Personnel : la Commission nomme le Directeur Général adjoint à la Recherche

    M. Daniel Jacob a été nommé hier Directeur Général adjoint à la Direction Générale Recherche et Développement de la Commission européenne.

    [14] Energy in the EU - first estimates 2005 : EU25 energy consumption equivalent to more than three and a half tonnes of oil per capita ; EU25 energy dependence rate was 56%

    The total amount of energy required to meet the demand of the EU25 in 2005 remained stable compared to 2004, at 1 637 million tonnes of oil equivalent (toe). However, EU25 production of all sources of energy fell by 4.2% in 2005, resulting in an increase in net imports of 4.5%. As a consequence, the first estimate for 2005 shows that the EU25 depended on imports for 56% of its energy needs, up from 54% in 2004. Seen over a longer time period, between 1995 and 2004 energy consumption in the EU25 rose by 11%, production fell by 2%, and net imports rose by 29%. In 1995 the energy dependence rate stood at 44%. These figures are published by Eurostat.

    [15] Autre matériel diffusé

    Questions and answers on Distance Selling

    Speech by Neelie Kroes : "The refined economic approach in state aid law: a policy perspective" at GCLC/College of Europe Conference

    Speech by Joe Borg : "The Green Paper on a European Maritime Policy – A Starting Point for a new European Policy" at Maritime Policy Conference of the Baltic Sea Area (Kiel) From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at

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