European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 06-05-16
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] TVA : la Commission propose de proroger la directive relative aux
services fournis par voie électronique
[02] Commission confirms sending Statement of Objections to Distrigas
concerning Belgian gas supply market
[03] Education et formation en Europe : de nouveaux efforts sont
nécessaires pour atteindre les objectifs de Lisbonne
[04] March 2006 compared to February 2006 : industrial production up by
0.4% in the euro area ; up by 0.3% in the EU25
[05] Banking : expert group to help remove obstacles to switching bank
[06] Payment and securities settlement systems : Commission consults
industry on evaluation of Settlement Finality Directive
[07] EU welcomes EU-ASEAN Vision Group report on closer trade links
[08] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2006-05-16
Reference: MEX/06/0516
Date: 16/05/2006
EXME06 / 16.5
News from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Communicationb
[01] TVA : la Commission propose de proroger la directive relative aux
services fournis par voie électronique
La Commission européenne propose de proroger la période d'application de
la directive "TVA sur le commerce électronique" (directive 2002/38/CE)
jusqu'au 31 décembre 2008. Sans cette prorogation, on retournerait, pour
les services fournis par voie électronique ainsi que pour les services de
radiodiffusion et de télévision, aux règles en vigueur avant les
modifications introduites par la directive (voir IP/02/673 et MEMO/03/142).
Cela signifierait que les fournisseurs européens seraient soumis à la TVA
même pour les services fournis aux clients hors de l'Union et qu'ils
devraient subir la concurrence, dans l'Union, des fournisseurs de pays
tiers qui ne seraient pas assujettis du tout à la TVA. La proposition ne
contient pas d'autre modification.
[02] Commission confirms sending Statement of Objections to Distrigas
concerning Belgian gas supply market
The European Commission can confirm that it sent on 10th May 2006 a
Statement of Objections to Distrigas, part of the Suez Group, concerning
the European Commission's concerns that Distrigas is in practice preventing
new suppliers from entering the Belgian gas market, in violation of EC
Treaty rules on abuse of a dominant market position (Article 82).
[03] Education et formation en Europe : de nouveaux efforts sont
nécessaires pour atteindre les objectifs de Lisbonne
Malgré des tendances positives dans certains domaines, dans l'ensemble,
les progrès enregistrés par les systèmes d'éducation et de formation
européens vers la réalisation des objectifs fixés dans la stratégie de
Lisbonne sont insuffisants. C'est la principale conclusion de l'édition
2006 du rapport annuel de la Commission européenne sur les progrès vers
les objectifs de Lisbonne dans l'éducation et la formation, publié
aujourd'hui. Le document de travail des services de la Commission analyse
les progrès accomplis depuis 2000 et s'intéresse à cinq critères de
référence (ou benchmarks) en matière éducative. Parmi les aspects
positifs, les Etats membres ont réussi à accroître le nombre des
étudiants de l'enseignement supérieur diplômés en mathématiques,
sciences et technologie. Néanmoins, les progrès ont été
modérés pour ce qui est de l'augmentation de la participation Ã
l’éducation et à la formation tout au long de la vie et de la réduction
du nombre de jeunes quittant prématurément l'école. Et à ce jour,
pratiquement aucun progrès n'a été enregistré concernant l'augmentation
du taux des jeunes qui achèvent l'enseignement secondaire supérieur et la
réduction du nombre des élèves de 15 ans ayant une maîtrise
insuffisante en lecture.
[04] March 2006 compared to February 2006 : industrial production up by
0.4% in the euro area ; up by 0.3% in the EU25
Seasonally adjusted industrial production rose by 0.4% in the euro area in
March 2006 compared to February 2006. Output in the EU25 gained 0.3% in
March 2006. Production in both zones remained stable in February and grew
by 0.2% in January. In March 2006 compared to March 2005, industrial
production rose by 3.8% in the euro area and by 3.7% in the EU25. These
estimates are released by Eurostat.
[05] Banking : expert group to help remove obstacles to switching bank
The European Commission is to create an expert group on customer mobility
in relation to bank accounts. In particular, the group will identify any
legal, administrative or other obstacles that customers encounter when
opening, closing or switching bank accounts at both domestic and cross-
border level. It will advise the Commission on how those obstacles can be
addressed. This is a follow-up action to the White Paper on Financial
Services Policy 2005-2010 (IP/05/1529) and is part of the Better Regulation
agenda. It also has to be seen in the context of the citizen project for
Europe presented by the Commission on 10 May (IP/06/595). The group will be
composed of experts proposed by European or national associations, who
represent customer or financial services industry interests, and of
individuals with an academic background in the area. Interested
associations and academics are invited to send applications to the
Commission before 16 June 2006.
[06] Payment and securities settlement systems : Commission consults
industry on evaluation of Settlement Finality Directive
The European Commission is inviting industry, consumers and other
stakeholders to comment on the evaluation report on the Settlement Finality
Directive (see IP/05/1613), which identified a number of areas where the
Directive could possibly be revised. The Commission will also discuss the
report with Member States and the European Central Bank within the
framework of the European Securities Committee. On the basis of these
consultations, the Commission will assess whether or not the Directive
requires revision. The deadline for submission of comments is 30 June 2006.
[07] EU welcomes EU-ASEAN Vision Group report on closer trade links
The EU has today welcomed the final report of the EU-ASEAN Vision Group,
which was established in 2005 to study ways of strengthening and deepening
the trade relations between the EU and ASEAN. The Group was established by
EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson and his ASEAN colleagues in an
attempt to bring fresh thinking to the economic relations between the EU
and ASEAN. The report is an important part of Commissioner Mandelson's
wider strategy to renew EU trade policy towards Asia.
[08] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Margot Wallström : "Listening to citizens and delivering
results: a way towards the constitutional settlement" at plenary session of
the European Parliament (Strasbourg)
Speech by Charlie McCreevy at the EU-China Conference on Governement
Procurement (Beijing)
Speech by Charlie McCreevy : "EU-China cooperation on accounting and
auditing" (Beijing)
Speech by Charlie McCreevy : "Recent regulatory and structural developments
in the EU financial sector'" at the 2nd EU-China dialogue on macroeconomic
and financial regulatory issues (15/05, Beijing)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/