European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 06-03-13
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] La Commission accueille favorablement les modifications apportées aux
accords de distribution et de service après-vente de BMW
[02] Commission welcomes changes to General Motors' distribution and
servicing agreements
[03] Commission clears merger between Toyota Tsusho and Tomen
[04] La première conférence sur le dialogue social réunit les
représentants de 31 secteurs d'activité européens
[05] Cultural heritage : five projects to be awarded European prizes
[06] Capitales européennes de la culture 2010 : réunion du jury cette
[07] Drought in Mozambique : Commission allocates €2 million in
humanitarian aid
[08] Commission sends new letter to Microsoft on compliance with decision
[09] Space policy : EU and Russia join forces and sign cooperation
[10] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2006-03-13
Reference: MEX/06/0313
Date: 13/03/2006
EXME06 / 13.3
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Presse etb
[01] La Commission accueille favorablement les modifications apportées aux
accords de distribution et de service après-vente de BMW
La Commission européenne a clôturé son enquête sur les accords
de distribution et de service après-vente de BMW après leur modification
en vue de leur mise en conformité avec le règlement (CE) n° 1400/2002 de
la Commission d'exemption par catégorie pour la distribution automobile
(voir document IP/02/1073). Grâce aux modifications introduites par BMW,
les concessionnaires et les réparateurs pourront désormais vendre des
voitures de marques concurrentes ou en assurer le service après vente sans
restrictions (multimarquisme), et tous les réparateurs satisfaisant aux
normes qualitatives requises pourront devenir membres du réseau agréé.
Une affaire analogue concernant General Motors a également été clôturé
(voir document IP/06/303).
[02] Commission welcomes changes to General Motors' distribution and
servicing agreements
The European Commission has closed its investigation into General Motors'
(GM) distribution and servicing agreements following changes to bring them
into line with the Commission's car distribution block exemption Regulation
1400/2002 (see IP/02/1073). The changes introduced by GM ensure that
dealers and repairers are not restricted in selling or servicing cars of
competing brands (multi-branding), and that all repair-shops who fulfill
the necessary quality standards can become members of the authorised
network. The case followed complaints from the French, German, Spanish and
Italian Opel dealers' associations. A similar case involving BMW has also
been closed (see IP/06/302).
[03] Commission clears merger between Toyota Tsusho and Tomen
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to a full merger between Toyota Tsusho Corporation (Toyota
Tsusho) of Japan and Tomen Corporation (Tomen) also of Japan. Tomen
Corporation is a general trading company active in a broad range of sectors
including vehicles and chemicals. Toyota Tsusho is active in trading and
logistics services and the wholesale and retail sales of vehicles. The
operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.
[04] La première conférence sur le dialogue social réunit les
représentants de 31 secteurs d'activité européens
La première conférence sur le dialogue social sectoriel s'ouvre
aujourd'hui au Palais d'Egmont, à Bruxelles ; elle accueillera au côté de
Vladimir Å pidla, commissaire à l'Emploi, aux Affaires sociales et Ã
l'Egalité des chances, des représentants des syndicats et des employeurs
des 31 secteurs d'activité - dont le textile, l'agriculture, la
construction ou la chimie, par exemple - dans lesquels ont été créés
des comités de dialogue social européen. Les participants se pencheront
sur le rôle des partenaires sociaux dans la résolution de divers
problèmes auxquels est confrontée l'UE, parmi lesquels les
restructurations, les insuffisances en matière de compétences et la
modification des tendances démographiques.
[05] Cultural heritage : five projects to be awarded European prizes
The European Commission and Europa Nostra announced today the five top
prizes for the annual European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage/Europa
Nostra awards. These awards were jointly launched in 2002 by Europa Nostra
and the European Commission, in the framework of the Commission's Culture
2000 programme, to recognize best practices in heritage conservation on a
European level. Prizes will be presented to the laureates late June in
Madrid, during a ceremony which will be presided by the Queen of Spain.
[06] Capitales européennes de la culture 2010 : réunion du jury cette
Le jury chargé d'évaluer les villes candidates au titre de "Capitales
européennes de la culture 2010" va se réunir cette semaine à Bruxelles.
Le rapport qui sera publié par la Commission ce printemps sera alors
transmis au Parlement européen, au Conseil et au Comité des Régions. Le
Conseil devrait prendre une décision finale lors de sa formation Culture
sous présidence finlandaise au cours du deuxième semestre 2006.
[07] Drought in Mozambique : Commission allocates €2 million in
humanitarian aid
The European Commission is providing humanitarian aid worth €2 Million to
communities affected by prolonged drought in southern and central
Mozambique. More than 800,000 people are estimated to be particularly at
risk. Among the most vulnerable are children and households headed either
by children or by grandparents.
[08] Commission sends new letter to Microsoft on compliance with decision
On 10 March, the European Commission sent a letter to Microsoft setting out
its preliminary view on how Microsoft is still not in compliance with its
obligations under the March 2004 Commission decision (see IP/04/382). In
particular, the letter includes a report from the Monitoring Trustee (see
IP/05/1215) that contains factual information supporting the Commission's
objections outlined in a Statement of Objections (SO) of 21 December 2005
(see IP/05/1695). The SO indicated that Microsoft had not yet complied with
the obligation, imposed by the Commission's March 2004 decision that
Microsoft infringed EC Treaty rules on abuse of a dominant position
(Article 82), to disclose complete and accurate interface documentation
which would allow non-Microsoft work group servers to achieve full
interoperability with Windows PCs and servers. This letter brings this
information to Microsoft's immediate attention, in order to provide
Microsoft the opportunity to make its views known in writing.
[09] Space policy : EU and Russia join forces and sign cooperation
The EU and Russia are getting closer in space activities. The Head of the
Federal Space Agency of the Russian Federation (Roscosmos) Anatoliy
Perminov, the Director General of the European Space Agency Jean-Jacques
Dordain and European Commission Vice-President Günter Verheugen signed on
10 March a joint document to enhance bilateral cooperation in space
activities. The enhanced cooperation encompasses space applications
(satellite navigation, earth observation and satellite communications),
access to space (launchers and future space transportation systems), space
exploration and the use of the International Space Station (ISS) and space
technologies development.
[10] Autre matériel diffusé
Complaints against BMW and General Motors regarding contractual standards
required from their dealers and repairers - questions and answers
Preparation of Eurogroup and Economic and Finance Ministers Council
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/