European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 06-02-13
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] La Commission présente un projet visant à promouvoir l'esprit
d'entreprise dans les écoles et les universités
[02] L'Europe exige davantage de réformes pour pouvoir faire face aux
coûts du vieillissement
[03] Financial services : strong support for strengthening the single
market framework for investment funds
[04] Commission clears acquisition of Michel Thierry by MatlinPatterson and
Deutsche Bank
[05] Commission clears acquisition of BSN by MPE
[06] Première réunion d'un groupe de spécialistes sur l'intégration des
minorités ethniques désavantagées vivant sur le territoire de l'UE
[07] Avian influenza : highly pathogenic H5N1 virus confirmed in Greece
[08] Avian influenza confirmed in wild swans in Italy : Italian authorities
applying precautionary measures
[09] Avian influenza : highly pathogenic H5N1 virus confirmed in Bulgaria
[10] Avian influenza H5 confirmed in a swan in Slovenia : Slovenian
authorities implement the same measures as in Greece and Italy
[11] L'UE et les Nations unies lancent un plan d'action humanitaire en
faveur de la République démocratique du Congo
[12] EU deploys Election Observation Mission to Uganda for presidential and
parliamentary Elections
[13] International trade in services : EU25 surplus in trade in services
increased to €42.8 billion in 2004
[14] Markos Kyprianou welcomes nomination of Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle as
Executive Director of EFSA
[15] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2006-02-13
Reference: MEX/06/0213
Date: 13/02/2006
EXME06 / 13.2
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Presse etb
[01] La Commission présente un projet visant à promouvoir l'esprit
d'entreprise dans les écoles et les universités
Pour réussir à préserver son modèle social, l'Europe a besoin d'une plus
forte croissance économique, de créations d’entreprises plus
nombreuses, d'un plus grand nombre d'entrepreneurs prĂŞts Ă se lancer dans
des projets innovateurs et de PME Ă forte croissance. Aujourd'hui, la
Commission européenne a présenté les grandes lignes de plusieurs
recommandations visant Ă renforcer le rĂ´le de l'Ă©ducation dans
l'instauration d'une culture plus entrepreneuriale dans les sociétés
européennes. L'enseignement scolaire devrait, très tôt, sensibiliser les
jeunes Ă l'esprit d'entreprise comme option pour l'avenir, leur donner les
moyens de développer des compétences entrepreneuriales de base, les aider
à être plus créatifs et à avoir plus confiance en eux dans ce qu'ils
entreprennent. A un stade ultérieur, les universités et les instituts
techniques devraient intégrer l'esprit d'entreprise, comme une composante
importante du cursus, en le diffusant dans différentes matières, et
inviter ou encourager les Ă©tudiants Ă assister Ă des cours d'entrepreneuriat.
Cette initiative s'inscrit dans le partenariat de Lisbonne pour la
croissance et l'emploi.
[02] L'Europe exige davantage de réformes pour pouvoir faire face aux
coûts du vieillissement
Les gouvernements de l'UE doivent intensifier leurs efforts de réforme
face au vieillissement rapide des populations. Un rapport soumis aux
ministres des finances de l'UE préparé conjointement par la Commission
européenne et le comité de politique économique contient de nouvelles
projections détaillées des coûts économiques et budgétaires pour tous
les Etats membres jusque 2050. La portée du défi démographique est
considĂ©rable. Le dĂ©part Ă la retraite de la gĂ©nĂ©ration du baby-boom Ă
partir de 2010 et l'augmentation continue de l'espérance de vie signifient
que l'Europe ne disposera plus que de seulement deux personnes en âge de
travailler, au lieu de quatre, pour chaque personne âgée d'ici 2050. Avec
des politiques inchangées, les taux de croissance potentiels de l'UE
seront pratiquement réduits de moitié d'ici 2030 et les finances
publiques seront soumises à une pression sévère en raison de
l'augmentation des dépenses consacrées à la retraite, à la santé et aux
soins de longue durée. Des signes positifs indiquent que de nombreux Etats
membres relèvent le défi. Plusieurs pays ont restreint l'accès aux
régimes de préretraite et ont réformé leurs systèmes de retraite. Ce
rapport montre que les réformes portent leurs fruits, à la fois en
élevant les âges de retraite effectifs et en assurant un meilleur
contrôle des pressions qui pèsent sur les dépenses publiques futures.
Mais la complaisance n'est pas de mise et la viabilité reste clairement
menacée. Les années à venir offrent encore une fenêtre d'opportunité
pour intensifier les réformes avant que les effets ne se fassent
complètement ressentir. Retarder ces réformes ne les rendra que plus
[03] Financial services : strong support for strengthening the single
market framework for investment funds
The European Commission has published an analysis of over 120 detailed
responses from the European fund industry and other stakeholders to its
July 2005 Green Paper on "enhancing EU framework for investment funds"
(IP/05/927), which invited comment on a range of proposals aimed at
boosting the efficiency of the single market for investment funds. The
responses showed strong support for improving implementation of the
existing framework and also provided insight into potential solutions to
some of the main challenges facing fund investors and market practitioners.
The results and subsequent work will feed into the Commission's White Paper
on investment funds, scheduled for publication in autumn 2006. An efficient
European investment fund market – which accounts for over €5 trillion
of assets – is of key importance for mobilising funds for productive
investment and contributing to better provisioning for old age.
[04] Commission clears acquisition of Michel Thierry by MatlinPatterson and
Deutsche Bank
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of joint control of Michel Thierry SA of
France by MatlinPatterson LLC of the US and Deutsche Bank AG of Germany.
MatlinPatterson is active in investment and Deutsche Bank is active in
banking. Michel Thierry : manufactures and supplies fabrics and seat covers
for the car industry. The operation was examined under the simplified
merger review procedure.
[05] Commission clears acquisition of BSN by MPE
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of sole control of BSN Medical GmbH & Co. KG
(BSN) of Germany by Montagu Private Equity Ltd (MPE) of the UK. MPE is
active in the management of private equity funds. BSN is a manufacturer of
non pharmaceutical professional medical products, including wound care
(surgical dressings, professional first aid dressings), immobilisation
products (plaster casts, synthetic casts, splints, etc.), bandaging
(support bandages, fixation bandages, orthopaedic soft goods) and
phlebology products. The operation was examined under the simplified merger
review procedure.
[06] Première réunion d'un groupe de spécialistes sur l'intégration des
minorités ethniques désavantagées vivant sur le territoire de l'UE
Dans le contexte de sa stratégie-cadre de lutte contre les discriminations,
la Commission européenne a chargé un groupe de haut niveau de se pencher
sur l'insertion sociale des minorités ethniques vivant sur le territoire
de l'Union européenne. Ce groupe, qui est présidé par Mme Rita Süssmuth,
ancienne présidente du Bundestag, se compose au total de dix
personnalités issues du monde des affaires, des milieux politiques locaux,
de la société civile, des sphères universitaires, ou encore, des
médias. Il tiendra ce jour sa réunion inaugurale en présence du
commissaire européen chargé de l'emploi, des affaires sociales et de
l'Ă©galitĂ© des chances, M. VladimĂr `pidla.
[07] Avian influenza : highly pathogenic H5N1 virus confirmed in Greece
The European Commission has been informed on 11 February that test results
from the EU Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza in Weybridge confirm
that the outbreak of avian influenza in wild swans in Greece was caused by
the highly pathogenic H5N1 virus. The results come from samples taken from
three dead wild swans found in the prefectures of Thessaloniki and Pieria
earlier this week. As the Commission already adopted a Decision on 10
February, laying down strict safeguard measures to be applied in the
affected areas of Thessaloniki and Pieria (see MEX/06/0210), no further EU
measures need to be taken in relation to Greece at this time. The avian
influenza situation in Greece and other affected countries will be reviewed
by the Standing Committee on the Food and Chain and Animal Health which
meets on 16-17 February.
[08] Avian influenza confirmed in wild swans in Italy : Italian authorities
applying precautionary measures
On 11 February, the Italian authorities informed the European Commission of
confirmed outbreaks of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 in
dead wild swans tested on the eastern coast of Sicily, in Taranto (Puglia)
and in Calabria. The confirmatory tests were carried out by the Italian
national laboratory for avian influenza in Padua (an accredited EU
laboratory and also the reference laboratory of the Food and Agriculture
Organisation and the OIE), following preliminary positive tests undertaken
by laboratories in Palermo, Portici and Foggia.
[09] Avian influenza : highly pathogenic H5N1 virus confirmed in Bulgaria
The European Commission has been informed on 11 February that test results
from the EU Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza in Weybridge confirm
that the recent case of avian influenza in wild swans in Bulgaria was
caused by the highly pathogenic H5N1 virus. The disease was detected in
wild swans in the Bulgarian wetland region of Vidin, close to the Romanian
border, last week. The Bulgarian authorities have also informed the
Commission of other suspected cases in wetlands close to the Black sea. The
Commission is preparing a decision banning imports of live poultry and
birds, wild feathered game meat and meat products, eggs and unprocessed
feathers from the affected areas in Bulgaria, and this decision is expected
to be endorsed by the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal
Health (SCFCAH) on 16 February.
[10] Avian influenza H5 confirmed in a swan in Slovenia : Slovenian
authorities implement the same measures as in Greece and Italy
On 12 February, the Slovenian authorities informed the European Commission
of a confirmed case of avian influenza virus H5 in swan. The Slovenian
Laboratory for Avian influenza has made the first analysis, and samples
have been sent to the EU Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza in
Weybridge (United Kingdom) for further tests. The Slovenian authorities
have given a commitment to the European Commission to apply immediately the
same precautionary measures as those set out in the Commission Decision
adopted for Greece on 10 February, and applied in Italy during the week
[11] L'UE et les Nations unies lancent un plan d'action humanitaire en
faveur de la République démocratique du Congo
L'Union européenne et l'OCHA (Office pour la coordination des affaires
humanitaires des Nations unies) organiseront le 13 février à Bruxelles une
conférence ministérielle afin de lancer le plan d'action humanitaire pour
la République démocratique du Congo. Malgré des progrès politiques
substantiels, la population de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC)
reste confrontée à d'énormes difficultés. Les taux de mortalité
demeurent élevés, en particulier chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans et
d'autres indicateurs de santé sont parmi les plus alarmants du monde. Le
gouvernement belge accueillera la réunion, qui sera présidée par Louis
Michel, commissaire européen chargé du développement et de l'aide
humanitaire, et par Jan Egeland, secrétaire général adjoint aux affaires
humanitaires et coordinateur de l'aide d’urgence des Nations unies.
[12] EU deploys Election Observation Mission to Uganda for presidential and
parliamentary Elections
The European Commission has deployed an EU Election Observation Mission
(EOM) for the parliamentary and presidential elections, scheduled to take
place on 23 February, following an invitation from the Electoral Commission
of Uganda. The EU EOM is led by Mr Max van den Berg, Member of the European
Parliament and Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Development.
[13] International trade in services : EU25 surplus in trade in services
increased to €42.8 billion in 2004
In 2004, EU25 external trade in services recorded a surplus of €42.8
billion, compared to 37.0 billion in 2003. This increased surplus was
mainly due to a higher surplus in transportation (+13.4 billion in 2004
compared to +7.0 billion in 2003), while the deficit registered for travel
was slightly lower (-12.9 billion compared to -13.4 billion). The surplus
recorded for "other services" fell slightly (+42.5 billion compared to
+43.9 billion). The surplus registered in other services in 2004 was mainly
due to the surpluses recorded in financial services (+14.4Â billion), other
business services (+18.1 billion) and computer and information services
(+9.7 billion). The largest deficit was registered in royalties and license
fees (-8.9 billion). These data, issued by Eurostat, are subject to
[14] Markos Kyprianou welcomes nomination of Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle as
Executive Director of EFSA
On 10 February, the European Commissioner for Health and Consumer
Protection, Markos Kyprianou, welcomed the selection of Mrs Catherine
Geslain-Lanéelle as the new Executive Director of the European Food Safety
Authority (EFSA). Ms Geslain-Lanéelle, who is French, is currently
regional and interdepartmental Director for Agriculture and Forestry for
the Ile de France region, having previously held the position of Director-
General of Food at the French Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Her
appointment as EFSA Executive Director can be confirmed once she has had a
hearing with the European Parliament's Environment Committee. Mr Kyprianou
said: "I am very pleased with this nomination and would like to
congratulate Ms Geslain-Lanéelle. I am confident that her high level of
experience in the area of food safety will make her a valuable asset to
EFSA. I look forward to continued close cooperation between EFSA and the
European Commission in ensuring the greatest possible level of food safety
throughout the EU." For more information, see: www.efsa.eu.int / contact :
Lucia De Luca (EFSA) - Tel: + 39 0521 036 287
[15] Autre matériel diffusé
Promoting entrepreneurial mindsets – Examples of good practice in Europe
Note sur la préparation de l'Eurogroupe et du Conseil Ecofin
Speech by Janez Potočnik : "Research and Innovation – an Opportunity for
Convergence Regions" at Conference on Structural Funds (Warsaw)
Discours de M. Louis Michel : "Le Plan d'Action Humanitaire, un outil pour
redonner de la dignité à des millions de Congolais" à la Conférence
ministérielle de lancement du Plan d'Action Humanitaire 2006 pour la RDC
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/