European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 05-12-07
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[I] RĂ©sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome
of today's Commission meeting
[01] Renewable energy: Commission proposes ambitious biomass and biofuels
action plan and calls on Member States to do more for green electricity
[02] La Commission approuve une mesure de soutien Ă un projet de R&D de
Snecma à hauteur de €140 millions
[03] Commission opens investigation into UK scheme to support paper
production from waste paper
[04] La Commission ordonne le remboursement partiel des aides accordées en
France, en Irlande et en Italie en faveur de la production d'alumine
[05] Commission approves the financial part of the restructuring plan for
ABX Logistics
[06] La Commission entame un examen approfondi des aides accordées par la
SNCB Ă Inter Ferry Boats
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[07] Temps de conduite et de repos des chauffeurs routiers : l'Europe fait
avancer les règles sociales dans les transports
[08] High Level Transport Group calls for better transport links with EU
[09] Stavros Dimas se félicite de l'accord de conciliation sur les
déchets miniers
[10] Commission welcomes Court of Justice ruling on smoke flavourings
[11] EU welcomes permanent WTO solution on generic medicines
[12] Joe Borg visits Slovenia
[13] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2005-12-07
Reference: MEX/05/1207
Date: 07/12/2005
EXME05 / 7.12
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Presse etb
[I] RĂ©sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome
of today's Commission meeting
[01] Renewable energy: Commission proposes ambitious biomass and biofuels
action plan and calls on Member States to do more for green electricity
The European Commission has adopted a detailed action plan designed to
increase the use of energy from forestry, agriculture and waste materials.
Andris Piebalgs, Commissioner for Energy, said : "This plan will reduce
Europe's dependence on imported energy, cut greenhouse gas emissions,
protect jobs in rural areas and extend the EU's technological leadership in
these sectors. The Plan outlines measures in three sectors : heating,
electricity and transport. The measures in favour of transport biofuels, in
particular, are a practical response to the problem of high oil prices." In
parallel, the Commission adopted a report on the different support schemes
of electricity from renewable energy sources which concludes that
governments need to step up efforts to cooperate among themselves and
optimise their support schemes as well as to remove administrative and grid
barriers for green electricity.
[02] La Commission approuve une mesure de soutien Ă un projet de R&D de
Snecma à hauteur de €140 millions
La Commission européenne a approuvé, selon les règles du Traité CE en
matière d'aides d'Etat, une mesure de soutien à la R&D de €140 millions
proposée par les autorités françaises en faveur de Snecma. Le projet
vise à développer, dans le contexte d'une coopération franco-russe, un
moteur pour l'avion régional RRJ (Russian Regional Jet). La Commission a
considéré que le projet respecte les critères de l'encadrement
communautaire des aides d'Etat à la recherche et au développement et peut
donc être considéré compatible avec le Traité (article 87).
[03] Commission opens investigation into UK scheme to support paper
production from waste paper
The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation under EC
Treaty state aid rules into a proposed UK scheme granting aid to paper
mills to increase printing and writing (P&W) paper production capacity and
to stimulate the demand for collection of waste paper from offices. The
Commission recognises the environmental benefit of recycling waste paper,
but it has doubts whether the use of recycled fibre for the production of
P&W paper goes beyond the "state of the art" in the industry. The
Commission's decision to investigate will shortly be published in the EU's
Official Journal and interested parties will be able to comment on the UK's
proposed measures. The Commission will then take a final decision on the
compatibility of the scheme with EU state aid rules. The launch of the
inquiry does not prejudge the Commission's final decision.
[04] La Commission ordonne le remboursement partiel des aides accordées en
France, en Irlande et en Italie en faveur de la production d'alumine
La Commission européenne a décidé, en vertu des règles communautaires
sur les aides d'Etat, que pour la période expirant au 30 décembre 2003,
une partie des exonérations totales du droit d'accise sur les huiles
minérales utilisées comme combustible pour la production d'alumine,
accordées par la France, l'Irlande et l'Italie constituaient des aides au
fonctionnement illégales de nature à fausser la concurrence sur le marché
unique européen. Ces aides avaient été accordées sans l'autorisation
préalable de la Commission, et devraient donc normalement être
intégralement récupérables. Toutefois, eu égard aux particularités du
cas d'espèce et notamment au fait que ces exonérations avaient été
accordées en vertu de réglementations communautaires sur les droits
d'accise par des décisions du Conseil des ministres de l'UE fondées sur
des propositions de la Commission, la Commission considère que jusqu'à la
publication de sa décision d'ouvrir la procédure formelle d'examen (voir
IP/01/1520), les bénéficiaires pouvaient avoir des raisons de croire que
les mesures en cause ne constituaient pas des aides d'Etat incompatibles.
C'est la raison pour laquelle la Commission a ordonné aux bénéficiaires
de ne rembourser que la partie des aides incompatibles reçue à partir du 3
février 2002. L'enquête sur les exonérations à partir du 1er janvier
2004 est encore en cours.
[05] Commission approves the financial part of the restructuring plan for
ABX Logistics
The European Commission has decided to approve the financial part of the
restructuring plan for the ABX Logistics group, worth €176 million. This
decision is based on a restructuring plan which significantly reduces the
capacity of the ABX Worldwide group, including its branches ABX Germany and
ABX Netherlands, restores the viability of the whole of the group and
transfers all of its capital to a private investor who must act within 12
months of this decision. As for the domestic activities of ABX France,
these were privatised in 2005.
[06] La Commission entame un examen approfondi des aides accordées par la
SNCB Ă Inter Ferry Boats
La Commission européenne a décidé d'ouvrir la procédure formelle
d’examen à l'égard des aides accordées par la SNCB pour financer la
restructuration de sa filiale Inter Ferry Boats (IFB), afin de vérifier si
ces aides remplissent les conditions posées par le droit communautaire
pour les aides d'Etat Ă la restructuration.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[07] Temps de conduite et de repos des chauffeurs routiers : l'Europe fait
avancer les règles sociales dans les transports
Le Parlement européen et le Conseil ont conclu le 6 décembre un accord
sur le projet de législation européenne qui améliore le temps de
conduite et de repos des chauffeurs routiers et renforce les contrĂ´les sur
les camions. Ainsi, les chauffeurs vont pouvoir bénéficier d'un repos
d'au moins deux jours pleins toutes les deux semaines et d'un repos
journalier plus long. Ces nouvelles règles rapprochent les pratiques des
différents Etats européens et contribuent à la sécurité routière.
"L'ouverture des marchĂ©s doit ĂŞtre accompagnĂ©e des règles applicables Ă
tous pour assurer des conditions de travail équitables. Ces règles
sociales européennes créent de nouveaux droits pour les travailleurs et
protègent contre le dumping social", s'est réjoui Jacques Barrot, vice-
président de la Commission européenne en charge des transports.
[08] High Level Transport Group calls for better transport links with EU
The High Level Group set up by the European Commission last year to look at
transport connections between the newly enlarged European Union and its 26
neighbours submitted its final report today. Recommendations include a mix
of infrastructure projects and simpler measures aiming to stimulate trade
and to facilitate traffic flows between countries along five major
transnational transport axes. “Better integration of national networks
will foster regional cooperation and integration not only between the EU
and its neighbours but also between the neighbouring countries themselves.
I am delighted with the speed and efficiency of the work of this Group. It
is particularly appropriate given the 10th Anniversary of the Barcelona
process and the ministerial meeting taking place in Marrakech on 16
December” declared Vice-President Jacques Barrot, in charge of transport.
[09] Stavros Dimas se félicite de l'accord de conciliation sur les
déchets miniers
Stavros Dimas, Commissaire européenne à l'Environnement, s'est félicité
de l'accord de conciliation obtenu entre le Parlement européen et le
Conseil concernant la révision de la directive sur la gestion des déchets
des industries extractives. Par leur composition et leur volume, ces
déchets peuvent devenir une menace grave et durable pour le milieu naturel
et la santé des personnes s'ils ne sont pas correctement gérés. La
directive vise à instaurer des règles applicables à l'ensemble de l'UE
pour prévenir la pollution de l'eau et du sol due à l’entreposage des
déchets sur terril ou en bassin et insiste en particulier sur la
stabilité à long terme de ces installations. Conjuguée avec la directive
révisée Seveso II concernant la maîtrise des accidents industriels
majeurs et avec un document de référence sur les meilleures techniques
disponibles, la future directive garantira une gestion responsable des
déchets miniers dans l'ensemble de l'UE.
[10] Commission welcomes Court of Justice ruling on smoke flavourings
The European Commission welcomes judgement of the European Court of Justice
(ECJ) on 6 December confirming the validity of Regulation (EC) 2065/2003 on
smoke flavourings intended for use in or on foods. The judgement relates to
a case for annulment brought by the UK, which did not object to the
substance of the measures laid down in the legislation, but to the use of
Article 95 (internal market) of the EU Treaty as the legal basis. The ECJt
ruled against the UK's challenge, finding that the legal base was
appropriate to the objectives of the Regulation i.e. to harmonise the
diverse national laws on the approval and use of smoke flavourings.
Regulation 2065/2003 on smoke flavourings lays down an EU-wide system for
the safety assessment and authorisation of smoke condensates used to
flavour food (see IP/03/1370). The legislation aims to ensure a high level
of food safety when it comes to smoke flavourings and to remove potential
barriers to the internal market which existed when each Member State had
its own divergent rules on these flavourings. Smoke flavourings are used to
impart a smoky flavour to foods such as meat, fish or snacks. They are
produced by condensing fresh smoke in water, after which the condensed
smoke is purified. Because of the purification process, the use of smoke
flavourings is generally considered to be less of a health concern than the
traditional smoking process.
[11] EU welcomes permanent WTO solution on generic medicines
The EU welcomes the decision taken on 6 December in the World Trade
Organisation to amend the WTO Agreement on Intellectual Property with a
view to improving access to medicines for developing countries. The EU had
called on WTO Members to adopt such measures as part of a development
package for the Hong Kong Ministerial. This decision will allow poor
countries without manufacturing capacities in the pharmaceutical sector to
import generic medicines for humanitarian purposes. It will replace the
temporary decision adopted by WTO on 30 August 2003 to this effect. This
amendment will safeguard the balance of rights and obligations of the TRIPS
Agreement. The EU took an active part, as honest broker, in the
negotiations on the amendment.
[12] Joe Borg visits Slovenia
The European Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, Joe Borg,
will arrive in Slovenia this afternoon, where he will meet with Minister of
Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Ms Marica Lukacic. Their discussion will
touch on a wide range of issues, including the current state of
preparations for the planned European Fisheries Fund and the challenges
facing the Slovenian fishing industry. Slovenia is active in Mediterranean
fisheries, and Commissioner Borg and Minister Lukacic will discuss progress
with proposed measures for this area, as well as more general issues
concerning the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy. Tomorrow will
begin with a visit to the Port of Izola, where Mr Borg, accompanied by
Secretary of State Mr Franc But, will see the local fishing fleet. The
Commissioner will also meet with the local fisheries inspectors before
visiting a fisheries processing plant. Following lunch, he will meet with
representatives of both the industry and local communities at Izola town
hall to discuss the state of the Slovenian fisheries sector. There will
then be a joint press conference by the Commissioner and Minister Lukacic.
Commissioner Borg will depart from Slovenia in the afternoon to begin an
official visit to Cyprus on Friday.
[13] Autre matériel diffusé
Note on Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (08-
Speech by Danuta HĂĽbner : "Making cities full partners in EU Cohesion
policy" at EU Ministerial Informal meeting on Sustainable Communities
(06/12, Bristol)
Discours de M. Olli Rehn : "L'élargissement, la sécurité pour l'Europe"
devant la Commission des Affaires étrangères de l'Assemblée nationale
française (06/12, Paris)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/