European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 05-11-14
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Un nouveau système de suivi pour faire face aux catastrophes
naturelles : la Commission lance la phase pilote de GMES
[02] Enregistrement de six dénominations de produits agricoles
[03] Launch of "European Enterprise Awards" to recognise excellence in
promoting entrepreneurship
[04] Statement by Olli Rehn at the occasion of the meeting of political
party leaders from Bosnia and Herzegovina to discuss their Constitution
[05] "Investment in knowledge brings jobs and growth to Europe", Danuta
Hübner tells Gothenburg conference
[06] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2005-11-14
Reference: MEX/05/1114
Date: 14/11/2005
EXME05 / 14.11
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Presse etb
[01] Un nouveau système de suivi pour faire face aux catastrophes
naturelles : la Commission lance la phase pilote de GMES
Les catastrophes cause naturelle et humaine qui se sont produites en
Europe, en Amérique, en Asie et en Afrique ont renforcé – en liaison
avec les besoins de sécurité accrus – les arguments plaidant en faveur
de systèmes de suivi améliorés. La Commission européenne
poursuit ses projets visant mettre en place les trois premiers services
d’observation de la terre concernant la gestion des situations d'urgence,
le suivi des sols et le suivi marin. Après Galileo, le GMES («Global
Monitoring for Environment and Security») est devenu le second fleuron de
la politique spatiale de l'UE. Il permettra de recueillir les données
pertinentes, notamment en ce qui concerne la pollution de l'environnement,
les inondations, les feux de forêt ou les tremblements de terre,
conformément aux besoins des décideurs politiques. Le système GMES
permettra de mieux anticiper et mieux gérer les situations de crise. Il
pourra servir de base une politique de l'environnement fondée sur des
éléments concrets et fournira les données requises en vue d’accroître
les bienfaits de cette politique pour les citoyens.
[02] Enregistrement de six dénominations de produits agricoles
La Commission européenne a ajouté six dénominations de produits
agricoles et alimentaires la liste des appellations d'origine protégées
(AOP) et indications géographiques protégées (IGP). Il s'agit des
produits français "Pâtes d'Alsace", "Asperges des Sables des Landes" et
"Miel de Provence", enregistrés comme IGP, des dénominations italiennes
"Mela Alto Adige ou Südtiroler Apfel" (comme IGP), et "Oliva Ascolana del
Piceno" (comme AOP) et, pour l'Espagne, de "Jamón de Trevélez (comme
IGP). Les dénominations s'ajoutent la liste d'environ 700 produits
déj protégés en vertu de la législation sur la protection des
indications géographiques, des appellations d'origine et des spécialités
traditionnelles. Des renseignements sur les produits de qualité ainsi que
la liste des dénominations protégées sont disponibles sur l'internet
l'adresse : <a href="http://europa.eu.int/comm/agriculture/foodqual/quali1_fr.htm">http://europa.eu.int/comm/agriculture/foodqual/quali1_fr.htm
[03] Launch of "European Enterprise Awards" to recognise excellence in
promoting entrepreneurship
Today, the European Commission and the UK Presidency launched the "European
Enterprise Awards" on the occasion of the 'Enterprising Britain Summit' in
London. These new awards recognise and reward initiatives by local and
regional authorities to support entrepreneurship. They aim at raising
awareness of positive enterprise activities and celebrate entrepreneurial
success in developing Europe's economy. The deadline for receipt of entries
at national level is 31 May, 2006 with the winners to be announced at a
ceremony in November 2006.
[04] Statement by Olli Rehn at the occasion of the meeting of political
party leaders from Bosnia and Herzegovina to discuss their Constitution
The European Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn made the following
statement on 12 November : "I welcome the meeting of political party
leaders from Bosnia and Herzegovina, who came to Brussels to discuss their
Constitution. This is a clear sign of an emerging consensus to review the
Dayton Constitution. Leaders of the country have the ownership of the
process, which the European Commission is ready to facilitate. As we
highlighted in our Progress Report of 9 November, it is necessary for the
country to develop a functional multiethnic state to serve better its
citizens and also to make progress towards European integration. Bosnia and
Herzegovina is approaching a new phase of its relations with the European
Union with the prospective start of negotiations on a Stabilisation and
Association Agreement. We need a sound and solid partner who is able to
take decisions during the negotiations and implement the Agreement later
on. It is up to the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina to decide on
constitutional changes. We recommend a constitutional evolution, rather
than a constitutional revolution. Ten years after Dayton, it is time for
Bosnia and Herzegovina to move from peace building towards state building."
[05] "Investment in knowledge brings jobs and growth to Europe", Danuta
Hübner tells Gothenburg conference
Research projects and knowledge are the basis for growth and jobs in Europe,
European Regional Policy Commissioner Danuta Hübner, noted today in
Gothenburg, Sweden, during the conference 'Towards a Knowledge Society –
the Nordic Experience'. Ms Hübner highlighted in her speech the central
role which EU structural funds play in turning research knowledge into
business ideas.
[06] Autre matériel diffusé
Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES)
Speech by Charlie McCreevy : "Company Law Action Plan: Setting Future
Priorities" at European Corporate Governance Conference (London)
Speech by Benita Ferrero-Waldner : "The Role of Crisis Response in External
Relations" at Conference 'From Needs to Solutions: Enhancing Civilian
Crisis Response Capacity of the EU'
Speech by Janez Potočnik : "Let's make Science the next headline" at
'Communicating European Research 2005'
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/