European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 05-06-28
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Déclaration du Commissaire européen à la Recherche Janez Potocnik
sur ITER
[02] En un an, la carte européenne d'assurance maladie s'impose dans toute
[03] Commission clears acquisition of EHAA by EHA and REWE
[04] Commission clears acquisition of Edinburgh Oil and Gas by ONG and SHV
[05] Pacte de stabilité et de croissance : le Conseil formalise la
[06] Signature of agreement to open new European Commission Delegation in
[07] EU-ACP : the EU grants €243,000 in support of Eastern Caribbean
States Representation at WTO in Geneva
[08] Vice-President Jacques Barrot attends the EU-China Aviation Summit
[09] Joe Borg visits Lithuania
[10] Summit of EU influenza experts discusses coordinated response to
possible pandemic
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2005-06-28
Reference: MEX/05/0628
Date: 28/06/2005
EXME05 / 28.6
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[01] Déclaration du Commissaire européen à la Recherche Janez Potocnik
sur ITER
"Aujourd'hui, une page de l'histoire de la coopération scientifique
internationale a été écrite. Après de longues et difficiles
négociations, les six Parties aux négociations du projet de recherche
ITER ont décidé, lors d'une réunion ministérielle à Moscou, qu'ITER
serait implanté sur le site proposé par l'Union européenne, à Cadarache
dans le sud de la France. En tant que projet d'une complexité sans
précédent dont la durée de construction et d'exploitation devrait
s'étaler sur plus d'une génération, ITER marque une étape importante
dans la coopération scientifique internationale. Cette décision prise
aujourd'hui démontre, de la part des Parties aux négociations, leur
reconnaissance que la meilleure manière d'aborder les défis qui nous font
tous face est de s’unir et travailler ensemble. Par la priorité que nous
accordons au projet ITER, nous avons ainsi fait la preuve de notre
engagement à développer la Fusion comme source de production d'énergie.
L'intégration du projet ITER dans le cadre d'une approche élargie devrait
aussi aider à l'introduction plus rapide de la Fusion sur le marché. En
outre, la force du partenariat exprimée par les partenaires du projet ITER
est un excellent exemple pour les coopérations futures en science et
technologie. Maintenant que le consensus est réalisé sur le site du
projet ITER, nous allons faire tout ce qui est en notre pouvoir pour
finaliser l'accord ITER, afin que la construction puisse commencer aussi
rapidement que possible."
[02] En un an, la carte européenne d'assurance maladie s'impose dans toute
Douze mois très précisément après son lancement, plus de trente
millions de citoyens de l'Union européenne détiennent leur carte
européenne d'assurance maladie. Ce nombre pourrait atteindre le cap des
cinquante millions cet été. La carte jouit d'une popularité nettement
supérieure à celle de son prédécesseur, le formulaire E 111. Dans
certains pays, comme la Suède, le nombre de titulaires de la carte s'est
accru de 600% par rapport au nombre des anciens titulaires du formulaire E
[03] Commission clears acquisition of EHAA by EHA and REWE
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of joint control of EHA Austria Energie-
Handels-Gesellschaft mbH (EHAA) of Austria by EHA Energie-Handels-
Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG (EHA) of Germany and REWE Austria AG. EHA is a
50/50 joint venture between REWE and the Vattenfall group of Sweden, which
was set up in 1998 to supply gas and electricity in Germany. REWE Austria
belongs to the REWE group and is active in food retail, drugstores and
travel agencies in Austria through the brands Billa, Merkur, Mondo, Emma
and Bipa. The new joint venture will act as a gas and electricity trading
company and will supply gas and electricity in Austria. The operation was
examined under the simplified merger review procedure.
[04] Commission clears acquisition of Edinburgh Oil and Gas by ONG and SHV
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of joint control of Edinburgh Oil & Gas plc
(Edinburgh) of the UK by Oranje-Nassau Group B.V. (ONG) and SHV Holdings
(SHV) of the Netherlands. ONG, a wholly owned subsidiary of the French
investment corporation Wendel, invests and manages interests in energy,
real estate and private equity. SHV is a privately owned diversified Dutch
group of companies active in the supply and distribution of liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG), consumer goods, the provision of private equity,
production and supply of raw materials and the exploration and production
of oil and gas. Edinburgh is a relatively small UK offshore and onshore oil
and gas exploration and production company. It holds a small number of
minority interests at the exploration, appraisal and development stage in
different offshore projects. Onshore, Edinburgh produces small amounts of
oil and gas and also operates a small-scale gas storage facility. The
operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.
[05] Pacte de stabilité et de croissance : le Conseil formalise la
La Commission européenne a salué l'adoption par le Conseil de l'UE, le 27
juin, des deux règlements modifiés qui constituent le pacte de stabilité
et de croissance. L'approbation complète la réforme du pacte et confirme
le rôle important qu'il joue dans la promotion de la discipline
budgétaire. Les nouveaux règlements entreront en vigueur vingt jours
après leur publication au Journal officiel.
[06] Signature of agreement to open new European Commission Delegation in
Today, the European Commission and the Government of the Republic of
Moldova will sign an Establishment Agreement to open a Delegation of the
Commission in Chisinau. The agreement will be signed by Commissioner for
External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-
Waldner, and Ambassador Eugen Carpov, on behalf of Moldova. This is an
important step towards the implementation of the EU-Moldova European
Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan, endorsed by the EU-Moldova Cooperation
Council on 22 February of this year. The opening of a Delegation will also
contribute to the further development and strengthening of EU-Moldova
bilateral relations. The Commission is planning to open the Delegation in
early autumn. The signing will take place today in the Commissioner's
office at 17h15. Camera crews are welcome to attend the signing and should
contact Anna Wallace on 02Â 2920900 to do so.
[07] EU-ACP : the EU grants €243,000 in support of Eastern Caribbean
States Representation at WTO in Geneva
The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States has today opened a Technical
Mission to the WTO in Geneva with the support of the European Union, which
will grant €243,000 through the European Development Fund. This mission
will strengthen the representation of Eastern Caribbean States in the WTO
by assisting their participation in the work of the WTO. It will also
contribute to cementing regional economic and trade integration in the
Eastern Caribbean region.
[08] Vice-President Jacques Barrot attends the EU-China Aviation Summit
The EU-China Aviation Summit, which is jointly organised by the European
Commission and the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC)
will take place in Beijing on 30 June-1 July 2005. It aims at enhancing
political and industrial co-operation between China and the EU in the
aviation sector. China is one of the world's fastest growing aviation
markets and of strategic importance to the EU and its industry. China is
also taking a lead in market opening in Asia. "The EU and its industry have
much to offer China in the run-up to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and the
2010 World Expo in Shanghai", said Vice-President Jacques Barrot before
leaving for China. "The EU-China Aviation Summit is an excellent
opportunity for bringing together top-level policy makers and industry
executives to identify priority areas for future cooperation."
[09] Joe Borg visits Lithuania
Joe Borg, European Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, arrived
in Vilnius yesterday afternoon after his visit to Estonia. After a
presentation, by the Lithuanian Fisheries Department, at its Vilnius
headquarters, of the various electronic tools used in the control and
monitoring of fishing activities, the Commissioner went on to Plunge, where
he had a meeting with Lithuanian minister for Agriculture, Ms Kazimira
Danute Prunskiene, before visiting a fisheries processing plant. This
morning, Mr Borg went to Klapeida to visit the Fisheries Control Department
as well as a fisheries inspection vessel. He then had a meeting with
representatives of the different branches of the Lithuanian fishing
industry. The Commissioner said that measures, such as the temporary ban on
Baltic cod fisheries, were difficult but essential in the endeavour to
rebuild valuable fish stocks for the long-term benefit of the fisheries
sector. He told them that he was convinced that better management of our
fisheries would come from greater dialogue among the interested parties. He
urged them to take part in the fisheries management process. This,
Commissioner Borg said, would become easier once the Regional Advisory
Council for the Baltic, currently in the process of being set up, was up
and running.
[10] Summit of EU influenza experts discusses coordinated response to
possible pandemic
Influenza experts from the 25 Member States and other European countries
are meeting in Luxembourg today to discuss the threats of avian and human
influenza, and possible responses to a pandemic, as part of the integrated
zoonoses strategy. The workshop, which was organised by the European
Commission and also attended by experts from the ECDC, EFSA, WHO, FAO and
OIE, is being held in light of the current avian flu situation in Asia and
growing concerns that a mutant virus could lead to a worldwide pandemic
amongst humans. Among the topics on the workshop agenda are how to improve
coordination between avian and human influenza networks, and the role of
various bodies in the fight against the disease.
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de M. Špidla : "La carte européenne d'assurance maladie, un an
après" (! embargo 14h00 !)
Discours de M. Å pidla : "Compétitivité et développement responsables" Ã
la Seconde Convention de coopération européenne
Discours de M. Špidla : "Répandre la diversité" à l'ouverture de la
conférence de la présidence sur l'anti-discrimination (27/06, Luxembourg)
Speech by Charlie McCreevy : "Regulatory and supervisory challenges of
financial integration" at the Lamfalussy London Summer Dinner (27/06)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/