European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 05-05-24
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] La Commission prévoit que d'ici 2010 la radiodiffusion et la
télévision seront en majorité numériques dans l'UE
[02] Safeguarding e-communications services for all in the internet era:
Commission opens policy debate
[03] 20 years on - standards and single market made easy
[04] Commission tables first elements for a genuine European Space Policy
[05] EU cohesion policy could boost national GDP by over 10 per cent
between 2007 and 2013
[06] Commission conditionally clears Reuters' acquisition of competitor
[07] March 2005 : Euro-zone external trade surplus €4.2 billion ; €6.5
billion deficit for EU25
[08] Mars 2005 par rapport à février 2005 : les entrées de commandes dans
l'industrie en baisse de 0,5% dans la zone euro ; baisse de 2,1% dans
[09] EU Textile Committee approves launch of formal consultations with
China on two categories of textile products
[10] Commission White Paper on market access for developing countries :
opening the door to development
[11] Rapport de la Commission sur l'ouverture des marchés aux pays en voie
de développement : ouvrir les portes au développement
[12] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2005-05-24
Reference: MEX/05/0524
Date: 24/05/2005
EXME05 / 24.5
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[01] La Commission prévoit que d'ici 2010 la radiodiffusion et la
télévision seront en majorité numériques dans l'UE
La Commission européenne a invité aujourd'hui les Etats membres de l'UE Ã
accélérer le passage à la radiodiffusion et télévision numérique. La
radiodiffusion et télévision numérique offre une meilleure qualité
d'image, un meilleur son, une meilleure réception portable et mobile,
davantage de chaînes de télévision et de stations de radio, et des
services d'information perfectionnés. Etant donné que la radiodiffusion
et télévision numérique utilise plus efficacement le spectre des
radiofréquences, elle permettra aussi de libérer des ressources du
spectre pour d'autres utilisations, telles que de nouveaux services de
radiodiffusion et de téléphonie mobile, ce qui stimulera l'innovation et
la croissance dans le secteur de la télévision et des communications
électroniques. La Commission s'attend à ce que le passage au numérique
sera bien avancé d'ici 2010 et propose le début de l'année 2012 comme
échéance pour l'arrêt total de la radiodiffusion et télévision
terrestre analogique. La Commission préconise également une approche
coordonnée pour la mise à disposition à travers l'UE des ressources du
spectre libérées.
[02] Safeguarding e-communications services for all in the internet era:
Commission opens policy debate
There is no need to introduce new legal requirements for mobile and high-
speed internet services under the EU's universal service rules at the
moment, says the European Commission in a Communication issued today, but
there is a need for but a forward-looking policy debate. The Universal
Service Directive, in place since 2002, seeks to safeguard good e-
communications services throughout the EU by dealing with circumstances in
which the basic consumer needs are not satisfactorily met by the market.
This means the possibility to impose financial cross-subsidies from one
group of customers to another. The review Communication issued today finds
that consumers already have widespread affordable access to mobile
communications, so universal service obligations would not benefit the
consumer. And so far only a small – although fast-growing – minority
has a high-speed (broadband) internet connection, so subjecting broadband
to universal service obligations would result in unfair financial transfers
between consumers. However, in the future, as services traditionally
carried by telephone networks become more and more internet-based, the
focus of universal service may evolve towards providing an affordable
broadband access link for all.
[03] 20 years on - standards and single market made easy
20 years ago, European product legislation was revolutionised by what was
then called the "New Approach" method. This consisted of making
harmonisation possible based on the simple condition that the producer can
guarantee that its products, (e.g. toasters, TVs, washing machines etc.)
are safe. The 'essential requirements' set by the New Approach Directives
created the basis on which European Standards are developed by
standardisation bodies (CEN, CENELEC and ETSI). This is done by consensus
between all industrial and societal stakeholders in an open and transparent
procedure. In most cases they take the form of harmonized European
standards and their application is voluntary. Most products covered by this
legislation have to show the CE marking by doing this the manufacturer
declares that the product is safe and in conformity with the requirements
of the relevant Directives.
[04] Commission tables first elements for a genuine European Space Policy
Environmental monitoring, navigation systems, weather forecasting, toll
collection, early flood warnings... - the role that space plays in our
daily lives is increasing. Taking the full economic impact of space
applications into account, the European Commission has now outlined the
first elements for a European Space Policy, which is expected to be devised
and approved before the end of 2005. Today's communication identifies the
roles and responsibilities in space policy of the EU, Member States, the
European Space Agency (ESA) and other stakeholders and the relevant funding
sources and instruments. The Commission also specifies priorities, funding
principles and an approach to developing a broad industry policy for Europe
as a whole.
[05] EU cohesion policy could boost national GDP by over 10 per cent
between 2007 and 2013
Danuta Hübner, European Commissioner for Regional Policy, sets out how
cohesion policy is helping to raise the European Union's economic growth
potential. EU funds are heavily concentrated on regions where the potential
for catch-up is high and where strategic investments can help to break down
structural barriers to development. And EU-funded programmes focus on
themes such as infrastructure, innovative capacity and human capital, which
offer a high social return on public investments.
[06] Commission conditionally clears Reuters' acquisition of competitor
The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the
acquisition of the financial data provider Moneyline Telerate Holding
(Telerate) by its major global competitor, Reuters Limited (Reuters). The
Commission's review of the operation highlighted a competition concern for
financial market data platforms (MDPs), but the parties were able to
address this concern by committing themselves to providing a global
exclusive licence for Telerate's MDP product to US Hyperfeed Technologies,
a provider of financial market data technology.
[07] March 2005 : Euro-zone external trade surplus €4.2 billion ; €6.5
billion deficit for EU25
The first estimate for euro-zone trade with the rest of the world in March
2005 was a €4.2 billion surplus, compared with +10.4 billion in March
2004. The February 2005 balance was +3.6 billion, compared with +6.9
billion in February 2004. In March 2005 compared with February 2005,
exports, seasonally adjusted, were stable while imports rose by 1.0%. The
first estimate for March 2005 extra-EU25 trade was a €6.5 billion deficit,
compared with -1.7 billion in March 2004. In February 2005, the balance was
-6.8 billion, compared with -3.8 billion in February 2004. In March 2005
compared with February 2005, exports, seasonally adjusted, rose by 1.3% and
imports by 2.5%. These data are released by Eurostat.
[08] Mars 2005 par rapport à février 2005 : les entrées de commandes dans
l'industrie en baisse de 0,5% dans la zone euro ; baisse de 2,1% dans
Dans la zone euro, l'indice des entrées de commandes dans l'industrie a
diminué de 0,5% en mars 2005 par rapport à février 2005, selon les
estimations publiées par Eurostat. Cet indice avait baissé de 2,4% en
février et de 6,9% en janvier. Dans l'UE25, les entrées de commandes ont
diminué de 2,1% en mars 2005, après des baisses de 1,8% en février et de
6,7% en janvier. Par rapport à mars 2004, les entrées de commandes dans
l'industrie ont reculé en mars 2005 de 0,7% dans la zone euro et ont
augmenté de 0,1% dans l'UE25.
[09] EU Textile Committee approves launch of formal consultations with
China on two categories of textile products
On 23 May, the Textile Committee, which brings together Member States and
the European Commission, has supported the proposal to launch formal
consultations on two categories of textile products currently under
investigation: t-shirts and flax yarn. Following the Committee's approval,
the decision to launch formal consultation should be taken by the
Commission on Wednesday 25 May. Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson will
meet on 24 May with Vice Minister and Special Textiles Negotiator Gao
Hucheng to discuss further the possibility for the EU and China to reach
agreement on how to respond to surges of Chinese exports in categories of
[10] Commission White Paper on market access for developing countries :
opening the door to development
The EU is both the world's most open market for developing countries and
their largest trading partner. This is the conclusion of a report published
and presented to the European Parliament on 23 May by European Trade
Commissioner Peter Mandelson. The first of its kind, the report analyses
developing countries' access to the EU market between 1999-2003. It shows
that almost half of the EU's imports come from developing countries and
that 79% of these imports enter the EU duty free or at reduced rates of
duty. Presenting the report to the European Parliament, Commissioner
Mandelson said : "The White Paper's findings can be summarized in one
sentence : the EU is already through its trade policy giving developing
countries many of the chances they desperately deserve. My conclusion,
however, is that rather than be complacent, there is more work still to
do." Full report and summaries on <a href="http://europa.eu.int/comm/trade/index_en.htm">http://europa.eu.int/comm/trade/index_en.htm
[11] Rapport de la Commission sur l'ouverture des marchés aux pays en voie
de développement : ouvrir les portes au développement
L'UE est à la fois le marché mondial le plus ouvert aux pays les plus
pauvres et leur partenaire commercial le plus important. Telle est la
conclusion d'un rapport publié le 23 mai par le commissaire européen au
commerce, Peter Mandelson. Premier rapport de ce genre, il analyse l'accès
des pays en voie de développement au marché de l'Union de 1999 à 2003. Il
nous apprend que près de la moitié des importations de l'UE sont issues
de pays en voie de développement et que 79% de ces importations entrent
dans l'UE exonérées de taxes ou à des taux de taxation réduits.
[12] Autre matériel diffusé
Summary of European Space Policy Communication - preliminary elements
Review of the Scope of Universal Service in Electronic Communications:
frequently asked questions
Impact of Commission Communication on accelerating switchover on individual
Member States
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/