European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 05-05-19
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Tissue engineering: Commission consults public on how to regulate
advanced therapies
[02] Danuta Hübner addresses the European Summit of Regions and Cities in
[03] eLearning for growth, jobs and an inclusive society: Commissioners
Reding and Figel’ welcome a multi-stakeholder drive towards a learning
[04] Application des droits des passagers aériens
[05] Joe Borg meets Greek Fisheries and Aquaculture Stakeholders
[06] Eritrea: Commission provides €620,000 in humanitarian aid to support
emergency food security
[07] April 2005 - Euro-zone and EU25 annual inflation stable at 2.1%rs
[08] Mars 2005 par rapport février 2005 - La production industrielle en
baisse de 0,2% dans la zone euro - Baisse de 0,3% dans l'UE25
[09] Rédiffusion de note
[10] Danuta Hübner discusses the future of cohesion policy in Scotland
with Jim Wallace, Deputy First Minister
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2005-05-19
Reference: MEX/05/0519
Date: 19/05/2005
EXME05 / 19.5
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[01] Tissue engineering: Commission consults public on how to regulate
advanced therapies
A new biotechnology area has emerged: human tissue engineering, which
combines various aspects of medicine, cell and molecular biology, materials
science and engineering, for the purpose of regenerating, repairing or
replacing diseased tissues. Current applications of this nascent field of
“regenerative medicine” include treatment for skin, cartilage and bone
diseases or injuries. More complex products – such as heart valves or
blood vessels – are already in the pipeline. Tissue engineered products
currently lie outside any legislative framework. This is why the European
Commission is working on a clear regulatory framework. Before tabling a
formal proposal later this year, the Commission has now invited the general
public to comment on a draft regulatory framework for authorisation,
supervision and post-authorisation vigilance of advanced therapies (tissue
engineering, cell and gene therapy). This consultation is part of the
impact assessment of the upcoming proposal.
[02] Danuta Hübner addresses the European Summit of Regions and Cities in
The European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, Danuta Hübner,
addressed today - together with the Polish Prime Minister Marek Belka and
the President of the Committee of the Regions, Peter Straub - the
“European Summit of Regions and Cities” in Wroclaw, Poland. The Summit
aims to put decentralisation at the heart of the debate on the future of
Europe. Upon invitation of the Committee of the Regions, more than 300
Presidents of European regions and mayors will discuss cohesion,
competitiveness and local democracy.
[03] eLearning for growth, jobs and an inclusive society: Commissioners
Reding and Figel’ welcome a multi-stakeholder drive towards a learning
A multi-annual, multi-stakeholder drive to build digital competence at home,
school and the workplace was launched by Viviane Reding, the Commissioner
for Information Society and Media, and Ján Figel’, the Commissioner for
Education, Training, Culture and Multilingualism, at a multi-stakeholder
conference entitled “Towards a learning society”, in Brussels today.
Stakeholders from different disciplines and sectors are working closely
together to improve research, innovation and lifelong learning in a
“knowledge triangle”, through the effective use of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT). These technologies have the potential to
significantly advance our progress towards the growth and jobs objectives
of the revised Lisbon strategy, as new open and flexible forms of ICT
supported learning (e-learning) are increasingly being used for the re-
skilling of workers. This conference launches a joint initiative by the two
Commissioners to continue the dialogue, build-upon the results so far and
help set strategic priorities for further work. .
[04] Application des droits des passagers aériens
Les services de la Direction Générale Transports et Energie de la
Commission européenne ont réuni aujourd’hui les organismes nationaux de
contrôle chargés de veiller au respect des nouveaux droits des passagers
aériens. À l’exception de l’Irlande et du Luxembourg, qui n’ont pas
nommé ces organismes, tous les Etats membres ont répondu l’appel de
la Commission. La réunion avait pour but d’examiner les problèmes
auxquels les organismes de contrôle sont confrontés dans leurs nouvelles
tâches, notamment le manque de ressources allouées par les Etats. La
Commission a rappelé que le règlement européen créait des obligations
pour tous les Etats membres qui devaient veiller une application stricte
du texte. .
[05] Joe Borg meets Greek Fisheries and Aquaculture Stakeholders
Joe Borg, Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, is on a two-day
visit to Greece. Today he is on Hydra Island to open, along with Deputy
Minister for Rural Development and Food, Mr Alexandros Kondos, the Annual
Conference of the Federation of European Aquaculture Products (FEAP).
Tomorrow Commissioner Borg will visit Aquaculture Plants in Argolis before
meeting with representatives of the fishing sector in Nafplio.
[06] Eritrea: Commission provides €620,000 in humanitarian aid to support
emergency food security
The European Commission has allocated €620,000 for emergency food
security measures aimed at securing the 2005 agricultural campaign for up
to 35,000 vulnerable households in the Gash Barka and Debub regions of
Eritrea. The aid is being provided through ECHO, the Commission’s
Humanitarian Aid department, which comes under the responsibility of
Commissioner Louis Michel. The funds channelled through the UN’s Food and
Agriculture Organisation (FAO) will cover the distribution of seeds, tools
and animal feed. Successive droughts in Eritrea have disrupted traditional
seed-saving practices and households unfortunately had to use their limited
seed stocks in order to survive. Furthermore, adverse climatic conditions
have resulted in a growing and acute fodder deficit far above the
‘normal’ chronic situation. This comes at a time when the demand on
oxen for ploughing is highest, and when the mainly female-headed households
are in dire need of extra support.
[07] April 2005 - Euro-zone and EU25 annual inflation stable at 2.1%rs
Euro-zone annual inflation was 2.1% in April 2005, unchanged compared to
March, reports Eurostat. A year earlier the rate was 2.0%. Monthly
inflation was 0.4% in April 2005. EU25 annual inflation was 2.1% in April
2005, the same as in March. A year earlier the rate was 2.0%. Monthly
inflation was 0.4% in April 2005. EICP annual inflation was 2.1% in April
[08] Mars 2005 par rapport février 2005 - La production industrielle en
baisse de 0,2% dans la zone euro - Baisse de 0,3% dans l'UE25
La production industrielle ajustée des variations saisonnières a
diminué de 0,2% dans la zone euro en mars 2005 par rapport février,
selon les estimations publiées par Eurostat. La production avait baissé
de 0,6% en février et augmenté de 0,2% en janvier. Dans l'UE25, la
production a reculé de 0,3% en mars 2005, après une baisse de 0,5% en
février et une hausse de 0,2% en janvier. En mars 2005, par rapport mars
2004, la production industrielle a diminué de 0,1% dans la zone euro et de
0,5% dans l'UE25.
[09] Rédiffusion de note
[10] Danuta Hübner discusses the future of cohesion policy in Scotland
with Jim Wallace, Deputy First Minister
European Commissioner Danuta Hübner met Jim Wallace, Deputy First Minister
in the Scottish Executive, to discuss the future of cohesion policy in
Scotland. The country is a major beneficiary of European Union regional
funds, and would continue to be under the Commission’s proposals for 2007
onwards. Among the issues discussed were the maintenance of substantial
levels of EU funding in Scotland’s least prosperous regions, the new
eligibility of western regions for cross-border cooperation programmes with
Ireland, and the scope for streamlined administration of EU-funded
programmes while maintaining rigorous financial control.
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Joaquín Almunia (embargo 16h00 Bxl time) : "Practical
preparations for the introduction of the euro in Cyprus" - Cyprus
Speech by Ján Figel’ : "Towards the European Higher Education Area" in
Bergen – Norway
Speech by Danuta Hübner : (embargo 18h00 Bxl time)"Opening speech at the
European Summitt of Regions and Cities” in Wroclaw
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/