European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 05-04-25
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Antitrust : la Commission prolonge et modifie l'exemption par
catégorie pour les consortiums maritimes
[02] Sasol and Total abort proposed petroleum-based wax joint venture and
withdraw notification
[03] Commission approves acquisition of Radianz by BT
[04] Commission opens in-depth investigation into Johnson & Johnson’s
take-over of Guidant Corporation
[05] La Commission octroie 1,5 million d'€ supplémentaire pour lutter
contre l'épidémie de fièvre de Marbourg en Angola
[06] Commission launches investigations into sharp surge in Chinese
textiles imports
[07] Peter Mandelson to travel to Asia (26-29/04)
[08] Isotopes for society
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2005-04-25
Reference: MEX/05/0425
Date: 25/04/2005
EXME05 / 25.4
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[01] Antitrust : la Commission prolonge et modifie l'exemption par
catégorie pour les consortiums maritimes
La Commission européenne a renouvelé, jusqu'au 25 avril 2010, une
exemption par catégorie permettant aux compagnies maritimes de conclure
des accords de consortium dans le domaine du transport maritime de fret Ã
destination ou en provenance d'un ou plusieurs ports de l'UE. L'exemption
par catégorie, qui a été adoptée pour la première fois en 1995 et
renouvelée en 2000, couvre automatiquement les consortiums maritimes
détenant une part de marché inférieure à 30% (ou 35% s'ils fonctionnent
en dehors de ce que l'on appelle une conférence maritime). La Commission a
également apporté quelques modifications mineures à cette exemption par
catégorie, après avoir consulté les Etats membres et les tiers
intéressés. Conformément au règlement de la Commission, l'ensemble des
accords (Ã l'exception des accords de fixation des prix) ayant pour
objectif l'exploitation en commun de services de transport maritime de
ligne ne sont pas soumis à l'interdiction relative aux pratiques
commerciales restrictives figurant à l'article 81 du traité CE, sous
réserve qu'ils respectent les conditions et obligations définies dans le
règlement. L'exemption ne couvre pas le transport de passagers.
[02] Sasol and Total abort proposed petroleum-based wax joint venture and
withdraw notification
The European Commission has acknowledged the withdrawal by Sasol Wax
International AG (of Germany) and Total S.A (of France) of their
notification of a proposed joint venture in the field of petroleum-based
waxes. The proposed joint venture was notified to the Commission on 17th
February 2005 for clearance under the EU Merger Regulation. The Commission
opened an in-depth investigation into the proposed joint venture on 13th
April 2005 because the Commission had serious concerns that the transaction
could significantly impede effective competition in the common market (see
IP/05/425). The decision to open an in-depth inquiry does not prejudge the
final result of the investigation. The Commission will not take any further
action now that the joint venture agreement has been terminated and the
notification withdrawn.
[03] Commission approves acquisition of Radianz by BT
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the
proposed acquisition of the US-based company Radianz, a financial services
extranet provider, by BT Group plc. An extranet is a secure private network
to share business information using internet technology in conjunction with
the public telecommunications system. The Commission concluded that the
acquisition would not significantly impede effective competition in the EEA
or in any substantial part of it, as the parties' activities do not overlap,
and as there will be no negative impact either on the market for the
provision of extranet services to the financial community or on the
upstream global telecommunication services market.
[04] Commission opens in-depth investigation into Johnson & Johnson’s
take-over of Guidant Corporation
The European Commission has opened a detailed investigation under the EU
Merger Regulation into the planned $24 billion (around €18 billion)
acquisition by US healthcare group Johnson & Johnson (J&J) of its
competitor Guidant, a US company specialised in cardiovascular medical
products. The Commission's initial market investigation has found that the
proposed acquisition may create significant competition problems given the
two companies' horizontal overlaps in markets for medical devices for the
treatment of coronary and peripheral artery diseases and for cardiac
surgery. The decision to open an in-depth inquiry does not prejudge the
final result of the investigation. The Commission now has 90Â working days
to take a final decision on whether the concentration would significantly
impede effective competition within the Single Market. The Commission is
actively co-operating with the US Federal Trade Commission, which is also
investigating the merger.
[05] La Commission octroie 1,5 million d'€ supplémentaire pour lutter
contre l'épidémie de fièvre de Marbourg en Angola
La Commission européenne a adopté une deuxième décision
d'urgence en réponse à l'épidémie de fièvre de Marbourg qui frappe le
nord de l'Angola. La flambée de cette fièvre hémorragique rare d'origine
virale a atteint aujourd'hui le niveau le plus grave jamais enregistré.
C'est aussi la première fois que des cas ont été diagnostiqués dans un
environnement urbain. Il n'existe malheureusement aucun traitement
spécifique contre la fièvre de Marbourg, mais il est nécessaire de
fournir des soins hospitaliers de soutien et des techniques de protection
du personnel infirmier pour prévenir les contacts directs avec les
[06] Commission launches investigations into sharp surge in Chinese
textiles imports
European Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson announced on 24 April that he
has decided to ask the Commission to authorise him to launch investigations
into nine categories of Chinese textile exports to the EU. This decision
was made in the light of a sharp surge in imports from China during the
first quarter of 2005. In all these categories, import volumes for Chinese
textiles have risen above the 'alert levels' defined by the guidelines
published by the commission on 6 April. The Commission will now conduct a
rapid investigation (maximum two months) to determine if market disruption
has occurred and whether the EU should impose special safeguard measures.
In parallel, it will launch immediate consultations with China in an
attempt to find a satisfactory solution.
[07] Peter Mandelson to travel to Asia (26-29/04)
European Commissioner for Trade Peter Mandelson departs today for Asia,
where he will make official visits to Vietnam, Thailand and Singapore. He
will take part in the ASEAN Economic Ministers Retreat in Vietnam on April
27 and give a keynote speech at the World Economic Forum Asia Round Table
in Singapore on April 29. He will meet with the Prime Minister of Vietnam
Phan Van Khai, the Prime Minister of Thailand Thaksin Shinawatra and Prime
Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong.
[08] Isotopes for society
Isotopes - caused by varying numbers of neutrons in an element – have
many practical uses in our society. The 5th International Conference on
Isotopes (ICI), with the theme "Isotopes for society", will take place at
the Charlemagne Building in Brussels, 25-29 April. The conference is
organised by the European Commission and ESTRO (European Society for
Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology). Since it was first held in Beijing in
1995, the ICI has grown to become one of the most important international
events in its field. This conference brings together more than 300 experts
from around the world, it fosters collaboration for more efficient research
and development activities, and it raises awareness of a research sector
that provides important applications in the fields of health, consumer
protection, environment and industrial safety.
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Note on preparation Agriculture/Fisheries Council of April 2005
Speech by Benita Ferrero-Waldner : "Europe's Neighbours – Towards Closer
Integration" at Brussels Economic Forum (22/04)
Speech by Günter Verheugen : "Promoting the Competitiveness of European
Engineering" at Orgalime 50th Anniversary (22/04)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/