European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 05-03-30
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] High-speed network connections : Commission recommends leased line
price ceilings
[02] Aéronautique : le nouvel agenda stratégique de recherche
[03] New report identifies challenges of biometrics
[04] Statement on Indian Ocean earthquake
[05] Louis Michel souligne l'engagement de l'UE pour faire aboutir la
transition en Haïti (29/03)
Midday Express of 2005-03-30
Reference: MEX/05/0330
Date: 30/03/2005
EXME05 / 30.3
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[01] High-speed network connections : Commission recommends leased line
price ceilings
Prices for wholesale leased lines, which are a key source of broadband
services for businesses should reflect the real cost of supplying them,
says the European Commission. In a recommendation to Member States today,
the Commission reports on "best current practices" in wholesale leased line
pricing and provides competitive market benchmark prices for the entire EU,
in order to help Member States to devise regulatory remedies for leased
line markets that are not effectively competitive on their territory. The
EU single market for electronic communication services is distorted by
substantial variations in leased line prices (for a 2 Mbit/s line, 5 km
long, the price in the most expensive Member State is seven times higher
than in the cheapest), which are hard to explain in terms of possible
underlying costs.
[02] Aéronautique : le nouvel agenda stratégique de recherche
Le conseil consultatif pour la recherche sur l'aéronautique en Europe
(ACARE) présente aujourd'hui à Bruxelles la deuxième édition de son
agenda stratégique de recherche (SRA-2). Deux ans après le lancement de
son plan de R&D pour le secteur aéronautique, sa portée et ses ambitions
ont été revues nettement à la hausse, dans la mesure où il envisage
désormais plusieurs scénarios pour l'avenir du secteur européen du
transport aérien et dresse un bilan technique précis des besoins
technologiques. Alors que le trafic aérien ne cesse de croître et que la
concurrence mondiale exerce une pression considérable sur l'industrie
européenne, le SRA-2 met à la disposition de l'ensemble des acteurs un
instrument de référence commun pour la recherche et le développement
[03] New report identifies challenges of biometrics
The European Commission releases today a major new study on how biometric
technologies – including fingerprint, iris and face recognition – will
impact on our daily lives. Following an EU decision to introduce biometrics
in passports, visas and residence permits starting in 2006, biometrics will
become increasingly common in our daily lives. Costs will come down, people
will become used to them through their travels and further commercial and
civil applications will undoubtedly follow. Therefore the report recommends
that policy-makers should act now to shape the use of biometrics rather
than waiting and being reactive.
[04] Statement on Indian Ocean earthquake
Louis Michel, the European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian
Aid, has expressed his heartfelt sympathy for the victims of the latest
earthquake in Indonesia. "The people of Sumatra are still suffering from
the effects of the massive earthquake and tsunami on 26 December - this
latest shock is the last thing they needed". The Humanitarian Aid
department of the European Commission (ECHO) reacted promptly to the 8.7
magnitude earthquake that struck in the Indian Ocean close to Sumatra on 28
March. As soon as news of the earthquake broke, staff were mobilised and
partner agencies contacted. An assessment team has been despatched to the
affected area to undertake a speedy assessment of needs and the Commission
is ready for an emergency financial response if required.
[05] Louis Michel souligne l'engagement de l'UE pour faire aboutir la
transition en Haïti (29/03)
Le Commissaire européen au Développement et à l'Aide humanitaire, Louis
Michel, a marqué en Haïti l'engagement de l'Union européenne pour faire
aboutir la transition politique et célébrer l'élection présidentielle
avant la fin de l'année dans un climat de sécurité et avec une large
participation citoyenne.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/