European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 05-03-02
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome
of today's Commission meeting
[01] La Commission lance des consultations sur la politique maritime future
de l'Union
[02] La Commission adopte un projet de règlement visant à améliorer la
qualité des statistiques budgétaires
[03] European Neighbourhood Policy : the next steps
[04] European Neighbourhood Policy : Armenia
[05] European Neighbourhood Policy : Azerbaijan
[06] European Neighbourhood Policy : Egypt
[07] European Neighbourhood Policy : Georgia
[08] European Neighbourhood Policy : Lebanon
[09] La Commission donne son feu vert à la restructuration de Fret SNCF
[10] Commission has decided to investigate the aid paid to Combus
[11] La Commission invite la France à mettre fin à certaines exonérations
fiscales en faveur des mutuelles et institutions de prévoyance
[12] Commission approves £10 million public funding for Ford training
project in UK
[13] Commission orders recovery of €6.7 million of illegal aid to
Chemische Werke Piesteritz
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[14] Data protection : new guidelines on payment card fraud prevention
[15] Un sondage Eurobaromètre révèle que le soutien de la PAC est
considéré positivement dans l'UE élargie
[16] Commission indicator forecasts euro area quarterly GDP growth of 0.2%
to 0.6% for the 1st quarter and 0.3% to 0.7% for the 2nd quarter of 2005
[17] Janvier 2005 par rapport à décembre 2004 : prix à la production
industrielle en hausse de 0,6% dans la zone euro - hausse de 0,5% dans
[18] First estimates for the fourth quarter of 2004 : Euro-zone GDP up by
0.2% and EU25 by 0.3% - +1.6% and +1.9% respectively compared to the fourth
quarter of 2003
[19] GALILEO : une nouvelle étape de la mise en concession
[20] Burundi : la Commission se félicite du bon déroulement du
référendum constitutionnel (01/03)
[21] EU and WHO experts discuss influenza pandemic preparedness
[22] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2005-03-02
Reference: MEX/05/0302
Date: 02/03/2005
EXME05/ 2.3
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome
of today's Commission meeting
[01] La Commission lance des consultations sur la politique maritime future
de l'Union
La Commission européenne a annoncé sa décision de lancer un processus de
consultation sur la politique maritime future de l'Union. Dans une
communication présentée conjointement par le président José Manuel
Barroso et le commissaire Joe Borg, la Commission expose les raisons
motivant cette initiative. La communication souligne que la contribution de
la mer à notre subsistance et à notre bien-être est considérable, comme
l'est également son potentiel de croissance économique. L'enjeu est de
tirer le meilleur profit de ce potentiel d'une manière durable. Une
approche intégrée contribuera à éviter les conflits et à optimiser les
synergies entre les diverses activités maritimes de façon à dynamiser
leur potentiel économique et à protéger l'environnement. Elle
encouragera également une participation accrue des parties prenantes et
permettra à toutes les parties concernées de considérer la mer comme un
tout et de comprendre les implications de chaque type d'activités sur ce
tout. Une Task Force constituée des commissaires chargés des politiques
liées à la mer et présidée par le commissaire Joe Borg préparera un
document de consultation sur la politique maritime future de l'Union. La
publication de ce document, prévue pour le premier semestre de l’année
prochaine, lancera une large consultation sur les options possibles d'une
politique maritime de l'Union. La Commission examinera ensuite toutes les
contributions et décidera quelle forme la nouvelle politique devrait
revêtir avant de préparer des propositions dans ce sens.
[02] La Commission adopte un projet de règlement visant à améliorer la
qualité des statistiques budgétaires
La Commission européenne a adopté un projet de règlement visant Ã
améliorer la qualité des statistiques budgétaires nationales, ce qui est
indispensable pour qu'elle puisse remplir la mission de surveillance
fiscale qui lui incombe en vertu du traité UE. Le projet de règlement
prévoit qu'Eurostat, l'office statistique de l'Union européenne, se rende
dans les Etats membres afin d'effectuer des visites de contrôle approfondi,
en plus de ses missions régulières, le but étant de vérifier les
données fiscales transmises. En outre, le projet entérine d'une manière
générale les meilleures pratiques existantes en ce qui concerne
l'élaboration et la déclaration des données dans le contexte de la
procédure de déficit excessif.
[03] European Neighbourhood Policy : the next steps
The European Commission has recommended an intensification of relations
with Egypt and Lebanon, and Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, based on
Country Reports on all five countries published by the European Commission
today. On the basis of these reports, the Council is invited to decide
whether to develop Action Plans under the European Neighbourhood Policy
(ENP) with the three Southern Caucasus countries : the decision has already
been taken to negotiate Action Plans with Egypt and Lebanon, although for
Lebanon the timing will depend on the evolution of the political situation.
The purpose of these Action Plans will be to define a joint agenda for
relations with the EU for the following three to five years, with the
objective of deepening political co operation and economic integration.
[04] European Neighbourhood Policy : Armenia
The European Commission is recommending a significant intensification of
relations with Armenia, through the development of an Action Plan under the
European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). This recommendation is based on the
Commission’s Country Report published today, which provides a
comprehensive overview of the political and economic situation in Armenia
and the state of its bilateral relations with the European Union. The ENP
goes beyond the existing Partnership and Co operation Agreement to offer
the prospect of an increasingly close relationship with the EU, involving a
significant degree of economic integration and a deepening of political
cooperation. It is now for the Council of Ministers to decide the next
[05] European Neighbourhood Policy : Azerbaijan
The European Commission is recommending a significant intensification of
relations with Azerbaijan, through the development of an Action Plan under
the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). This recommendation is based on
the Commission’s Country Report published today, which provides a
comprehensive overview of the political and economic situation in
Azerbaijan and the state of its bilateral relations with the European
Union. The ENP goes beyond the existing Partnership and Co- operation
Agreement to offer the prospect of an increasingly close relationship with
the EU, involving a significant degree of economic integration and a
deepening of political cooperation. It is now for the Council of Ministers
to decide the next steps.
[06] European Neighbourhood Policy : Egypt
The European Commission today took the next step in intensifying relations
with Egypt by presenting a Country Report providing a comprehensive
overview of the political and economic situation in Egypt and the state of
its bilateral relations with the European Union. Following the previous
recommendation by the Council to develop an Action Plan for Egypt under the
European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), this report provides a basis for the
development of that plan. It may also serve as a basis for assessing future
progress in the EU’s relations with Egypt. The ENP goes beyond the
existing Association Agreement to offer the prospect of an increasingly
close relationship with the EU, involving a significant degree of economic
integration and a deepening of political cooperation.
[07] European Neighbourhood Policy : Georgia
The European Commission is recommending a significant intensification of
relations with Georgia, through the development of an Action Plan under the
European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). This recommendation is based on the
Commission’s Country Report published today, which provides a
comprehensive overview of the political and economic situation in Georgia
and the state of its bilateral relations with the European Union. The ENP
goes beyond the existing Partnership and Co operation Agreement to offer
the prospect of an increasingly close relationship with the EU, involving a
significant degree of economic integration and a deepening of political
cooperation. It is now for the Council of Ministers to decide the next
[08] European Neighbourhood Policy : Lebanon
The European Commission today took the next step in intensifying relations
with Lebanon by presenting a Country Report providing a comprehensive
overview of the political and economic situation in Lebanon and the state
of its bilateral relations with the European Union. Following the previous
recommendation by the Council to develop an Action Plan for Lebanon under
the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), this report provides a basis for
the development of that plan. It may also serve as a basis for assessing
future progress in the EU’s relations with Lebanon. With the resignation
of the Lebanese Government, and elections scheduled for May, the evolution
of the situation there will influence the timing of consultations. The ENP
offers the prospect of an increasingly close relationship with the EU,
involving a significant degree of economic integration and a deepening of
political cooperation.
[09] La Commission donne son feu vert à la restructuration de Fret SNCF
La Commission européenne a décidé de donner son feu vert au volet
financier de la restructuration de Fret SNCF, qui connaît depuis quelques
années d'importantes difficultés financières. Les mesures examinées
font partie d'un plan de restructuration global, qui vise à permettre le
retour à la viabilité de l'opérateur. La Commission a considéré que ce
plan était compatible avec les règles européennes dans la mesure où il
répond aux stricts besoins de restructuration de Fret SNCF et qu'il
s'accompagne de contreparties en termes de réduction de capacité et
d'ouverture anticipée du marché ferroviaire français.
[10] Commission has decided to investigate the aid paid to Combus
The European Commission has decided to launch a formal procedure to
investigate the State aid paid by Denmark to Combus, a company which
provides public transport by bus. It questions whether the investments made
in 1999 and 2001 by Denmark to Combus, a public company, to prepare for its
restructuring and privatisation are in conformity with European law.
[11] La Commission invite la France à mettre fin à certaines exonérations
fiscales en faveur des mutuelles et institutions de prévoyance
La Commission européenne a adopté une recommandation invitant la France Ã
supprimer, au plus tard le 1er janvier 2006, l'exonération de la taxe sur
les conventions d'assurance pour les risques "non-maladie" dont
bénéficient les mutuelles et les institutions de prévoyance. La
Commission estime que cette exonération constitue une aide d'Etat
incompatible avec les règles communautaires en la matière. En novembre
2001, la Commission avait déjà invité la France à supprimer
l'exonération de la taxe sur les conventions d'assurance pour les risques
"maladie". La France dispose d'un délai d'un mois pour répondre à la
recommandation de la Commission. A défaut de réponse positive, la
Commission pourra ouvrir une procédure formelle d'examen.
[12] Commission approves £10 million public funding for Ford training
project in UK
The European Commission has authorised, under the EC Treaty's rules on
state aid, training aid of £10 million (€15 million) to Ford Motor
Company for an extensive training project to be carried out over the next
three years at Ford’s engine plant in Dagenham, Essex. The training will
benefit 2000 employees and contribute significantly to the region’s
competitiveness. The Commission concluded that the aid was not likely to
cause undue distortion of competition within the Single Market and was
therefore compatible with EC Treaty state aid rules (Article 87).
[13] Commission orders recovery of €6.7 million of illegal aid to
Chemische Werke Piesteritz
The European Commission has decided that a number of measures worth €6.7Â
million benefiting Chemische Werke Piesteritz, a producer of phosphoric
acid and phosphates situated in the Land of Sachsen-Anhalt, constitute
subsidies liable to distort competition within the EU's Single Market in
violation of the EC Treaty’s state aid rules (Article 87). The money must
now be recovered by the German Government. The measures were provided to
the company in the years 1997 and 1998 to help the company with its
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[14] Data protection : new guidelines on payment card fraud prevention
The EU Committee of Data Protection Authorities ("Article 29 Working
Party") has endorsed guidelines on the collection and processing of data on
merchants whose contracts to accept payment cards have been terminated. The
guidelines will help banks prevent fraud and ensure that merchants' privacy
is better protected. Databases on "terminated" merchants are very important
for the banking industry. In the UK, one of the EU countries where the
operation of these databases does not pose any legal problems, substantial
fraud savings have been made. Their use across Europe could potentially
generate savings of €200 million.
[15] Un sondage Eurobaromètre révèle que le soutien de la PAC est
considéré positivement dans l'UE élargie
D'après le dernier sondage d'opinion Eurobaromètre, deux tiers des
citoyens de l'Union européenne approuvent l'évolution récente de la
distribution des crédits dans le cadre de la politique agricole commune.
Dans le premier sondage réalisé dans l'UE des 25 Etats membres, il se
dégage un large soutien en faveur du passage des aides à la production aux
aides directes aux agriculteurs et à une assistance accrue de l'économie
rurale dans son ensemble. L'enquête a porté sur 25.000 personnes dans les
25 Etats membres entre le 22 novembre et le 19 décembre 2004.
[16] Commission indicator forecasts euro area quarterly GDP growth of 0.2%
to 0.6% for the 1st quarter and 0.3% to 0.7% for the 2nd quarter of 2005
The indicator-based model for quarterly GDP growth for the euro area,
developed by the European Commission's Directorate General for Economic and
Financial Affairs, forecasts a range of 0.2% to 0.6% for GDP growth in the
first quarter, unchanged compared to the previous release. For the second
quarter of 2005 the model predicts quarterly GDP growth of 0.3% to 0.7%, an
upward revision of 0.1 of a percentage point compared to the previous
[17] Janvier 2005 par rapport à décembre 2004 : prix à la production
industrielle en hausse de 0,6% dans la zone euro - hausse de 0,5% dans
L'indice des prix à la production industrielle dans la zone euro a
enregistré une hausse de 0,6% en janvier 2005 par rapport au mois
précédent, selon Eurostat. Dans l'UE25, les prix ont augmenté de 0,5% en
janvier 2005. En décembre 2004, les prix avaient diminué de 0,2% tant
dans la zone euro que dans l'UE25. En janvier 2005, par rapport à janvier
2004, les prix à la production industrielle se sont accrus de 3,9% dans la
zone euro et de 4,6% dans l'UE25.
[18] First estimates for the fourth quarter of 2004 : Euro-zone GDP up by
0.2% and EU25 by 0.3% - +1.6% and +1.9% respectively compared to the fourth
quarter of 2003
Euro-zone GDP grew by 0.2% and EU25 GDP by 0.3% in the fourth quarter of
2004, compared to the previous quarter, according to first estimates
released by Eurostat. In the third quarter of 2004, growth rates were also
+0.2% for the euro-zone and +0.3% for the EU25. Compared to the fourth
quarter of 2003, GDP rose by 1.6% in the euro-zone and by 1.9% in the EU25,
after +1.9% and +2.2% respectively in the previous quarter.
[19] GALILEO : une nouvelle étape de la mise en concession
La Commission européenne a pris note de la décision de l'entreprise
commune Galileo d'entamer avec les deux candidats encore en lice les
négociations du contrat de concession. Cette nouvelle étape de la
procédure de sélection est conforme au calendrier prévu. La Commission
se félicite d'ailleurs de la qualité des offres présentées, qui
respectent pleinement les conditions imposées, notamment en termes
financiers. "La qualité des offres démontre, s'il en était encore besoin,
la viabilité commerciale de ce grand projet spatial européen", a
déclaré Jacques Barrot, vice-Président de la Commission, avant d'ajouter
: "L'ouverture en parallèle des négociations du contrat de concession va
encore permettre d'améliorer les propositions des deux candidats, au plus
grand bénéfice du projet Galileo."
[20] Burundi : la Commission se félicite du bon déroulement du
référendum constitutionnel (01/03)
La Commission européenne s'est félicitée du déroulement satisfaisant du
référendum sur la nouvelle Constitution au Burundi, qui a eu lieu le 28
février et qui met fin à de longues années de guerre et de tensions.
[21] EU and WHO experts discuss influenza pandemic preparedness
Epidemiologists and health experts from 52 European Union and WHO Europe
Member States will meet in Luxembourg on 2 and 3 March to review and update
national preparedness plans for an influenza pandemic. There has been
mounting concern among health experts that the highly infectious strain of
avian influenza seen in Asia could mutate into a deadly virus capable of
being transmitted from human to human. The two-day meeting in Luxembourg
will examine measures to improve the preparedness of public health systems
for dealing with such a pandemic. The aim of the meeting will be to help
those countries that do not yet have them to draw up plans, and to help
those that do to update and improve them. It will identify whether further
assistance to countries is needed and, if so, what form it should take.
Markos Kyprianou, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection
said : "Having the means in place to rapidly identify and respond to the
emergence of a pandemic strain of influenza could save many thousands of
lives. The avian influenza outbreak in South East Asia has given us not
only a clear warning but also time to improve our preparedness. No one can
say when the next pandemic will strike. But, should it occur, we need to be
properly prepared." In March 2004 the Commission issued a strategy paper
outlining how the EU and its Member States could work together to counter
an influenza pandemic (see IP/04/432), which was endorsed by Member State
health ministers in June 2004 (see MEMO/04/128). The Commission and Member
States have also had discussions with the vaccine and pharmaceutical
industries on issues such as ensuring availability of vaccines and anti-
viral medicines. For more information see:
<a href="http://europa.eu.int/comm/health/ph_threats/com/Influenza/influenza_en.htm">http://europa.eu.int/comm/health/ph_threats/com/Influenza/influenza_en.htm
[22] Autre matériel diffusé
Vers une politique maritime de l'Union
Speech by Joaquin Almunia : "Stabilitätspakt - Quo Vadis?" at German
Chamber of Commerce - DIHK (Berlin)
Speech by Günter Verheugen : "Strategies for EU-Japan Economic
Partnership" (01/03)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/