European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 04-09-06
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Matériel diffusé
[02] Urgent: Europe-wide search for people who had contact with rabid dog
in South-West France
[03] EU-ASEAN: Trade and Investment initiative makes headway
[04] La Commission lance un nouveau portail permettant tous les citoyens
de l’UE élargie d’être mieux informés de leurs droits
[05] Commission clears Rewe's acquisition of sole control of French
wholesaler Aldis Service Plus
[06] Rédiffusion de notes
[07] The Commisison is shocked and saddened by the deaths of hostages in
[08] European Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin highlights potential
benefits of EU - Libya scientific co-operation.
Midday Express of 2004-09-06
Reference: MEX/04/0906
Date: 06/09/2004
EXME04 /06-09
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Presse etb
[01] Matériel diffusé
[02] Urgent: Europe-wide search for people who had contact with rabid dog
in South-West France
At least eight people who had contact with the rabid dog found in South-
West France in August (see <a href="http://europa.eu.int/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/04/1050&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=enhttp://europa.eu.int/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/04/1050&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en">IP/04/1050)
are still being urgently sought by the French authorities. Some of these
people seem to have been tourists from other EU countries (Netherlands,
Spain) who might have since returned to their home countries but could also
still be travelling. The owners of a number of dogs that had contact with
the rabid animal are also being sought. Details of the people and animals
being looked for are given below. All are at risk if they were bitten,
licked or scratched by the infected dog. Rabies is fatal if not treated in
[03] EU-ASEAN: Trade and Investment initiative makes headway
Meeting in Jakarta on 5 September 2004, ASEAN Trade Ministers and EU Trade
Commissioner Pascal Lamy have agreed to give an impulse to the on-going EU-
ASEAN trade and investment initiative - TREATI - by fast-tracking six
priority areas on which work will commence immediately. Speaking from
Jakarta EU Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy said:"The EU has a clear and
unconditional commitment to the ASEAN region. We both share a desire to
move towards free trade in the future. This is why we have no time to
waste. By commencing work in these six areas, we prepare ourselves for the
future, thus giving a clear signal to economic operators on both sides."
[04] La Commission lance un nouveau portail permettant tous les citoyens
de l’UE élargie d’être mieux informés de leurs droits
La Commission européenne a lancé un nouveau portail «Dialogue avec les
citoyens» – <a href="http://europa.eu.int/citizensrights/">http://europa.eu.int/citizensrights/
– qui fournit des informations claires sur la façon dont les citoyens
peuvent exercer leurs droits dans le Marché intérieur de l’UE, et qui
sont disponibles dans les 20 langues officielles. Le site contient des
guides relatifs dix domaines de la législation de l’UE et plus de 1
300 fiches multilingues imprimables contenant des conseils pratiques. Si
les utilisateurs ne trouvent pas l’information dont ils ont besoin ou se
posent certaines questions propos d’un quelconque aspect de la
politique de l’UE, ils peuvent téléphoner ou adresser un courriel
d’autres services spécialisés dans le conseil et la résolution des
problèmes, accessibles via le site, et bénéficier d’ une aide
personnalisée dans l’une des vingt langues.
[05] Commission clears Rewe's acquisition of sole control of French
wholesaler Aldis Service Plus
The European Commission has granted regulatory clearance, under the Merger
Regulation, to the proposed acquisition by German food retailer REWE-
Beteiligungs-Holding International GmbH (REWE) of full control of ALDIS
SERVICE PLUS (ASP), a French wholesale in the food and other products
market. ASP is currently jointly controlled by Rewe and METRO HOLDING
France (the deal, which was notified on August 2, was examined under a
simplified procedure)
[06] Rédiffusion de notes
[07] The Commisison is shocked and saddened by the deaths of hostages in
The Commission reacted with shock and deep sadness to the news of the
deaths of hostages at the school in Northern Ossetia in Russia. “Killing
of these innocent people is an evil, despicable act of barbarism. The fact
that many of them appear to have been young children murdered in cold blood
is simply horrible”, said the President of the Commission Romano Prodi.
The Commission condemns all forms of terrorism fully and unconditionally.
It regrets that the hostage crisis could not be solved peacefully but the
blame cannot be put on anyone else but those who committed this heinous
crime. “I would like to express my deepest and sincerest condolences to
the families of the victims who will have to live with the memory of this
horrible day. The fight against terrorism is a common cause to all peace-
loving peoples and governments of the world”, he said.
[08] European Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin highlights potential
benefits of EU - Libya scientific co-operation.
During a visit to Tripoli on 4 and 5 September, Commissioner Busquin
discussed with Libyan authorities the potential mutual benefits for Libya
and the EU in establishing scientific and technological co-operation, once
Libya would have joined the Barcelona process for co-operation between the
EU and the Mediterranean countries. In a series of discussions with the
secretary of Foreign Affairs at the General People's Congress and the
government ministers in charge of co-operation and agriculture, emphasis
was put on the mutual scientific and economic benefits of R&D co-
operation. Joint inititiatives could cover genomics and veterinary
research on Libyan cattle, including goats and camels. Scientists believe
camel milk has ecomomic and health potential given its low allergic
characteristics, possibly making it a valid alternative to cow's milk.
Research on the breeding and selection of camels holds an interest for
large parts of Africa. Another potential area for co-operation in R&D
relates to solar energy, which is in abundant supply in Libya and
neighbouring countries. Commissioner Busquin invited a Libyan expert to
attend the launch of a technology platform on photovoltaics in Brussels on
28 September.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/