European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 04-07-07
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome
of today's Commission meeting
[01] Emissions trading : Commission clears over 5,000 plants to enter
emissions market next January
[02] Echange de quotas d'émission : la Commission entame des actions pour
accélérer les préparatifs dans les Etats membres
[03] New guidelines set forth Commission approach to saving companies in
[04] Feu vert conditionnel pour l'aide accordée à Alstom
[05] La Commission inflige une amende à Tetra Laval pour avoir fourni des
renseignements inexacts lors de l'acquisition de Sidel
[06] Commission proposes comprehensive measures to end isolation of Turkish
Cypriot community
[07] Developing countries : Commission unveils system of trade preferences
for next ten years – simple, transparent and objective
[08] Commission asks Italy to change its rules on accounting by
professional sports clubs ('Salva calcio')
[09] Discrimination fiscale : la Commission demande à la France de modifier
le régime PEA
[10] La Commission demande à la France de lever l'interdiction de
publicité télévisée pour l'édition et le cinéma
[11] Cross-border shopping : Commission requests UK to amend its policy of
seizure of tobacco and cars
[12] Safe loading and unloading of bulk carriers : Commission decides to
take five Member States to the Court of Justice
[13] Maritime safety : Commission sends reasoned opinions to eight Member
[14] Passenger ships safety : Commission sends reasoned opinion to Italy
[15] Safety of maritime traffic : Commission sends reasoned opinions to
nine Member States
[16] Interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system :
Commission decides to take six Member States to the Court of Justice
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[17] EU-Ukraine Summit (08/07, The Hague)
[18] UE-ACP : lancement de négociations avec la région du Sud de
[19] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2004-07-07
Reference: MEX/04/0707
Date: 07/07/2004
EXME04 / 7.7
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome
of today's Commission meeting
[01] Emissions trading : Commission clears over 5,000 plants to enter
emissions market next January
The European Commission has accepted eight national allocation plans for
CO² emission allowances. Five plans - from Denmark, Ireland, the
Netherlands, Slovenia and Sweden - have been accepted unconditionally.
Another three - from Austria, Germany and the United Kingdom - have been
approved on condition that technical changes are made. This will make them
automatically acceptable, without requiring a second assessment by the
Commission. National allocation plans outline the number of CO² emission
allowances that Member States intend to allocate to energy-intensive
industrial plants, so they can participate in emissions trading from
January 2005. Today's decision clears over 5,000 plants of an estimated 12,
000 in the EU25. They will receive over 40% of the allowances expected to
be put into circulation. The EU emissions trading scheme will ensure that
greenhouse gas emissions in the energy and industry sectors are cut at
least cost to the economy and help the EU and its Member States meet their
emission targets under the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.
[02] Echange de quotas d'émission : la Commission entame des actions pour
accélérer les préparatifs dans les Etats membres
Pour permettre une bonne mise en route du système d'échange de quotas
d’émission dans l'UE dès janvier prochain, la Commission européenne
entame actuellement des actions à l'encontre des Etats membres qui tardent
à prendre toutes les mesures de préparation qui s'imposent. Le système en
question permettra de réduire, au moindre coût pour l'économie, les
émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans les secteurs de l'industrie et de
l'énergie et aidera l'UE et les Etats membres à réaliser leurs objectifs
en matière d'émissions conformément au protocole de Kyoto de 1997.
Ce sera le plus vaste système de ce type jamais mis en place. La
Commission a décidé d'envoyer à deux Etats membres, à savoir la Grèce et
l'Italie, un premier avertissement écrit pour n'avoir pas encore soumis
leur plan national d'allocation de quotas. Ce plan doit préciser la
quantité de quotas d'émission que chaque Etat membre a l'intention
d'allouer à ses entreprises. La Commission a également décidé d'adresser
un dernier avertissement écrit à tous les Etats membres de l'UE, excepté
l'Autriche, l'Allemagne, la France et la Suède, dès lors qu'à la date du
31 décembre 2003 ils n'avaient pas encore transposé intégralement la
directive sur l'échange de quotas d'émission dans leur droit national,
ainsi qu'ils en avaient l'obligation.
[03] New guidelines set forth Commission approach to saving companies in
The new guidelines clarify the approach the European Commission intends to
take in individual cases where the State financially supports a rescue and
restructuring operation in favor of individual enterprises. These
guidelines are an essential State aid policy instrument because they make
Commission decisions in individual cases more predictable for companies and
the public at large.
[04] Feu vert conditionnel pour l'aide accordée à Alstom
La Commission européenne a approuvé les aides octroyées par la
France à Alstom au soutien de sa restructuration industrielle. L'aide mise
à exécution par la France est cependant soumise aux conditions strictes, y
compris des cessions et des mesures d'ouverture de marché. "L'ensemble de
mesures importantes de cessions, d'ouverture de marché et de
restructuration permet de rétablir des conditions de concurrence saines",
a déclaré Mario Monti, le Commissaire chargé de la concurrence.
[05] La Commission inflige une amende à Tetra Laval pour avoir fourni des
renseignements inexacts lors de l'acquisition de Sidel
La Commission européenne a décidé d'infliger une amende de 90.000 € au
producteur helvético suédois d'emballages en carton Tetra Laval B.V. pour
avoir fourni des renseignements inexacts concernant l'existence de sa
technologie Tetra Fast lorsqu'elle a demandé que son acquisition de
l'entreprise française Sidel soit autorisée conformément au règlement
sur les concentrations. La Commission souhaite réaffirmer qu'il est de la
plus haute importance que les parties à une opération de concentration
respectent les obligations en matière de notification énoncées dans le
"formulaire CO" et qu'elles fournissent des renseignements complets et
exacts concernant leurs activités respectives, compte tenu, en particulier,
des délais légaux stricts applicables au contrôle des concentrations.
C'est la cinquième fois seulement que la Commission inflige une amende de
cette nature dans une affaire de concentration. Il est à noter que le
nouveau règlement sur les concentrations, qui est entré en vigueur le 1er
mai, prévoit des amendes pouvant atteindre 1% du chiffre d'affaires global
si les entreprises fournissent des renseignements inexacts ou dénaturés,
alors que l'ancien règlement, applicable à l'affaire en cause, prévoyait
des amendes de 1.000 à 50.000 €.
[06] Commission proposes comprehensive measures to end isolation of Turkish
Cypriot community
Responding to the invitation of the Council, the European Commission has
proposed a comprehensive package of aid and trade measures which aim to put
an end to the isolation of the Turkish Cypriot community and to facilitate
the reunification of Cyprus. These measures will facilitate trade from the
northern part of the island and strengthen its economic integration through
financial assistance of €259 million. They also set specific rules for
goods crossing the green line separating the Greek Cypriot and the Turkish
Cypriot communities.
[07] Developing countries : Commission unveils system of trade preferences
for next ten years – simple, transparent and objective
Today the European Commission has adopted a Communication setting out the
principles that will guide the EU system of trade preferences for
developing countries (Generalised System of Preferences - GSP) for the next
ten years. The GSP is a key instrument to help developing countries reduce
poverty by generating revenue through international trade. The Commission
proposes to improve the current system in a number of areas: simplification
(cutting back the five separate arrangements which exist at present);
focusing the benefits on those developing countries most in need, fostering
regional cooperation and strengthening the focus for additional GSP
benefits on sustainable development.
[08] Commission asks Italy to change its rules on accounting by
professional sports clubs ('Salva calcio')
The European Commission has decided to ask Italy formally to change its
"Salva-Calcio" law on financial reporting by professional sports clubs,
including Serie A football clubs. The Commission believes that the
legislation breaches EU accounting laws in that the balance sheets of a
number of sport clubs fail to provide a true and fair view. The
Commission's request takes the form of a 'reasoned opinion', the second
stage of EC Treaty infringement procedures (Article 226). Unless a
satisfactory response is received within two months, the Commission may
refer the case to the Court of Justice.
[09] Discrimination fiscale : la Commission demande à la France de modifier
le régime PEA
La Commission européenne a décidé de demander formellement à la France
de modifier sa législation relative au Plan d'Epargne en Actions (PEA- loi
de 1992) pour étendre les avantages fiscaux aux investissements dans
l'Espace économique européen. La demande prendra la forme d'un avis
[10] La Commission demande à la France de lever l'interdiction de
publicité télévisée pour l'édition et le cinéma
La Commission européenne a décidé de demander formellement à la France
de revoir sa réglementation interdisant la publicité télévisée pour
les secteurs de l'édition et du cinéma. Selon la Commission, cette
interdiction viole la liberté de prestation des services (article 49 CE)
dans la mesure où des mesures moins restrictives seraient possibles pour
atteindre l'objectif de protection de la diversité culturelle mis en avant
par les autorités françaises. La demande de la Commission prend la forme
d'un 'avis motivé', qui constitue la deuxième étape de la
procédure d'infraction en vertu de l'article 226 du traité CE. En
l'absence de réponse satisfaisante dans un délai de deux mois, la
Commission peut saisir la Cour de justice.
[11] Cross-border shopping : Commission requests UK to amend its policy of
seizure of tobacco and cars
The European Commission has decided to send the United Kingdom a formal
request to amend its policies relating to excise duties and cross-border
shopping for tobacco and alcohol. The Commission's request concerns the
policy of seizing goods and sometimes cars even for minor offences and
follows on earlier letters of formal notice (see IP/01/1482, IP/02/1320 and
IP/03/1539). The Commission considers that such seizures are
disproportionate to the gravity of the offence in some situations and
represent an obstacle to the free movement of goods subject to excise
duties in the Internal Market. The request has been sent in the form of a
reasoned opinion which is the second stage of the infringement procedure
provided for in Article 226 of the Treaty. If there is no satisfactory
response to the reasoned opinion within two months the Commission may refer
the matter to the Court of Justice.
[12] Safe loading and unloading of bulk carriers : Commission decides to
take five Member States to the Court of Justice
The European Commission has decided to lodge a complaint with the Court of
Justice against Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Finland for
failure to respect EU maritime legislation on safe loading and unloading of
bulk carriers. (Directive 2001/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 4 December 2001 establishing harmonised requirements and
procedures for the safe loading and unloading of bulk carriers - OJ L 13,
16.1.2002, p. 9). This Directive establishes harmonised suitability
requirements for ships and terminals and improved cooperation and
communication procedures between bulk carriers and terminals. The aim of
the legislation infringed is to enhance the safety of bulk carriers calling
at terminals in the Member States by reducing the risks of excessive
stresses and physical damage to the ship's structure during loading and
unloading. Member States had to adopt the necessary legislation before 5
August 2003.
[13] Maritime safety : Commission sends reasoned opinions to eight Member
The European Commission has sent reasoned opinions – the last step before
a formal complaint to the Court of Justice is lodged – to Belgium,
Luxemburg and Finland for failure to respect EU legislation on safety rules
and standards for passenger ships (Commission Directive 2003/75/EC of 29
July 2003 amending Annex I to Council Directive 98/18/EC on safety rules
and standards for passenger ships (OJ L 190, 30.7.2003, p. 6). This
Directive provides for modifications to be introduced to life-rafts, fast
rescue boats, means of rescue and life jackets on existing ro-ro ships and
calls upon Member States to adopt the necessary legislation by 30 January
2004. The Commission has also decided to send reasoned opinions to Belgium,
Greece, France, Italy, Luxemburg, Finland, Portugal, Denmark and Sweden for
failure to communicate national measures fully transposing a 2002 Directive
(Directive 2002/84/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5
November 2002 amending Directives on maritime safety and the prevention of
pollution from ships (JO L 324, 29.11.2002, p. 53). This Directive provides
for the amendment of 11 EU maritime safety directives in order to
accelerate their update and facilitate their amendment in the light of
developments in the international instruments applicable in the field of
maritime safety, prevention of pollution from ships and shipboard living
and working conditions.
[14] Passenger ships safety : Commission sends reasoned opinion to Italy
The European Commission has decided to send a reasoned opinion to Italy for
failure to correctly implement a 1999 Directive (Council Directive
1999/35/EC of 29 April 1999 on a system of mandatory surveys for the safe
operation of regular ro-ro ferry and high-speed passenger craft services
(OJ L 138, 1.6.1999, p. 1). The directive provides for certain
verifications (inter alia, carriage of valid certificates, compliance with
standards for classification) to be performed by Member States prior to the
start of operation by a ro-ro ferry or high-speed passenger craft on a
regular. Following a complaint, the Commission sent a reasoned opinion to
Italy for limiting acceptable standards for classification to those
established by recognised organisations, thus excluding those accepted as
equivalent by the administration of the flag State. This decision by
Italian authorities is contrary to Article 4 (1) (c) of the Directive.
[15] Safety of maritime traffic : Commission sends reasoned opinions to
nine Member States
The European Commission has sent reasoned opinions – the last step before
a formal complaint is lodged with the Court of Justice – to Belgium,
Greece, France, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland and the
United Kingdom for failure to communicate national measures transposing a
2002 Directive (Commission Directive 2002/59/EC of 27 June 2002
establishing a EU vessel traffic monitoring and information system and
repealing Council Directive 93/75/EC (OJ L 208, 5.8.2002, p. 10). This
Directive, which is an essential part of the second package of legal
instruments adopted by the EU in the wake of the Erika accident, sets out
the obligation to notify the maritime authorities, in particular in case a
ship is carrying dangerous or polluting goods. The Directive also provides
for the monitoring of hazardous ships and for the intervention in the event
of accidents at sea. In this context it sets out the obligation for Member
States to drawn up plans to accommodate ships in distress in the waters
under their jurisdiction by improving the response of authorities to
incidents, accidents and potentially dangerous situations at sea, in order
to contribute to better prevention and detection of pollution by ships.
Member States had to adopt the necessary legislation before 5 February
[16] Interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system :
Commission decides to take six Member States to the Court of Justice
The European Commission has decided to lodge a complaint with the Court of
Justice against Germany, France, Greece, Italy, the United Kingdom and
Sweden for failure to respect EU legislation on the interoperability of the
trans-European conventional rail system. The aim of the legislation
infringed is to establish the conditions to be met to achieve
interoperability within the EU territory of the trans-European conventional
rail system (Directive 2001/16/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 19 March 2001 on the interoperability of the trans-European
conventional rail system (OJ L 110, 20.04.2001, p. 1). These conditions
concern the design, construction, putting into service, upgrading, renewal,
operation and maintenance of the parts of this system as well as the
professional qualifications and health and safety conditions of the staff
who contribute to its operation. Member States had to adopt the necessary
legislation before 20 April 2003.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[17] EU-Ukraine Summit (08/07, The Hague)
The European Union and Ukraine will hold their annual Summit on 8 July in
The Hague. The Summit will be hosted by Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende,
as President of the European Council, accompanied by Foreign Minister
Bernard Bot. The Commission will be represented by President Romano Prodi.
Commissioner for External Relations Chris Patten as well the High
Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana will
also attend. Leaders are expected to endorse the strengthening of EU-
Ukraine bilateral relations through the European Neighbourhood Policy by
completing work on a joint Action Plan. The EU seeks to reach early
agreement on an Action Plan with measures to ensure the application of the
highest democratic standards in Ukraine, and to promote efforts for
continued economic and structural reform. The Summit should underline the
importance of upholding the shared values of democracy, the rule of law,
and respect for human rights including media freedom. The EU will recall
the importance of ensuring the democratic conduct of the upcoming
presidential elections in Ukraine in October 2004, and underline the
importance of impartial, unhindered and balanced media coverage during the
election campaign.
[18] UE-ACP : lancement de négociations avec la région du Sud de
L'UE et sept pays du Sud de l'Afrique ont décidé d'unir leurs forces et
de promouvoir le commerce et le développement en négociant un accord de
partenariat économique de région à région (APE). La cérémonie
d'ouverture aura lieu le 8 juillet à Windhoek, en Namibie. En favorisant
les échanges entre les deux régions et en établissant des règles
commerciales claires, l'APE contribuera à l'intégration économique de la
région. La suppression des barrières commerciales au sein de la région
est le complément nécessaire à l'accès presque total au marché de l'UE
dont jouissent déjà ces pays.
[19] Autre matériel diffusé
Colloque entre le Président de la Commission européenne et le Président
du Congrès juif européen
La Commission adopte une proposition modifiant le mécanisme de
réciprocité du règlement visa Schengen
EU-South African Development Community (SADC) : facts and figures
Commission adopts new rules governing aid to firms in difficulty
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/