European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 04-04-23
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Colonel Kadhafi to visit the European Commission on 27 April
[02] "Livre vert" sur les obligations alimentaires : la Commission
sollicite l'avis des milieux intéressés
[03] More legal certainty for TV advertising : Commission clarifies its
interpretation of the "Television without Frontiers" (TVWF) Directive
[04] Commission welcomes agreement among European regulators on competition
remedies to be used in the field of electronic communications
[05] Commission clears Aegon's stake in Spanish life insurer Mediterraneo
[06] A new impetus for European biotechnology : bringing coherence to EU
biotechnology policies
[07] MEDA : la Commission prévoit une enveloppe supplémentaire de €34,5
millions pour l'Algérie, l'Egypte, la Jordanie, le Liban, le Maroc, la
Syrie et la Tunisie
[08] Commission grants €400,000 to support reconciliation efforts in Rwanda
[09] La protection sociale en Europe entre 1992 et 2001 : hausse des
dépenses de protection sociale par habitant de près de 2% par an dans l'UE
; Les dépenses totales représentaient 27,5% du PIB de l'UE en 2001
[10] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 23/04/2004
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 23/04/2004
[01] Colonel Kadhafi to visit the European Commission on 27 April
Colonel Mohamar Kadhafi, Leader of the Libyan Jamahiriya, will visit the
European Commission on Tuesday 27th April. His visit to the Commission
marks Colonel Kadhafi's first visit to Europe in many years, preparing the
ground for a full normalisation of relations between Libya and the European
[02] "Livre vert" sur les obligations alimentaires : la Commission
sollicite l'avis des milieux intéressés
La Commission européenne a préparé un document de réflexion (Livre vert)
sur le recouvrement transfrontière des obligations alimentaires (c'est-à-
dire par exemple des pensions dues à un enfant par celui de ses parents qui
ne réside pas avec lui). Le but de la Commission est de recueillir l'avis
de tous les milieux intéressés sur les différentes questions qui se posent
avant l'audition qu'elle organise le 2 juin prochain à Bruxelles et le
lancement, la semaine suivante, de la deuxième phase de négociations dans
le cadre de la conférence de La Haye de droit international privé. La
Commission compte présenter prochainement une proposition législative
communautaire comportant des règles applicables entre Etats membres de
l'Union. Quant à la conférence de La Haye, elle prépare une convention
visant à moderniser le dispositif existant (composé de plusieurs
conventions internationales et d'accords régionaux ou bilatéraux) qui
pourrait s'appliquer notamment entre les Etats membres de l'UE et les Etats
[03] More legal certainty for TV advertising : Commission clarifies its
interpretation of the "Television without Frontiers" (TVWF) Directive
With the development of new advertising techniques, such as split screen,
interactive advertising and virtual advertising and the increasing use of
new forms of advertising, questions about the proper interpretation of the
rules on advertising in the Television without Frontiers (TVWF) Directive,
and the compatibility of these practices therewith, have repeatedly been
put to the Commission. Through a Communication adopted today, the European
Commission intends to clarify its interpretation of the Directive. The
Communication shows that new advertising techniques and new forms of
advertising are compatible with the Directive, provided that their use
respects the objectives of general interest pursued by the Directive,
namely the viewers right to a clear separation between editorial content
and commercial communication as well as the viewers right to protection
against excessive advertising, as detailed in the Directive, and the right
of the rights-holders to the respect of the integrity of their audiovisual
works. In accordance with the case law of the European Court of Justice, it
is based on the principle that a prohibition of and advertising technique
or a form of advertising applies to the extent and to the extent only that
it is clearly stated in the Directive. However, it is without prejudice of
the Directive's faculty for the Member States to foresee stricter and/or
more detailed rules for broadcasters under their jurisdiction.
[04] Commission welcomes agreement among European regulators on competition
remedies to be used in the field of electronic communications
The European Regulators Group (ERG), which brings together the national
authorities responsible for electronic communication markets, today
published a "Common Position" on how they apply remedies to address
competition problems in the newly opened markets for electronic
communications. The EU regulatory framework sets out a 'menu' of remedies
that National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) can apply to address specific
problems that may arise in markets where there is one or more operators
with significant market power. The 'menu' includes obligations to provide
access, non-discrimination, transparency, cost accounting and price
[05] Commission clears Aegon's stake in Spanish life insurer Mediterraneo
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to a proposed operation whereby Aegon N.V. of the Netherlands and Caja de
Ahorros del Mediterraneo (CAM) of Spain acquire joint control of life
insurer Mediterraneo Vida S.A., presently a 100% subsidiary of CAM. (The
operation, which was notified on 18 March 2004, was examined under a
simplifed review procedure)
[06] A new impetus for European biotechnology : bringing coherence to EU
biotechnology policies
Today the European Commission presented a report on the implementation of
the "Life Sciences & Biotechnology Strategy" adopted in 2002. The report
highlights that progress has been made, in regards to biotechnology sector
players as well as the public and business stakeholders, on the EU action
plan's recommendations. Highlights over the last 12 months include the
launch of a high level advisory group on "Competitiveness in Biotechnology",
the completion of an EU regulatory framework for Genetically Modified
Organisms (GMOs) and initiatives to boost research and increase the number
of scientists in the biotech sector. The progress report identifies
upcoming issues, including genetic testing and animal biotechnology.
Biotechnology covers a wide range of powerful, but also sometimes
controversial, technologies. It can make a vital contribution towards the
long-term future of industries such as pharmaceuticals, food, agriculture,
energy, textiles and chemicals. But success in developing biotechnology
also depends on finding solutions to the significant ethical, societal,
economic and environmental issues it throws up. The EU strategy provides a
consistent approach to these challenges.
[07] MEDA : la Commission prévoit une enveloppe supplémentaire de €34,5
millions pour l'Algérie, l'Egypte, la Jordanie, le Liban, le Maroc, la
Syrie et la Tunisie
Dans le cadre du programme MEDA, la Commission européenne va consacrer €34,
5 millions supplémentaires au soutien d'actions de coopération en Algérie,
en Egypte, en Jordanie, au Liban, au Maroc, en Syrie et en Tunisie. Cette
nouvelle enveloppe, qui complète les plans de financement nationaux 2002,
soutiendra deux projets : le programme de réhabilitation des zones
sinistrées par le terrorisme en Algérie et le programme Tempus dans sept
pays (Algérie, Egypte, Jordanie, Liban, Maroc, Syrie et Tunisie).
[08] Commission grants €400,000 to support reconciliation efforts in Rwanda
The European Commission, under the European Initiative for Democracy and
Human Rights (EIDHR), will contribute €400,000 towards efforts to promote
the national reconciliation process and to contribute to durable peace in
Rwanda. This follows the Rwandan Government's decision, on the occasion of
the 10th Commemoration of the Genocide, on 7th April 2004, to launch such a
reconciliation programme. Funds will finance the rehabilitation of some 1,
060 houses (10 houses in each of the 106 districts of Rwanda) belonging to
widows and orphans of the Genocide. Victims of the genocide and the
perpetrators of the crimes will join forces to carry out the reconstruction
works. The project will be implemented by the Executive Secretariat "TIG"
(Travaux d'Intérêt Général) under the Authority of the Ministry of Justice
of Rwanda together with the NGO Prison Fellowship, the "survivors'
associations" and "widows of the genocide" (IBUKA-AVEGA). These
organisations will identify participants and beneficiaries of the
[09] La protection sociale en Europe entre 1992 et 2001 : hausse des
dépenses de protection sociale par habitant de près de 2% par an dans l'UE
; Les dépenses totales représentaient 27,5% du PIB de l'UE en 2001
Selon un rapport publié aujourd'hui par Eurostat, au cours de la période
1992-2001, les dépenses de protection sociale par habitant à prix constants
dans l'UE ont augmenté de 1,9% par an en moyenne. Les dépenses de
protection sociale représentaient 27,5% du PIB en 2001, soit un niveau
sensiblement voisin de celui de 1992 (27,7%). Cette part, qui avait atteint
un maximum de 28,8% en 1993 a ensuite progressivement baissé pour atteindre
27,3% en 2000.
[10] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by President Prodi : "Russia and the European Union: enduring ties,
widening horizons" (Moscow)
Speech by Franz Fischler : "EU-Enlargement : more countries, more
opportunity" au European Forum on 'EU-enlargement a win-win case for all'
(22/04, Hassleholm, Sweden)
Note sur la préparation du Conseil Agriculture consacré à la sécurité
Calendrier du 26 avril au 1er mai 2004
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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