European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 04-04-13
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Les enfants menacés de suffocation : nouvelles mesures européennes de
retrait des produits de gelée en mini-barquettes
[02] Romano Prodi visits China to strengthen bilateral ties
[03] Commission allocates €7 million in humanitarian aid to vulnerable
populations in Chad, Madagascar and Ethiopia
[04] WTO India-GSP : WTO confirms differentiation among developing
countries is possible
Midday Express 13/04/2004
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 13/04/2004
[01] Les enfants menacés de suffocation : nouvelles mesures européennes de
retrait des produits de gelée en mini-barquettes
La Commission européenne a adopté aujourd'hui des mesures visant à
suspendre la mise sur le marché, dans l'UE, de produits de gelée en mini-
barquettes contenant certains additifs alimentaires dérivés d'algues et/ou
de certaines gommes. Ces produits sont susceptibles de provoquer une
suffocation en raison de leur consistance, de leur forme et de leur taille.
La décision a été approuvée par les Etats membres au sein du comité
permanent de la chaîne alimentaire et de la santé animale.
[02] Romano Prodi visits China to strengthen bilateral ties
Romano Prodi, will visit Beijing and Shanghai from 13 to 16 April, at the
invitation of the Chinese authorities, in the third official visit to China
by a President of the European Commission. Mr Prodi will meet Chinese
President Hu Jintao and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao to discuss ways to
enhance the rapidly growing partnership between the EU and China. He will
also make two keynote speeches on political and economic relations and
launch a new EU-funded programme for European Studies in China.
[03] Commission allocates €7 million in humanitarian aid to vulnerable
populations in Chad, Madagascar and Ethiopia
The European Commission has adopted three humanitarian aid packages,
totalling €7 million, in response to the crises in Chad (€4 million),
Madagascar (€2 million) and Ethiopia (€1 million). These funds are managed
by the Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) under the responsibility of
Commissioner Poul Nielson. They will help to improve access to clean water,
sanitation and health-care and provide food-aid and nutritional support,
shelter and protection for refugees and other victims of conflicts and
natural disasters.
[04] WTO India-GSP : WTO confirms differentiation among developing
countries is possible
In a report issued on Wednesday 7 April, the WTO Appellate Body reversed
the finding of a WTO panel in December 2003 -and rejected India's claim
that WTO rules do not allow to differentiate between developing countries.
India had challenged the EU's system of trade preferences for seriously
drug-affected countries (so-called GSP drug regime). India argued that this
regime discriminated among developing countries and was thus contrary to
the WTO "Enabling Clause", which allows preferential and more favourable
treatment to developing countries. The WTO Appellate Body has nevertheless
found that the EU's current GSP drug regime is not based on objective and
transparent criteria for the selection of the beneficiary countries. The EU
will now examine the Appellate Body report in detail to consider its
practical implications for EU legislation in this respect.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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