European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 04-03-31
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] La Commission boucle la modernisation du régime d'application des
règles communautaires en matière d'ententes et d'abus de position dominante
[02] Commission approves €223.5 million Euratom Loan to finance safety
measures at nuclear power plant in Cernavodã, Romania
[03] Western Balkans : launch of first European Partnerships, Annual Report
[04] Gibraltar planned corporate tax not in line with EU State aid rules
[05] Un régime italien d'aides aux entreprises acquérant des entreprises en
liquidation déclaré contraire aux règles européennes en matière d'aides
[06] Commission approves modified German environmental tax, including
special rules for energy intensive users
[07] La Commission autorise des aides d'Etat mises en place à travers la
"taxe d'abattage" en France
[08] Commission authorises aid to the coal industry in the Autonomous
Community of Castile-Leon
[09] La Commission examine le nouveau régime d'aide en faveur de plusieurs
entreprises charbonnières espagnoles
[10] Free movement of capital : Commission asks Germany to amend the
Volkswagen law
[11] Free movement of services : Commission inquires into Danish
restrictions on sports betting
[12] Marchés publics : la Commission demande à six Etats membres de
remédier à des infractions aux réglementations communautaires
[13] Freedom to provide services : infringement proceedings against Germany
and Austria
[14] Commission takes legal action against Germany on breach of EU
environmental law
[15] Nuclear safeguards : Commission imposes binding measures to put an end
to an infringement at the Sellafield site in the United Kingdom
[16] Austria faces legal action for lack of conformity of its legislation
with Euratom provisions on Radiation Protection
[17] Radioactivité dans l'environnement : le Portugal confronté à un
recours pour non-application des exigences d'Euratom
[18] Port State control and marine equipment : Commission decides to take
Finland and Italy to the European Court of Justice
[19] Sécurité maritime : la Commission envoie des avis motivés à six Etats
[20] Short Sea Shipping : Commission sends reasoned opinions to three
Member States
[21] Road safety : Commission sends reasoned opinions to eight Member
[22] Nuisances sonores autour des aéroports : la Commission somme huit
Etats membres de mettre en oeuvre la législation communautaire
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[23] Romano Prodi congratulates Eddie Fenech Adami
[24] Le nouveau Centre européen de prévention et de contrôle des maladies
[25] Influenza and how the EU should respond to a pandemic
[26] EU ratifies international treaty on plant genetic resources improving
access to seeds and agricultural biodiversity
[27] Lutte contre le terrorisme : la Commission propose des mesures sur les
échanges d'informations et sur le "casier judiciaire européen"
[28] March 2004 : economic sentiment sees small improvement
[29] March 2004 : the euro area Business Climate Indicator fell for the
second month in a row
[30] Estimation rapide - mars 2004 : l'inflation de la zone euro estimée à
[31] Fonds de placement : la Commission propose un plan en vue de
rapprocher les règles nationales sur les dépositaires d'OPCVM
[32] European Parliament votes for safer paint to fight air pollution
[33] Services financiers : l'approbation par le Parlement européen de la
proposition de directive sur la transparence est une bonne nouvelle pour
les investisseurs
[34] Investment Services : European Parliament approval of proposed
Directive brings integrated capital market nearer
[35] Arrêt de la Cour de Justice sur le pouvoir d'investigation de l'OLAF
au Parlement européen
[36] Restrictions lifted on poultry imports from the USA and Canada ; only
Texas and a part of British Columbia still restricted
[37] EU-Ukraine : Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) extended to
the enlarged EU (30 March 2004)
[38] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 31/03/2004
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 31/03/2004[I] Résultats de la Commission
du 30 mars 2004 - Outcome of Commission meeting of 30 March 2004
[01] La Commission boucle la modernisation du régime d'application des
règles communautaires en matière d'ententes et d'abus de position dominante
La Commission européenne a adopté une série de documents qui achèvent la
modernisation historique des règles et des procédures applicables dans
l'Union européenne en matière d'ententes et d'abus de position dominante.
Ces documents, qui portent sur des sujets tels que le traitement des
plaintes, la publication de lettres d'orientation et le fonctionnement du
réseau européen de la concurrence (REC) reliant l'ensemble des autorités
européennes de la concurrence, entreront en vigueur le 1er mai, au même
moment que le nouveau règlement relatif à la mise en œuvre des règles
applicables en matière d'ententes et d'abus de position dominante.
[02] Commission approves €223.5 million Euratom Loan to finance safety
measures at nuclear power plant in Cernavodã, Romania
On behalf of Euratom, the European Commission has approved a loan to the
Romanian National Nuclear Power Company (SNN) for the completion and safety
upgrade of unit 2 at the Cernavodã nuclear power plant. The project
concerns the implementation of some safety measures during the completion
of the unit so as to ensure an internationally acceptable safety level. The
third-generation nuclear power unit is of Canadian design (CANDU6) and is
located on the north shore of the River Danube/Black Sea Canal close to the
Bulgarian border.
[03] Western Balkans : launch of first European Partnerships, Annual Report
The European Commission has approved the first ever European Partnerships
for the Western Balkans which are inspired by the Accession Partnerships
that have helped prepare countries for eventual EU membership in the past.
The Partnerships are based on the third Annual Reports on these countries,
also published. Since the Commission will publish shortly its Opinion on
Croatia's application for EU membership, no individual country paper is
published for Croatia for the moment. In the 2004 annual report on the
Stabilisation and Association Process (SAp), the Commission reviews
progress across the region : reforms are underway in many sectors, and
there has been significant development of regional co operation. However,
many challenges remain to complete the transition to functioning
democracies and market economies. Further efforts are needed to forge
reconciliation in the region, and recent events in Kosovo show that
stabilisation in certain parts of the region remains fragile.
[04] Gibraltar planned corporate tax not in line with EU State aid rules
The European Commission has decided that the planned reform of Gibraltar's
company taxation laws is not in line with EU rules on State aid. Therefore,
it shall not be implemented. The reform aimed at abolishing the current 35%
corporate tax rate and replacing it with a payroll tax and a business
property occupation tax - both capped at 15% of profit. Thereby, companies
registered in Gibraltar would benefit from a much lower tax rate than the
corporate tax rate applicable in the United Kingdom. This will give
companies registered in Gibraltar an unfair advantage. In addition, since
the tax is based on payroll and occupation of business premises, offshore
companies which have no physical presence in Gibraltar will not incur any
tax liability at all.
[05] Un régime italien d'aides aux entreprises acquérant des entreprises en
liquidation déclaré contraire aux règles européennes en matière d'aides
La Commission européenne a adopté une décision selon laquelle le régime
italien accordant des subventions et certaines réductions de cotisations de
sécurité sociale ne peut se justifier au regard des règles relatives aux
aides d'Etat. Le régime italien octroyait ces avantages aux entreprises
acquérant une grande entreprise en difficulté. L'Italie est à présent tenue
de récupérer auprès de leurs bénéficiaires toutes les aides illégalement
[06] Commission approves modified German environmental tax, including
special rules for energy intensive users
The European Commission has approved the modified version of the German
environmental tax scheme, including the rules applicable to the most energy
intensive users (so-called "Spitzenausgleich"). The approval applies
retroactively for the period 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2006.
[07] La Commission autorise des aides d'Etat mises en place à travers la
"taxe d'abattage" en France
La Commission européenne a décidé de ne pas soulever d'objection à l'égard
des mesures en faveur des éleveurs et des entreprises d'abattage, financées
par la nouvelle "taxe d'abattage" française ainsi que des contributions
directes du budget.
[08] Commission authorises aid to the coal industry in the Autonomous
Community of Castile-Leon
The European Commission has decided not to raise any objections to the
subsidies amounting to almost €2 million annually up to 2007 which the
Autonomous Community of Castile-Leon is proposing to grant to private coal-
mining companies to improve working safety in mines and to protect the
environment. Neither does the Commission raise objections to subsidies for
the years 2001 and 2002 which have been granted by the same Community
without prior authorisation of the Commission. The aid is compatible with
the proper functioning of the internal market.
[09] La Commission examine le nouveau régime d'aide en faveur de plusieurs
entreprises charbonnières espagnoles
La Commission européenne a décidé d'ouvrir une procédure formelle d'examen
concernant la proposition espagnole d'accorder des aides à plusieurs
reprises charbonnières pour la période 2003-2005. La Commission doit
examiner si le plan de restructuration qui lui a été notifié par les
autorités espagnoles est conforme à la législation européenne sur les aides
d'Etat à l'industrie houillère. L'Espagne est donc invitée à présenter ses
observations et à fournir toutes les informations dont la Commission a
besoin pour évaluer le régime d'aide.
[10] Free movement of capital : Commission asks Germany to amend the
Volkswagen law
The European Commission has decided to send a formal request to Germany to
amend certain provisions of a 1960 law privatising Volkswagen (VW-law).
This state measure, based on a 1959 agreement between the Bund (federal
government) and the Land of Lower Saxony, confers special rights on
shareholders which have 20% of voting rights. Additionally, the law confers
on the Bund and the Land a specific right of mandatory representation in
the company's Supervisory Board, irrespective of the number of shares they
hold. Traditionally, both the Bund and the Land held roughly 20% voting
rights in VW, whereas nowadays the Land is its main shareholder, with
roughly 20% voting rights and two mandatory members of the board. The
Commission argues that these provisions of the VW law make it substantially
less attractive for other EU investors to acquire the company's shares with
a view to participating effectively in management decisions or controlling
it. The infringement procedure was initiated by sending a letter of formal
notice in March 2003 and the reply by the German authorities has not
changed the Commission's view that certain provisions of that law act as a
disincentive on investment from other Member States, in violation of EC
Treaty rules on the free movement of capital (Article 56) and the right of
establishment (Article 43). The Commission's request takes the form of a
reasoned opinion, the second stage of infringement procedures under Article
226 of the EC Treaty. Should the German authorities not take satisfactory
steps to remedy the infringement of Community law within two months of
receiving the reasoned opinion, the Commission may decide to refer the case
to the European Court of Justice.
[11] Free movement of services : Commission inquires into Danish
restrictions on sports betting
The European Commission has decided to send Denmark an official request for
information on its legislation, adopted on 26 March 2003, which prohibits
the supply or advertisement of, and the facilitation of participation in,
gambling services offered by providers licensed in other Member States.
Danish law restricts in particular the provision of sports betting
services. The Commission intends to verify the compatibility of the ban in
question with the provisions of the EC Treaty on the free movement of
services and on the freedom of establishment. The Commission's request will
take the form of a letter of formal notice, the first step of an
infringement procedure under Article 226 of the EC Treaty. Denmark will be
asked to respond within two months. If the Commission were not satisfied
with the response, it could send a formal request (known as a reasoned
opinion) for the system to be changed and if Denmark did not comply, the
Commission could take the case to the European Court of Justice.
[12] Marchés publics : la Commission demande à six Etats membres de
remédier à des infractions aux réglementations communautaires
La Commission européenne a décidé de demander formellement à six Etats
membres de rectifier un total de neuf infractions au droit communautaire
des marchés publics. Elle invite l'Italie à assurer une concurrence
équitable, ouverte aux soumissionnaires des autres Etats membres, lors de
l'attribution de contrats visant à la construction de lignes de chemin de
fer à grande vitesse. La Grèce est priée de se conformer aux directives
"Marchés publics" en ce qui concerne l'attribution de contrats relatifs à
l'impression et à la publication de manuels scolaires, alors que le
Portugal est appelé à mettre correctement en œuvre le droit communautaire
sur les marchés publics de l'eau, de l'énergie, des transports et des
télécommunications. La Commission a en outre décidé de demander à l'Irlande
et au Royaume-Uni de prévoir des procédures permettant aux soumissionnaires
de contester les décisions prises par les autorités adjudicatrices avant
qu'il ne soit trop tard pour modifier ces décisions, conformément à la
directive "Procédures de recours en matière de passation de marchés
publics". En Basse Saxe, la municipalité de Hinte a conclu un contrat de
traitement d'eaux usées sans passer par un appel d'offres et l'Allemagne
est invitée à remédier à cette situation. Ces demandes officielles se
présentent sous la forme d'avis motivés, qui constituent la deuxième étape
dans une procédure d'infraction engagée au titre de l'article 226 du traité
CE. En l'absence de réponse satisfaisante, la Commission peut renvoyer les
Etats membres en question devant la Cour européenne de justice. Dans deux
autres cas concernant l'Allemagne, la Commission s'appuie sur l'article 228
du traité pour demander aux autorités nationales d'appliquer des décisions
déjà prises par la Cour à propos de l'attribution illégale de contrats
portant sur la collecte des eaux usées à Bockhorn et sur le traitement des
déchets à Braunschweig (villes situées toutes deux en Basse Saxe
également). Si l'Allemagne ne se met pas en conformité, la Commission
pourra demander à la Cour de lui imposer une astreinte journalière.
[13] Freedom to provide services : infringement proceedings against Germany
and Austria
The European Commission has decided to take Germany and Austria to the
Court of Justice because of the obligation they impose, in infringement of
EC Treaty rules on the freedom to provide services (Article 49), on private
inspection bodies in the field of organic farming, including those
established in other Member States, to be established in their territory.
The Commission has also decided to send Austria formal notice, in the form
of a reasoned opinion, requesting it to amend its legislation on regular
inspections of pressure vessels (e.g. boilers), which is contrary to the
freedom to provide services as laid down by the Treaty. The reasoned
opinion is the second stage of the infringement procedure laid down in
Article 226 of the EC Treaty. If there is no satisfactory reply within two
months, the Commission may refer the matter to the Court of Justice.
[14] Commission takes legal action against Germany on breach of EU
environmental law
The European Commission has sent Germany a first written warning for
failing, in connection with an extension to Frankfurt Airport, to implement
correctly an EU law aimed at avoiding major industrial accidents. The
Hessian Government wishes to proceed with a new northwest runway at
Frankfurt Airport, despite the close proximity of this to the Ticona
chemical plant and despite a negative opinion from the German Accident
Commission ("Störfallkommission"). The Commission believes that the land-
use planning rules of the EU's Seveso II Directive have not been respected.
The Commisson will also send Germany final written warnings for failing to
implement correctly EU laws on nature conservation and on environmental
impact assessment in three other cases. One case concerns the natural site
"Niederungen der Unteren Havel" in Brandenburg. A stretch of this land
might be affected by the construction of a new road (B 102n), and Germany
did not correctly define the exact borders of the site when planning the
road. Another case concerns the failure of four German states - Brandenburg,
Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland and Sachsen-Anhalt - to adopt state laws on the
environmental assessment of plans and projects that may significantly
affect EU nature conservation sites. Laws for such assessments should have
been put in place by June 1994. The final case relates to the failure to
undertake an environmental impact assessment for a large wind farm project
at "Brualer Moor" in Niedersachsen. Under EU environmental law,
environmental impact assessments are an important safeguard for ensuring
that development projects are well-designed and do not lead to unnecessary
environmental harm.
[15] Nuclear safeguards : Commission imposes binding measures to put an end
to an infringement at the Sellafield site in the United Kingdom
The UK authorities have received a request from the European Commission to
put an end to a situation regarded as unacceptable at the Sellafield
nuclear facility. Loyola de Palacio, the Vice-President responsible for
Energy and Transport, said : "The Commission is responsible for checking
that the Member States comply with the provisions agreed by the Member
States in the framework of the Euratom Treaty; it is essential that these
checks can be carried out". The Commission's analysis concludes that the UK
operator, British Nuclear Fuel plc (BNFL) has failed to comply with the
provisions of the Euratom Treaty and the rules concerning accounting for
nuclear material and the access of Commission inspectors to nuclear
material to check the nature and quantity of the nuclear material. The UK
will have to submit an action plan by 1 June 2004 proposing the measures
needed to put an end to this infringement.
[16] Austria faces legal action for lack of conformity of its legislation
with Euratom provisions on Radiation Protection
The European Commission has decided to send two reasoned opinions to
Austria because of the lack of conformity of its legislation with two key
directives of the Euratom Treaty that ensure the protection of the health
of workers and general public against ionising radiation.
[17] Radioactivité dans l'environnement : le Portugal confronté à un
recours pour non-application des exigences d'Euratom
La Commission européenne a envoyé un avis motivé au Portugal pour non-
respect d'un certain nombre d'obligations Euratom concernant le contrôle du
niveau de la radioactivité en rapport avec les activités de l'Instituto
Tecnológico e Nuclear sur le campus de Sacavém, à Lisbonne.
[18] Port State control and marine equipment : Commission decides to take
Finland and Italy to the European Court of Justice
The European Commission has decided to lodge a complaint to the Court of
Justice against Finland for failure to respect EU legislation on Port State
control of shipping. The aim of the infringed legislation is to reduce
substandard shipping in the waters under the jurisdiction of Member States
by increasing compliance with international and Community legislation. The
Commission also decided to take Italy to the Court of Justice for failure
to transpose into national law EU legislation on marine equipment aimed at
ensuring the uniform application of the international instruments relating
to equipment placed on board seagoing ships.
[19] Sécurité maritime : la Commission envoie des avis motivés à six Etats
La Commission européenne a envoyé des avis motivés - dernier stade de la
procédure avant la saisine de la Cour de justice - à la Belgique, à la
France, à l'Italie, aux Pays-Bas, à l'Autriche et à la Finlande, pour non-
respect de la législation de l'UE sur le chargement et le déchargement sûrs
des vraquiers. La législation en question a pour objet de renforcer la
sécurité des vraquiers faisant escale aux terminaux des Etats membres en
réduisant les risques de contraintes excessives et d'avarie matérielle de
structure du navire au cours du chargement ou du déchargement.
[20] Short Sea Shipping : Commission sends reasoned opinions to three
Member States
The European Commission has sent reasoned opinions - the last step before a
formal complaint to the Court of Justice - to Italy, Portugal and Belgium
for failure to respect EU legislation on formalities for ships arriving in
and/or departing from EU ports. "It is unfortunate that this Directive that
facilitates Short Sea Shipping and has such a wide backing of both the
Member States and industry has not been fully implemented yet", said Vice-
President Ms Loyola de Palacio.
[21] Road safety : Commission sends reasoned opinions to eight Member
The European Commission has sent reasoned opinions to Belgium, Greece,
Spain, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Austria and Portugal for failure to
respect EU Directive (2000/56/EC of 14 September 2000) on the setting of
new minimum standards for theory and practical driving tests. This
Directive adapts the minimum standards to scientific and technological
progress in the field. It aims at further harmonising driving tests and
bringing the testing requirements into line with the demands of road safety
by increasing the minimum examination level. Member States had to adopt the
necessary legislation before 30 September 2003. They now have two months to
reply to the reasoned opinions - the last step for the Commission before
referring the infringement to the Court of Justice.
[22] Nuisances sonores autour des aéroports : la Commission somme huit
Etats membres de mettre en oeuvre la législation communautaire
La Commission européenne a décidé d'envoyer un avis motivé à l'Allemagne,
la Grèce, l'Italie, le Luxembourg, les Pays-Bas, l'Autriche, la Finlande et
la Suède pour non-communication des mesures nationales de transposition de
la Directive (2002/30/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 26 mars
2002) relative à l'établissement de règles et procédures concernant
l'introduction de restrictions d'exploitation liées au bruit dans les
aéroports de l'UE. Une lettre de mise en demeure leur avait déjà été
envoyée le 25 novembre 2003. Bien que la plupart des Etats membres
concernés aient transmis des observations indiquant que les autorités
compétentes préparent actuellement les mesures nécessaires pour se
conformer à la directive, la Commission n'a pas encore reçu la preuve que
ces mesures ont été adoptées. La mise en place de cette Directive est
particulièrement importante pour garantir le développement durable des
activités de transport aérien dans le respect de l'environnement sonore des
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[23] Romano Prodi congratulates Eddie Fenech Adami
On 30 March, the President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, sent
the following message to the President of the Republic of Malta, Eddie
Fenech Adami : "I have learned of your election as President of the
Republic of Malta and I am sending you my warmest congratulations. Although
I will miss your active contribution to our discussions in the European
Council, I understand that after so many years at the centre of political
life in Malta, you were looking for an orderly succession and you wanted to
start a new phase in your life in the service of your people. I am sure
that the Maltese people will always remember your commitment to the
modernisation of the Maltese economy and society and its integration into
the European Union and the way you have successfully conducted the
accession negotiations. I wish you all the best in the prestigious and
weighty duties that await you. I take this opportunity to ask you to convey
my gratitude to Professor Guido de Marco for his contribution to the first
phase of Malta's application to the EU and for the admirable way he
performed his duties as President of the Republic."
[24] Le nouveau Centre européen de prévention et de contrôle des maladies
Le Conseil des ministres a approuvé la proposition de la Commission
européenne de créer un nouveau centre européen de prévention et de contrôle
des maladies (CEPCM). Ceci conclut le processus engagé en juillet 2003 par
la Commission qui présentait alors le projet de règlement instituant le
CEPCM (voir IP/03/1091). Le Parlement et le Conseil ont reconnu
l'importance de la nouvelle agence et ont entamé une procédure législative
rapide. Les deux institutions ont travaillé avec la Commission pour que le
texte créant le CEPCM puisse être adopté dès la première lecture au
Parlement européen. Dans le courant de l'année débuteront les travaux en
vue de la constitution du conseil d'administration de l'agence. Le CEPCM
devrait être opérationnel en 2005. Lors du sommet européen de décembre 2003,
il a été décidé de baser le CEPCM en Suède et le gouvernement suédois a
choisi la ville de Stockholm.
[25] Influenza and how the EU should respond to a pandemic
The European Commission has adopted a paper outlining how the EU and its
Member States could work together to counter an influenza pandemic.
Seasonal outbreaks of influenza occur every year in Europe. During the 20th
century influenza pandemics global outbreaks causing widespread illness and
a high number of deaths occurred about once every 25 years. Public health
experts have warned that a new pandemic may be imminent and could present a
major health threat. This concern was raised by the EU and the World Health
Organisation (WHO) in the context of the current avian influenza outbreak
in Asia (see IP/04/206) as some animal influenza viruses can, occasionally,
mutate into highly infectious human strains. The Commission's document
explains the stages, based on WHO definitions, of an influenza pandemic and
sets out objectives for action. Moreover, it outlines the role of the
Commission and EU Member States in pandemic preparedness planning and
defines key actions in the main areas and at each of these stages. The
paper also proposes areas where enhanced EU cooperation would clearly add
value, including the creation of an EU network of reference laboratories
for human influenza (an EU network for avian influenza already exists) and
a mechanism to establish outbreak assistance teams (OATs). The importance
of the EU's existing early warning and response system for infectious
diseases is emphasised, as is the initiative of the European Medicines
Evaluation Agency (EMEA) to create a fast track approval mechanism for
vaccines. The Commission's document is intended to stimulate debate and to
provide guidelines to Member States as they update their national
preparedness plans.
[26] EU ratifies international treaty on plant genetic resources improving
access to seeds and agricultural biodiversity
Today the European Community and nine of its Member States deposited at the
FAO their instruments of ratification of the International Treaty on Plant
Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, making it possible for the
Treaty to enter into force in 90 days. The Treaty facilitates access (for
research and breeding) to seeds of the most important agricultural plant
species. The sharing of commercial profits for the benefit of conservation
and the sustainable use of genetic resources will be an important step
forward in North-South relations.
[27] Lutte contre le terrorisme : la Commission propose des mesures sur les
échanges d'informations et sur le "casier judiciaire européen"
Après les attentats de Madrid et suite aux conclusions du Conseil européen
des 25 et 26 mars, la Commission européenne a adopté une Communication sur
la lutte contre le terrorisme qui propose des nouvelles mesures pour
améliorer les échanges d'informations dans l'UE permettant aux services de
lutte anti-terroristes de mieux remplir leurs missions. L'initiative de la
Commission ouvre aussi la voie à un futur "casier judiciaire européen". Les
échanges d'informations concerneront toutes les infractions, condamnations
et déchéances liées au terrorisme, y compris toute forme de financement des
activités terroristes. La Commission propose que les Etats membres soient
équipés de systèmes d'enregistrement des comptes bancaires, ce qui
facilitera la recherche des preuves, notamment dans les cas de financement
du terrorisme.
[28] March 2004 : economic sentiment sees small improvement
After having remained steady in February, the economic sentiment indicator
(ESI) improved slightly in March for both the EU and the euro area. The
indicator increased for both areas by 0.1 points to a level of 96.8 in the
EU and to 96.0 in the euro area. The increase of the ESI is due to
improvements in confidence in the construction sector and in retail trade.
Confidence in the industry sector and consumer confidence remained steady.
Confidence in the services sector (which is not a component of the ESI)
deteriorated slightly.
[29] March 2004 : the euro area Business Climate Indicator fell for the
second month in a row
After the general improvement during the second half of 2003, the Business
Climate Indicator for the euro area fell in March for the second
consecutive time, reaching again a value of -0.1. This decrease was driven
by a worsening of production trends in the recent past, and, to a lesser
extent, by a deterioration in opinions about production expectations. Total
and export order books and stocks of finished products remained unchanged.
[30] Estimation rapide - mars 2004 : l'inflation de la zone euro estimée à
Selon une estimation rapide publiée aujourd'hui par Eurostat, le taux
d'inflation annuel de la zone euro s'établirait à 1,6% en mars 2004. En
février 2004, le taux était de 1,6%.
[31] Fonds de placement : la Commission propose un plan en vue de
rapprocher les règles nationales sur les dépositaires d'OPCVM
La Commission européenne a élaboré une approche progressive visant à
réduire les divergences entre les règles nationales sur les dépositaires
chargés d'assurer la garde des actifs pour le compte des investisseurs dans
des organismes de placement collectif en valeurs mobilières (OPCVM) tels
que les unit trusts, les fonds communs de placement et les SICAV. La mise
en œuvre de cette approche au cours des deux prochaines années, en
coopération avec les régulateurs nationaux, facilitera l'activité
transfrontalière de ces OPCVM. Les quatre principaux domaines d'action sont
la prévention des conflits d'intérêts, la clarification de la
responsabilité des dépositaires, la convergence des exigences prudentielles
nationales et le renforcement de la transparence et de l'information de
l'investisseur. Au terme de cette période de deux ans, la Commission
proposera au besoin de nouvelles actions, éventuellement des mesures
législatives. Les OPCVM sont établis dans tous les Etats membres et le
total de leurs actifs s'élève à environ quatre mille milliards d'€.
[32] European Parliament votes for safer paint to fight air pollution
The European Commission welcomes the final adoption by the European
Parliament of new EU legislation which will significantly reduce the
quantity of dangerous solvents in paints, varnishes and car repair
products. On 30 March, the European Parliament unanimously agreed to
support the Commission and Council proposal for the new legislation, which
will cut emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from these
products. This is a significant step towards reducing air pollution in the
[33] Services financiers : l'approbation par le Parlement européen de la
proposition de directive sur la transparence est une bonne nouvelle pour
les investisseurs
La Commission européenne s'est félicitée de l'approbation par le Parlement
européen de sa proposition de directive introduisant des exigences de
transparence pour les émetteurs de valeurs mobilières, qui ouvre la voie à
une adoption rapide par le Conseil de ministres de l'UE. La proposition,
qui est une composante clé du plan d'action sur les services financiers,
vise à renforcer l'attrait du marché financier européen en améliorant
l'information fournie aux investisseurs de façon à leur permettre de placer
plus efficacement leurs fonds et de dynamiser l'économie dans son ensemble.
Ses avancées majeures sont les suivantes : les investisseurs devront à
l'avenir recevoir des rapports de gestion intérimaires des émetteurs
d'actions qui ne publient pas de rapports trimestriels et des rapports
financiers trimestriels des émetteurs de nouvelles obligations. En outre,
tous les émetteurs de valeurs mobilières seront tenus de publier leurs
rapports financiers annuels dans les quatre mois suivant la clôture de
l'exercice. La directive proposée favorisera également une meilleure
diffusion de l'information sur les émetteurs dans tous les Etats membres.
Conformément à la directive, la Commission mettra en place au niveau de
l'UE un mécanisme d'évaluation de l'équivalence entre les normes comptables
internationales et les normes comptables des pays tiers.
[34] Investment Services : European Parliament approval of proposed
Directive brings integrated capital market nearer
The European Commission has welcomed the European Parliament's approval of
the proposed Directive on Financial Instruments Markets, also known as the
Investment Services Directive. The proposed Directive will give investment
firms an effective "single passport", which would allow them to operate
throughout the EU on the basis of authorisation in their home Member State.
It will, for example, require all Member States to allow investment firms
to process client orders outside regulated exchanges, whereas this is not
currently possible in some Member States. It will also make sure investors
enjoy a high level of protection when employing investment firms, wherever
they are located in the EU. The Directive seeks to establish, for the first
time, a comprehensive regulatory framework governing the organised
execution of investor transactions by exchanges, other trading systems and
investment firms. It is a crucial part of the Financial Services Action
Plan. Negotiations between the Parliament, the Council and the Commission
in the run up to the Parliament's vote have prepared the ground for swift
adoption by the EU's Council of Ministers, to which the text as approved by
the Parliament will now return.
[35] Arrêt de la Cour de Justice sur le pouvoir d'investigation de l'OLAF
au Parlement européen
Le 30 mars, la Cour de Justice européenne a confirmé un arrêt du Tribunal
de première instance rejetant un requête d'un groupe de députés européens
contre une décision du Parlement selon laquelle le Parlement et ses membres
peuvent faire l'objet d'enquêtes de la part de l'Office européen de Lutte
Anti-Fraude. L'OLAF peut mener des enquêtes administratives au sein du
Parlement européen, comme dans toutes les institutions communautaires, en
cas de suspicion de fraude, corruption ou d'autres activités illégales.
[36] Restrictions lifted on poultry imports from the USA and Canada ; only
Texas and a part of British Columbia still restricted
On 30 March, the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health
approved European Commission proposals to limit the suspension of imports
of live poultry, poultry meat and products and eggs from the USA and Canada
to the areas where the outbreaks of avian influenza occurred and a large
surrounding buffer zone. Import restrictions for the entire US and Canadian
territory were imposed after the confirmation of high pathogenic avian
influenza outbreaks in the two countries. However, the current disease
situation and available information now allow a reduction of the protective
measures to a confined area. For the USA, the import restrictions are now
limited to the State of Texas and for Canada to a part of the province of
British Columbia.
[37] EU-Ukraine : Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) extended to
the enlarged EU (30 March 2004)
The Protocol providing for the new Member States of the European Union to
become Parties to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement was officially
initialled yesterday by Mr Michael Leigh, Deputy Director General DG
External Relations, and Ambassador Roman Shpek, Representative of Ukraine
to the European Union (EU). The initialling launches the procedure for
formal signature by Ukraine and the EU of the Protocol, which will ensure
provisional application of the PCA to all 25 EU Member States as of 1 May,
pending ratification by both sides.
[38] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de M. Prodi : " Des progrès dans la bonne voie" au Parlement
européen (Strasbourg)
Speech by Chris Patten at EP plenary debate on the Greater Middle East
Region (30/03, Strasbourg)
Speech by Chris Patten on Kosovo at EP plenary session (30/03, Strasbourg)
Speech by Michaele Schreyer : "Jahrestreffen des Rechnungshöfe der mittel-
und Osteuropäischen Länder" (Riga)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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