European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 04-02-06
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Les négociations Galileo-GPS avancent
[02] Galileo : three operators competing for the concession
[03] La Commission donne le feu vert à l'acquisition de MGE par Schneider
[04] Commission clears Telenor's full control of Danish mobile phone
operator Sonofon
[05] Commission clears control of Polish steel company PHS by LNM group
[06] Development assistance : EU and Fiji sign Country Strategy Paper for
[07] L'UE, par sa politique de voisinage, offre son soutien aux réformes au
[08] EU celebrates Safer Internet Day
[09] Results of pre-selection tests for the first wave of enlargement
competitions shows generally high standard
[10] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 06/02/2004
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 06/02/2004
[01] Les négociations Galileo-GPS avancent
Les Etats-Unis et l'UE ont examiné les 29 et 30 janvier, dans un climat
constructif, la possibilité d'un accord de coopération. Même si les
discussions n'ont pas débouché sur un accord définitif, un certain nombre
de points ont pu être éclaircis et les parties ont pu, pour la première
fois, entrevoir la forme que pourrait prendre un éventuel accord.
[02] Galileo : three operators competing for the concession
The Galileo joint undertaking has completed the first phase of the
procedure for selecting the future concession holder of the European
satellite navigation system. The second phase will now go ahead with the
three consortia of companies on the shortlist. In response to the results,
Loyola de Palacio, Vice-President of the European Commission said : "The
preselection results are very encouraging. They endorse the European
institutions' approach : the private sector is willing to invest heavily in
the Galileo programme. The quality of the three tenders selected augurs
well for the competitive negotiation phase."
[03] La Commission donne le feu vert à l'acquisition de MGE par Schneider
La Commission européenne a autorisé, en application du règlement sur les
concentrations, le projet d'acquisition de MGE UPS Systems S.A., société
française qui produit des systèmes d'alimentation électrique, par le
fabricant de matériel électrique français Schneider S.A. L'opération ne
soulève aucun problème de concurrence.
[04] Commission clears Telenor's full control of Danish mobile phone
operator Sonofon
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition of full control of the Danish mobile telephony operator
Sonofon by the Norwegian telecoms operator Telenor ASA. Sonofon is
currently jointly controlled by Telenor and BellSouth of the United States.
(The operation, notified on 5 January 2004, was examined under the
simplified merger review procedure)
[05] Commission clears control of Polish steel company PHS by LNM group
The European Commission has cleared under the Merger Regulation the
proposed acquisition of State-owned Polish steel company Polskie Huty Staly
SA (PHS) by international steel company LNM. The deal does not pose any
competition concerns as the market is characterised by a number of stronger
players including Arcelor, Corus and Thyssenkrupp.
[06] Development assistance : EU and Fiji sign Country Strategy Paper for
European Commissioner for development and humanitarian aid Poul Nielson
currently on an official visit in Fiji - and Prime Minister Laisanje Qarase
today signed a Country Strategy Paper (CSP) and an Indicative Programme
outlining the Commission's cooperation programme with Fiji for the period
2003-2007. The main objective of the strategy is to promote sustainable
national reconciliation in Fiji through the provision of and equal access
to quality primary and vocational education for all ethnic groups in the
rural and most deprived areas. The strategy provides €23.1 million
allocated from the 9th European Development Fund (EDF).
[07] L'UE, par sa politique de voisinage, offre son soutien aux réformes au
Au cours d'une visite de deux jours effectuée les 4 et 5 février 2004, le
Commissaire européen à l'Elargissement Günter Verheugen a explicité les
éléments de la nouvelle politique de voisinage proposée à ses voisins de la
région méditerranéenne par l'Union européenne élargie, dont le Maroc pourra
tirer plein profit. "Cette politique, a expliqué le Commissaire, offre un
soutien puissant aux réformes engagées par le Maroc pour moderniser son
économie, sa société, ses institutions politiques et son administration."
[08] EU celebrates Safer Internet Day
On 6th February 2004, the Safer Internet Day will be celebrated across
Europe. This event focuses on children's rights to a safer Internet as part
of the European Commission's Safer Internet Programme. It showcases
existing safer Internet projects, videos and awards developed with the
backing of the programme. These programmes involve actors from the private,
public and voluntary sectors. Safer Internet project members have
contributed to several remarkable achievements. In October 2003 a worldwide
child-porn ring was broken up following a tip from the Internet hotline
association INHOPE. In November 2003 the new Internet Content Rating
Association content filtering platform ICRAplus was launched. Events will
be staged simultaneously in 12 European countries (Denmark, Germany, Greece,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden,
United Kingdom), as well as in Australia. These events involve public
authorities, the Internet industry and hundreds of other organisations.
[09] Results of pre-selection tests for the first wave of enlargement
competitions shows generally high standard
The first candidates from the accession countries for posts in the EU civil
service have now been sent the results of their pre-selection tests, which
show a generally impressive standard. In all some 17,000 applicants
participated in the tests. The pre-selection papers have now been marked
and nearly 6,000 candidates have been provisionally declared successful.
These candidates will now be invited to submit a full application,
supported by documentary evidence of their qualifications. Provided that
they meet the eligibility requirements, the papers they have already
completed for the second stage of the competition, the written test, will
be marked.
[10] Autre matériel diffusé
Enlargement competitions for Heads of Linguistic Divisions, lawyer
linguists and assistant interpreters: the competitions are ongoing
Discours de M. Bolkestein : "Het goed beheer van pensioenfondsen"
(Voorschoten, ! embargo 15h30 !)
Speech by Franz Fischler : "The new CAP: Painting a bigger rural picture"
at UK Parliament (London)
Calendrier du 9 au 14 février 2004
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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