European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 04-01-15
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] La sécurité avant tout - une nouvelle législation pour le rappel de
[02] Fisheries reform : Commission proposes long-term recovery plans for
sole, southern hake and Norway lobster
[03] La Commission lance un appel pour stimuler la recherche fondamentale
[04] Législation sur les déchets : la Commission poursuit les procédures
engagées contre six Etats membres
[05] Commission indicator forecasts euro area quarterly GDP growth of 0.3%
to 0.7% for both the 4th quarter of 2003 and the 1st quarter of 2004
[06] Second estimate for the third quarter of 2003 : Euro-zone GDP and EU15
GDP up by 0.4% ; +0.3% and +0.6% respectively compared to third quarter of
[07] US Byrd Amendment Dispute : EU requests authorisation to apply
sanctions against US
[08] Legal action against cigarette smuggling : US Appellate Court rules on
the Commission's appeal against previous dismissal
[09] L'OMI et l'Union européenne décident d'intensifier leurs relations
[10] Poul Nielson meets President Ndayizeye of Burundi
[11] Pascal Lamy travels to South East Asia to foster closer trade
[12] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 15/01/2004
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 15/01/2004
[01] La sécurité avant tout - une nouvelle législation pour le rappel de
Des règles communautaires applicables à partir de ce jour visent à
améliorer la sécurité des produits de consommation. C'est en effet
aujourd'hui qu'entre en vigueur la directive révisée relative à la sécurité
générale des produits (DSGP - 2001/95/CE) adoptée en 2001, qui définit les
contrôles de sécurité à effectuer sur l'ensemble des produits de
consommation (à l'exception des denrées alimentaires). Cette directive
établit des obligations de sécurité pour les produits de consommation tels
que les équipements de sport et d'aires de jeu, les articles de
puériculture, les briquets et la plupart des produits ménagers tels que les
textiles et les meubles. La Commission européenne reçoit chaque année près
de 150 notifications relatives à des produits dangereux, généralement liées
à des risques d'asphyxie et d'étouffement, de choc électrique et
d'incendie. La catégorie de produits faisant l'objet du plus grand nombre
de notifications est celle des jouets, suivie des appareils et produits
électriques. David Byrne, Commissaire chargé de la santé et de la
protection des consommateurs, a déclaré : "Pour la première fois, les
fabricants ont l'obligation légale d'informer les autorités lorsqu'un
produit dangereux est identifié. De tels produits sont rappelés et retirés
du marché. Pour la première fois également, la Commission peut elle-même
ordonner le rappel ou l'interdiction provisoire d'un produit afin de
garantir un niveau de protection égal dans l'ensemble de l'Union. Il s'agit
là d'une très bonne nouvelle pour le consommateur."
[02] Fisheries reform : Commission proposes long-term recovery plans for
sole, southern hake and Norway lobster
The European Commission has tabled two proposals on long-term measures to
help the recovery of sole stocks in the western Channel and Bay of Biscay,
and southern hake and Norway lobster in the Cantabrian Sea and western
Iberian Peninsula. These proposals correspond to the new approach under the
2002 fisheries reform which abandons short-term measures in favour of multi-
annual strategies designed to help restore and maintain fish stocks at safe
biological levels. A similar plan for certain cod stocks has already been
adopted by the 2003 December Council while political agreement was also
reached on a second plan for northern hake. Furthermore, the Council
indicated the need for the proposed plans for sole, southern hake and
Norway lobster to be adopted as early as possible this year. As with cod
and hake, these latest proposals were prepared after consultation with
stakeholders. They are based on a strategy to rebuild the stocks concerned
to safe biological levels over an estimated 5 to 10 year period. The
instruments to be used are similar to those under the cod recovery plan :
reduced fishing possibilities, limits on fishing effort and specific
control measures. Further proposals will be tabled to incorporate into the
existing recovery plans those stocks recently identified as being in danger
of collapse. They include cod and plaice in the Celtic Sea, whiting in the
Irish Sea and plaice in the North Sea. Consultation with the forthcoming
Regional Advisory Councils is envisaged in the preparation of these
[03] La Commission lance un appel pour stimuler la recherche fondamentale
Auhourd'hui à Bruxelles, le commissaire européen chargé de la recherche, M.
Philippe Busquin, a présenté le schéma directeur de l'UE pour la recherche
fondamentale. La communication intitulée "L'Europe et la recherche
fondamentale" donne un aperçu des activités en la matière à l'intérieur de
l'UE par comparaison avec d'autres régions, notamment les Etats-Unis et le
Japon, et préconise l'ouverture d'un débat sur la manière de promouvoir ces
activités. La recherche fondamentale est une composante importante de
l'activité scientifique en Europe et un domaine dans lequel l'Europe a
toujours excellé. Cependant, au cours des deux dernières décennies, elle a
été supplantée par d'autres activités prioritaires principalement la
recherche appliquée, orientée vers le marché. Mais l'Europe ne peut se
permettre de négliger la recherche fondamentale. Ces derniers mois, la
communauté scientifique a engagé un débat très animé sur la nécessité
d'agir. En adoptant cette communication, la Commission souhaite participer
à cette discussion.
[04] Législation sur les déchets : la Commission poursuit les procédures
engagées contre six Etats membres
La Commission européenne agit au nom de la protection de l'environnement en
Europe en engageant des procédures d'infraction contre la France, la Grèce,
l'Italie, l'Espagne, le Luxembourg et le Royaume-Uni pour manquement à la
législation de l'UE sur les déchets. La législation en cause a trait à la
gestion générale des déchets, aux déchets dangereux, aux huiles usagées, à
la mise en décharge décharges et aux PCB (polychlorobiphényles), substances
chimiques dangereuses. Elle vise à mettre en place un système efficace et
harmonisé pour la collecte, le traitement, le stockage et l'élimination des
déchets. La Commission craint qu'en ne mettant pas en œuvre correctement
ces dispositions législatives les Etats membres s'exposent à des problèmes
tels les dépôts clandestins et la mauvaise gestion des décharges, dont les
conséquences pourraient être graves pour la santé publique comme pour
[05] Commission indicator forecasts euro area quarterly GDP growth of 0.3%
to 0.7% for both the 4th quarter of 2003 and the 1st quarter of 2004
The indicator-based model for quarterly GDP growth for the euro area,
developed by the European Commission's Directorate General for Economic and
Financial Affairs, forecasts a range of 0.3% to 0.7% for GDP growth in the
fourth quarter of 2003, revised upwards by 0.1 percentage point compared to
the previous release. For the first quarter of 2004, the model forecasts a
range of 0.3% to 0.7%. This prediction suggests that the euro area economy
is building on the turnaround that took place in the third quarter of 2003.
[06] Second estimate for the third quarter of 2003 : Euro-zone GDP and EU15
GDP up by 0.4% ; +0.3% and +0.6% respectively compared to third quarter of
Euro-zone and EU15 GDP both grew by 0.4% in the third quarter of 2003,
according to estimates out today from Eurostat. In the second quarter of
2003, GDP decreased by 0.1% in the euro-zone and remained stable in the
EU15. In comparison with the same quarter of the previous year, GDP grew by
0.3% in the euro-zone and by 0.6% in the EU15, after increases of 0.1% and
0.4% respectively in the previous quarter.
[07] US Byrd Amendment Dispute : EU requests authorisation to apply
sanctions against US
The deadline for the US to bring the Byrd amendment into conformity with
WTO rules expired on 27 December 2003. Given the lack of compliance from
the US, the EU has today requested WTO authorisation to impose sanctions.
The move is necessary to safeguard EU rights to retaliate thus defending
the interests of EU exporters affected by this measure. The so-called Byrd
Amendment mandates the distribution of anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties
to the companies that have brought the case in the first place and was
ruled out illegal by the WTO's Appellate Body in January 2003. European
Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy commented : "The Byrd amendment has raised
widespread concerns from the outset as evidenced by the large number of
complainants in this case. Trade defence instruments are a legitimate tool,
but they have to follow WTO rules. It is clear that the Byrd Amendment is a
WTO-incompatible response to dumping and subsidisation and must therefore
go. I hope the US will now take action to remove this measure, thus
avoiding the risk of sanctions."
[08] Legal action against cigarette smuggling : US Appellate Court rules on
the Commission's appeal against previous dismissal
On 14 January 2004 the United States Court of Appeals for the Second
Circuit (New York), ruled on the appeal by the European Community and ten
Member States in their case against the U.S. cigarette manufacturers. The
ruling confirmed the decision by the District Court to dismiss the case
concerning the smuggling claims but also confirmed that the EC and Member
States have the right to proceed with their money laundering claims in
separate lawsuits. "Fighting fraud and the illegal trade in cigarettes
remains a top priority", said European Budget Commissioner Michaele
Schreyer. "The Commission is not giving up on its battle against tobacco
smuggling and money laundering".
[09] L'OMI et l'Union européenne décident d'intensifier leurs relations
A l'occasion de sa venue à Bruxelles le 22 janvier 2004, pour assister au
travail de la Commission temporaire pour l'Amélioration de la Sécurité
Maritime (Commission MARE) du Parlement européen, le nouveau secrétaire
général de l'Organisation Maritime Internationale (OMI), M. Efthimios E.
Mitropoulos, rencontrera Loyola de Palacio, Vice-présidente de la
Commission européenne, en charge des transports et de l'énergie. Cette
rencontre entend poser les jalons d'une relation plus étroite entre l'OMI
et la Commission, qui permettra d'intensifier à l'avenir la coopération
déjà existante entre les deux institutions, au plus grand bénéfice de la
sécurité et de la sûreté maritime, ainsi que d'une protection accrue de
[10] Poul Nielson meets President Ndayizeye of Burundi
European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid Poul Nielson
today met with President Ndayizeye of Burundi, to discuss the political
situation in his country. Commissioner Nielson congratulated President
Ndayizeye on the recent important progress in the peace process,
culminating with the signing in November 2003 of a comprehensive peace and
power sharing agreement between the transitional government of Burundi and
the main rebel movement CNDD-FDD. This marked an important turning point in
the aspirations for a lasting peace. Achieving this would however
necessitate an all inclusive peace process and Commissioner Nielson
therefore encouraged President Ndayizeye to continue down the path of
negotiations and to seek an agreement with the last rebel movement that
still remains outside the peace process, the FNL. Mr Nielson reaffirmed the
EC's strong support for the peace process. He stressed that preparing for
peace was equally important, and progress in institutional reforms and
prospects for future elections were also discussed. In spite of recent
progress, the peace process remains fragile. Current African Union peace
keeping forces in Burundi (AMIB) are playing a significant stabilising role
in the country. In support of the AMIB operation Commissioner Nielson and
President Ndayizeye signed a €25 million grant from the 9th European
Development Fund. There is still cause for concern about continued human
rights violations and Commissioner Nielson expressed his shock and outrage
at the recent killing of Papal Nuntio Michael Courtney. Commissioner
Nielson and President Ndayizeye finally exchanged views on current
development programmes. €172 million are available to Burundi under the 9th
EDF. Funds will in accordance with the priorities of the Burundi government
primarily be focused on rural development, good governance and macro-
economic support. For further information, see http://europa.eu.int/comm/mediatheque/photo/new_fr.html
[11] Pascal Lamy travels to South East Asia to foster closer trade
European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy travels to Bangladesh, India and
Indonesia between 17 and 21 January to enhance trade ties with the EU and
to boost the WTO negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda. Before
leaving for Dhaka, Pascal Lamy said : "It is in all our hands to make sure
that 2004 is a useful year for the WTO talks. All WTO members have clearly
expressed their commitment to the multilateral trade system and their wish
to see WTO talks advance. We now must make sure we translate words into
deeds by restarting the talks successfully. So the Doha Development Agenda
will be my prime focus during this visit to South and South East Asia."
[12] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Pascal Lamy : "EU Trade policy priorities post Cancun" to
Bavarian Industry Association (14/01, Munich)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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