European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-11-07
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Bankruptcy : Commission welcomes report advocating prevention and
legal reform to improve business survival rates and encourage fresh starts
[02] Semaine Comenius : célébrer la dimension européenne à l'école
[03] Emploi : la part de l'emploi dans les services à haut niveau de savoir
reste dans les pays en passe d'adhérer encore inférieure à la moyenne
[04] Chris Patten in Ukraine (10-11/11) : Wider Europe Conference and
bilateral visit
[05] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 07/11/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 07/11/2003
[01] Bankruptcy : Commission welcomes report advocating prevention and
legal reform to improve business survival rates and encourage fresh starts
The European Commission has welcomed the final report on "Restructuring,
Bankruptcy and a Fresh Start", which has just been published, which lists
the key factors to save businesses from bankruptcy or to motivate fresh
starts. They include expert external advice, an option for restructuring,
up-to-date and predictable insolvency law to encourage settlements, and a
clear legal distinction between fraudulent and non-fraudulent bankruptcies.
The report has been prepared for the Commission in response to the call in
the European Charter for Small Enterprises for an assessment of national
bankruptcy laws. The report, by experts from EU Member States, Norway and
the EU accession countries, assesses the extent to which national
bankruptcy laws act as a deterrent to business survival and a fresh start
and also the effects of social stigma on the potential of entrepreneurs who
have tried and failed to try again. It provides indicators, benchmarks and
good practice examples of early warning mechanisms for foundering
businesses, legal systems and insolvency procedures, fresh starts and
social attitudes towards business failure. Bankruptcy laws have recently
been reformed in the UK, Spain and Norway. A review of bankruptcy
legislation is under way in Finland, whilst Italy and Portugal have
initiated proceedings to revise their insolvency laws. It is hoped that the
report will give fresh impetus to this process.
[02] Semaine Comenius : célébrer la dimension européenne à l'école
Après le succès de l'édition 2001, la Commission européenne organise, du 8
au 14 novembre, la deuxième édition de la Semaine Comenius. Dans les 30
pays participant au programme, des dizaines de manifestations vont
permettre au grand public de découvrir des projets exemplaires ayant permis
de rapprocher l'enseignement scolaire de l'Europe via, notamment, des
partenariats transnationaux. A Bruxelles, outre une exposition rassemblant
des projets Comenius, près de 200 élèves de 10 à 12 ans et leurs
enseignants seront présents pour diverses activités.
[03] Emploi : la part de l'emploi dans les services à haut niveau de savoir
reste dans les pays en passe d'adhérer encore inférieure à la moyenne
Selon des informations publiées aujourd'hui par Eurostat, en 2002, 163
millions de personnes étaient occupées dans l'UE, dont 7,4% dans
l'industrie manufacturière de haute et moyenne-haute technologie et 33,3%
dans les services à haut niveau de savoir. Dans les pays en passe d'adhérer,
l'emploi dans l'industrie manufacturière de haute et moyenne-haute
technologie représentait entre 1,1% et 9,2% de l'emploi total. Au niveau
régional, 13 des 20 régions en tête en 2002, pour ce qui est de l'emploi
dans l'industrie manufacturière de haute et moyenne-haute technologie, se
situaient en Allemagne, tandis que les régions du Royaume-Uni, avec 6 des
20 premières places, prédominaient pour l'emploi dans les services à haut
niveau de savoir.
[04] Chris Patten in Ukraine (10-11/11) : Wider Europe Conference and
bilateral visit
On 10 November, European External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten will
attend the conference entitled 'Wider Europe: intensification of
cooperation in Central-Eastern Europe through common borders with the
enlarged EU', which will be hosted by Ukraine's Foreign Minister Kostyantyn
Hryshchenko. At the Conference, Commissioner Patten will outline the
enormous potential of the EU's 'Wider Europe' policy for Ukraine and
neighbouring countries, in particular as regards cross-border and regional
cooperation and people-to-people contacts. In the margins, Commissioner
Patten will meet with President Leonid Kuchma, Prime Minister Victor
Yanukovich, Foreign Minister Hryshchenko, and the Speaker of the Verkhovna
Rada (Parliament) Volodymyr Lytvyn. He will also have an informal meeting
with representatives of the main Ukrainian opposition parties. Commissioner
Patten will also deliver a speech on EU Foreign Policy at the Kyiv
International Taras Shevchenko Univeristy, and on 11 November, will visit
the Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant, where he will inform himself about the
Shelter implementation and EU funded projects.
[05] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Poul Nielson at the annual ECHO Partners Conference
Note sur la préparation du Conseil Compétitivité
Calendrier du 10 au 15 novembre 2003
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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